magic eye doctor

Chapter 1031 We Are Here to Deliver Things

Chapter 1031 We Are Here to Deliver Things
Deciding to put sacks on the children of the old miscellaneous hair, Le Yun secretly thought about what kind of pills to give them, and her mood improved a little, and Kan Yan was also pleasing to the eye, the ones who hurt her are all scum, Those who help her eliminate the scum are all good people. Handsome Yan stands by her unconditionally, he is a good person.

The gloomy look in Little Lolita's eyebrows disappeared a little bit, Yan Xing was also relieved, and drove the luxury car to run. When he entered the vicinity of the Dajiu Lake in Shennong Mountain, he also successfully attracted the eyes of those who knew the goods. He ignored it. The car lovers saw the shocked expression of the luxury car and ran away.

Arriving at the Nantianmen area, Little Loli got off the car at a country road intersection. He found that Little Loli was going to a road leading to a village, so he didn't follow to see her. He watched Little Loli go away and drove back.

On the way back, Young Master Yan purposely wandered around the villages or towns he passed by, and bought more than a dozen catties of wild small fish and shrimps. It was almost noon when he returned to Jiudaomei Village. He took the goods he had swept back to Lejia to wash a few catties The fish and shrimp were brought into the kitchen and cooked by hand.

The school masters fished fish until noon when the scorching sun was rising to the sky, and they harvested about five catties of fish, shrimp and loach. When they returned to Lejia and saw Yan Shao's spoils, they all silently scolded Yan Shao The bottom is up, that guy must have bought fish and shrimp on purpose to embarrass them.

The top students were very frustrated, gnashing their teeth to clean the fish and shrimp, choose vegetables, and go to the kitchen to help. In the afternoon, the top students followed the owner of Lejia to dig fish in the field behind the new building of Lejia.

Lejia raises flower fish. The early rice is about to be harvested, and the rice fields cannot store water for a long time. When the rice fields need to be dried, the fish are transferred to a paddy field behind the new building.

The handsome guys took an active part in the labor, took the fish back, set up a pool with wood covered with tarpaulin paper in the backyard of Lejia, poured the small fish into it, and put the big fish in the pool.

That night, the young and the old also ate the authentic Hehua fish. They were all in a good mood. They woke up beautifully. After breakfast, both young and old went to work. Separate two strong young men to grind tofu.

Everyone worked for a long time to get all the work done, and sat happily waiting for Xiaotuanzi to come back to claim credit; while Yan Shao received a call from Little Lolita after two o'clock in the afternoon, and flew a helicopter to pick them up.

Le's main purpose of entering Shennong Mountain was not to find medicinal materials, but to find an excuse to get space melons and fruits. He went to a village on the way into the mountain to buy some bamboo products, and then changed places to go deep into the mountain to collect some common medicinal materials. While looking for mushrooms, I went back to the space at night to read the prescriptions and medical books left by my grandfather.

After resting in the space for half a night, I went out of the space before dawn, collected some dew, dug up a few dew-stained plants, climbed over several mountains, and crossed the Nantianmen area to find safety on a remote country road. Move out the prepared items, and then call Handsome Yan.

She only stayed for more than ten minutes before the helicopter flew into the sky and landed in the middle of the rural road after circling twice. flower.

The handsome man, who was as gorgeous as peaches and plums, walked like the wind, rushed to the girl standing by the side of the country road, and handed over a stainless steel lunch box he was holding. We fried fish this morning, and also ground tofu, Grandma Zhou ordered the tofu flower, I chilled one for you, you can try it."

Handsome Yan’s smile was so beautiful that Le Yun was almost dazzled. He took the food box and opened it. It turned out to be white and tender tofu flower with a cold breath. You are not welcome. He grabbed a spoon and drank iced tofu flower. She usually made it It's delicious, and I feel very happy to finally eat food made for myself by others.

The little loli is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, very down-to-earth, the petite girl is holding a food box and drinking tofu flower, her eyebrows are curved, she is cute and cute, Yan Xing's heart softened when she saw it, she stretched out her hand to rub the little head of the little loli, and asked She ate slowly, and went to carry things on the plane by herself.

Little Lolita went to the mountain as if to sweep the goods, and piled up a lot of things by the roadside. There were two baskets of tomatoes, two baskets of watermelons, three sacks of cucumbers, two sacks of cantaloupe, one sack full of eggplants, two bags of Cantaloupe, a large bundle of beans, several bundles of medicinal herbs, and two sacks also filled with watermelon, and the most surprising thing is a basket of wild grapes.

Seeing the little loli's harvest, Yan Xing's heart skipped a beat. The little loli must have swept away all the old man's goods, right?So many delicious melons and fruits, enough to eat for many days!
Happiness welled up in his heart, and the handsome and glamorous young man's whole face brightened. First he carried the tomatoes and watermelons in the baskets. Although the tops of the baskets were covered by plants, it was still easy to see the fruits. He didn't want to be seen by others and came to share .

The glamorous young student is afraid that others will find the melons and fruits, so he works very hard. He moves things one after another. He easily moves things onto the plane, locks the door, and waits for the little girl to sit firmly in the driver's seat. He also sat in the cab and drove the helicopter into the sky.

When the helicopter was overbearing, two cars passed by the country road. When they saw the plane, they stopped far away. They didn't know what it was doing, and they didn't dare to approach it. When the plane flew away, the car continued to move forward.

When Young Master Yan went to pick up little Lolita, Shao Shaoluo and his schoolmasters were not idle, they moved a few straws and put them on the tricycle, drove to the floor of the village committee building and parked at a corner, waiting eagerly for little Lolita .

After waiting for more than half an hour, the helicopter flew back and landed on the floor of the village committee building. The schoolmasters rushed up in their tricycles and placed them at the gate of the airport. When Young Master Yan opened the hatch, he went up excitedly to carry the goods .

The school masters lifted their things off the plane and put them in the truck, all of them smiling so hard that they scrambled to drive, and were slapped by the beautiful boy, Xiao Shao jumped into the car and drove away, unawares just ran away.

Luo Shao, Li Shao, Wang Er Shaocai's classmate, Chen, was so angry that he ran to catch up, and ran back to Le's house out of breath, feeling excited again in a second, moved the items into the room where the refrigerator was placed, put the car away, and waited obediently Seeing that the little loli came back, she said that she should eat the cantaloupe first, and then she happily went to cut the melon and eat it.

After going for a run in the mountains, Le Yun also calmed down the bad mood caused by the last words of her grandfather and great-grandfather. When she got home, she boiled a pot of medicinal soup, then mixed it with cold water and turned it into warm water, and moved it outside the house on the village road to pull out the black one. Give it a bath to deworm it.

Cows in the country are often in the wild, and they are the most attracted to ticks or parasites. The parasites are very similar to lice, and they are smaller in size. They stick to the cows and suck blood for a living.

Hei Zai was raised by classmate Le. From the Le family to the village head Zhou, she often went to see him. Niu still remembered the old owner, and he was very docile when he was taken to bathe.

Heizi took a bath for half an hour, and the parasites were killed by the medicine. With a brush, the insects fell off, and the eggs of the parasites also fell in pieces.

After taking a bath for the cow, and then flushing the water again, Le Yun asked her father to take the cow to graze and dry its hair in a sunny place, then pour out the water with parasites, wash the basin, and then bathe the cow The place was sprinkled with medicinal powder, and I went to take a shower and wash my clothes by myself.

Little Lolita came back from the mountain, and the young and old were also very happy. In the evening, they ate eggplant with minced meat, loach tofu and fresh Hehua fish soup made by her.

While the guests of Lejia were eating delicious food, Master Xuan and Hua Shao, who had set off from their hometowns to E North, also rushed to Jiudao. The two young masters each brought two trucks, and one was passing by from the direction of Changshi. Jiudao from the direction of Dajiu Lake in Shennong Mountain, and Jiudao from the direction of Zhuxian County, which is adjacent to Fangxian County.

Jun Shao's convoy of the two ancient samurai family entered Jiudao and drove to Jiudao Township to the direction of the county, and stopped on a piece of wasteland on the township street.

Little student Le has no clairvoyance, people are far away, and she doesn't smell the breath. She doesn't know that two friends have come from a long way away. She has a good night's sleep. Afterwards, a large pot of water was put on the fire rack to boil water, and then he took out the big pig bone and cut open the bone with an axe. After boiling the water, he threw it into the large pot to make bone soup.

Dad Le went to the street in the morning to pull back the reserved pork, blanch the water, then kill the chickens and ducks, pluck the hairs, and process them; the handsome guys will go wherever there is need, help pluck the chicken feathers, help the little loli, and start working Especially hard.

Xuan Shaohua woke up naturally after sleeping, slowly got up and had breakfast, went for a walk in the street, and then went to Le's house with two personal guards. Before arriving at Le's house, he heard Chao Jiamei's voice The laughter of the friends, as soon as they arrived outside the eaves of Lejia, a big wolf dog ran out from the side door of the backyard to "warmly welcome".

Mr. Chao and Professor Wan Teng were sitting in the main room to tease Xiao Leshan. When they heard dogs barking and people talking, Professor Wan Teng ran to the door to visit and found that they were two rising stars of the Guxiu family. How did you come here?"

"Good morning, Professor Wancheng, I heard that you came to the little beauty's house, so we came to join in the fun." Xuan Shao smiled beautifully, not afraid of big wolf dogs, walking like a meteor towards the main room of Lejia.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You're trying to snatch Lejia's little milk baby. Be careful, my elementary school student slaps you to death." Professor Wan Teng saw the young people carrying their luggage and backpacks, and couldn't help but want to brag. Beard stares, the Xuan family boy is the most unkind, thanks to his elementary school students trusting him so much, he even came to rob people, bad boy, tell the elementary school students to stay away from those stinky boys in the future.

"You have misunderstood. We are giving things to the little beauty, not grabbing the little beauty's younger brother." Xuan Shao walked into the main room of the Le family with a smile, and said hello to Mr. Chao. Leshan, who was so aggressive, went straight to the back of the house: "Leshan, do you remember me? I'm your sister's friend. I came to your house last year and hugged you. Let's go see your sister."

The little milk baby was snatched away, old man Chao stared wildly, bastard boy, don't bring such a thing, haven't you seen him teaching the little milk baby to read and write?
Hua Shao, who was a step behind, saw Mr. Chao blowing his beard and staring at others, greeted him, and followed Young Master Xuan to the back of Le's house.

Le Shan was snatched by the handsome uncle, and he didn't cry, he kept looking at it with his eyes open, tilting his head to think, that little appearance was so cute, Hua Shao who was behind reached out to touch his head, squeezed Playing with his face.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao, Xiao Shao and the others heard the wolf dog barking and knew there was a guest, so they listened carefully and heard Professor Wan Tong talking to the young man, and they knew who was coming. They all rolled their eyes secretly. Hearing the wind, he ran to grab food again, really wanting to hit someone.

Xuan Shaohua walked through the door of Lejia's stairwell to the back of the house, saw the young people working in full swing, and smiled very happily. While greeting the master and the young handsome guys, he went straight to the little beauty.

Looking at the two ancient martial arts men who seemed to be happy and happy, Le Yun had a bitter expression on his face: "Xuan Shao Hua Shao, my younger brother doesn't hold banquets when he is one year old. You have come all the way here, how embarrassing is it for me."

"Little beauty, what kind words can you say based on our friendship? We didn't come here for your brother's first birthday. We brought things for you. You are going to participate in the Asian Games after you finish your farm work. Time is tight. We will go when you return to Beijing." We were wasting time getting things here and there, and we happened to be free to deliver them for you."

Xuan Shao raised the fat baby in his hand: "Little beauty, your brother is so good and smart, he still remembers the faces of me and Hua Shao, and we didn't cry when we hugged him, such a cute child, wow, he stared at me .”

"He's very good when you don't make him cry. If you make him cry, don't complain to me." Le Yun couldn't laugh or cry, she wiped her hands on the apron while walking towards Xuan Shao and Hua Shao. He usually doesn't cry, if someone who doesn't like him try to hold him, he will cry like hell.

Xuan Shao was just about to say that the little milk baby is so cute that he won’t cry. Seeing the little guy pouted, he decisively took two steps forward, stuffed the little milk baby into his sister’s hug, and took a step back, secretly giving himself a thumbs up. See Look how clever he is!
Hua Shao and the Xuan family's young Hua family were left speechless by Xuan Shao's actions like throwing a hot potato.

Hugging the younger brother who was stuffed by Xuan Shao, Le Yun accompanied the handsome guy who came from afar to the main room, played with the younger brother to Grandpa Chao, poured tea for the guests, and then went to wash the watermelon and cut the petals to greet the guests.

Professor Wan Teng and Mr. Chao accompanied the guests and also enjoyed delicious watermelon.

Others don't know what Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua are giving, but Le Yun has already guessed it. After a few words, he realizes that there are two young people staying in hotels in each of the two families. Ignoring the young people in their family, treating guests favorably and favorably, he told the two beauties that if the handsome guys from the two families don't mind coming to Le's house to sleep on the floor, they would ask them to come and live in Le's house.

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao didn't mind sleeping on the floor, because there were so many people, it was inconvenient to use the toilet on the second floor of Le's house. They lived in Le's new house, and they also lived on the second floor, one in Hua Shao's house and one in Xuan Shao's house.

Because I don’t live in a new house at present, Lejia’s new building has no furniture. There are only two rooms on the second floor with large wardrobes. The wardrobes are filled with mats, quilts, and pillows. You can sleep with the mats on the floor.

For the convenience of the guests, Le Yun handed over the room key to Hua Shaoxuan, and then slipped away to do her own work. My younger brother will be one year old tomorrow. Although there will be no banquet, but the grandmothers of the Zhou family want to come, they must prepare in advance Several dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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