magic eye doctor

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032
Le Xiaomei believed in herself, Xuan Shao and Hua Shao were very happy in their hearts, and they settled down and notified the two family guards in the hotel. They were not idle, and ran to work with the school masters.

The young people from Xuanjiahua's family in the hotel went to see the car first, then checked out and transferred to Le's house, had a delicious meal at noon, and felt as happy as a flower in their hearts.

Xiao Le, who had been busy all day, went to see the things that Xuan Shaohua gave away after dinner. She didn't bring handsome Yan and others. She went with the Xuanjiahua family. The Xuanjia had two cars. The flower pots are stacked inside, and the top is a wooden box. The wooden box is a detachable piercing mosaic structure. The bottom and four sides are separated. .

The two cars of the Hua family are all made of bamboo products, including bamboo baskets, square baskets, round baskets, and more than a hundred fine-hole bamboo sieves.

Le classmate happily moved all the things into the space. There are so many boxes and baskets, enough to hold the ancient and familiar parts in the space, and it can save a lot of space to load some things in boxes and cages.

The problem of the box containing the antiques was solved, and the little loli slept very soundly at night. Xuan Shao and Hua Shao were also very proud of helping the little loli solve her worries.

The next day, it was another sunny day.

It was already July 7th, the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar. It was the New Year’s Day, and it was also the first birthday of Lejia Xiao Leshan. He was born on the sixth day of the sixth month of the leap year. A real birthday, the sixth day of June in other years is a fake birthday.

Even if it wasn't the real first birthday, Grandma Zhou was looking forward to a grandson because she was looking forward to it so much. Naturally, she had to give her grandson a New Year's gift, and prepared the things that should be prepared early.

The hosts and guests of Lejia were busy early in the morning, and the schoolmasters and Yan Shaoliu got up at midnight to grind tofu, light the stove, and clean seafood; the tofu was ground before breakfast, and the buns were kneaded after the meal Dumplings, steamed bread in a pan, steamed vegetables; served with seafood seasoning, stewed vegetable seasoning, etc.

Yesterday, because they couldn't help themselves, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang went to Grandma Zhouman to pick beans, pickled sauerkraut, and because of the happy full moon that day, they didn't have to work, and they were only responsible for waiting for grandma to come and entertain grandma.

However, no one expected that before grandma came, the representative of Shengwu Mountain would arrive first.

On behalf of Shengwu Mountain, it was still Li Ziwang, a disciple of the lay school, who went to Lejia to celebrate the child's first year. He brought a gift box and called "Nephew Leyun" outside the Lejia house, and was warmly greeted by the big wolf dog.

My young master ran to steal cooking skills, but Xuan Ba ​​and Xuan Jiu didn't go, and sat under the eaves of the Le family with the two elder brothers of the Hua family, and the old god drank herbal tea generously, and by the way served as an ear to the gods.

When the four young people saw the disciples from Shengwu Mountain, they greeted them on behalf of their masters: "Mr. Li, please come in. Miss Le is busy in the back kitchen, so I am far away to welcome you."

Li Ziwang looked at the four young men, handed the ceremony to the Xuan family youth who greeted the guests on behalf of the master, and clasped his fists: "Thank you, friends of the Xuan family Hua family."

Xuan Jiu politely invited the guests into the main room of the Le family. After Xuan Shi went to the house, he informed the little girl of Hui Le. Just as he walked out of the door of the stairwell, he saw Yan Shao and the little girl coming together. He didn't say much, and followed the little girl back Main room.

Le Yun returned to the main room, and politely said to the disciples of Shengwu Mountain, "We welcome you from a distance". Grandpa and the disciples of Shengwu Mountain have grievances, but the disciple surnamed Li is a junior, not the person involved. She doesn't like the people of Shengwu Mountain any more Nor will he be angry with the lay disciples who came under orders.

The girl from the Le family was more than polite, but not close enough, Li Ziwang had nowhere to ask why, so he smiled and asked where the little unicorn from the Le family was, exchanged some pleasantries, and let the girl from the Le family go to work.

Yan Xing followed the little Lolita to the main room and poured a cup of tea for the guests. When the little Lolita brought the favors, he opened the gift box and wrote down the favors. go behind the house.

In fact, Hua Shao wanted to drag Xuan Shao to sit in the town, but Xuan Shao refused to leave in the kitchen behind the house in order to steal his cooking skills, so Hua Shao had no choice but to take up the post and act as the chief accompanying guest of the guests in the ancient repair world.

Less than half an hour after he took office, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shaoxin, the fifth young master, Ren Shaofeng, Jiangnan Guwu Chen Shao, the old butler of the Tantai family, Shoubo, and the ant elder of Guanyin Temple, all came together, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shaoxin The five young masters Chen Shao each brought a personal guard, while Ren Shaofeng and Shou Bo were all alone.

The members of the Guxiu Guwu family arrived at the capital of Ebei yesterday afternoon. After meeting, they went to Changshi and then transferred to the Dajiu Lake Scenic Area of ​​Shennong Mountain. They only rented a car to Jiudao in the morning, so it was a little late.

Everyone brought a gift box, and when they arrived at Lejia, they saw someone who came first, and complained to Xuanjia of the Hua family, bluntly saying that the two were not kind.

Hua Shao took his own guards and two young people from the Xuan family to collect the gift box, wrote his name on the box, and put it on a table first.

The members of the Guwu family sat down and had just had tea when grandma arrived. There were five grandmas in the Zhou family, Grandma Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man, Aunt Pa, and a fellow of the same generation as Village Chief Zhou.

The five grandmothers were traveling together, and each family had a load of gifts. Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao entertained them on their behalf. The gifts were left outside the house first.

As soon as grandma arrived, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arrived on their heels with gifts, because grandma had already arrived at Le's house, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Liu Lu and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhang Poluo and her mother-in-law, and Mrs. Chen Dalian made an appointment to go together. Arrive at Lejia together.

Hua Shao unceremoniously invited the male guests of Guxiu Guwu's house to sit on the first floor of the new building of Lejia. The grandmothers are female guests, and they are men, so I am embarrassed to compete with the female guests.

Because Le's house doesn't hold banquets, and the villagers don't like to go there rashly, so grandma and Zhou Qiufeng's father's good friend came to Le's house to celebrate Leshan's first birthday.

When the guests arrive, Le Yun spreads out a small mat in front of the incense table in the main room, first puts the gold, silver and jade wares prepared by herself, the four treasures of the study, ruler, knife and scissors, etc. Placed, the gift box of Guxiu’s family has a copy of the greeting card, even thoughtfully written, only the name of the apprentice is empty, if you want to worship someone as a teacher, you only need to fill in "Le Shi Le Shan" Can.

When the little Lolita was about to catch Zhou Li, people from the Guxiu family also ran to the main room to watch. They were all ecstatic when they saw the little girl unpacking their gift boxes to get the items. The little girl from the Le family was so considerate. All on wow.

Arrange the teacher-appreciation posts sent by the Guxiu family one by one, and put small toys in the last row, and then go to get the Chow Chow Ceremony prepared by grandma, including clothes, shoes, books, brushes, etc. , I took a new set of clothes bought by my grandmother and went upstairs, helped my brother take a bath, put on new clothes, put on brand new tiger shoes, and carried me downstairs.

Ready to catch Zhou, the handsome guys and Zhou Qiufeng's father also ran to the main room and stood aside to watch.

Le Yun put his younger brother in the middle of a circle with various items and let him choose his favorite.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiao Leshan opened the same beautiful almond eyes as his sister, looking here and there, looking at people, like counting heads endlessly.

Everyone: "..." Aww, hurry up, catch what you like!

Xiao Leshan stared at people for a while, lowered her head to appreciate the things around her, looked at this, that, that, front and back, then sat down on the ground and reached out to touch the red greeting card.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Seeing the little milk baby pressing his own post, Zhou Shao wanted to help the little guy catch the post.

However, the reality is very cruel. The tiger-headed little milk boy didn't catch the Zhou family's teacher-appreciation post. Sweeping around among the dazzling array of items, the clever look makes people love and hate.

Zhou Shaoyu's death, a cruel villain, is even more hated than his sister.

Jiang Shaoji, Hua Shaoxuan, and Shao secretly prayed that the little milk baby would catch her own red post, and if the little loli didn't ask her brother to be handsome, they would not be able to snatch it openly. If the little guy caught someone else's handsome post by himself, who would want to stop it? There is no reason, is there?
Ren Shaofeng, who came to Le's family after ordering, also widened his eyes, looking forward to Xiaowazi snatching his family's posts. If Xiaowazi catches their posts, their family or division will have one more disciple, and they will also have a chance to become Little Lolita's brother.

Only Uncle Shou is the calmest. The little girl has seen the elder and young master successively. Knowing the situation of the Tantai family, she definitely does not want to go into the muddy water of the Tantai family. With any hope, the Tantai family will prepare invitations for apprenticeship just to conform to the popular trend, in case others sow discord and say that the Tantai family despise Auntie Le's younger brother.

Li Ziwang is the most urgent. Uncle Le Hong has passed away, and the connection with the teacher is also broken. Le Yun is in charge of the Le family. She does not ask her younger brother to apprentice. No one dares to snatch him. The teacher sent him to give the New Year's gift. The purpose of worshiping the handsome post is naturally to let the children catch the post when they catch the week, so it is a matter of course to become a teacher.

What he didn't expect was that the Guxiu family also sent people to Lejia to celebrate the first year of life for the children of Lejia, and also prepared invitations for apprenticeship, and Leyun actually put them all together for her younger brother to choose. With so many posts, to some extent, the chances of being selected for his share were several times lower.

Quietly, Li Ziwang looked at the Le family girl. The little girl stood with several handsome young men, her smile was bright and bright, and she could not see other emotions at all.

Children's catching Zhou is purely a gathering among relatives and friends. Elderly people such as Grandma Zhou, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang are the most disrespectful of the old, coaxing and making up ideas for little Leshan to catch.

Xiao Leshan is not a doll who listens to the wind or the rain. No matter how people shout to grab this or that, she will not be moved. After a while, she will turn her head to look for her sister.

He sat in the middle of a circle of objects, turned from one direction to another, turned around, sometimes touched this object, looked at that object, sometimes picked it up and put it down, just didn’t hold onto it, and walked around in a circle Hey, when everyone was about to help him make a choice, he stretched out his small paws to grab a beautiful rattle, grabbed a brush, got up tremblingly, stepped on the big red post and stepped over the circle of objects lock up.

The little milk baby wearing tiger-toe shoes, with short legs, trotted out, shouting "sister, sister" sweetly, ran out of the mat, and hugged his sister's leg.

Everyone: "..."

"Le Shan, do you still want to choose something you like?" The younger brother slipped out mischievously, Le Yun bent down and touched the little head of the younger brother who was hugging her thigh.

Le Shan hugged her sister's leg and did not let go.

Le Yun picked up her younger brother, kissed his younger brother's tender cheeks a few times, and smiled brightly: "As expected of my younger brother, I picked the most expensive one when I picked it, I have a good eye!"

All the handsome young men look up to the sky, are you praising yourself or your brother?

"Lele, you are spoiling your younger brother again. Gold, silver and jade are obviously the most expensive, and Leshan didn't pick it." Grandma Zhou objected with a smile. Those jade bracelets cost 10,000+ one at any rate, and Leshan didn't pick any of them. I bought a toy and a brush.

"Grandma Zhou, some things are priceless. The two pieces that Le Shan picked out are ancient ones. This writing brush was used by a certain emperor. It has a history of more than 400 years. This small drum is even older. It really depends on the money. This little rattle can’t be bought without a few million.”

Le Yun took her younger brother's hand and shook the wave drum, knocked out a pleasant sound, and smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Fortunately, Le Shan is smart and didn't pick anything special. If Shan Shan picks someone else's token, it will be Someone else's son-in-law is booked, and my sister wants to help you reject the baby, but Le Shan didn't pick a gift that embarrasses my sister, my sister loves Le Shan the most!"

A few handsome young men from the Guxiu family twitched their mouths silently. The little girl guessed the purpose of certain items when she saw them. She is so clever and evil, she really can't play well like this.

"Ah?" Grandma Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man, Aunt Pa and other old people were stunned. What is this all about? Do you still want to order baby kisses in this day and age?

"Where is the token?"

"Little Lolita, which one is the engagement token?"

"We are over [-] years old and still don't have a girlfriend. Leshan is only one year old and someone wants him to be his son-in-law. How can we put our face on it?"

Liu Shao, Xiao Shao, Luo Shao, Li Shao, Wang and Er Shao were afraid of chaos, and jumped out immediately, their eyes scanning over a pile of objects like a scanner, clamoring for so-called tokens.

Xuan Shao and the others laughed and said nothing, so they wouldn't tell those handsome boys which were engagement tokens.

"I can't tell you, all of you have grown up, and the caring padded jackets from other people's homes are still babies. Wouldn't it be like supporting your old cows to eat young grass by asking you to take them as tokens?" Le Yun smiled and hugged her younger brother to the beautiful boy brother Then, he knelt down to collect the items.

"Don't bring people who hit people like this."

"My heart is broken into pieces."

"Where is the chicken soup for the soul? Please give me a bowl."

A few funny young masters made Xizi holding hearts, and the little lolita was so good at weeding out people, their hearts were hurt by hundreds of millions, please comfort them!

The little handsome guys were messing around, making the whole room full of smiles. The old ladies sat down and laughed to watch the young people help Xiao Lele pack things.

Le Yun put the Guxiu family posts and other things back into the gift boxes of each family one by one, let the handsome guys clean up the other things, and went to the back of the house to take charge of the kitchen affairs.

The little milk boy didn't grab a gift with special significance, and he didn't grab any family's apprentice invitation. Even if the handsome young men of the Guxiu family felt deeply regretful, there was nothing unhappy. There's still a chance, and that's fair.

The handsome young men said a few words to the old ladies and old men, and went to the new building of Lejia to eat sunflower seeds and chat about life with smiles on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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