magic eye doctor

Chapter 1033 Seeking Medicine

Chapter 1033 Seeking Medicine
After the Zhou Catch Ceremony was over, everyone waited for the luncheon banquet.

At first, everyone thought that no one would come, but unexpectedly, after 10:30, the young master of the Tang Sect and the elder Chang of the pharmacy from C City came with gifts.

The belated young master of the Tang Sect, He Chang, always asked for directions from the township street to Meicun, and then was led to Lejia. Fortunately, there were young people from the Xuan family under the roof of Lejia, otherwise there would be no People know people from Tangmen.

Hearing his voice, Le Yun immediately trotted out from behind the house, and saw the young people from Xuan Shao's family inviting the guests to the main room, clasped fists and asked: "Tang Shaochang came all the way, the Le family's cottage is bright, it's impolite to entertain you." If there is anything wrong, please forgive me."

"Little beauty, you are welcome. We are just here to grab a meal, and we are taking the liberty to come here. I hope that we will not cause trouble to the family." Tang Shao saw the little girl who was the head of the Le family, his eyes lit up, and his tone was extraordinarily gentle.

When Mr. Chang saw the little girl like a hunter and a lamb, he was extraordinarily energetic. If it wasn't for the fact that the little girl had guests, he would have rushed to discuss with the little girl the topic of the professional field of medicine.

The young master of the Tang sect came, and young master Xuan also turned to the main room of the Le family. He took a step behind, and when he saw the bright-eyed young master Tang, he guessed that the young master must have another intention, and an intoxicating smile appeared on his beautiful face: " Tang Shao, we are all acquaintances anyway, let’s get acquainted, here are all female customers, why don’t you drink tea here and go to the new building of the little beauty’s house to have a chat with Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao and others .”

"I understand, the little beauty is busy, so don't greet us. We are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so we won't be polite." Tang Shao understood with a smile. For members of the Xiu family, Miss Le is in charge of everything. She wants to preside over the banquet, so naturally she has no time to greet the guests.

Grandma Zhou and the others had already experienced the strength of Xiao Lele's relationship, so they were not shocked by the arrival of Xiao Lele's friends, and faced the guests calmly. Professor Wanqi's family is also a member of the Jianghu, helping to greet the Tang family Young master, I drank tea with you, and then accompanied the Tang family to the new building of the Le family.

Jiang Shao, Zhou Shao and the others were not surprised by Tang Shao's sudden arrival. They came uninvited. Tang Sect is close to Le's house, so it's normal for Tang's family to come and walk around Le's house.

Everyone chatted for a while, and suddenly they had a sudden inspiration, grabbed the handsome young man from the Feng family to discuss Feng Shui, and asked Lejia's new building about the Feng Shui.

Feng Shao was besieged, besieged on all sides, unable to ask for help, and rolled his eyes angrily: "You beautiful men are too mean, what's wrong with asking, why do you want to ask Feng Shui questions, I'm not good at Feng Shui, what are you guys doing?" It's hard for the strong."

"Go, go, who doesn't know that you are a rising star with the best talent in the Feng family. Modesty is equal to pride."

All the beauties and young people don’t buy it. The Feng family is born with a strong understanding of mystic arts. Feng He is the most talented person in the Feng family. Although I don’t know why he didn’t continue the Feng family’s mystic arts but instead worshiped under the old craftsman of Eight Swords , but if they say they don't know anything about Feng Shui, none of them will believe it.

Being forced to do nothing, Feng Shao said with a bitter face: "I really don't know too much, I just know that this place was not bad before, but now, there is a saying that a blessed person who lives in a bad place can turn a bad luck into a good one." , not to mention that it is not a fierce place, in a few years' time, this place will be a rare place of blessing."

"Young Master Feng, what do you think of the little beauty's face?" All the beauties refused to let the young man of the Feng family go, and continued to squeeze his profound knowledge.

"Don't ask me, I can't tell." Ask the little loli's face?Isn't this making things difficult for him?
"What do you think of Young Master Yan?"

"Young Master Yan's face is very good, it's no problem to be an official and a minister."

"You said you're not good at metaphysics?"

"I didn't say that Young Master Yan has a good face, it's my grandfather."

"!" Young Master Jiang and the others clenched their fists, can they beat Feng Mou less?

Of course, no matter how much the beautiful men want to pull the wind, they should cut the troubles and cut the troubles. Because they are in Lejia now, it is not suitable to show fist and kick kung fu, so they generously let the wind go. .

Ant Lao Jiang and the others chatted for a while, and at 11:30, Yan Shao, Xuan Shao and the youths of the Xuan family went to the new building of Lejia to set up tables, chairs, dishes and red wine.

When Xiao Leshan is not attached to her sister, she only clings to the beautiful boy from the Chao family, and the handsome boy wants to take the little one to play. The handsome Liu Shaolan, Xiao Shao, Li Shao, Luo, Wang and Er Shao are in charge of the tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks in the main house. There are four tables on each side of the building. The eight-treasure rice was packed in buckets and moved to the main room, and then served.

Xuan Shao led people to help, and there was a group of school masters, three handsome soldiers, who served the food very quickly, a total of eight dishes and one soup.

Because Zhou Qiufeng and Le Dad often have guests at home, it is troublesome to rent tables and chairs in the hotel every time. They gritted their teeth and bought some supplies by themselves, including ten sets of tables that can be turned around.

The newly purchased table opened for the first time on the first birthday of Leshan.

The food was ready, Le Yun hugged her younger brother, and went to the main room of the new building with the handsome Xuan Shaoyan. Dad and Aunt Feng accompanied the grandmothers. Grandma Zhou wanted to take care of her grandson, but Le Shan was clinging to his sister and resolutely refused to follow others, so she had to let him.

Mr. Ant Zhou waited to see the little girl entertaining him in person, and felt very happy. After eating for a while, someone raised his head, booing and urging Xiao Leshan to catch Zhou again, and only grab the gifts they brought. It was the shameless person who seduced little Leshan and asked the child to call him senior brother.

Elder Yiman squinted at a group of unscrupulous boys robbing his apprentice, and was very calm in his heart. Anyway, the little girl agreed with her brother to worship him as a teacher.

Le Shan is a man of integrity, no matter who coaxes him, he is determined not to be called senior brother.

The youths of the Guxiu family who wanted to rob someone silently shed a few tears. The little beauty is not easy to fool, and her brother is also not easy to fool. It is very difficult to abduct the little milk baby.

The luncheon was full of medicinal food, and the guests of honor had a good time.

Originally, the Guxiu family was going to resign, and Le, thinking about their coming from afar, can't let people leave after just one meal, and let them stay at Le's house, and then do the best of the landlord.

Ant Man, Jiang Shao and the others wanted what they wanted, and they didn't care whether to sleep on the floor or the floor. To be honest, as long as they stayed as guests, they would be happy to let them sleep on the roof, let alone a guest room.

The young and old of the Guxiu family who stayed to play in the afternoon used their three-inch tongues to try their best to lure the little milk baby to call "senior brother" and "master".

When they are busy abducting people, they still have non-polluting fruits to eat. Classmate Le grinds tofu and order tofu brain, and serves it with delicious sour soup for the guests to cool off. I don't want to think about Sichuan, I want to be Lai in Le's family.

There were still eight tables in the evening, Zhou's grandma, Mrs. Liu and others went home together after dinner, Mrs. Wu was with Grandma Zhou, and Mrs. Wu was huddling with classmate Le.

Le classmate only took a nap, got up at [-]:[-] to make bone broth, made roll noodles by hand, and there are not many ways to make roll noodles and Liangpi. Liangpi is made of flour, and rice milk is used for roll noodles. First use the soaked rice to make a pulp, then brush oil on the steaming plate, pour a layer of rice milk, then steam it in water, roll it into a roll and serve.

When steaming, you can use a steamer, or you can use the method of making Liangpi, boil water in a pot, put the steaming plate on the water and let it boil.

Roll noodles can be steamed and rolled into rolls before adding ingredients, and the ingredients can be rolled into the powder tube, or nothing can be added to make plain roll noodles, and various condiments are added when eating.

When making roll noodles, Le Xiao only added yam and lily powder to the raw materials, and did not roll any condiments such as minced meat. All of them were made into vegetarian roll noodles, and he didn’t bother to use a steamer, so he directly put the steaming plate on top of the boiling water Steam.

There are a lot of people in the family, so she made thousands of rolls of noodles. At 05:30, she boiled eggs, blanched vegetables, fried minced meat, made cold braised pork and appetizers, cut rolls of noodles at 06:30, and cut them into pieces. Section by section, put bowls together with green vegetables, wait for the guests and family elders to wash up, handsome guys come to work, pour bone soup on the roll noodles bowls, and let handsome guys serve them on the table.

Whether it’s Le’s father, Zhou Qiufeng, Chao, Mrs. Chao, or Jiang Shao and others, it’s the first time they have eaten homemade roll noodles, and their eyes glow green before they start eating. They all embrace their own sea The bowl is crazy to eat. The homemade roll noodles have the toughness and brittleness of Liangpi, but also soft and delicious. With seasoning, it is so delicious that people want to swallow the bowl together.

Originally, the little Lolita made a big bowl for everyone, but after everyone finished eating, they still couldn't get enough of it. They were embarrassed to shout "one more bowl", and ate toast and free-range eggs.

Young Master Jiang and the others understood that Little Lolita was too busy working alone, so they resigned unanimously. Young Master Yan drove everyone to the capital airport in E North. Young Master Xuan, Shao Hua, and Shao Tang all drove by themselves. Going to the airport, Li Ziwang is a local, so he took the bus back home.

When Handsome Yan drove the helicopter, Young Master Jiang and others went to Ji Yang, Le Yun drank tea with Young Master Tang who hadn't left yet in the new building, and asked the young master of the Tang family who was obviously a bit cramped with a smile: "I heard Young Master Tang say what you want Talk to me alone, don't know why?"

Facing the pink and tender little girl, Young Master Tang was ashamed, and his ears turned red with shame like an innocent little boy: "This, that, little beauty, I have a heartless request, the Tang family wants to... ask the little beauty to make an exception to sell Give me a few pills like last time."

"Detoxification pill?" Le Yun blinked her big watery eyes with surprise, Tang Sect needs a detoxification pill?

"Yes," Young Master Tang decided to go all out: "To tell you the truth, little beauty, my father had an accident when he was testing the medicine, so he said it was a retreat. The last time I got a pill from the little beauty, it cured most of my father's toxicity. This time, I'm going to ask for medicine by the way."

"I still have some of the pills from last time, but," Le Yun wanted to understand that another reason Tang Young Master came to Lejia on purpose was to ask for medicine, and he didn't take it deliberately: "If your father took the pills last time Resolving all the poisons means that the poisoning is very complicated, and taking pills may not be able to solve it, Tang Shao and wait, I will write a detoxification prescription for you to try."

"Thank you, little beauty!" Tang Shaoxi was overjoyed. Miss Le's pills were hard to come by. She must have figured out what kind of poison his father was probably poisoned, and the prescription she gave must be the right medicine.

Elder Chang was also overjoyed. He discussed some medicinal materials with the little girl last time and benefited a lot. If he could give a prescription, he would definitely benefit a lot from it.

Le Yun, please wait a moment, and immediately go back to the bedroom in the north building, take out the Four Treasures of the Study, grind the ink, spread it out, write the prescription with a brush, after finishing writing, find out your own seal and ink pad, and stamp the prescription privately, Also write a note stating how to boil the medicine.

Then find a few packs of medicine pills, divide five of each, a total of five types, pack them up separately, put them in a bag, take the prescription, and then go to the new building in the south.

When young master Tang and Chang saw the little girl returning, they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Le Yun gave the pills and the prescription to Young Master Tang and Old Chang: "According to my speculation, taking this method with the pills can basically eliminate any residual poison, but this prescription is a bit harsh, and there will inevitably be some sequelae. There will be a period of weakness of about three to two months, and it is not suitable for supplementation, the body needs to adapt slowly, and it is best to adjust slowly after four months."

"Thank you, little beauty, for giving me the prescription." Young Master Tang was very grateful in his heart: "What grade are these pills? Please tell me, little beauty."

"My pills are only given away and not sold. I can't make an exception this time, and Young Master Tang doesn't have to worry about it, unless the Tang family doesn't welcome me to go to the house to bother me in my spare time."

The little girl doesn't sell pills, and Young Master Tang also knows that she has her principles, so he gladly accepts the gift: "Thank you, little beauty, the door of the Tang family is always open for the little girl, and you are welcome to come anytime."

The young master of the Tang family was straightforward, and Le Yun was also willing to deal with him, and specially instructed the details of the preparation of the medicine. When the young master Tang resigned, she took back the gift, and also hugged two watermelons and ten tomatoes as a return gift to the young master Tang. guest.

The melons and fruits she brought back, except yesterday's for entertaining guests, were all divided and packed for the Guxiu family to take away. The family could only get two watermelons and ten tomatoes.

Although the amount of melons and fruits is small, Jiang Shaoxuan and the others know the goods, no one pretends to be polite and refuses to accept them, and they all carry them home like treasures.

The duty day is on the 19th, Jiudao Street Day. Le Yun sent Tang Shaozhu and Chang Lao to the village committee building. After they left the village by car, they also went to the street to wander around. "Vulgar" academic masters.

Xueba foodies are sweeping wild fish, shrimps, wild mushrooms, and wild fruits on the street. The second generation of officials, the second generation of power, and the rich second generation are like runaway wild horses in the countryside. Barrel, incomparably down-to-earth.

Little Lolita sneaked away when the foodies didn't see her, went to buy more than a dozen catties of lean meat, and went home to chop dumpling stuffing, knead the dough, and work hard to make some stock for the two-day double grab, double grab It is necessary to rush to harvest rice and transplant rice seedlings. During that time, people are exhausted and have no energy to make dumplings, so they need to prepare in advance.

The beautiful boy and his friends swept from the street to the end of the street, swept away all the wild fish, shrimps and mushrooms on the street, and found two hares, a pheasant, and two bamboo rats, and happily returned to Lejia and ran to Xiaoluo Li asked for credit and praise.

The foodies were in high spirits, and Le Xiao couldn’t bear to dampen their good mood, so he didn’t pour cold water on them, and waited for them to clean the fish and shrimp, marinate them with seasoning, make dumplings stuffed with fresh fish and shrimp in the afternoon, and eat braised rabbits and bamboo rats at noon and night For the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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