magic eye doctor

Chapter 1037 Discrimination

Chapter 1037 Discrimination
Yan Xing noticed Zhou Chunmei's sneaky actions during the day. In order to prevent the girl from the Zhou family from doing anything wrong, he didn't go anywhere. He just sat outside the building to enjoy the shade, helping to dry the straw, and didn't keep watch at night, because he knew that the girl from the Zhou family had no courage. Dare to run to peep in the middle of the night.

Le Yun didn't want to make a fuss with Zhou Chunmei, and only drove away the handsome guys in time when Zhou Chunmei came running in the morning. As for the handsome guy Yan running next to the building to act as a "law protector", Zhou Chunmei was also clear about Zhou Chunmei wandering around the building in the afternoon. She didn't bother to think about Zhou Chunmei's singing When it comes out, I'm busy with my own work.

She wants to help old men and old ladies make herbal tea, and she needs dried medicinal materials. Because there is no one else in the new building, she has moved a lot of medicinal materials to the roof to dry, and also dried the homemade yeast powder, and took them back in the evening to keep the medicinal materials from dew.

When Lejia overthrew the old house of the Liu family and built a new one, the foundation was slightly widened. It is still a row of three rooms. The middle room is used as the hall, and the back of the hall is used as the stairwell. One of them is used as a kitchen, and a small part is designated as a bathroom. The door of the bathroom faces the direction of the stairwell.

The kitchen is wider than the building in the north. There is a firepit, and there are also kitchen counters that can use electrical appliances or gas stoves. I didn’t move in, but I have set up a bowl kitchen. Put it in the kitchen of the new building, and it can be pulled out and used at any time by the guests at home.

The place is wide enough, and it is more than enough for Le to use as a pharmacy. The reason why she is pharmacy in the new building is that it is quiet. High, dudes may not sleep well either.

Because Handsome Yan’s troops gave Cordyceps, there are a lot of pills to be made. For the first time, little Lolita sent the largest copper alloy medicine stove to the stage. The belly capacity of the medicine stove is also amazing, and there are baskets of medicinal materials It's painful to pour it in, no matter how full it is, after boiling for an hour or two, the medicinal materials melt down again, and it feels like it's just a bottom.

At the beginning of pharmacy, she stared at the medicine stove from time to time when she was not in use. Most of the time, she sat in the main room and read a book, and went to the kitchen to light the fire every once in a while.

Occupying a house alone, she can do whatever she wants, so at night, the little Loli happily cooked a pot of sea snail soup for the little fox to drink, and took out the yam and lily garlic cloves in the space, steamed them and rolled them into a paste Waiting for the sun to dry during the day, steamed pumpkins, sweet potatoes and flour, mixed noodles with mashed bananas, prepared several kinds of dough, made dumplings, baked bread, and biscuits.

At night, when everyone is asleep, the aroma of toasted bread and roasted dumplings will disperse and no one else will know it, so you can cook delicious food with confidence.

In order not to be caught by the idle handsome guys to accompany him to "play" to decompress, Le Xiao resolutely stays in the house and does not show up, and does not eat breakfast. Sun, people continue to nest in the building scanning books.

Little Lolita is busy making medicines and doesn't even come out to eat. The old men and women feel that it is not easy for her, so they direct the young people to help Lejia to pull weeds in sweet potato fields and bean fields, turn sweet potato vines, or help turn straw , dried and then moved back to the second floor of the cowshed for stacking.

The handsome young guys are active in their work, and no one cheats or plays tricks. Young Master Yan doesn't act as a "law protector" during the day to prevent anyone from disturbing the little Lolita's work, and just does housework.

Zhou Chunmei quietly wanted to find Le Yun several times, but she saw the most handsome guy at Le's house, and returned without success several times, feeling more irritable. If she couldn't hug Le Yun's thigh as soon as possible, her father would grab Le Yun's thigh when he was busy. Staring at her for a job.

When Chen Dalian harvested the rice, the school masters also went to help for a long time, because Chen Dalian's rice field was originally small and there were so many people, it only took one day to get it done, and only the seedling field was left for him the next day. clean up by yourself.

Day after day, Zhou Jiale’s family, Cheng Youde, and others helped Chen Dalian collect the grain, and then went to help Xianghao’s family to grab a double grab. Take to the streets on fair day to get some fresh air.

The fair day was also very lively that day. Liu Lu’s family and Zhang Poluo’s family and Chen Dalian’s family were not eating at home because of the help of handsome guys. Local chicken or duck, bring mushrooms and send it to Lejia as a treat.

Men and women also took the opportunity to sit around at Le's house, eating tofu nao ordered by the old ladies, chatting, and also had a meal at Le's house at noon.

Brother Zhou and his buddies returned to the construction site early the next morning, and the women in the family took care of the water and the work in the field.

Le Yun, who has been nestled in the building for several days, the pharmaceutical process is almost up to the process of rubbing pills. However, before the day is ready, she slowly bakes bread and makes dumplings. Salivating, every once in a while, I tiptoe to the south building to take a look, hoping to see little loli open the door and show her face.

The result was of course disappointing. Le Xiao made a day’s medicinal diet during the day, and after dark, the medicinal juice in the medicine furnace was also boiled to a high temperature. It was divided into three furnaces. Boil it with other concoctions for half an hour, then close the lid and move it to the ground, warm it for half an hour, mix the powder, and start rubbing the pills.

After rubbing a batch of medicine balls, it was midnight, and the batch of medicine juice was divided into several parts again, and the previously boiled medicine juice was mixed to form a new formula, and then the medicine balls were rubbed.

Every time the process from pharmacy to rubbing pills is impossible to have a rest time, Le Yun is also used to it, rubbing the pills day and night for two nights and two days, and finally finished the work on the evening of the 5th, with a total of more than a dozen prepared There are four kinds of pills, and four kinds belong to Handsome Yan.

After rubbing the last pill, packing up tools and half of the pills, the little Lolita walked out of the new building and went back to the north building with bloodshot eyes to meet her elders and friends.

The young and old who had been waiting for several days were shocked, pleasantly surprised, and distressed when they saw the little bun. He took care of her with distress, ate her meals, gave her soup to cool off the summer heat, and let her go to rest early.

The handsome guys didn't bother little Lolita, and after she took a shower and looked brand new, they followed her to the new building to help load the pills, and moved her baked bread and other items to the north building for storage.

Classmate Le took his younger brother to sleep that night, and had a good night's sleep. The next morning, he tidied up and sent him to Shennong Mountain by Handsome Yan.

Less than an hour after she left, that is, when the handsome guys in the Le family cleaned up and had a couple of bites of breakfast, Zhou Chunmei hurried to Le's house, and when she entered, she asked, "Guy, is Le Yun finished with work?"

"No. What are you looking for Lele for?" Zhou Qiufeng supported her son with one hand, glanced at her niece, and was busy taking care of her son eating steamed stuffed buns.

Xiao Lele felt sorry for her younger brother. When making dumplings and buns, she specially made dumplings and buns with thin skin and small size. She also made special fillings for her brother. The handsome men have also tasted it. They are very jealous and want to buy it Not even a share.

Steamed buns and dumplings are small and exquisite, and taste very good, Xiao Leshan also likes to eat them.

Zhou Qiufeng warmed up a steamed bun and two small dumplings for his son according to the girl's instructions, and let his son hold the steamed stuffed bun to bite, resolutely not feeding the child bite by bite like others.

"'s fine, I just haven't seen Le Yun for a long time, and I want to talk to her." Zhou Chunmei felt aggrieved when she saw a room full of people who were too busy to pay attention to her. They don't entertain, and their education is no better than that of rural people.

There was toast for breakfast, and the young and old were so busy enjoying breakfast that they didn't have time to speak. Father Le asked politely, "Chunmei, have you eaten yet?"

When Le's father was talking, the handsome young man had a tacit understanding and unanimously divided up the toast, and everyone put their share in their own bowls.

"Eat quickly, go catch fish and shrimp after eating, you can't let Grandpa Papi wait for us every time." Wang Ershao urged his companions while eating, and at the same time did not forget to yell.

"Understood, I don't need you to remind me." All of them wolfed down the food in unison, taking the time to answer.

The host asked if she had eaten, Zhou Chunmei was about to say "not yet", she glanced at the table to find a suitable table, she found that the plates at the table of the handsome guys were almost empty, and the bread basket at the table of the old man was almost empty. The remaining two... Oh, no, following her aunt to pick up a piece of bread, there is only one left.

She froze for a moment, then answered mechanically: "I've eaten, aunt, when will Le Yun finish her work?"

"I don't know, Lele went to the mountain again this morning, and I don't know how many days it will take to come back." Zhou Qiufeng confessed frankly.

"Oh." Zhou Chunmei snorted, wanted to go in, but no one called her, so she backed away silently. When she retreated to the door, she inadvertently found that big wolfdog sitting beside Chao Yubo, with a large plate in front of it. Dumplings and bread baked golden brown.

Seeing the dumplings and bread in the dog bowl, Zhou Chunmei felt inexplicably annoyed. The aunt's family was too good. They made dumplings and bread at home, but they never sent them home for their natal family to eat.

Angry in my heart, I went home angrily, and saw that my brother and mother were also preparing to eat, so they took the bowls and chopsticks and sat down angrily.

"Chunmei, didn't you go to your aunt's house? They didn't stay for breakfast?" Mrs. Zhou was very surprised to see her daughter's unhappy look. There are many guests in the Le family, and breakfast is usually eaten at this hour. .

"Keep what, they have a lot of dumplings for the dogs to eat, but I don't have any." Zhou Chunmei became angry when she thought of the wolf dog eating dumplings with a bowl.

"Sister, are you awake?" Zhou Tianming frowned: "Don't you know that dog is a military dog, and the food expenses are two thousand a month. What do dogs eat? Le Yun made chickens and ducks a few days ago, and gave the whole ones to the dogs. He is willing to feed the dogs meat, let alone dumplings.

Sister, I'm not talking about you, can you be more mature, don't pick and choose all day long, what is in my aunt's house is my aunt's house, and what they want to feed dogs and cats is their business, you dare What fire?I still don't believe that my aunt's family didn't ask you if you have eaten. I will ask grandma later. "

"I..." Her younger brother taught herself a lesson, and Zhou Chunmei was so angry that tears welled up in her eyes: "Mom, look at Tianming, he helps outsiders and not me."

"Sister, you don't have the brains to do things, you always believe in other people's dissension, and you always complain to your mother, what else can you do?" Zhou Tianming was also very angry. .

"Tianming, Chunmei is your sister, what kind of benefits Le Yun has given you, you always speak for others." Mrs. Zhou was very dissatisfied with her son's attitude.

"Leyun didn't do me any favors, but only gave me some tea. She cared about my academic performance and life in school. She asked the talented students she knew to guide me in my homework and give me advice on life and study. I will avoid detours, what about my sister? When did you ask me if I was bullied at school, did you ask me if I had any difficulties in studying?

My sister failed seven out of ten subjects in her studies, and almost failed to graduate. Look at other nursing professionals who have found jobs early. Is my sister's job lost?I don't have professional knowledge, don't look for my own shortcomings, and blame this and that all day long, is it interesting?

Mom, if you don't wake up and vent your anger on my sister, I'm afraid that you will be sold and count the money, just like Zhang Jing's mother and son. You are good to them, and then what?What have you got?My aunt and Aunt Liu are good friends, and they help each other. When you and Zhang Jing’s family are in good terms, did Zhang Jing and Wu help you?Their family sells a tree for more than 100 yuan, and the introducer only pays 80 yuan for our tree. Mom, don’t you have a long memory? "

Zhou Tianming is really angry, my sister has no brains, and my mother can do whatever other people say, and always bullies her own people to find a sense of superiority. It really makes people worry that they will be instigated to sell the whole family one day and count the money for others.

Feeling depressed, I stopped eating, put the dishes and chopsticks in the sink, walked out of the kitchen wing, and went directly to my aunt's house.

As soon as he arrived in the main room, the handsome guys saw him and asked him with a smile if he had breakfast. He wanted to say he had, but when he smelled the aroma, his stomach growled and his face burned.

"Tianming, you haven't eaten yet, right? You take the bowls and chopsticks yourself, and I'll bring you some buns." Father Le saw Zhou Tianming, and happily got up to help get the bread.

The pretty boy and his friends also greeted Zhou Tianming. Zhou Tianming blushed and went to get the bowl and chopsticks by himself, and sat at the handsome guy's table with a bowl of porridge.

Father Le went to put a basket of bread on the desks of the handsome boys, and then sat down and continued to eat.

The son-in-law and the young people have completely different attitudes towards their granddaughter and grandson. Grandma Zhou sighed silently. A group of young people are all grudges. Zhou Chunmei treats her aunt and Lele badly, so the handsome young man treats Zhou Chunmei indifferently. Zhou Tianming respects his aunt and his father, so the handsome guys are also willing to give Zhou Tianming face.

Zhou Tianming ate three pieces of bread, and the remaining ones were divided among the handsome young men. After eating delicious food, the young man tidied up the table and kitchen, took the fishing tools and went to invite Zhou to pick up fish and shrimp from the belt.

And Mrs. Zhou was reprimanded by her son, and she was stunned for a long time before she could react. When she realized, her son didn't know where he was, and his face turned red and white with anger. He couldn't get angry because his son was right. , Zhang Jing and Wu Lingling did help her.

Feeling angry in my heart, I thought that my daughter provoked me, and my daughter was not pleasing to the eye, so I ignored her after eating, and went to feed the pigs by myself.

Zhou Chunmei was scolded, she didn't even eat, she hid in her room and shed tears of grievance.

(End of this chapter)

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