magic eye doctor

Chapter 1038 There is a kind of emotion called a soldier

Chapter 1038 There is a feeling called a soldier
Little Lolita set off at dawn, bringing pancakes and toast for breakfast on the road, Yan Shao ate the pancakes rolled into flower rolls, secretly had fun for a long time, sent little Lolita into the mountains, and returned to Plum Village. It is floating.

Because the double robbing was over and there was a little free time, little Lolita went to the mountain again. The next day, Handsome Yan flew a plane to pick up Professor Wan Jun, Mrs. Grandma Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man and more than a dozen villagers went to visit Shennong Mountain.

The helicopter went early and returned in the evening, and carried the old people to play for two days. The old men and women didn’t like to toss about, and they took Liu’s sister-in-law and others to experience the taste of taking a helicopter to overlook the scenery. Most people in the village want to take a helicopter. Yan Shao and Liu Shao took turns to be the pilots, carrying people to the sky to see the scenery in batches.

Helicopters cost tens of thousands of dollars to fly for a few hours, and the flight experience is burning money. Classmate Le thinks of how Grandma Zhou and others helped her and her family during the most difficult time when she was a child. A little expense is just a drizzle to her.

I drove Zhou Bapi and others to see the scenery, so naturally I can’t favor one over the other, let everyone who has not stepped on Lejia before experience the experience, as for those who used to have the cheek to follow others to experience it, Le’s father Zhou Qiufeng also turned a blind eye Close your eyes, anyway, the experience is only once, let those people take advantage of it.

The girl from Lejia is generous and willing to let the villagers experience helicopters, and her reputation in the village has skyrocketed.

Although Mrs. Zhou was very unhappy because of what her son told her, she still couldn't resist the temptation of the helicopter, so she also went to experience it, and Zhou Chunmei also followed. She still wanted to feel like riding in a luxury car, but unfortunately, no handsome guy would like to drive it. Go for a drive in the car.

When Handsome Yan and Young Master Liu were flying trapeze people, on the first day after the beginning of autumn on the 7th, the lease period of the villagers who originally rented the village committee building to open the canteen also expired, and they would not renew the lease, and the room was taken over by Le Xiao Do the garage.

Lan San and Xueba cleaned up the shop, and then drove the car into the warehouse for storage. They also installed a camera under the eaves of the village committee building in case little loli was not at home, and there would be disturbed and well-meaning people who would destroy the car, steal the car and destroy it. car.

The bullies just fished and bought mushrooms when they had nothing to do, and the nearby people picked up the mushrooms and sent them to Plum Village without waiting for the fair day.

The school masters had fun at Lejia. The little girl who got into the deep mountains found a suitable place the day before the beginning of autumn, spread cloth, placed several kinds of stones, cut the bark of several kinds of trees, collected the dew on the day of the beginning of autumn, and shared After harvesting a few vials, I found a place to dry the human skin mask.

The human skin masks made by her soldiers go through many processes, because they don’t want to make such things at home, so they are usually dried in the wild, and the cooking and steaming processes are also carried out in the wild.

The human skin mask was dried and put into the jade box. Le Xiao went to the deep mountain again, and wandered in the mountain until the 10th before finishing the work of "researching plants". At noon, Handsome Yan drove a helicopter back to Meicun.

When she got home, she and the handsome guys packed the fruits and vegetables they brought back in portions. That night, she was busy making medicinal meals for the night to refrigerate. , with big bags and small bags back to the capital by helicopter.

Zhou Chunmei knew that Le Yun came home from the mountains, so she didn't go to find Le Yun that night. The next morning, she ran to Le's house excitedly after eating, and felt quiet under the eaves. There are three members of my aunt's family.

Zhou Chunmei saw the big wolf dog baring its teeth at her, endured the fear in her heart, and asked eagerly, "Grandma, where are Le Yun and the others?"

"Back to the capital." Grandma Zhou was very calm.

"Ah, back... back to the capital?!" Zhou Chunmei's face suddenly changed. Le Yun only came back yesterday afternoon, so she left so soon?Everyone is gone, how can she let Le Yun take her to the capital?

"That's right, Lele is going abroad to participate in a sports competition, and went back to the capital to gather. Xiao Lele is not at home, so the handsome guys will naturally not stay and play." Zhou Qiufeng was very calm. Zhou Chunmei wanted Lele to introduce her to work in the Capital Hospital. Wake up, that IQ is not even as good as hers, whoever introduces Zhou Chunmei to work is purely asking for trouble and anger for herself.

Zhou Chunmei stood in a daze for a while, then murmured unwillingly, "How could it be like this, how could it be possible to leave so quickly..."

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, didn't care what Zhou Chunmei was thinking, and Grandma Zhou didn't want to care at all. Anyway, she could see that the granddaughter was a piece of mud that couldn't be helped. Fortunately, the grandson was sensible. If Tianming himself will strive for success in the future, Lele will know A powerful family may give Tianming a hand.

Don't say that her granddaughter begged her to ask Lele to intercede for a job. She wouldn't say that. Even if Lele wanted to help her, she would stop her. Zhou Chunmei is really...stupid. The two sides are not human, and I am afraid that the two families will have a rift at that time.

Grandma Zhou was persuaded from time to time by Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wu, she also thought about it.

Zhou Chunmei murmured a few words, lowered her head dejectedly, turned around with a gray complexion, and moved back home, feeling panicked, unable to find Le Yun to help her find a job, what should I do?It will only be more difficult to find a job if it is delayed for a long time. If I don't work at home, I will be stabbed in the back by the villagers.

Mr. Chao and his entourage set off at dawn, stopped at East S on the way, and sent Professor Wan Teng, Mrs. Wang and Wang Ershao to Professor Wan Teng's hometown, and then flew to the capital after refueling.

It was after two o'clock in the afternoon when the helicopter returned to the capital, and it stopped directly in front of the garrison department. First let Mr. Chao and the school masters get off the plane and go home, because it was Saturday, and Shao Shao, Luo Shao, Li Shaoliu and Shao's family all sent people to the garrison The Ministry picked up people, and the He family also sent He Xiaoba to the scene.

The Liu family and the He family did not pick up anyone, but only took away a piece of melons and fruits that belonged to Liu Shao and the grandson of the He family brought back from Loli's house when they were young. The Chao family was picked up by Chao Yi and Chao San, who took them back to Chao Er's villa. Classmate Chen Classmate Cai took his luggage and drove to the teacher's house.

Colonel Yan waited for the passengers to go far away, then flew back to the garrison headquarters, and stopped at the battalion headquarters office building of his own team. The office building was hidden in a hill, and the walls that could be seen were also blue-gray.

In front of the battalion building, there were dozens of soldiers waiting in full gear. Seeing that the plane had stopped safely, they crowded around the cockpit door, opened the door of the co-seat graciously, and shouted joyfully: "Welcome little boy!" Beauty is here!"

Yan Xing, who jumped to the ground with one step, saw that the group of brothers under his hands completely ignored him, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely. A group of bastards are quite ghostly, and they know how to show love to little Lori.

Chi Shisi and the others have long selectively ignored the leader of the captain. When the little loli is present, the captain will be cool. If the little loli is not on the scene, the captain is the shining body.

The soldiers are too enthusiastic, Le Yun's heart is pulled up, and he stretches out his hand without hitting the smiling face. The soldiers are so friendly, and after getting along with them for a long time, it will be difficult for them to refuse what they ask.

But no matter what, you can't stay in the cabin, hang the backpack with your belongings on your shoulders, leave the cabin sideways, step on the ladder and land, and with a bright smile: "Brother Shuaibing, this little girl is a little dizzy, pickled pepper chicken Do you have claws? Do you have spicy beef?"

"Is there?" The soldiers said in unison, the captain didn't say that little loli was airsick, and they didn't prepare any hot and sour food to prevent airsickness.

"Okay, luckily I brought my own food." Le Yun happily took out her backpack, took out a pack of homemade chicken feet with pickled peppers, tore off the seal, and chewed one by herself.

The smell of chicken feet with pickled peppers wafted away, and all the soldiers wanted to cry together. Little Lolita, you don’t bring such troublesome people. If you don’t share such delicious food, how can you bear it!
Comrade Liu, who jumped out of the small plane with a fresh-keeping box in his arms, saw a group of wolf king-like soldiers in a daze, and laughed unkindly: "Hahaha, in the future, do you still favor women over men?"

The soldiers turned their heads to stare at Dui Liu, and suddenly found that he was holding a fresh-keeping box with chicken feet with pickled peppers inside. Brother Bing howled, rushed up and restrained Dui Liu, and forcibly snatched the box away.

"You guys are taking it by force! Brother is also involved." Liu Xiangyang regretted being robbed of the food. How could he forget that this group of foodies have no morals at all.

"Liu Dui, you have been eating and drinking at Little Lolita's house for half a month, and you still want to share our share, are you ashamed?" Shen Shiliu and the others ignored Liu Dui's howling, and the two dragged Liu Dui away from the plane Far away, they went to the cabin to move things.

"Little beauty is the best, remember us bringing us something to eat."

"The little beauty is cute."

When the soldier kings turned to face the little Lolita, their faces were immediately full of sunshine. Looking at that petite and lovely girl, it was as if they saw the sun, and their eyes were full of brilliance.

Yan Xing, who walked around the nose of the plane, stood beside Little Lolita, looking at the brothers tormenting Xiaoliu so-and-so.

Bing Wang got into the cabin and carried things down in the same way. There were fragrant dumplings wrapped in flour and fried with small fish and shrimp, golden biscuits, watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumber, and two large glass bottles containing sauerkraut, and three A cardboard box, I don't know what to pack.

The soldiers saw the random items and laughed so hard that they couldn't find their eyes. The little Lolita is really good. How many people secretly ignore their efforts and always eat the inside out, but the little Lolita misses them. think about them.

There are quantities of things, and friendship is priceless.

Little Lolita may not have given them much, not enough for each person, but she always has soldiers like them in her heart, and understanding their efforts is enough.

The kings of soldiers looked at the little Lolita with kind and gentle eyes, full of affection. They only hope that the prosperous world will be safe forever, and that they can protect the little Lolita all the way to the white flowers.

After moving all the things down, the two soldiers let go of the willow team, moved the items brought by the little loli, surrounded the captain and the little loli and rushed into the office building of the battalion headquarters, and put the things in a room without a desk. In the small conference room with chairs, I ran to bring in two benches and a small table. The benches were for Little Lolita and Team Liu to sit on. The soldiers sat cross-legged in a row, waiting for the captain to say something.

Yan Xing didn't say anything, and opened the three cardboard boxes before everyone else, and put out bags of pills on the small table for the brothers to see, one was light orange, for serious injuries It can restore the body's immune function and quickly restore the damaged tissues of the body; a yellowish pill is used to maintain the vitality of the body without eating for many days; The color is as green as blue-black, which can defend or inhibit some more powerful toxins, such as the poisons of some biochemical drugs.

Four kinds of medicine pills, each with more than a thousand pieces, only the size of quail eggs, round and shiny, like colorful pearls, even if the bag is not opened, there is still a little medicinal fragrance, all of which are very refreshing and elegant aroma.

Sitting cross-legged, the soldier king saw the packs of pills. He was pleasantly surprised at first, but when he turned around, all of them looked deeply. They could guess that the little Lolita must have put a lot of precious medicinal materials upside down.

Chi Shisi, who was sitting in the front row, stood up, and the people behind all stood up, faced the petite girl, stood at attention, and saluted: "Thank you, Comrade Le Yun!"

That deafening, uniform shout, with the slightest trill.

What did the eyes of those people look like?
It's like looking at the flag of the Republic, serious and firm, yet full of passion.

When the team stood at attention, Le Yun jumped up in shock. When he met the eyes of the soldiers, it was as if he was bathed in the scorching sun at noon in summer. His blood was hot instantly, and he was moved like a tide. Come to the corner of my heart.

Yes, she has encountered assassination while traveling abroad to dig medicinal materials, but because she has "cheats", she does not have the kind of death threat that hangs by a thread.

The soldiers are different, especially the special arms. When they go out on missions, they are actually determined to die. Their lives will be donated to the country at any time. However, they never hesitated or flinched. No deposit and no complaints.

In comparison, her hard work is insignificant compared to the dedication of a group of special soldiers who are ready to dedicate their lives to the country at any time.

In the Great China Kingdom, there were countless benevolent people who shed their blood for national freedom. The flesh and blood of countless unknown heroes stained the earth red, and their bones became mountains. The selfless contributions of countless people have made Guotai Minan what it is today.

People with national beliefs are great, and the belief of soldiers is "country", they are the cutest people, but this group of cutest people thanked her, they respected her and thanked her, just because she might be able to Rescue many brothers who have the same faith as them.

At this moment, Le Yun's little grievances about not being able to charge a high price for hard work because she was caught doing medical visits for the soldiers disappeared in an instant, and she was only touched.

That kind of emotion flowed in her heart and hit her heart. Her eyes were hot, and she slowly opened her eyes with a smile: "No thanks, I took a quarter of the Cordyceps as hard work."

Small and cute, the little loli, who is white and tender like a snow doll, has a warm smile and bright eyes. The eyes of the soldiers are as warm and moist as the corners of her eyes. How come they don't know that it is hard and dangerous for her to find medicinal materials?
Human nature is selfish, and they are also selfish at times, just to avoid seeing their teammates fall in front of their eyes one day and never see them again, so they pretended to ignore her hardships in finding and dispensing the medicine.

They understand that little Lolita understands them, understands their little selfishness, and understands that they don't want to face the feeling of losing their comrades.

They have nothing to repay little Lolita, she wants to kill a few scumbags, they will go through fire and water to do it for her, just in exchange for her peace of mind and bright smile after her happy enmity.

(End of this chapter)

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