magic eye doctor

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045
August 8th is the traditional Qixi Festival in China. It is rumored that it is the day when Cowherd and Weaver Girl meet once a year. It is also rumored that the man and woman who meet and fall in love on the seventh day of the seventh month are destined for marriage.

Yan Xing never remembers any festivals, as a single dog, what kind of Qixi Festival do you celebrate?Little Lolita is in China, so he might spend a little time researching and researching, and then ran to abduct Little Lolita to play with the cheek, but when Little Lolita was not in China, he didn't even remember that there was a Qixi Festival.

He doesn't remember, but it doesn't mean that others don't remember. The few golden bachelors in the He family who are still single are often urged to marry by their ancestors, so they dare not go home on Qixi Festival. Therefore, the brothers grabbed Xiao Longbao to accompany them to the entertainment city to relieve pressure.

Young Master Yan didn't want to go, but he couldn't stand the entanglements of his elder brothers and younger brothers, and another Liu was a lobbyist for his elder brothers and younger brothers, encouraging him to go to get some air, so he had to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

Young Master Liu is also a single dog, so naturally he can't be left behind.

The two set off from the garrison base after get off work, and arrived at the "Dijue" entertainment city booked by the He family brothers at around [-]:[-] pm. At that time, the capital city was covered with lights, and the neon lights were as bright as the stars in the sky. .

Major General Yan Shaoliu parked his car in the parking lot below, took the elevator up to Daxia, went to the entertainment city floor, went to the front desk and told the receptionist the room number, and the waiter led the way.

The waiter sent the two handsome young guests to the box, knocked on the door and got permission before opening the door, inviting the guests in, and then helping to close the door before leaving.

The private room is very big, you can play karaoke and play cards. The brothers and sisters of the He family, except He Xiaoyi and He Xiaowu who are married, and He Xiaojiu and He Xiaoshi who are abroad, and He Xiaoliu and He Xiaoshi who are in other provinces. Little thirteen, the rest are here.

Seeing Xiao Longbao and Liu Xiaosan who came late, the brothers and sisters of the He family shouted happily: "Liu Xiaosan, you are late, you will be fined three cups!"

"Xiao Xingxing is also late, why didn't you punish him?" Liu Xiangyang yelled at the He family brothers, who came on the same road, and the He family brothers and sisters grabbed him and punished him with alcohol, it was too unkind.

"We didn't say no punishment, you are older than Xiao Longbao, you are an elder brother, you should be older first and then younger." He Xiaoer grimaced, despising Liu Xiaosan's IQ.

"Oh, it's not too bad." Liu Xiangyang rushed into the group of He family brothers with his small backpack to take a place, put his arm around He Xiaoba's shoulder and said, "I heard that you went to Bhutan a few days ago, Have you opened up a new travel route?"

"Well, Bhutan's business atmosphere is not strong, and the environment is maintained very well. The little doctor and the little beauty should like it." He Xiaoba smiled happily, poured a glass of wine for the Liu brothers, and handed it to him with a smile: "Don't wait He looked at him left and right, and drank three cups."

Liu Xiangyang looked at the table, good guy, several bottles of brandy, who are you going to get drunk?

"Aren't you afraid of getting drunk and being picked up by someone, and waking up tomorrow with multiple fiancees who don't understand?"

"Don't be afraid, we won't get drunk." He Xiaosan held the wine bottle and urged him to drink quickly.

It was obvious that the He family brothers could not release the water. Liu Xiangyang cooperated very well and drank a glass of wine in one gulp. When the glass was full, he drank it all in one gulp. After drinking three glasses in a row, he glanced sideways at the He family brothers. Do they dare to force Xiao Xingxing's wine?

He Xiaoyi was not present, He Xiaoer, as the leader, naturally made the decision, poured a glass of wine for Xiao Longbao and handed it over, he should protect his shortcomings for a while, he will not take sides in this matter of drinking wine.

Liu ran to sit in the group of his brothers, Yan Xing sat on the side of another row of sofas, the second brother handed over the wine, took it in his hand and drank it in one gulp, when the third brother filled it up, He drank two cups at a time, as if he was drinking water.

Xiaolong Bao and Liu Xiaosan accepted the punishment with a good attitude, and the brothers and sisters of the He family rejoiced happily. They chose to eat their favorite food, chatted while eating, and chatted about various topics, including basic necessities of life.

After chatting for a while, He Xiaosi suddenly whispered in a mysterious whisper: "Brother Long Bao, I saw that Liu Qianjin from Liu's hometown in the State Academy is also in the entertainment city, and it seems to be in the box on the right hand side of us. .”

"Little Fourteen, are you sure you read it right?" He Xiaoer and He Xiaosan looked at Xiao Longbao subconsciously. Liu Qianjin was also in the entertainment city. Is it a coincidence, or did she know that they had reserved a box through some channel, and she also reserved a seat.

"I met me in the bathroom, and Liu Shuhua greeted me, do you think I will admit my mistake?"


Everyone made sure that Xiao Shishi hadn't looked at the blind eye, and said they knew it.

Yan Xing has always been indifferent, and there are tens of thousands of grass and mud horses roaring in his heart. Brother Chao's brother once mentioned Liu Qianjin specifically, and now his brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters also have mysterious eyes. What do they mean?

He obviously has nothing to do with Liu Qianjin, so why do the brothers and sisters in the family also look like they are watching the show, and they are so tired!
I was so tired that I didn't want to explain, but I couldn't express my attitude, so I put on a straight face unhappy: "Brother, you can be more considerate, don't mess around, I have a sweetheart, you can be anything, don't be a pig teammate Tossing around makes it harder for me to chase my future wife."


The brothers and sisters of the He family were all in a daze, and after a few seconds, they immediately began to gossip, asking when they met, what kind of work the girl does, where she is from, when will she bring her home to meet her parents, whether the girl's parents have made a statement, etc. , and so on are all thrown away.

Liu Xiangyang was even more shocked than being struck by lightning, Xiao Xingxing has a girlfriend, why didn't he know?
No matter how the brothers and sisters dig out the secrets, Yan Xing is determined not to reveal any information, hmph, the person he likes is Little Lolita, if people find out, why not scare a group of people to death?The rumor spread to Chao's house, and the Chao's young man had no choice but to put his hands on it early and snuff out the signs.

Moreover, he dared to gamble with his head. If people found out that he wanted to chase Little Lolita, countless people would jump out to sabotage him. , Everyone wants to grab it home.

Now no one is going to act in an open and aboveboard way, it's purely because the little loli is not full, whoever has thoughts about the little loli is afraid of being scolded as a minor.

Therefore, before chasing after little Lolita, he will never let anyone discover his thoughts, and he must protect his secrets just like protecting a man's chastity.

He refused to divulge any news, He Xiaoer and others attacked him, wanting to pry open Xiao Longbao's mouth, and get a glimpse of who his sweetheart is, so that even a person as cold as Xiao Longbao would fall in love with him.

Of course, they were also happy about it, brother/brother Xiao Long finally had a new heart, this is a great thing, the ancestors would be too happy to sleep when they found out.

The most troublesome one was He Xiaoshiliu, who played on his boyish nature and made trouble with his cousin unscrupulously.

Just when the brothers and sisters of the He family were making a fuss, there was a knock on the door, and the laughing group stopped immediately. He Xiaoer asked in a calm and indifferent tone, "Who is there outside the door, what's the matter?"

The one who knocked on the door was a long-haired beauty with fancy braids and loose hair. She was wearing a short white Chanel dress with the skirt above her knees. She was holding a glass of red wine in one hand and a bag of clothes in the other. Handbags of the same brand.

She looks very good, with a delicate face, a midline chin, and a height of about 1.7 meters four. She is 1.8 meters tall when she wears high heels.

The beauty with delicate makeup put her hand on the doorknob after knocking on the door with a handbag. When she heard the young man from the He family asking questions, she gently opened the door, walked into the box, and replied with a smile: "Excuse me!" It's your turn, I saw He Mingshuang before, and guessed that you brothers and sisters might all come to the entertainment city, and I haven't seen you for several years, so I came to talk to He Mingshuang and He Mingjing."

"It turned out to be Ms. Liu. Our brothers and sisters haven't had a meeting for a long time, so we came out for a drink. I heard that Liu Qianjin was too busy to be distracted after returning to China. I didn't expect to meet here by chance. My sisters are here. Please come and have a drink." It's not too late to leave." He Mingsheng stood up with a gentle smile, and politely invited Liu Qianjin.

"To disturb your brother and sister reunion," Liu Shuhua gently closed the door, walked towards the He family brothers and sisters, observed while walking, did not see the person she was looking for, saw Liu Shao, and showed surprise just right: "Hey, Liu Sanshao also Here, long time no see, Third Young Master Liu."

"Long time no see, Second Miss Liu," Liu Xiangyang raised his glass with a smile, "I don't have my own halo, and I've always been inconspicuous everywhere. It's normal for you not to see me."

"Just kidding, Liu Sanshao and the He family brothers and sisters are as bright as the sun and the moon. They are very dazzling. They were far away just now, and they regarded you as one of the He family brothers and sisters. I didn't recognize you at the first time." Liu Shuhua walked towards the He family brothers and sisters They smiled sweetly and behaved gracefully.

"This praise makes me feel at ease. Hey, Xiao Xingxing, do you hear that, your brother and I are also people like the sun and the moon, so I won't be compared to scum by you." Liu Xiangyang's smiling face is even bigger than sunflowers Bright and happy to show off to Fa Xiao.

Yan Xing, who was sitting on the side of a group of sofa seats facing the entrance, cast a cold stare in a very lazy way, and uttered a voice that was more intoxicating than wine, but the words were quite out of place: "If someone compliments you, you still can't do it." Seriously, a man without a girlfriend is easy to cheat, Xiangyang, if you don’t find a girlfriend, your brain will rust and become stupid if you don’t think about it for a long time.”

The brothers and sisters of the He family laughed unkindly, and Liu Xiangyang blinked sadly and asked shamelessly: "Will you die if you don't hit me? Also, don't bully me for reading less, becoming stupid and not having a girlfriend have nothing to do with it." okay."

"Who said there was no contact?" He Xiaoshiliu jumped out and made a high-level commentary: "Brother Long Bao said, a woman has a needle in her heart, and a boy with a girlfriend must always use his brain to guess where the girlfriend is. Think about something and use your brain often so that your brain won’t get rusted.”

"Okay, you won. The question is, you have a lot of reasons. Do you and your brothers have girlfriends?"

"I don't have it, as long as Brother Long Bao has it." He Xiaoshiliu hugged Brother Long Bao's arm beside him, and said cutely: "Brother Long Bao, am I right?"

"Yeah." The reserved and glamorous man showed a hint of appreciation on his picturesque face. Little Sixteen Bear is a good helper, not a pig teammate.

"Okay, you guys won. If I don't have a girlfriend, I want to be quiet." Liu Xiangyang grunted, sitting in a state of contemplation.

When Liu Shuhua was looking at Liu Sanshao, he didn't find Young Master Yan, the grandson of the He family, thinking that Young Master Yan was not in the private room. When he heard his beautiful voice, his heart was bumping like a deer. The feeling of hearing his voice was like the old It feels like a girlish feeling.

Hearing Yan Xing ranting against Liu San, she couldn't help laughing, the relationship between Young Master Yan and Liu San was still the same, and Liu San was always the one to be bullied.

Suddenly hearing He Xiaoshiliu say that his cousin has a girlfriend, Liu Shuhua felt as if someone had poured cold water on her, and her heart turned cold. She looked at the He family brothers and sisters in disbelief. The He family brothers and sisters looked relaxed and happy. Any accident, her heart was half cold again.

His hands and feet were also stiff, but fortunately no one paid attention to him, Liu Shuhua walked gently towards the place where He Xiaoshier and He Xiaoshisi were sitting, and interjected with a smile: "It's so rare that Young Master Yan has time to come to this kind of place for leisure. The way Young Master and Third Young Master Liu get along is still the same, which is enviable."

"It's such a coincidence that Xiao Xingxing and I have a hard time finding a place to drink. For the first time drinking out this year, we met Miss Liu Er."

Liu Xiangyang smiled with a deep and meaningful smile showing his neat and beautiful teeth.

Mr. Liu in the National Court has a son and a daughter, but he has brothers. Mr. Liu's granddaughter is the only eldest lady in his son's house, but she is the second among the daughters of the Liu family.

Liu Shuhua didn't mind being called "Second Miss Liu" by Liu Sanshao, as if she didn't understand what he meant, she smiled and agreed with "What a coincidence", walked to the place where He Mingshuang and He Mingjing were sitting next to the girl, and also Seeing Young Master Yan diagonally across from him, Young Master Yan's face was still impeccably beautiful, and his indifferent and alienated demeanor made him even more dignified and honorable.

Liu Qianjin sat down, He Xiaoer and his younger siblings naturally had to be polite as hosts, opened a bottle of red wine, and accompanied Liu Qianjin who came to greet him to drink.

After drinking a glass of red wine, He Mingjing politely asked Liu Qianjin where she planned to study in high school. Liu Qianjin used to be an actuary, and she also majored in foreign languages ​​when she went abroad.

There were visitors, and the brothers and sisters of the He family also talked about some employment-related topics. Yan Xing was always indifferent, didn't talk much, and didn't express any opinions.

The brothers and sisters of the He family were at a party, and Liu Shuhua didn't want to be suspicious, so she left after chatting for a while, coming and going lightly, as if it was really just to say hello.

He Mingjing sent Liu Qianjin out of the private room, watched Liu Er enter her private room before returning, closed the door and stayed at the door for a while, then secretly opened the door to take a look outside, before slipping back to her seat.

Liu Shuhua returned to the private room, drank and sang with the sisters who played with her before without showing any signs of expression, and played until more than ten o'clock before returning to her heart's content.

The brothers and sisters of the He family originally thought that Liu Qianjin might take the opportunity to invite Xiao Longbao and them to her birthday party next month. After all, Liu Erqianjin returned to China after studying, and the Liu family has not yet held a banquet to introduce it to the outside world. Everyone can guess Liu Jia will hold a birthday party for Liu Er.

Liu Erqian didn't mention it, they were happy to pretend they didn't know, and tried every means to dig out the secrets of Xiao Longbao's sweetheart, but in the end they were all defeated, and they didn't have fun until eleven o'clock. Liu Shao went back to Liu's house, and He's brothers and sisters went back to accompany their ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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