magic eye doctor

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

The young couples in Huaxia Kingdom celebrated the Qixi Festival, and Huang Shishi couldn't feel the excitement of the domestic Qixi Festival in Country R, ​​so she had nothing to do and went shopping.

Her luck was not very good, because she didn't know where she lost her wallet and mobile phone, and she didn't know where she was. She went shopping and went to a restaurant for dinner near noon. up.

It's bad luck, but when she was blushing and hurriedly explaining to the waiter, there was a very good-looking little brother who paid for the meal.

Huang Shishi was amazed when she saw the little brother who helped with the checkout. That little brother was handsome and handsome, more temperamental than the most popular little fresh meat star, and his smile was particularly warm.

The warm boy brother does not understand the language of country R. He speaks Korean and English is so-so. He communicates with the restaurant staff in English. The restaurant staff's English is poor. There is a language barrier between the two parties, but they can still communicate.

The beautiful Nuannan brother paid the payment, didn't stay long, and left without even looking at her. Huang Shishi chased out of the restaurant with her shopping bag, caught up with Nuannan, and called "Sir, please wait a moment" in English.

The handsome young man stopped, turned around, took a look, stood out of the way, and asked calmly, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Huang Shishi caught up with the handsome little brother. Because she didn't understand what he said, she avoided the topic and shyly replied, "Sir, please leave me your number. I will go back and apply for a bank card again, and then I will contact you to pay back the money."

"Aren't you Korean?" the handsome young man asked in English.

"No, I'm from China." Huang Shishi replied in a low voice, looking into the young man's eyes, "Are you Korean?"

"Well, I see that you look exactly like people in our country. I thought you were my compatriot. You don't have to pay back the meal. Goodbye." The beautiful young man nodded lightly, turned around and continued walking without looking back.

"Oh, sir," Huang Shishi chased after her, persistently wanting to pay back the money: "The money must be paid back, or if you wait around here, I'll go back and get the money to pay you back."

"It's really unnecessary, a few small coins are nothing to mention."

"Small money is also money. You kindly help me to pay the bill, and I feel uneasy if I don't pay you back."

The handsome young man was so entangled that he had no choice but to think about it before making a decision: "That's good, I'm going to a place, I don't understand the local language, if you tell me how to get there, I will treat it as if you paid me back."

"Where are you going, I'll be your guide. I've lived in Osaka for several years, and I'm quite familiar with the city." Huang Shishi took the initiative to do the work, her eyes were very sincere.

"Miss, you're obviously going home for shopping, so you can't waste Miss's time, just tell me how to get there and how to take the bus."

"I came out to go shopping when I was in a hurry. I'll accompany you there and treat it as a walk, or else I'd feel uneasy."

The handsome young man struggled a bit, hesitated for a moment and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, please help me, I'm going..."

The handsome and sunny brother Nuantian reported his address, and Huang Shishi immediately greeted him to set off. Although the place is a bit far away, it takes two subway transfers and several bus rides, but there is such a handsome and sunny little fresh meat Colleagues, what does it matter if the road is far away?
She likes little fresh meat, maybe there will be sparks on the way, and a short and romantic relationship.

Huang Shishi was in a good mood, took the initiative to talk, chatted, and got a lot of news. Nuannan Xiaoxianrou’s family is engaged in real estate investment. There are more than a dozen stores in the capital of South Korea, and there are stores in several first-tier cities. There are also investment stores in the Americas. The real estate is worth five or six billion U.S. dollars. There is no need to do anything at home, and the rent is soft for a year. In a word, Xiao Xianrou is a proper rich second generation, or a very rich Xuan second generation.

The little fresh meat warm man came to country R to find a good friend to travel with. As a result, his friend went to Australia temporarily to discuss business, so he went shopping first, and went to a restaurant to taste the most authentic raw fish in country R. Seeing that she lost her wallet and had no money to pay for the meal, she thought she was his compatriot, so she helped him pay.

After digging out the basic information about Xiao Xianrou, Huang Shishi felt even better. She was really lucky, and she could meet a golden tortoise even after a meal. Such a person is more than enough to be a temporary male companion.

Secretly, I also especially thank the thief who stole the wallet. She didn’t lose the wallet. She may not be able to meet Xiao Xianrou. In order to win Xiao Xianrou, she took care of Xiao Nuannan gently all the way, and accompanied him to see a scenic spot. Travel together like a couple, have dinner at night, and return by late subway.

The beautiful little fresh meat danced according to the rules, without the slightest overstepping, and even sent her back to the apartment she rented, but refused to accept the invitation to sit in the apartment because it was late, which made Huang Shishi more obsessed with Xiao Xianrou. A gentle little fresh meat, rich and beautiful, even if she sleeps, she can stay for a few days if she likes, and if she doesn't like to have sex, such a person will not rely on her.

Under her hard work, she got Xiaoxianrou's contact information. She secretly decided to continue to be a guide for Xiaoxianrou to accompany him on a trip tomorrow, vowing to win him over.

At this time, Miss Huang was thinking about the big time to seduce people, and the Qixi Festival in Huaxia Kingdom also reached midnight. The brothers and sisters of the He family returned to the compound, and the ancestors of the He family and others went to bed early. In the yard, I took turns to wash it up, and rolled lightly to rest.

After lying down, Yan Xing couldn't fall asleep, and his mind was full of one question: What is little Lori doing on Qixi Festival?

What is little loli doing?

Couples in Huaxia country whispered in a tryst during the Qixi Festival. She was very busy fishing for treasures and picking coconuts in the no-man's land on the coast of Kalimantan Island in Indonesia.

Le classmate flew to Indonesia on the 14th, and arrived in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, on the afternoon of the same day. He did not stay. After entering the country, he transferred to a domestic flight in Indonesia and went to Kalimantan Island, the largest island in the north of Indonesia. When he arrived at the destination, he disguised himself into the skin of a local and rode by himself. Walking around the coastline, looking at the scenery during the day, secretly digging herbs, and at night, going to remote and uninhabited places to catch little foxes and let him go fishing for treasure. As for her, she picks coconuts when she has them, and does other things where there are no coconuts.

Indonesia is an island country composed of thousands of small islands. It is known as the country of a thousand islands. It has a tropical climate and all the seas of the island are full of giant clams.

Because Indonesia is very unfriendly to Chinese people and is the country that rejects Chinese people the most, Le classmate is not soft-hearted when he comes to Indonesia. He digs herbs, salvages a large number of underwater treasures, and accepts everything he sees.

The little fox was bought by human beings with sea snail soup and conch soup, and went into the sea without complaint, and the most he caught were giant clams, corals, and pearls, even though giant clams and corals piled up like hills in the paradise of little human girls, Because they have aura, there are not too many little girls.

Pearls can already be measured with a bucket. Anyway, Xiao Le doesn’t think there are too many. Don’t be afraid if there are too many. Take out pearl beauty powder, skin beautifying cream, or grind powder with medicinal food, which has many functions.

The young couples in Huaxia Kingdom spent a happy Qixi Festival night. Little Lolita and Little Fox had been busy all night, and at dawn they wandered off to another area.

The date is August 8, which is also the opening ceremony day of the Asian Games. At 18:[-] p.m. local time, the opening ceremony will be grandly opened at the Capital Gymnasium in Indonesia.

Before the opening ceremony, some events had already started. There were more than 1 athletes in the Asian Games. On the day of the opening ceremony, there were more than 5000 athletes present. Some athletes will report to the venue before the start of the competition. ,

Le Xiao is a track and field athlete. The event is scheduled for the 25th. She just needs to arrive before the game. Therefore, when the opening ceremony of the Asian Games was held, she happily picked coconuts by the seaside of Kalimantan Island. The little fox found something spiritual.

After the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, the project competition started at six o'clock in the morning on the 19th.

When the Asian Games were in full swing, Ms. Wei, who was about to give birth, was admitted to the Capital Military General Hospital due to labor pains on the night of the 19th. After tossing until 20:[-] p.m. on the [-]th, she gave birth to a little princess weighing six catties. A middle-aged daughter, full of joy, named Wei Yuzhu, implying that the little princess is the jewel in the heart of the couple. The Wei family wept with joy when they received the happy news, and their gratitude to the grandson of the Chao family is like the water of the Yangtze River endlessly.

Little Le Xiao did not know that she moved from Kalimantan to Sulawesi on the 19th. The terrain of Sulawesi in Indonesia is like a capital "K", and there is another special product on the island—— — Coconut Crab.

Coconut crabs are the only crabs that can hold coconut shells with pliers. They are also very popular among tourists because they like to eat coconuts and their meat is delicious, attracting tourists to visit the island one after another.

Coconut crabs are land and sea amphibious crabs. They are not suitable for living in water for a long time. They live on land most of the time. A large number of catches, the number of coconut crabs on the island has also plummeted.

Coconut crabs live in the tropical rainforest on the coast. In order to catch crabs, Le classmate also worked hard. He used pills with plant juice and coconut meat as bait. The stupid big guys were really fooled, and they gathered automatically when they heard the wind.

The little loli who was guarding the bait happily caught the big and small crabs that came to her door. Of course, she didn't kill them all. She only caught nearly [-] crabs for one night and put them in the space for breeding.

Lexiao is still very conscientious. He stays in one place for one night, and then disappears at dawn. He will never linger in one place.

The little loli was leisurely hunting for treasure in Indonesia, but Huang Shishi felt uncomfortable like a cat scratching. The so-called strong man is afraid of being entangled by women. Under her various offensives, it took two days to get the little fresh meat into her hands. The fresh meat is still a virgin, which makes her feel particularly fulfilled.

However, she hadn't had enough of getting someone just now, and the little meat boy went to Australia to meet up with his friends!

The feeling that the fat meat that just reached her mouth tasted delicious but then flew away made Miss Huang very depressed. Whenever she thought of the taste of fresh meat, she felt like a cat scratching her heart. She went to the nightclub to find a beautiful Beautiful little fresh meat, but not full of that taste.

The feeling like a cat scratching my heart is too uncomfortable, I can't stay for two days, I contacted Xiaoxianrou proactively, and continued to tease Xiaoxianrou to enjoy it. Knowing that he was going to Mexico with his friends on the 23rd, Huang Shishi immediately packed his luggage and flew to In the country of Mexico, there is still some time before school starts in September, and she can still flirt with little fresh meat, and flirt with men while traveling, like a honeymoon, what a beautiful summer trip.

(End of this chapter)

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