magic eye doctor

Chapter 1047 You Don't Care About Little Lolita

Chapter 1047 You Don't Care About Little Lolita

Yan Shao accompanied his grandma to watch the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in the compound, because the grandma was upset when she found out that Little Lolita was not on the list of delegation members participating in the opening ceremony, so he had to explain that it was Little Lolita made her own decision because the little guy didn't want to be too popular, and didn't go with the group to the opening ceremony.

Although he succeeded in convincing the old ancestor, he felt very tired. He felt that little loli had a very high status in the heart of his grandma. He, his dear great-great-grandson, had also taken a step back. .

If it was Xiao Shiwu who robbed the old ancestor's love, he wouldn't be jealous, but the little Lolita's surname is not He, if the little Lolita really bears the name of the great-grandson-in-law of the He family, he probably won't have anything to do with him in the family .

Thinking about it that way, his heart felt sore, but at the same time he was very happy. Well, as long as he can become Xiao Lolita's boyfriend, it doesn't matter if he is inferior to a dog in his grandma's house.

People say that there is no sign of horoscope, and his journey of chasing little loli has just begun, Yan Xing feels that the road is very bumpy, but he has made up his mind, if he can't chase little loli in this life, he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

He stayed with the old man for two days at Uncle He San’s house, and he also secretly thought about how to chase the little Lolita for two days, but in the end, he had no idea, and the little Lolita couldn’t be guessed by common sense. All the things are related to plants and medical skills, and there are no romantic things.

On Monday, Young Master Yan returned to the garrison area with different thoughts. Fortunately, he didn't have too much time to think about it after he went to work, otherwise he would have to be forced out of depression.

After working for two days, his restless mood settled down. When he finished some work, he decided to ask about the progress of Red Fourteen. On the evening of the 23rd, when he returned to the office building of the camp area from the brigade headquarters, he was arrested. The brothers stopped to drink tea.

drink tea?Yan Xing was sitting in the meeting room where video or science and education online education was held, quietly watching the wolf kings who were really drinking tea, with a big and bold question mark in his heart, but he didn't ask, and drank tea slowly .

"Captain, why don't you ask what's the matter?" Hei Jiu couldn't hold back anymore, his heart was full of question marks, the captain's concentration is too good, shouldn't he ask what's the matter at this time?
Yan Xing flicked his sleeves calmly: "You guys will talk about anything."

"Captain, you don't care about little Lolita at all!" A group of fierce young wolf kings unanimously sued the captain. Little Lolita helped them make so many pills, but she never heard from her when she arrived in Indonesia, and the captain didn't even Just ask, little Lolita will definitely be heartbroken if she finds out.

In fact, they were wrong. Little Lolita knew that the handsome guys didn't care about her, so she wouldn't be upset, but happy. No one was staring at her, which meant that someone was thinking about her pills every day.

"What's wrong with little Lolita?" Yan Xing finally couldn't calm down and asked about the situation.

"Little Lolita is fine, what's wrong is the scum girl."

"What's wrong with the yellow scum girl? You came back to China?" Chi Shisi and Xiao Liu went out and didn't get in touch with the yellow scum girl, or is there something in the Huang family that made the yellow scum girl go and let Chi Shisi miss out?
"The yellow slag girl went to the cactus country today, and the fourteenth said that she will contact people tomorrow."

"Did Fourteen successfully get in touch with the yellow scum girl?"

"I got in touch, it's just..."

"Just what?" The brothers wanted to ask themselves, and Yan Xing cooperated with the question all the way. Anyway, as long as the little girl is not in danger, other things can be discussed slowly

"It's just that the method is a little... special," a man said with a shy face, a little ashamed to speak.

"What kind of special method? Did Fourteen put the scum girl to sleep, or was Fourteen drugged so that the scum girl fell asleep?"

"The scum girl wants to sleep for fourteen, and she is addicted to sleep once. She chased to the Immortal Kingdom and wanted to continue to sleep." The men were ashamed, um, most of them were innocent little boys who had never eaten meat. It's embarrassing.

"Oh," the corners of Yan Xing's mouth trembled fiercely, and he stretched out his hands to press his temples: "What kind of handsome and handsome man did Xiao Liu make Fourteen look like, so that he could make Yu'er take the bait so readily? "


The soldier kings wanted to laugh, so they suppressed it, pretending that there were flowers on the ceiling, and looked up together. After a little while, the son couldn't suppress his laughter, and said weakly: "Scumbags love small fresh meat, especially Koreans. Feng's little boy, Xiaoliu did what he liked, turning Fourteen into an authentic Korean version of a warm boy brother, very amazing style, maybe, little loli might also like that kind of pretty little brother. "

"..." The corners of Yan Xing's eyes and mouth twitched wildly, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes: "Don't think about it, little loli doesn't like sissies, little loli likes boys who give people a sense of security and warm sunshine , the delicate little white flower-like boy died in front of the little Lolita."

Little Lolita doesn't even look up to handsome men like the eldest son of Tantai's family, let alone Korean-style boys?In the eyes of little loli, that kind of face is a burden.

Yan Xing couldn't imagine the painting style of a gentle president-like boy in Bangziguo standing in front of the little loli. With the ferociousness of the little loli who punches at the slightest disagreement, seeing that kind of delicate little white face, he probably felt that It's an eyesore, and I send people away a hundred miles away.

"La la la, that's fine, as long as the little beauty doesn't like the little boy." The young people cheered happily. For a person as good as the little loli, there must be a heroic boyfriend to protect her, and the little fresh meat will only hinder her.

The thoughts of the teammates went astray, Yan Xing smiled and asked again: "Did Fourteen say anything else?"

"No, Shisi only said that he expects to act the day after tomorrow, and our manpower has already gone to meet him. Hmm, we really want to ask Shisi how it feels to have the warm and fragrant nephrite jade in his arms."

"There are beauties throwing themselves into their arms on Fourteenth, so there is no time to talk about other things."

"Fourteen chastity is gone, so I don't have the nerve to say more."

"Fuck off, you make fun of Shisi like this, and wait for him to come back and fight with you, don't complain to me." Yan Xing laughed and scolded angrily, Chi Shisi is so easy to be teased by a woman and loses his morals, and he has died for a long time. Next time, that guy's hypnotism is top-notch, okay?

"Hey, let's talk about it in private, and keep Fourteen from knowing."

"If you don't say it, I won't say it, and everyone won't say it. Fourteen doesn't know what we're talking about."

"Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know me, Captain, don't betray us."

The wolf kings made a fuss, and when it came to the Asian Games, one of them yelled, "Captain, the track and field event of the Asian Games is about to start, and the little girl hasn't reported yet."

"I made a bet with someone on a bag of hot sticks that little Lolita will break the record. If little Lolita abandons the game, I will have to pay ten times the bet."

"Don't worry about her, she will arrive tomorrow at the latest..."

(End of this chapter)

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