magic eye doctor

Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048

When the soldiers were thinking about little Lolita, she was still scouting in the area like a streamer hanging above the head of the "K" on the northernmost "K"-shaped Sulawesi Island in Indonesia to find a suitable night "fishing" After finding a suitable place, we rushed to the destination point before dark and waited until nightfall to start fishing at night.

In the uninhabited seaside, we salvaged sea treasures all night, trapped dozens of coconut crabs, caught a lot of shrimps and delicious fish. At dawn, Le students tidied up, washed off the makeup, took a taxi to the airport, and took Indonesia Domestic flights fly to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

When she arrived in Jakarta, her daily work was just beginning, and various projects in the venue where the Asian Games were held were in full swing.

Little Lolita took a taxi to the athletes' village, entered the village with the athlete's qualification certificate for the sports meeting, found the accommodation of the Huaxia delegation, and first reported to the team leader.

Coach Ou, as the track and field head coach of Qingda University, is also one of the national coaches registered with the Huaxia National Athletics Federation Center and the Capital Athletics Federation. Naturally, he cannot be absent in intercontinental competitions such as the Asian Games. He is one of the team coaches.

To tell the truth, Le did not go to Indonesia with the group, Comrade Xiao Ou was apprehensive. He was afraid that the little student would forget the time and lose track at the critical moment. If she could not arrive at the International-Asian Athletics Committee within the stipulated time Reporting is tantamount to giving up the qualification for the competition, which is quite embarrassing to the country.

Looking forward, looking forward to the arrival of the little classmate, Coach Ou was very happy. When he received the call, he ran to greet her in person, took her to the athletes' dormitory to pack her luggage, and then led her to the athlete reporting office in charge of the Asian Games organizer. , blood test and urine test, after the physical examination, take it to the gymnasium to familiarize yourself with the venue of the event.

After the start of the Asian Games, the competitions in various events went smoothly. The athletes representing China and the delegation athletes from the three special administrative provinces have achieved good results, and the number of medals is far ahead.


There are no preliminaries for men's and women's 10000-meter and 5000-meter long-distance races in the Asian Games, and there are direct finals. Both middle-distance and sprint races below 5000 meters have preliminaries.

One day and one night passed in the blink of an eye, and the highlight of the Asian Games came as scheduled. With the men's marathon firing at [-] o'clock in the morning, the track and field events of the Asian Games officially kicked off.

Due to its geographical location, Indonesia gets up early, so the competition starts at six o'clock every morning. There is an hour's time difference between Indonesia and China. Six o'clock in the morning in Jakarta is equivalent to seven o'clock in the morning in China.

After wandering in Indonesia for several days, Le’s biological clock automatically kept pace with the times and adapted to the local environment. She woke up at four o’clock and went to have breakfast after five o’clock. Because the marathon was on the road, she didn’t go to the race. , First go to the stadium stands to occupy a seat and read a book by yourself.

The marathon is an outdoor race, and the indoor race starts at ten o'clock in the morning. The first event is the men's decathlon 100-meter race.

Out of respect for the athletes, little Loli stopped reading after the competition started, and watched the competition like all spectators, cheered for the champions and the athletes with strong beliefs, watched the games in the morning, rested in the afternoon, and met with them in the evening. The team members eat together, go to the rest area of ​​the gymnasium for the evening game, change their sports clothes and put on the athlete's number when the game time is approaching.

Huaxia State has two female runners participating in the 10000-meter race. One is a rookie in track and field, and the other is a middle-distance runner named Zhang. Ms. Zhang has never won a gold medal in a long-distance race, but she has also won a good place and won a bronze medal.

Coach Ou sent the two female generals to the inspection office for inspection, and then waited outside the competition venue with the staff until they entered the track when they could enter the track. The athletes followed the referee's instructions to the corresponding track position, which was also the second inspection.

It is the pre-race preparations to check that the athletes are correct. However, something went wrong during the check-in on the track. There were originally 10000 athletes in the 11-meter run, but there were 12 athletes on the track. Only after checking did they find out that one of them was from the Lion Kingdom. Infiltrator, she was eventually asked off the runway.

The 11 athletes lined up all the way, and little loli once again became the shortest kid in the audience, she was not sad, anyway, her height was destined to be a little short among the athletes, even if she cried blindly, it would not help.

The two contestants from Huaxia Kingdom were separated, and Le, who was closer to the outer edge, was in ninth place.

The second wave of inspection is completed, and the official introduces the athletes as before. The long-distance runners are all representatives of the best long-distance runners in various countries. They have almost achieved good results in some competitions in their country, Asia, and the world. Most of them have participated It is the first time for Wei Le to participate in an Asian intercontinental competition after having passed the Asian Youth or Junior Championships.

Whenever an athlete is introduced, the audience will give warm palms to show their support and love for the athlete. The so-called sports has no borders, regardless of whether there is friction between countries. The audience should treat athletes equally. This is respect for sports and is Respect for sports.

Le broke the women's 2018m and women's 1500m world records in the world indoor track and field in 800. During the official introduction, she naturally showed off her great achievements, and decisively drew her a wave of applause and attention.

After the official introduction of the athletes, there is a little time for the athletes to warm up. After the referees are ready for each link, they shout the command "Everyone is in place". At 19 minutes, the referee shouted "ready" and fired the starting gun.

The gunfire sounded, and the 11 long-distance runners roared forward. Everyone wanted to grab the first runway at the best time to reduce the distance. However, most of them were disappointed because there was a "Huaxia Little Flying Man" ", the short Chinese girl rushed to the front at an unparalleled speed after starting, cut into the first track, and ran away.

The contestants who were thrown away by a few meters in an instant: "..." Is it okay to swear?

The spectators were silent before the start of the race, and burst into cheers and whistles when the athletes started running, expressing their encouragement to the athletes.

Reporters and live broadcast stations from various Asian countries followed the players on the field with all their strength, and the live broadcast and reporters from Huaxia Kingdom paid close attention to the competition scene.

The Asian Games is a major sports event in Asia. All Asian countries have live broadcasts on radio channels. Those who do not have the economic foundation to support going abroad to watch the games will pay attention to their favorite sports. There are countless sports-loving viewers in front of the TV.

The Chao family in the capital of Huaxia gathered at Chao Er's family after get off work in the evening. Li Shao, Xiao Shao, and Luo Shao also ran to watch the game with their friends.

During the Asian Games, many colleges and universities in China have started school one after another, and the freshmen of colleges and universities in the capital have also reported one after another. Liang Yubo is going to graduate school when he starts school, and he has also registered online, and he will go to school in early September.

Naturally, Professor Wan Teng and his wife would not miss their elementary school students' competitions. They had prepared early and waited for the arrival of the elementary school students' projects.

Not only them, but the Xiao family, the Li family, the Luo family, the Yang family, the He family, and other families who are close friends with the Chao family all pay attention to the long-distance running events of the Asian Games. Needless to say, Young Master Yan and his teammates, all those who did not have a mission watched the live broadcast.

They are still like this, and the village head Zhou, Grandma Zhou Bapi, Cheng Wu, Zhang Laosan and other family members from the same village in Xiao Luoli's hometown will not miss it. They all flock to Le's house, eating melons and fruits to watch.

Therefore, when the women's 10000-meter run in the Asian Games began, Chao Lao, Le Dad and others in front of the TV were excited and nervous, wishing that the photographer's camera would follow the little girl they wanted to see the whole time.

At the track and field event of the Asian Games, the women's [-]-meter race athletes ran on the track like meteors chasing the moon. Sometimes it was the one who ran ahead and persisted for a few laps, and sometimes it was the one who surpassed the front, no matter what they did. Fighting against each other, Huaxia's little flying man has always been running first, and the distance from the next ten players is gradually widening.

The time passed minute by minute, and the mobilizers ran lap after lap. In the first ten laps, there was a gap of about 300 meters between the little trapeze and the second, third and fourth place. In the No.12 lap, the trapeze and the second There is a gap of one circle, No. 18 circles, the gap is only a little bit changed by one and a half circles.

The live broadcast of the radio camera focused on chasing the little Chinese trappers. Whenever the stage zoomed in, the audience in front of the TV could clearly see the running posture of the short athletes who ran first. She was wearing a short tracksuit like a vest, with only her face There is a light sweat, not like other athletes like sweat.

The audience was stunned.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the speed of the little flying man of Huaxia did not decrease. On the second lap of No.20, the little flying man widened the gap with the athletes behind to the second lap, and the gap was still widening. On the third lap of No.20, the little flying man speeded up again. Go to the arrow, and the castration is like a rainbow.

That little figure ran around the field at the speed of a comet attacking the earth. Every time she chased the athletes who were a few laps behind, she took the initiative to go around, never contacting any athlete, and avoided the outermost side Whenever she surpasses other athletes by about 20 meters, she will cut into the first track and run wildly. ,

No.20 four laps, No.20 five laps.

In the last lap of 200 meters, Huaxia Little Flying Man was like a runaway wild horse, like a galloping sports car, rushing at an incomparable speed, and dashed across the finish line like a wave of wind.

"Wow—" Huaxia Little Flying Man crossed the finish line, and countless audiences couldn't help standing up and giving warm congratulations.

Amid the thunderous applause, the flying man ran forward about ten meters due to inertial force before stopping his body, and immediately retreated to the outer runway, to the seventh and eighth runway, to let other athletes pass by.

(End of this chapter)

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