magic eye doctor

Chapter 106 Uninvited

Chapter 106 Uninvited
Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were so enthusiastic that Chao Yubo and Li Yubo both saw their eyebrows twitched into thin lines. Except for shock, they were confused.

There was only one thought in Li Yubo's mind. Those two must be sick and confused, so they would do such naive things. Apart from that, he couldn't think of a reason.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao are soldiers. Soldiers help the weak and suppress evil. However, it depends on the location and object. In the past, although Liu Shao and Yan Shao would not laugh at Brother Chao face to face for being weak, they would not help when others were making fun of him. Brother Chao, generally speaking, the attitude of the two of them is probably neutral.

But now?

Now the two of them have volunteered to be porters, especially when they don't need anyone's help at all. This is a problem.

Why on earth?

A flash of luck flashed through his mind, and Li Yubo suddenly realized that the goal of the two was Lele!Liu Shao and Yan Shao came to help, running towards Lele Little Loli.

Chao Yubo's delicate eyebrows were knitted tightly. He knew that Liu Shao and Lele had a relationship in the morning, but Xiao Lele didn't particularly want to get acquainted with Liu Shao, so he didn't ask Lele too much, nor did he I thought about introducing Shao Liu and Shao Yan to Lele.

In any case, if you can, of course, the more you know the local aristocratic families in this area of ​​Kyoto, the better, especially the wealthy and powerful families who are in important positions in the family. Sometimes a single sentence can help people solve many potential problems. Trouble.

Speaking of which, if you can get to know Liu Shao and Yan Shao, it will be the icing on the cake for Lele's future. Because the Yan family's situation is a little complicated, so in the morning Liu Shao intends to make friends with Xiao Lele, but Xiao Lele is not enthusiastic. He didn't say much.

The current situation shows that Shao Liu and Shao Yan seem to be in a relationship, but he can't figure out why Liu Shao is so enthusiastic?
Liu Shao sometimes does things unreliably, and occasionally comes up with a whim, and that's not surprising. The strange thing is that Liu Shao has the suspicion of rushing to curry favor with a little girl, but Yan Shao did not stop it. There must be some tricks in it.

Chao Yubo was puzzled that Yan Shao not only did not stop Liu Shao, but also silently participated in it to show his support. Liu Shao was hot-headed, and Yan Shao was not the kind of person with a small mind.

Confused, he watched as Yan Shao carried a big bag and went up the stairs so majestic, the footsteps were particularly loud in his ears.

"Big Li, let's go up too." Seeing Shao Yan and Shao Liu clanging up a few steps, the boy's clenched brows widened.

"Hey." Li Shao, who was in the wild, was pulled back to his mind by the reminder, and quickly picked up things.

The items received were limited. Two large bags containing cotton tires, quilt covers, and blankets were carried away by Liu Shao and Yan Shao. The remaining one was a bucket, washbasin, water bottle and pillow. The pillow was stuffed when loading things into the car In a bucket for easy handling.

It's not a problem at all to order something like that. Li Shao carried the bucket and washbasin, while Chao only carried a kettle, and the two went upstairs one after the other.

Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing didn't know which floors they were going to, so they stopped at the second floor first, because there were no outsiders, Yan Shaochong blinked his eyes and showed an admiring smile.

Liu Xiangyang shook his hair proudly and couldn't hold back his pride. See he has a good plan, right?There is a saying that a soldier never tires of deceit, sometimes to achieve the goal, you can ignore all the face and other things.

Classmate Chao and Shao Li climbed halfway up the stairs and saw Shao Yan and Shao Liu waiting for them on the second floor. They felt extremely powerless. Those two......

Well, they don't know what to say. If two tall, strong guys want to be good people, they can go to help the freshmen carry their luggage, but they are better, leaving a lot of people who need help and not helping them. Come and help move the quilt, this is too fake!

The two-year-old boy was embarrassed to say it clearly, smiled at the two kind-hearted elders, walked in front and led the way, climbed the stairs one step at a time, and climbed to the fourth floor at a turtle speed.

After Chao and Li left, Le Xiao quickly fetched water to clean the freezer, cleaned the inside several times, connected the power and tested the freezer.

The newly purchased freezer cannot be frozen at the time. It needs to be powered on for 2-4 hours to see if it can freeze and frost, and then officially let it work.

After finishing one, go to the kitchen to cook. Before starting work, replace some of the vegetables you bought from the fruit and vegetable store, throw the bought ones away in the space, take out the ones in the space and put them outside, ready to cook for a while to eat.

When shopping, everything is up to her. She can buy whatever she wants. She chooses vegetables grown in the space, such as cabbage, pumpkin, pumpkin seedlings and flowers, eggplant, lettuce, beans, and a few corn buds. Son, a handful of onions.

Onions, there are no seeds in the space, she just throws a handful in the space for seedlings.

Because I bought back the freezer at the same time, I bought a little more of each vegetable, which is basically enough for a day. If I don’t go out tomorrow, I don’t have to worry about running out of vegetables.

The success of stealing the beam and changing the column, and washing the vegetables happily.

There was a guest at noon, and she was a friendly guest who had just saved a lot of money for herself. Le Yun decided to make more lunch dishes to thank brother Chao's classmates.

Although it was a chance encounter, from the words between Brother Chao and Brother Li, she also guessed that Brother Chao and Brother Li must be very close, so he said that Brother Li would give a discount. If the relationship is normal, Brother Chao will not owe any favor. .

After thinking about it, in order to save time, I cleaned the newly bought mini rice cooker, boiled the chicken and matsutake soup, and then washed the beans, eggplant, and pumpkin.

After the preparations are done, start cooking, first make a piece of meat and stir-fry beans, make a dish, wash the pot and want to fry the second dish, the movement suddenly stops, as if you heard the voice of the person you met this morning?

Le Yun focused on cooking, and did not pay special attention to the outside, but a naturally formed conditioned reflex. When she heard a familiar sound, her nervous system naturally reacted.

When I listened to it, it was indeed the voice of the one who appeared with the eunuch in the morning. Moreover, there were four footsteps. Needless to say, two of them must be Brother Chao and Brother Li, the extra two...

Le Yun holding the pot, the whole person is a little bad, wouldn't it really be the eunuch and that one?When she heard footsteps arriving at the door, she quickly turned off the induction cooker.

Classmates Chao and Li took the two young masters to the fourth floor. Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan acted as if nothing happened. They didn't even change their breathing. Young Master Li didn't feel tired, only Classmate Chao was panting.

The delicate young man was just panting a little anxiously, and he didn't appear to be out of breath, nor did he look like he was about to faint from exhaustion, which also surprised Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing. Brother Chao was famous for his frailty. It's possible to catch a cold and be hospitalized if you blow the wind, and it's okay to climb up to the fourth floor in one breath. It's just... It's not normal.

After taking two breaths, Chao Yubo pushed the door open. The door was hidden, and as soon as it was pushed, it opened. As soon as the door opened, the faint scent that had been smelled on the third floor before penetrated the human nose.

"It smells so good!"

Li Yubo and Liu Xiangyang shouted in unison.

Yan Xing secretly swallowed, the taste was a little familiar!That time in Shennong Mountain, the yam porridge that Little Loli cooked for her had a similar taste.

Thinking of the yam porridge he had eaten in the deep mountains, his mouth was full of saliva. It tasted really beautiful. After he returned to Beijing, he also ate yam and yam porridge many times, but it was not as delicious as Xiao Loli's cooking. , even if it is made in a star-rated restaurant, you can't taste that kind of delicious taste.

Smelling the fragrance, the smile on Chao Yubo's face deepened, and Xiao Lele was making nutritious soup for him again!
With joy in his heart, the boy's eyes filled with soft light, he pushed the door aside, nodded his head, and took the lead in entering the house. At a glance, he saw a person standing in front of the kitchen stove, and his whole person was light and light.

"Lele, we're back, and..."

The boy was about to say that there was another guest when he was interrupted by a cheerful voice: "Little beauty, we'll bring your luggage up."

Li Yubo couldn't help it, and he shattered in his heart. Mrs. Liu is shameless, so I don't need their help with that luggage, okay?
Grab work, grab credit, shameless!
Silently, Li Shao put a label on Liu Shao, despising Liu Shao's shameless behavior.

Liu Xiangyang followed Li Yubo into the dormitory, sizing up and taking the lead. When he saw the inside of the small apartment, he was very jealous. It turned out to be a suite with one bedroom, one living room and one kitchen, and the treatment was good!
Yan Xing followed the three and stepped into the small living room. Everything was clear at a glance, and the air was filled with fragrance, which made people feel comfortable.

When the door was pushed open, Le Yun tilted her head and saw Brother Chao and Brother Li who had entered the room one after another through the glass. When she saw the two handsome young men who followed closely, they were all in a bad mood, and the eunuch was too embarrassed to come? !
When he became a hooligan, and dared to run around in front of her, she didn't know whether to say that the eunuch was thick-skinned or that he was courageous.

That guy knew who she was, and even ran in front of her, did he think she wouldn't dare to beat him?Or, she didn't beat him this morning, he thought she forgot about him being a hooligan?

She didn't know whether he remembered what he said at the time. He said that when he was caught, she would have to beg for mercy, and she would not dare to forget it, especially when he saved the eunuch's life for the second time. She didn't even dare to say her real name, and it was even more impossible for her to forget it.

Come uninvited, either rape or steal.

The one who came to make friends in the morning, she clearly expressed that she didn't want to get close, but now she came to make friends again, there must be some ulterior motive, Le Yun frowned, her mind turned quickly, the eunuch came to make a close relationship, whether she wanted to take revenge or want to Pay back?
To tell the truth, whether it was revenge or revenge, she didn't want to pay attention to him.

Le Yun was in a very bad mood and wanted to throw the eunuch out, so she immediately threw the pot away, turned around with a smile on her face, and just met a few lines of sight, she smiled brightly: "Thank you for your hard work, the school spirit of Qingda University is good, and there are people everywhere. , two, thank you, I'm in a mess here, so I won't entertain you two."

(End of this chapter)

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