magic eye doctor

Chapter 107 The Realm of Cheeky

Chapter 107 The Realm of Cheeky

what? !

When Classmate Le's crisp words came down, Chao Yubo and Li Yubo were stunned. They said they would stretch out their hands not to hit the smiling faces, but now Xiao Lele doesn't even say hello and directly evicts them. Two uninvited guests?

Chao Yubo couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his eyebrows. In the morning, Shao Liu came together, and Xiao Lele was not enthusiastic. He thought that Lele was just because he was not familiar with it. Now it seems that maybe it is not only because he is not familiar, but there must be other reasons. It made Lele not like Liu Shao very much, so she chased people out of face.

How did Liu Shao and Lele meet?What happened again?

The young man rubbed the position of his forehead and felt very puzzled. He felt that the relationship between Lele and Liu Shao must not be as simple as a one-sided relationship, and the hidden feelings in it are worth exploring.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were also shocked. Yan Xing had Zhang Jun's face on his face, full of a smile like Mu Chunyang. When he heard the words to see off the guest, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze. Li has been with her, and she vaguely knows that Little Loli is cruel and cruel, and she is also the kind of person who never thinks about saving face. She didn't say anything when she saw him in the morning, thinking that there was an old grudge between her and him. Hooked away, but never expected to be so humiliating now.

despised? !

Looking at the smiling face of the little girl, Liu Xiangyang was stunned. They were ordered to be expelled in person. This is not true, it must not be true!

"Uh!" He was stunned for half a second, his somewhat stiff smile instantly brightened, as if he didn't care, and answered briskly, "Little beauty, you're welcome, Xiaoxingxing and I are old friends with Xiaochao and Xiaoli. Dao is a friend of a friend and also a friend. You are Xiaochao Xiaoli's friend and of course our friend. We have several relationships, and this relationship is even closer. They are not outsiders. You are busy with you, don't ask us, With Xiao Chao and Xiao Li here, we are also at home."

Liu Xiaoxiao pretended to be dumb and stunned, and under the guise of Chao and Li, he climbed up to make friends without blushing or panting. His tone and expression were justifiable, as if it was only natural and natural for them to help.

I... I fuck his ancestors!

Le Yun swears in her heart, that guy is too thick-skinned, even thicker than hers, she's making an order to evict guests, isn't she polite? !


There was only such an adjective in her mind to describe the cheeky person. She thought that back in E North, the young man looked like a ravaged chest, but she didn't expect that when she met again in Qingda, she would become a shameless and skinless scumbag. The difference between before and after is like two people.

The other party is so thick-skinned, what else can she say?

He is rough-skinned and shameless. She still understands what it means to have face. Besides, even if she can not give face to those two, but they are friends with brother Chao, they don't look at the face of the Buddha, they look at the face of elder brother Chao. On, she was embarrassed to issue a second eviction order.

Therefore, Le Yun had no choice but to take a step back, ignoring the two of them, turning around and turning on the power of the induction cooker to continue cooking.

"..." Li Yubo was stunned again. He had seen a shameless person before, but he had never seen such a shameless person. Liu Shao's thick skin was rare in the world, and he accepted it.

Chao Yubo's face twitched several times, Liu Shao was indifferent to Lele one after another, but he still didn't give up. No matter what else, this perseverance was remarkable.

In the same way, Liu Shao repeatedly came up to compliment Lele, and he knew that he and Yan Shao must have plans, but they didn't know what they were planning.

For a moment, he calmed down again, and gave Liu Shao and Yan Shao a light smile: "With Lao Yan Shao Liu Shao's help, the two of you sit down first."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Liu Xiangyang smiled brightly, placed his things against the wall, and followed Brother Chao and Brother Li to take a seat at the wooden table.

The supplies in the apartment are all matching, a table, a table and four chairs. Those apartments with one living room and two bedrooms just live in four people, and one chair is just enough for one person. In the apartment with one living room and one room, there are two more chairs. There is also a place for one or two guests to sit.

Classmate Le occupies an apartment by himself, so he can receive at least three guests, but now there are two young people, two small and four young people, and one person and one chair have taken up all the chairs.

Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing sat down, and the two of them glanced at the watermelon and cucumber tomatoes stacked on the corner of the wall. The three fruits exuded a tempting aroma, and the aroma wafting from the small kitchen made people salivate.

They were sure that the three kinds of fruits must be delicious, but it was not easy to directly say that they wanted to eat them, and the two of them felt itchy as if they were scratching by a cat.

"Xiao Lele has just arrived, and it hasn't been set up yet, there is no boiled water, and there is no tea to serve. I'm wronged." Chao Yubo expressed his apology. Xiao Lele brought fruit to Beijing. Yesterday and this morning, they both ate fruit, so no need Drink water, so don't boil water.

After seeing how cheeky Liu Shao was, he didn't want to boil water. If he boiled water to make tea, it would take half an hour at least, and maybe those two would be cheeky and stay for dinner.

He doesn't want to keep Liu Shao and Yan Shao for dinner, 1 people don't want to, if they stay, they will definitely share the soup that Lele made for him, he is reluctant to let those two eat that kind of good food, especially he is afraid that they will eat I tasted the taste once, and I will find opportunities to have a meal every now and then.

The most urgent idea of ​​the delicate boy was to find a way to send the uninvited guest away quickly. Watching Liu Dashao scan the fruit brought by Lele, his sense of crisis was even heavier. Before the two could speak, he stood up and walked to the side.

"I'm going to wash the fruit." He sent the hostage first, so that the cheeky one would ask for some kind of fruit, which they couldn't refuse at the time.

"You're welcome, Xiao Chao." Liu Xiangyang's eyes lit up, um, Xiao Chao took the initiative to invite them to eat when he knew they wanted to taste that fragrant melon and fruit, what a good boy.

Seeing that Chao Shao went to wash the fruit, Li Yubo's heartstrings were tense, Xiao Chao, Mr. Chao, don't wash the cucumbers, you have to keep that kind of good stuff for yourself, you know?

He remembered that Shao Shao complained when he was in the car that he stole his special fruit, saying that the cucumber was a non-polluting fruit brought by Xiao Lele from E North, and he even ate it.

Chao Shao's expression was very resentful, and he also expressed his understanding. Cucumbers are delicious, ten times better than the pollution-free fruits he has eaten. Although he doesn't know how tomatoes and watermelons taste, according to the taste of cucumbers, those two are also the same. Must be good.

Lele Little Loli said that there are fruits after lunch, and he is still waiting to taste watermelon and tomatoes. He didn't expect that there are two more people now. This is the rhythm of grabbing their delicious food, which is unacceptable.

He silently prayed that Chao Shao would never go to the cucumbers. When he saw Chao Shao walking directly to the cucumber pile and squatting down, he almost wanted to cry. Those cucumbers were so good, he had not eaten enough, how could he tell them apart? give to someone?


Li Yubo's deep resentment, fierce and endless joy, Chao Shao squatted down and didn't take the cucumbers, watermelons and tomatoes, but took a bag of fruits they bought in the morning. He remembered that the bag was apples and peaches, or He chose it himself.

Chao Shao didn't choose the fruit brought by Xiao Lele, Li Da Shao's heart was properly settled, hum hum, Chao Shao also knew that fat and water did not flow to outsiders, so I would like to give it a compliment.

When Liu Xiangyang saw that the little princess of the Chao family didn't take tomatoes, cucumbers or watermelons, his heart immediately turned cold. He wanted to eat tomatoes, he wanted to eat tomatoes...

He originally wanted to remind him, but who knew that he hadn't organized the language yet, and the little princess Chao stood up and walked to the kitchen with a bag of fruits.

The delicate and beautiful boy was holding a bag of fruit, and he was very grateful for Da Li's persistence. When he went to the mall, he and Lele were not going to buy fruit, but Da Li insisted on buying it, saying that it was the first time he was a guest in Lele's dormitory, and he couldn't be empty-handed. If you don't buy a fruit basket, you have to buy some apples anyway, as a sign of peace and joy.

At that time, he and Lele couldn't beat Da Li, so he asked him to buy four kinds of fruits, including apples, bananas, cantaloupe, and peaches.

In a slightly better mood, the boy has a deep smile on his lips, his eyes are curved, his steps are brisk, he floats into the small kitchen, and blinks at Xiao Lele, who is looking over his head, with an expression like "I don't give good things to others" .

When Le Yun was making braised eggplants, she couldn't help laughing until the corners of her mouth grinned. All foodies are food-friendly, and Brother Chao is also a food-protector. This way, Brother Chao is even cuter.

Being praised with a smile, Chao Yubo was elated and did not speak. He put the fruit bag on the stove table, took a small basin, picked two apples and two peaches, washed them, put them in a small plastic basket, and took a fruit knife and Take a plate out together.

While waiting for the fruit to come to the table, Liu Xiangyang's mind kept running, his eyes flashed from time to time, and his expression was particularly rich.

Young Master Yan was very calm, he didn't say anything, his handsome face was calm and calm, and he was his beautiful man quietly.

Li Shao pays attention to those two people from time to time, and focuses on guarding against Yan Shao, for fear that he will trick Liu Shao. He knows that Yan Shao seems to be gentle and elegant, charming, noble, beautiful, gentle and harmless. Ah's stomach is full of bad water, whoever provokes him, it's still light if he can't get off the ground for three or five months, and it may be cleaned up to half-dead.

Fortunately, Young Master Yan has always been very calm, and he didn't want to make any crooked ideas. He didn't really feel at ease until Young Master Chao brought out the fruit. To be honest, he couldn't handle Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu, but Young Master Chao was fine. Don't. Seeing that Chao Shao is soft and weak, she is as delicate as a girl, but such a person with no power to tie a chicken can be on an equal footing with Yan Shao.

The little princess of the Chao family didn't greet her with those tempting scents, and Liu Xiangyang was helpless. When he saw the delicate and delicate boy holding the fruit, his face was clear and clear. When the boy greeted him and said he would do it himself, he immediately Take a fruit knife, take an apple and put it on a plate in quarters, then grab a piece and bite yourself.

Yan Shao also took a piece silently and ate it slowly, while Li Shao cut a peach with a fruit knife and ate the peach flesh piece by himself.

Liu Dashao took a few bites, and his face showed a smile that was warmer than in March in the spring. He praised a few "delicious" in a sincere tone: "The apples are delicious, and the dishes made by the little beauty taste good. It's more fragrant, it's better to come early than to come by coincidence, we can taste the craftsmanship of the little beauty for the first time today, and it's a blessing."

Om -

It was like a thunderstorm struck from a clear sky, and Li Yubo and Chao Yubo were scorched inside and tender outside. Does this guy mean to keep the rice? !

Liu Shao's face has become thick to a certain level, and they are beyond the reach of them, and they are speechless. The two handsome young faces changed three times in an instant, and they silently looked at Yan Shao, and then their eyes fell directly on Liu Shao's face. Go, at this time, they can't say anything, it's up to the host to decide whether to keep the guests or not.

Le Yun, who was cooking lunch, almost wanted to throw the pot and spatula. I have seen a shameless person, but I have never seen such a shameless person. Does that guy have any sense of shame?

She gave the order to evict the guests, they didn't leave, and now they are brazen enough to try to rub off their food, it's too shameful!

Indignant in his heart, Pi Xiaorou responded without a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't know there were guests, I only cooked meals for me and brother Chao and Brother Li. If the two of you insisted on tasting my craftsmanship, you can only invite two of them. Have a bowl of noodles."

Liu Xiangyang glanced at someone in Yan, and seeing that his brother did not object, he immediately shouted excitedly: "It doesn't matter, whether it's rice or noodles, just eat some."

Chao Yubo and Li Yubo's faces changed again. They were very depressed and powerless. Those two gave up their old faces and made up their minds to stay and eat?

They didn't understand what the two were thinking, Lele's meaning of chasing people was so clear, why did that person pretend to be stupid again and again?

The hearts of the two brothers were extremely depressed. This noon was originally their small gathering, and they could have had a good meal, but the two of them insisted on interfering with each other, and wanted to share their own delicious food. It hurts to think about it. .


Hearing the answer, Le Yun almost jumped and went to his whole family. Where did the cheekiness come from? !Others describe people as thick-skinned, saying that their faces are thicker than the city wall. She thinks that those two guys have thicker faces than the Great Wall, so shameless, do their family know?

Taking a deep breath, taking another deep breath, and taking two deep breaths, Le Xiaoxiao smiled deeply.

Xiao Lele didn't object anymore, Chao Yubo and Li Yubo felt even more resentful, and the fat water was going to flow to outsiders. They were unhappy, unhappy, unhappy, and said important things three times!

Having successfully obtained the opportunity to stay, Liu Xiangyang didn't feel blushing at all, but instead was full of high-spirited spirit and good-looking.

Yan Xing never said a word. When Liu Xiangyang won the opportunity to stay for dinner, a smile flashed across his eyes. Weili Xiaoluoli ordered to evict the guests again, and clearly drove them away and did not want to keep them for dinner, indicating that he did not want to see him. He just wanted to stay and see if he could cry at her.

She is not happy, he is happy.

She didn't want to see him, he just wanted to shake in front of her eyes.

He can't hit her, he can't touch her, he can dangle in front of her every day, run to get in her eyes from time to time, humiliate her, and he can't believe that he can't stimulate her.

If you can't clean her up, you can block her.

You can't hit her, you can block her.

You can't fix her, you can block her.

Therefore, he decided that as long as he is still studying at Qingda University, he will block her when he has the chance, not to make her mad, but also to make her mad.

(End of this chapter)

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