magic eye doctor

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

The big kitchen opens at twelve o'clock.

At the end of the day, each sect sends its own team to the tent and umbrella, and ten people sit around a table. Each family follows the rule of first come, first come. The first comer is in the tent near the central lawn, and the later ones go outward. Row, basically where you sit for the first time, it will be fixed thereafter.

There are no benches in the tent, only a picnic cloth is spread on the ground, and each table serves its own meals, and the dishes are served on large stainless steel plates. Vegetarian Zen Taoists can choose vegetarian food, and those who do not avoid meat and vegetables can choose from two options. Generally, only two meat and two vegetarian dishes are selected, and vegetarians generally choose three vegetarian dishes.

The rice is beaten by oneself, and there is a small washbasin-like plate where the bowl is placed for the rice.The rice bowl is also made of stainless steel, so it is not afraid of falling.

It was the first time for Little Lolita to attend a party. At any rate, she learned all kinds of rules from Young Master Xuan, and she was very conscious. She thought about where to go first to have a meal, and then she could start a fire by herself at night.

In fact, wherever she wants to sit, she will raise her hand to welcome her, but Lord Yudao doesn't give others a chance. She snatches people to her side. What does she look like sitting in a crowd of men.

Under the guise of Little Lolita's personal bodyguard, Young Master Yan naturally followed Little Lolita, and Zhong Li's family also reserved a place for the little girl and their disciples, so they couldn't grab Master Yudao.

Xuan Shao and the others went to their own dining tables. Professor Fu and Zhai didn't come. Their family and Wan Qi's family went in a team, and Cai and Chen sat with the three families.

Cultivators are firm in nature, and they are not picky about what they eat, as long as they can fill their stomachs. No one is picky and picky.

Master Yudao and other old masters were not picky, and they ate with relish.

Penglai Xiandao has fewer people leaving the island, only eight people. The old island owner brought his personal maid, Xiao Narcissus, and the other four are Dharma protectors. They look like they are 60 or [-] years old, but they are all over [-] years old.

The old women are very tolerant towards the juniors, and the little Lolita is fair, cute, and You Qi has a shallow dimple when she smiles. They all like her very much, and rush to poke her dimples before dinner.

Yan Xing was very law-abiding and ate very quietly. He became the last person to finish the meal. He put away the plates and bowls, wiped the cloth on the floor, folded them up and put them in the middle, and then sent the bowls to the washing place. After washing it for the first time, put it in a clean water basin.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, he went to the small plane to get the watermelon, bamboo basket, fruit plate and fruit knife, moved them into the little loli's tent, put a pot of tea in the corner of the tent, and waited quietly for the little loli to come back.

After dinner, we needed to digest food. Le Xiao had a chat with Yudaozhu, Xuanjia, Jiangjia and others before each family went back to their tents for afternoon repairs. Back to their own territory, they felt much more relaxed. Facing so many The old Gu understands that it is impossible to say that there is no pressure, but she is always on guard against being tricked.

Little Lolita only sat for less than 10 minutes. Professor Wan Cheng accompanied his elder brother Wan Chenghe, took his grandson, two young people and a young boy into the tent of his primary school students, and he and his brother sat at the table in front of the little girl. On the left and right sides of the room, Wang Ershao sat down next to his grandfather. Anyway, he has nothing to do with him, so he can just sit.

Two young people and one young boy lined up in a row, especially restrained, the older two were around the age of weak crowns, and the younger one was about ten years old, a bunch of childish.

The old professor was not polite, and he touched the little head of the elementary school student with one hand: "Xiao Lele, your teacher's family is a medical family, and it has been passed down to your senior brother's generation, so your senior brother studied medicine, so the brat of your senior brother's generation I'm too lazy to bring embarrassment, I just bring these three to make a face, "

He pointed at the two young men and introduced: "These two are Xiaochen and Xiaoye's elder brother Wanqi Ruijing and Wancheng Ruimin, and they are also your junior nephews. In your generation, these two are the only ones who have learned It's related to pharmacy, boys, come here and meet your little uncle, learn a little in the future, don't dare to be careful, and discount your dog legs."

"Hey!" The two young men hurriedly responded, obediently bowing down to salute the little uncle: "Hello, little uncle!"

"Well, good boy, you're welcome too. Sit down first." There was a junior who was younger than herself, and Le Yun instantly entered the role of a loving elder. She smiled and accepted the gift from the junior teachers and nephews.

The two young men with eighty percent similar faces immediately slipped to the Patriarch's side and sat down cross-legged, sitting upright with their waists straight, for fear of being picked on by the little uncle.

The old professor pointed to the only child standing: "This is Xiaochen's nephew, Wan Qixiang, ten years old this year, and there are four peers in his generation. He is the only child who is interested in Chinese medicine. The old man felt very sad and relieved at the same time, but fortunately, there is another one who has not forgotten his ancestor, Xiao Lele, how do you look at your grand nephew? Xiao Jixiang, kowtow to your little grand uncle."

The young boy secretly glanced at the person who was praised by the grandparents with his big clever eyes, pursed his lips and smiled, and heard that he was told to kowtow, blinked, really want to kowtow?
The little boy was very young, Le Yun thought he was the youngest of Wang Erxiao's generation, but who knew he was Wang Erxiao's nephew, it was not so good at that time, oh my god, she was promoted to a grandma-level elder up?
"He looks very clever, so you don't need to kowtow, come and sit in front of me, and I'll feel your pulse." You can't kowtow, because if you kowtow, it's not as simple as calling him "Master Uncle".

Hearing that there is no need to kowtow, the young boy let out a happy "Hey", trotted to the small table and sat down, put his hands on the table, and raised a cute smile: "Hello, little master uncle."

"Well, hello, little master and nephew." The little guy also had a round face. Le Yun stretched out her paws and pinched the child's face, pinched the face, and then touched the head: "You are much cuter than your uncles, good boy."

Wang Ershao and his two elder brothers looked at each other, then silently lowered their eyes, um, fortunately, the little master didn't touch their heads.

Wan Qijixiang, who was praised as a good boy, blushed and didn't know what to say.

The two Wancheng brothers are so happy that they can see their teeth but not their eyes, and the little girl likes to tease children, so the little auspicious is blessed.

The boy’s expression is so cute, Le Yun is afraid of making him cry, so he doesn’t tease him anymore, and helps him feel his pulse. The boy has practiced martial arts since childhood, and his physical fitness is excellent. Unblocked, there are still a few things related to memory and smell.

"Professor, this child has a few spiritual apertures that are not cleared, and the meridians are not very smooth. I will give him a few needles to open the openings at night. The meridians don't need to be dredged at the moment. He hasn't cultivated his internal strength yet. Dredging the meridians of the whole body too early is not necessarily a problem. Good thing."

"Okay, I'll leave this kid to you." Professor Wan Teng was so happy. The fourth generation of Wan Teng's family has such a seedling with the ambition to inherit the ancestral business. If you can help him open up his mind, he will surely achieve even greater achievements in the future.

"I didn't bring a meeting gift, and I didn't have any gifts for my nephew and grandnephew. You go to my small kitchen tomorrow morning, and I will treat my nephew and grandnephew to breakfast."

The two young men smiled, and shouted, "Xie Xiaoshishu."

The voices of the two of them who are uncles are too loud, covering up the thanking "Master Uncle" of the child who is the nephew.

Wang Ershao looked at his elder brother and nephew, but said nothing.

Yan Xing sat on the right side of the little loli, especially conscious of being a handyman. When the little loli finished her business, he quickly hugged a watermelon and cut it into pieces, and put it on the small table to invite the young and old of Wanqi's family to eat melon.

Wan Qi and Wan Qi Xing were in a good mood eating watermelon. They were about to tease the disciple of the old man Shanweng for being a good boy. Another wave of people arrived outside. Hearing the sound of people talking, the two brothers wanted to hold their foreheads together. ——Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, the old man Shanweng is here!

Old Man Shanweng is not alone, there is also his senior brother—Qian Wubing, the head of Lianhua Zhengzong, and the six disciples of Lianhua Zhengzong, all of whom are in Taoist robes and have immortal demeanor.

In the same group, there are six people from Guanyin Hall, Yiman is also included, they are all old people about five or sixty years old, and their faces are relatively peaceful, very similar to the old people next door.

There are also six members from the Tianji sect of the Xuan sect who live in Aljin Mountain, led by Duanmu Songzi, accompanied by his disciple Aohe, and the six are also wearing Taoist uniforms.

There are also 12 disciples of Baiyun Temple and six disciples of the Ren family.

Some of the group of people had luggage on their backs, and all of them were like walking on white clouds. They walked across the grass lightly and lightly, and arrived outside the party camp. tent.

When Wan Tenghe heard someone say who was coming, he led his disciples to get up and walked out of the little girl's tent. Some people came and they didn't have to show up. When the authentic head of Lianhua arrived, they had to be greeted.

The Xuan family, the Jiang family and other sect leaders all went out to see each other. The owner of Penglai Xiandao did not go out, and the Penglai Lianhua Authentic Sect was a sect that transcended all sects. She is old, so there is no need to go out to see the ceremony.

So many people went out, Le Yun scurried outside, and glanced away, oh my god, that fairy and charming old Taoist priest's Buddha dust handle is so strong!
Look at the old Taoist priest again, ahhh, he is a master of the world just like Master Yudao.

She looked up at the sky, this world has always been a fantasy, some things are really beyond science, mysterious and mysterious, for example, the old Taoist priest, he has a special kind of energy, that should be the power of faith and Haoran righteousness.

Yan Xing followed little Lolita, and when he saw his uncle, master, and seniors, he bent down at ninety degrees: "Welcome to my uncle, my master! Welcome to my seniors, all my fellow seniors."

Sect Master Qian saw everyone greeted each other and nodded his head in greeting. His sect disciples all sang a promise, and all the people behind followed him to salute.

Zhong Liyu saw his apprentice, his eyes were joyful, and he didn't make a sound. Sect Master Qian saw that the little nephew didn't listen to the elder's order and didn't dare to stand up. He became more and more satisfied, and floated to the lawn, and moved Buddha dust to his nephew: "Xiaolong Bao Wangli, you just need to take care of the little girl, the uncle and your master and elders don't need your service, so you don't have to be distracted."

"Uncle Xie." Yan Xing straightened up when he heard the sound, and still stayed by Little Lolita's side.

At this moment, the Nalan family of the Dongfang family and many people who have not been very clear about Yan Xing's sect suddenly realized that Young Master Yan is actually an authentic disciple of Lianhua!

They only knew that Old Man Shan Weng was a descendant of the Zhongli Clan, and also knew that Old Man Shan Weng had another sect, but they didn't know which sect or sect he was a disciple of. They speculated that his master's status in a certain sect might not be low, The second Qian Zongzhu came to the capital to congratulate Miss Le and congratulate Ji Ji. They didn't expect Qian Zongzhu and Yan Xing to be the uncle and nephew.

Suddenly understanding what faction Master Yan Xing came from, many people were secretly excited, fortunately they had never had any enmity with Yan Xing, otherwise if he suffered wronged that he shouldn't, Lianhua Zhengzong would not agree.

Although I don't understand why Lianhua Zhengzong and Penglai Island value the immortal doctors so much, I can imagine that there must be some reason they don't know, and that reason should be extremely important.

Everyone secretly had their own calculations again, even if they couldn't become friends with Miss Le, it didn't matter if they were nodding acquaintances, they absolutely couldn't become enemies of life and death.

Le Yun didn't know what everyone was thinking. Seeing the old Taoist priest who was full of immortality, he clasped his fists and saluted: "Le Yun has met Master Qian and all the seniors."

"Good afternoon, little girl, you are polite." Sect Master Qian bowed to the little girl with one hand when he saw the aura of the young girl, his brows and eyes were like the first moon breaking through the clouds, and his eyes were soft. If the rumors are correct, then the little girl must be an extraordinary person .

The ancestors of the Xuan family, the Jiang family, the Ji family, and the others were shocked. Sect Master Qian treats the little girl as equals?

"Good afternoon, Daoist, you are being polite, little girl." Le Yun turned sideways, returned a salute in a way that only received half a salute, and discussed with the seniors with a smile: "Senior Daoist, let's have a discussion, you guys Let's take Yan Xing away, don't let him stay by my side, I'm afraid of him."

"But what did Xiao Longbao do to make the little girl unhappy? He dared to provoke you, the little girl just started beating me up, and Xiao Longbao's elders and I have no objection." Qian Zongzhu looked at the little nephew and saw a picture of the little nephew. With an aggrieved face and a funny heart, does Xiao Longbao dare to speak out or is he pretending to be weak?

"Master Dao, this kid in your family has such a handsome face that he provokes peach blossoms. I'm afraid I will suffer unreasonable disasters. Second, he is too tall, like a telephone pole. You have to look up when you talk to him." On the neck, if you want to get an acupuncture point, you have to learn how to jump hard to reach it. Third, he is so good at eating that he will soon eat me up. In summary, you should carry him back."

The little girl was counting all kinds of shortcomings of Yan Shao, everyone: "..." They didn't know what to say, please allow them to laugh unkindly for a while.

"Where can I eat? At most, a meal is twice your amount. There is no way to be tall and handsome. It's because of genetics. At worst, let me know next time you press acupuncture points. I will squat down and ask you to order it back Can't you?" Yan Xing felt that he was so tragic, why is it so difficult for him to pursue Xiao Luoli as his girlfriend?

"Also, you and I are too far apart in age, we have nothing in common."

"I... I won't talk anymore." Yan Xing felt that it was better to admit cowardice, and if he defended himself a few more words, little Lolita would definitely find more reasons.

Zhong Liyu couldn't see his brows with a smile, and Qian Zongzhu was beaming with joy: "Little girl, I'd better keep you by my side as a guard, Xiao Longbao will make money, let him give you food expenses every year."

"If he pays a dime, at least ten yuan will be eaten back. No matter what, I will lose money. Forget it. If you keep it, you can keep it. Don't look at the face of the Buddha or the face of the monk. In the eyes of the Taoist elder, you and his master On the face of my uncle, I have to give him a chance to show off, but fortunately, he can drive a car, fly an airplane, cook, has good strength, and is qualified for the job of a handyman."

With a wave of her hand, Le Yun stopped reasoning with the elders of the Yan people's master's sect. She really wanted to kick someone Yan back to his master, but his senior master even asked her to Take a guard, you have to save face.

"Thank you, little girl, for taking in this little apprentice." Zhong Liyu was in a good mood, thanked her seriously, and told her apprentice solemnly: "Xiao Longbao, you should be a handyman, work hard, do more things and talk less, and don't mess with the little girl again." The girl was sent back when she was angry, and your uncle, master, and uncle have no face to intercede for you."

"Yes, Master." Yan Xing lowered his head aggrievedly, he was diligent enough, but the little Lolita didn't like him, and he didn't welcome him no matter what.

Sending the little nephew to the little girl to be a handyman, Qian Zongzhu bowed his hands to the tent on Penglai Xiandao, then bowed his hands to the four directions, and floated towards the tent next to the tent of Yudao Master.

Zhong Liyu bowed his hands to greet everyone, and followed the head of the sect with everyone into the tent and settled their luggage.

The Xuan family and other people met the ceremony with Sect Master Qian, and they were all interested, no one came up to grab attention, watched Sect Master Qian and his party get into the tent, and saluted with Baiyun Guan and others, and then went back to their own places.

Wan Tuhe knew that many people wanted to visit Miss Le, so they couldn't occupy the place and take their younger brother and three children back to their camp first.

Antman and his fellow door walked to the tent, seeing that no one else was going to snatch the little girl, they stuffed the backpack into the same door, and flew towards the little girl with a smile on his face: "Little girl, have you missed my old man lately? When my old man heard that you would come here, he guessed that you would definitely come in a small plane, and specially brought a big dried shrimp for you, and brought it to you later."

"Who are you, I don't know." Le Yun retreated with a whoosh, slipping back into the tent like a little mouse, oh my, another foodie came.

"Hahaha, little girl doesn't know me, I just need to know you, little girl, see you later." Ant Man smiled happily, and flew back to his tent like a bird.

Classmate Le is nestled in his tent, entangled in his heart, so many old people understand, should he invite others to eat together if he cooks a small stove by himself?

It's hard to please or not!
Please, all the ancestors of each family must be invited, at least all the heads of each family who have given her birthday presents must be invited once, or else they will treat each other favorably and create hatred for themselves.

Please everyone, there are too many people, at least there must be several tables.

No please, I am a little embarrassed to start a small stove by myself.

Confused for a while, sighed in secret, forget it, let’s not invite, please, I can’t afford it, after thinking about it, I looked at Yan, who was obediently acting as the air: “Handsome Yan, help me take the plane from my house. Bring the basket of melons that came, and I will send a few to Sect Master Qian and Master Yudao to taste."

Master Yu's hearing is excellent, not to mention that the little girl next door didn't hide her words. She heard the little girl say that she gave her something, and she was happy physically and mentally. It's not good for her to go to the little girl's tent. People stay, saving a lot of people from running to disturb the little guy's peace.

(End of this chapter)

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