magic eye doctor

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066
Little Lolita is too popular, and Yan Xing is willing to serve as a green leaf to accompany her. She asked herself to get the cantaloupe, but she refused in her heart. The basket of cantaloupe that Little Loli ordered by name was pollution-free and especially delicious. Eat it and it's gone.

However, she said that she would give a copy to his master and master master, and give it to Master Yudao to eat. He had no reason to object, so he gave a very gentle "hmm" and immediately went to the small plane to look for cantaloupe.

Five minutes after Colonel Yan left, Patriarch Feng brought eight members of the Feng family, young Feng He and five-year-old grandson Feng Yi to visit.

Feng He and Xiao Luoli knew each other well, when they entered the tent with the elders of the family, said hello, and sat down as the guest of honor, he introduced himself: "Little beauty, the first person next to you is my family's elder uncle, the first The two of you are me..." At the end of the introduction, he pointed to Xiao Tong: "The youngest child is my little nephew Feng Yi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Little Loli clasped her fists again and greeted the guests one by one. Everyone in the Feng family also clasped their fists in return, and handed a gift box to the owner of the house.

The head of the Feng family opened the gift box wrapped in silk and put it in front of the little girl: "It's rare for the little girl to be in Beijing. The Feng family usually doesn't travel far. I wanted to take my grandson to Beijing to ask the little girl to see a doctor, but I never had the chance." , I took the opportunity to bring it this time, you little girl."

Inside the box are a piece of beautiful jade, a ginseng and a gold ingot. The ginseng is a hundred-year-old ginseng, and the silk cloth has been untied, exuding a little smell.

"Master Feng is seeking medical treatment for this little boy?" Le Yun looked at the chubby kid. The kid was not thin, but his skin was very fair, with an unhealthy color like white flour. His face and eyes always Gives a very gloomy feeling.

Master Feng nodded and said: "Yes, this is the youngest of my grandchildren, and the youngest child of my nephew is Feng He. My young grandson has more than 20 days of restlessness in January, and it is still three days now. What’s not good here at both ends, I can’t always tell why.”

The members of the Feng family don't speak, but they have sympathy in their hearts. The recent generations of the Feng family are difficult to raise, and half of the ten always die prematurely for no reason.

"Although this child is a little insufficient in the mother's womb, it is nothing to worry about. He has been nursed a little bit too carefully, which has made his own immunity extremely low. This is not a big problem at all," Le Yun said again. Seriously scanned the child's eyes: "From a medical point of view, this child has no obvious or hidden diseases."

"The little girl means..." Patriarch Feng felt more and more wrong. From a medical point of view, there is no disease. Could it be some kind of metaphysics?

The eyes of the Feng family were a little weird, Le Yun smiled and did not explain: "The Feng family is a metaphysics family, so it is impossible for you to put the dark things in the ancient tomb in your home, and there are no dark creatures in your home, right? "

The Feng family nodded: "Yes, there have never been any dark things in the family's ancestral house."

"To tell you the truth, I don't focus on metaphysics, so I'm not particularly expert. I'm even more embarrassed in front of the Feng family. I have a few questions to ask. Does the Feng family have any old items, such as vases and flowers? Mirrors, bench tables, etc."

"Yes, there are old ornaments in many places in Fengjia, and some daily necessities can be regarded as ancient."

"The place where children live is like an inner courtyard."

"Yes, the children of the family are generally raised in the inner house after birth."

"Are children more restless at home, or always seem anxious? They always feel insecure, and they are quieter when they are accompanied by others?"

"...It's like this." Several people thought for a while and recalled it before confirming.

"Your family has no invisible genetic diseases, and your children are also free from diseases. Let me give you a suggestion. You go back and pack up and seal all the antiques and other precious things in the place where your children live, and put them on ordinary furniture. The colors should not be too festive. It’s warmer, the house can’t be changed, hang some lively paintings or natural trinkets, and make the place sunny and vibrant.”

"Is there a problem with the item?" Patriarch Feng was even more puzzled.

"There is nothing wrong with the items. There is no such thing as bacteria after being stored for a long time." Le Yun smiled brightly: "The Feng family is a metaphysics family, and they should also know that people have popularity and things have aura. The older the object, the more aura it has." Nong, the Feng family is an ancient family, and the aura of some things must have accumulated to a certain extent.

The atmosphere of the objects in a house is so strong that it can suppress the popularity to a certain extent. Generally, adults can’t feel it. Babies are the most sensitive. If they feel the strong atmosphere in the environment, they will feel uneasy, restless and easy to get sick. The possibility of neurasthenia, mental illness and other diseases caused by the environment is very high. "

"What the little girl said is very reasonable." After a moment of contemplation, Patriarch Feng knew the mystery, and expressed his thanks with cupped fists: "Thank you for your kind words, little girl. We are fans of the authorities. We will definitely change our home decoration after we go back."

"I don't dare to be, I'm just guessing, you need to try it to know if it works. Fengyi is very cute, Fengyi, come to Auntie, can you give Auntie a hug?"

The little girl with a bright smile was waving, sitting upright, Feng Yi looked at Grandpa, and nodded: "Okay."

The child with small hands and feet climbed up, walked towards the beautiful elder sister with short legs, walked a few steps to look at the elder and the younger uncle, walked to the table, walked around, walked to the elder sister from one side, and called out obediently Say "Auntie".

Le Yunshen carried the little boy over, pinched his face, looked at his teeth, reached out and dragged the backpack on the blanket, took out a pack of chicken feet with pickled peppers, and tore open the mouth for the little boy to eat: "Feng Yi Do you still remember Auntie's face when you get up tomorrow?"

"Remember." Having something to eat, Feng Yi grabbed the chicken feet and stuffed them into his mouth, and took a bite. Hearing the auntie's question, he replied first before biting.

Feng He leaned closer: "Xiao Yi, how about giving uncle a chicken paw? The little uncle will only eat one, and after eating the chicken paw, he will carry you to play by the river."

Just as he was about to share one, the little Lolita slapped the top of his head, rubbed it vigorously, and scolded angrily: "Don't you want to show some shame, you little man have the nerve to grab snacks from your little nephew?"

After being slapped by Feng He, he scrambled to the side, his handsome face blushing, um, little loli patted the little brother, he looked very amusing, and now he was slapped too.

The little girl likes Xiao Fengyi, the master Feng and his nephews are very happy, seeing Fenghe begging for his nephew's snacks and taking a slap, they all look at the joke unkindly.

Feng Yi chewed a bite of the crunchy chicken feet, and smiled until little stars appeared in his eyes, but he didn't answer the little uncle, and gnawed slowly.

"Snacks are for Xiao Fengyi's appetite, so don't even think about sharing them. Take your little nephew to my place for breakfast tomorrow morning. Now, handsome Fenghe Feng Shaofeng, carry your little nephew to the river to play, don't be old back, take him outside, and often go to the river to see if there are any fish.”

Le Yun picked up Xiao Fengyi and handed it to handsome Fenghe, and confessed by the way.

"Okay, Xiaoyi, my little uncle will carry you." Little Lolita called for breakfast tomorrow, Feng He was so happy that she put aside her shyness and squatted down, waiting for her little nephew to come over, and carried her nephew Ma Liu on her back. Let's go for a walk, the little beauty said to go to the river to observe the fish, so let's go.

Xiao Fengyi politely waved her little hand to say goodbye to Auntie.

Letting the uncle and nephew go, Le Yun took out the beautiful jade and gold ingots in the box, wrapped them in cloth and returned them to Patriarch Feng: "The box is for the consultation fee, I keep the ginseng stewed in ginseng soup."

"Little girl, this is the consultation fee, please accept it together, a good word from a little girl is worth ten thousand gold." Patriarch Feng refused to take back what was given out.

"I have always been innocent, this box and ginseng are enough."

"Alright, when the little grandson gets better, I will thank the little girl someday." Patriarch Feng took the refunded medical fee and handed it to his nephews for collection, so he could not waste the little girl's time any longer, and took his family members to say goodbye .

Many people knew that the Feng family brought gifts to visit the little girl, and they also saw Feng He leaving with the child on their backs. Seeing that the Feng family left the little girl's tent empty-handed, they guessed that the little girl accepted the gift from the Feng family.

Xuan Shao stayed with his ancestor for a while, and seeing Feng's family left, he quickly visited the little loli tent, sat down familiarly, took his own thermos cup to add water from the kettle, and his beautiful face was rippling like a white lotus. Smile: "Little beauty, when will you handle the ingredients?"

"Handsome Yan is in charge of the food. He is responsible for handling the ingredients and cooking. If you want to help move a small bench in the kitchen to sit on."

"Yeah, I'll help later." Xuan Shao happily agreed.

Yan Xing, who was about to reach the tent with the melons, wanted to scold someone. Young Master Xuan is too shameless!
He went to the helicopter to get the cantaloupe, took it to the river to wash it, rinsed it again with pure water, and took some more things before returning to the tent, just in time to see Shao Xuan slipping away to find little loli to brush her face.

In order not to be taken advantage of by that guy, Yan Xing quickly walked outside the tent with a muskmelon basket in his arms, bent over to enter, put the basket aside, put on his gloves, and asked, "Little Lolita, how much to give to Master Yu, how much to give My master master?"

"Send ten to your uncle, and pretend to be ten to me."

"it is good."

Yan Xing swiftly took ten red bags of melons, handed one bag to little Lolita, and hugged another bag himself, implying: Young Master Xuan, we are going to visit, you can go.

Unfortunately, Young Master Xuan ignored his intentions. When the little loli took melons and went to visit the tent of Lord Yudao next door, Young Master Xuan was very happy to be an escort. The fairy master next door was his great-aunt and grandmother, and he was always available. to see the elders,
Yan Xing was secretly so angry that he wanted to punch Bian Xuanshao in the face, that guy's smiling face was too flat!No one invited him, so he was embarrassed to follow him, so he rushed forward with a cantaloupe in his arms, entered the tent of the uncle's house first, and presented the little loli with a gift.

Sect Master Qian picked up one with a smile, and slowly ate it, believing in his own judgment more and more, the little girl is really extraordinary.

Zhong Liyu shared the rest of the melons with the Zongmen. Xiao Longbao praised the girl's hometown several times that the melons and fruits are unique, rare to taste, and must be shared.

 Children's shoes, I was dazzled last night, I lost a chapter and changed it again. Today's is yesterday's, and yesterday's chapter has been revised. Those who have subscribed will not be charged again to read it. What's up, everyone!
  (Acacia's eyesight has deteriorated too much recently, and she basically doesn't look at the computer or mobile phone except for code words, so it takes a long time to go to the comment area to read the messages.)
(End of this chapter)

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