magic eye doctor

Chapter 1073

Chapter 1073
Nervous, Yan Xing was very nervous, even more nervous than in ancient times when the emperor established a prince and the princes were about to reveal the answer. He was afraid that he would be shot to death by the little Lolita again.

"Don't make jokes about boyfriend and girlfriend in the future, and talk nonsense again. After you go back, you will take the initiative to change another bodyguard to fly the plane for me, so you don't show up."

Yan Ren no longer had a playful smile on his face, and Le Yun told the truth very seriously: "I don't really care what others say about me, but I can't tolerate others' slander on the issue of style. The clan has been established for a short time, and the Le family has family rules. The family rules are strict, and the three views are very upright. I also know etiquette and shame. In the ear, let him live in the shadow of a bad sister with a bad style since he was a child."

"I, I'm not talking nonsense." Yan Xing took a deep breath, took the courage to swear to death, and reiterated his emotional point of view that had been rejected several times: "I'm serious, I really want to be your boyfriend, are you The only girl who made my heart throb, even if it was a beautiful woman standing in front of me, in my eyes, except for the difference in gender characteristics, it is no different from seeing men. I thought I had gay tendencies, but I saw all kinds of men. No palpitations.

There is no gay tendency, and the reaction to beautiful women is cold. The only possibility is that I have not met the right person. I can only stay with you. My heartbeat is always uncontrollable. I want to get close to you, but I am afraid that you will dislike me. That feeling Never had it before.

I used to have cleanliness and misogyny, and I would feel uncomfortable if I had a little physical contact with women other than women who were related by blood. Even if I was a little closer to a woman, I would feel sick when I was smelled by perfume. I must I have to take a shower and wash my hands as soon as possible, so I always keep a distance from the opposite sex, and I used to keep at least one step away from Wang Qianjin.

Until I met you, I had a very strange feeling towards you when I followed you looking for something in Shennong Mountain. Even if I mistakenly thought you were a boy and made a last resort, I didn’t feel disgusted when I found you were a girl. The second The first time I was injured after changing my appearance, I was saved by you. I stayed with you and met again at Qingda University. I was close to you, and I never felt disgusted by being close to other women.

On the contrary, I feel very at ease and peaceful when I am with you. I provoked you, and you are not happy to see me, and I am also very depressed. People say that the dead duck has a hard mouth.

You beat me up and didn't fight back, not only because you saved my grandma, me, and the military and police, but I gave you a sandbag because I want to get in touch with you more. Being willing to beat me up shows that at least you don't treat me as a completely unrelated stranger, if you can get closer to you, it doesn't matter if you get beaten up.

In fact, there is another secret that I haven’t told you all the time, because only when I see you can I feel throbbing. I once suspected that I was abnormal, had some bad habits, I tested it myself, and the result was no matter how cute I was. What beautiful boys and girls are very calm, which proves that I don't have that bad habit;
I thought about it for a long time and realized the fact that you are different from me. I am not compatible with other women, but only attract you. When I think of you, my heart throbs. I want to be by your side. Participate in all your life, afraid that you are afraid of being snatched away, always guarding against other people like thieves, everyone will think you are a pervert.

I like you, the kind of pure love that a boy has for a girl, the deep, deep love, the kind that wants to tie you by his side for the rest of his life. "

Yan Xing was slowly pouring out his thoughts, speaking very slowly, looking at the little Lolita frowning deeply, his heart ached, for fear that she would flatly refuse and not give his feelings a chance to survive, and change his mind Time quickly picked up the topic again: "Baby Le, I'm serious about you, I know I'm too old, but I can't control my heart, it's too difficult to keep him from approaching you.

You are right not to fall in love early. When I wait until you are willing to talk about friends, can you at least give me an equal chance to compete with others?
In the meantime, I will only perform my job duties and serve as a handyman and bodyguard for you. I guarantee that I will be safe and secure, and I will not take advantage of others for personal gain. I only hope that when you become an adult and want to find a boyfriend, you will include me in the list. Consider the list and give me a chance to compete fairly. If I am really far behind the person you selected, I can give up on myself. In the future, apart from work, I will never get entangled in personal emotions.

Le baby, Le baby, are you listening? "

Yan Ren was talking about his relationship problems, Le Yun listened very carefully, the more he listened, the more... Horrifying, oh my god, the old man really has an unruly heart for himself... Uh, no, it’s not right to describe it as an unruly heart, it should be what do you say that is?

After thinking about it, she came up with a word - the heart of love. Others say that an old cow gnaws tender grass. He is a whole year older than her, but he actually wants to gnaw her little flower that is tenderer than a flower bud?
In an instant, Le Yun felt that he was crazy, did the guy's brain get flooded, or was caught by the door, so his brain was abnormal.

Someone Yan actually has a heart of admiration for her. Isn't this creating hatred for her?
Her brows were frowned, and she was so tangled up that she was about to vomit blood. According to Brother Chao, Yan has a lot of love affairs. If people know that Yan has a crush on her, can she not become the public enemy of those fans who admire him?

She didn't suspect that Yan Ren lied to her that he liked him. She had observed that he was easily shy in front of her and looked at her with complicated eyes.

His reaction matches what he said, which shows that he does have different feelings for her. When he saw her, he said... like?
Well, Le Yun is confused, she doesn't know the specific expression of the feeling of liking and admiring someone, she only knows that there is such a noun, who told her that she was the one who was bullied all the time from childhood to high school, and she didn't get along with boys of similar age, I don't have any special feelings for boys.

As for the male classmates at Qingda University, they were all several years older than her, teasing and coaxing her like a younger sister, and brother Chao's friends also treated her as a younger sister, so she didn't feel anything special about it.

The handsome guys and soldier kings of the Guxiu family feel that they treat her a little differently, but they probably belong to the kind of mind that wants to form a good relationship.

Suddenly hearing that Yan Ren really likes her, that feeling... She doesn't know what to say, it feels very strange, and also, she is so flustered!
While he was in deep thought, he was called back to his soul by the sound of the Yan people, and he hugged his head: "Oh my god, I'm dying, what crime have I done!"

?Little Lolita's reaction was too strange, she didn't scold or hit anyone, and didn't run away violently. A bold question mark flashed in Yan Xing's mind, and he rushed forward, hugging the tall little Lolita in his arms, feeling very nervous Can't breathe: "Baby Le, Baby Le, what's wrong with you? Do you have a headache?"

He didn't know what to coax, his tense muscles were so tense, he rubbed the head of the little girl in a panic, and patted her back with one hand.

"Scared!" Hearing the name "Baby Le" who was close at hand, Le Yun's back was furrowed, her whole body was stiff, and she raised her head suddenly, almost bumping into the chin of the man who was leaning over, looking up at the handsome boy and girl. Killing face became more entangled: "Handsome Yanda, do you know that you have a lot of rotten peach blossoms, and you also said that you feel differently towards me. If some women find out about this, I'm afraid I won't even dare to go shopping. , I am afraid that if I go out, I will be thrown rotten eggs and splashed with water, how can I live?"

The little loli screamed loudly because she was worried that someone would treat her as a love rival and assassinate her?Yan Xing was stunned for a moment, his heart was throbbing, he bent over cautiously, looked up at the little loli's watery eyes nervously and eagerly: "Baby Le, you are not angry because I like you, are you?"

A handsome face moved down, and Le Yun's eyes subconsciously moved down, from looking up to looking up, her little eyebrows were almost pulled together: "My Brother Chao said that you can't force things about feelings, liking and love are everyone's due rights , It is also an innate ability, you like me is your right, I refuse or accept it is my right, I am not superficial enough to get angry because you say you like me, if you want to despise you, you will despise you, I will not despise emotion itself."

"Baby Le, are you willing to give me a chance to compete fairly?" Yan Xing was so nervous that he hardly dared to breathe.

"Whoever likes who is a person's freedom. I can't force you to like me or not. I don't care about your personal feelings. You take care of yourself. Don't let your personal feelings bring me trouble and danger."

Le Yun is very clear-headed and sensible. She must be kind and honest, and she cannot use double standards. Who Yan Ren likes is his personal business, and she has no control over it, as long as it doesn't bring her any danger. If the person he likes becomes her, that's still It's his private matter, as long as it doesn't affect her life, she has no right to force him not to like her.

Yan Xing, who was full of nervousness, heard the "bang bang" sound of fireworks taking off in his ears, as if there were fireworks blooming in his heart, and the colorful colors were as beautiful as a dream.

Little loli doesn't despise his emotions!

That sense of happiness surged into his heart like a tide, his heart constricted violently, and he couldn't help but hugged the petite and lovely girl in his broad arms, rubbing her head with joy: "Thank you, thank you Le Baby, from now on, I will be your first boyfriend candidate, I will try my best to be the first spare tire, and work hard to become a regular."

Being pulled into a broad chest, Le Yun was a little blunt, but was turned cold by the word "Baby Le", raised her foot, and slammed her knee into Yan's lower abdomen fiercely.

"Ouch!" After being hit hard, Yan Xing backed away violently in pain, his handsome face was coldly sweating: "Baby Le, it hurts, it hurts me to death."

"Yan, can you try calling someone Le Baobao again?" Le Yun was furious, put her hands on her waist, and stared fiercely at someone Yan who was bending over to cover her crotch: "How can you, a big man, come up with such a cold name?" My aunt is sixteen years old. She is not a baby who is still breastfeeding. What is her name 'Le Bao Bao'? I don't even need to call my younger brother such a shameful name. If you dare to use that kind of cold name, I will clean it up today. You, let you stay here forever as flower fertilizer."

The little loli blew up for no apparent reason, and Yan Xing was in a daze, clutching the part that was still in labor pain, and explained with a bitter face: "Le... little loli, calling her 'baby' means doting, it's Like it very much, love each other as if it were your own child, it is not a derogatory term."

"I don't care if you love it or hate it, just don't use it on me. It sounds like your back is hairy, okay?" ", or if it's the surname "Jiao", who can always provoke her successfully, making her want to beat him up.

Little Lolita kicked someone without making a sound, and was kicked to the calf again, Yan Xing howled "Aww" and jumped a few feet: "Little Lolita, why did you kick me again?"

"Do you need a reason to beat you? Your master said that if you want to beat you, you don't need to read the calendar, you don't need to pick auspicious days, and you can beat you whenever you want."

"No need, no need, you can beat him up if you want." Yan Xing was sweating coldly, for a person who was betrayed by the elders, freedom is just a cloud.

His life no longer belonged to him from the moment he was "sold" to little Lolita. The right to speak freely, the right to personal safety, and the right to self-defense have all become history.

However, Yan Xing touched his heart, and his heart was full of happiness. His heart, which had been lonely for 28 years, finally had a place to rest.

He smiled and looked at the little loli who kicked him and turned his head to pick plants, his eyes were full of tenderness, he had already won the opportunity of fair competition, how could he let others snatch his prospective girlfriend away?
Don't you hear that people who are close to the water get the moon first?He is not only the bodyguard sent by the organization to protect the little Lolita, but also the bodyguard sent by the sect to the little Lolita. , can only show that it is too useless.

Little Lolita is only patient with the plants she is interested in, Yan Xing is patient with Little Lolita, endures the pain that has not dissipated, and moves to Little Lolita's side to be a follower.

To tell the truth, there is always a moving hormonal body around her. Le Yun originally thought that guy was too clingy, so she just ignored him if she didn't bother to care about him. .

Being entangled by awkward feelings, a small flame flickered in her heart, all kinds of disgusted eyes, that guy always had an innocent expression, which made her unable to get angry even if she wanted to.

After staring at someone Yan angrily for countless times, she simply didn't bother herself, and once again treated that guy as air as before, so her mood really improved.

(End of this chapter)

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