magic eye doctor

Chapter 1074 Little Shock

Chapter 1074 Little Shock

Yan Shao happily followed the little Lolita's buttocks from here to there, and the little Lolita picked some plant stems and leaves, washed them with a spoon of water by the lake, and went to pick sea buckthorn fruits.

He doesn't know how to pick plant leaves, but he still knows how to pick sea-buckthorn fruits, and he helps pick the fruits. What makes him most depressed is that little loli's little paws are tenderer than spring onions. I don't know how she picks the fruits. I haven't seen her He was stabbed, no matter how careful he was, he would always get stabbed, either by pricking his fingers or scratching the back of his hand.

Little Loli picked the fruits and mashed them to get juice. He dug holes in the dunes to plant sea buckthorn fruits. He planted dozens of sea buckthorn fruits in total, and then returned to the small plane to change places.

Little Lolita's goal was not to explore the depths of the desert. The two of them did not continue to advance to the hinterland of the desert, but wandered in semi-desert places, and found a small piece of Populus euphratica forest on purpose.

Little Loli dug up many plants in semi-desert areas, and also collected branches, leaves and small trunks of desert trees such as red willow and salix, and a small amount of wild Cistanche and Cynomorium.

Young Master Yan accompanied little Lolita wandering here and there until noon, and went straight to the settlement of semi-desert residents, and went to the residents' homes to buy Erfur and lamb.

Provinces M and N are rich in sheepskin. Second fur is obtained from lambs about 30 days after birth. The fur is soft and has beautiful patterns. It is the raw material of valuable fur.

The semi-desert area is far away from the towns with markets. There are generally not many residents in many settlements. It is not a tourist attraction. There are few outsiders throughout the year, and the number of distant visitors by plane is even rarer. When a helicopter lands on the residents The living place naturally attracts local people to flock to find out.

Yan Xing first observed the environment from the air, and landed far away from the residents' flocks. When he saw the residents wearing national costumes or international modern costumes coming, he did not dare to relax his vigilance. Misunderstandings are the most likely to cause misunderstandings and fights.

However, the next moment, the little Lolita jumped off the plane with a backpack that was said to contain banknotes, happily rushed towards the crowd, waved happily, greeted people in a chattering manner, and got a lot of enthusiastic responses, He was dumbfounded again.

Little Lolita understands Mongolian? !

That fact struck into his heart like lightning, hitting his heart numbly.

He knew that little Lolita knew English, French, Italian, German and Spanish, Burmese, Russian, Indian and Arabic, but when did she learn Mongolian?
There are many Hui people in province N, and Mongolian people are the main ones in province M. The residents in the Tengger Desert are basically indigenous peoples, with the largest number of Mongolians and a small number of Hui people. There are very few residents in the desert area of ​​the Han nationality, and most of the Han people live in Bigger towns.

The number of Hui people is small, but because they live together with the Mongolian people, they can naturally speak the Mongolian language.

Yan Xing said that he didn't know that Little Lolita also knew the Mongolian language, okay?I asked him how he knew that she spoke Mongolian, and the people living in the semi-desert area were basically Mongolians, so why not speak Mongolian?
In a daze, young master Yan kept smiling like a fool, nodded and smiled friendlyly at the residents behind the little Lolita, and was therefore surrounded by the residents as if they were distinguished guests and walked towards the place where the residents lived.

Residential settlements are all fixed houses. The semi-desert is windy and the houses are relatively short.

Due to the long hours of sunshine and strong winds, the skin of the residents is red and black, and almost all middle-aged and elderly people wear national costumes. Only the younger people wear simple modern clothes for the convenience of travel.

The residents gathered the two guests from afar to the ground outside the house of a family, where they sat around and communicated chatteringly.

Yan Xing is not proficient in the Mongolian ethnic group, but he still understands a few words. The resident family is a respected leader in the village. They are discussing the matter of the little Lolita buying sheepskin. No matter how detailed it is, he can't understand it one by one.

The residents discussed for a while, and excitedly went home to find the sheepskins. The headman’s middle-aged son and a young man rode a motorcycle to catch the sheep. The old woman and the middle-aged woman took some buckets, salt, green onions, and peppercorns. Items such as seasonings are handed over to the little girls of the Han nationality, and the middle-aged women enter the house to prepare lunch.

Classmate Le put the things in one corner, took out a dozen bottles from his backpack, prepared half a pot of medicinal soup, added some spices, and covered it with a piece of cloth.

Before the sheep could be caught, she rushed to the old man with dark skin, chatted with the old man in a chattering manner, talked for a few minutes, and then went into the master's house to sit.

Yan Xing, who treated himself as an invisible person the whole time, did not realize that his waist and legs were not good until the old man got up. box, take needles to help the old man's knee and lumbar disc.

The acupuncture and moxibustion were not over yet. The middle-aged man and the young man who went to catch the sheep came back. Two [-]-day-old lambs were tied to the motorcycle. They lifted the bound sheep out of the car, washed their hands, and prepared Kill the sheep with one click.

When killing the sheep, the women also helped. They took the blood of the sheep in the raw material basin prepared by the little Han girl, stirred it, covered it with a cloth, and helped to peel the sheep.

The people outside had just skinned a sheep, Le Xiao closed the needle, the old man stood up and walked a few steps, his face was filled with surprise, he yelled a few times with joy and walked out of the yard, without even taking a cane, striding forward Walking around on the front yard, telling my family how much better my legs and feet are.

The men and women showed pleasant surprises in their eyes. When the old man helped peel the sheep, the middle-aged women hurried back to the house to cook.

The middle-aged man quickly dissected the sheep and took out the viscera. Yan Xing, carrying the little lolita's money bag, also went to help dispose of the sheep intestines, first rinsed, then scrubbed with salt, and then scrubbed with starch.

Handsome Yan was in charge of cleaning the intestines, while the middle-aged man skinned and dissected another sheep.

The first pair of sheep intestines was cleaned, drained a little, and the little loli stirred the blood that was about to solidify for a while, and started to pour blood into the intestines.

Blood sausage is a local specialty. Pig blood or sheep blood mixed with spices is poured into sheep intestines or small pig intestines, and then cooked, it becomes a nutritious and delicious blood sausage.

Young Master Yan helped little Lolita. When filling the blood sausage with a length of [-] centimeters, it was tied up in the middle with a thread, and then continued to pour sheep's blood until it reached a certain length, so that the blood sausage was formed into sections.

The two of them worked together to fill one pair of sheep intestines with sheep blood, and cleaned the other sheep intestines, and then poured blood into the intestines, and the blood of the two sheep intestines was basically consumed, and it was a pity to waste the rest, Young Master Yan explained After opening two tied ropes in the blood sausage, all the sheep blood was stuffed into the sheep intestines.

After the blood sausage is stuffed, the elderly women take it to the kitchen to cook, and the men put the skinned sheep in a basin, and give the sheepskin to the little girl, and they help clean the internal organs of the sheep.

Le didn't need to do any work himself. He took a sheep heart and the plants he picked in the wild into the kitchen of the owner's house, marinated the sheep heart, and used the ingredients of the owner's house as ingredients. I personally made a fried lamb heart.

The master invited her to have dinner with Handsome Yan, and she made a dish in return.

After the dishes were ready, they were brought to the living room, and everyone sat around to eat. The host made air-dried mutton for the guests, and also fried two vegetables.

The masters were full of praise for the little girl's cooking skills, so young master Yan was too embarrassed to compete with them for food, so he only tasted one chopstick before giving the food to the masters.

After being warmly treated by the host for a meal, the host left after a short while. The host helped to carry the mutton, lamb offal and blood sausage, took a dozen sheepskins, and sent the guests to their helicopter. The middle-aged man yelled as he walked, each The residents of the house also walked out of the house with sheepskins or vegetables, and followed to the helicopter.

Men and women arrived at the helicopter back and forth, and waited for the bodyguards next to the little girl to open the flight door and lift up the mutton. They put the sheepskin on the ground for the little girl to see.

The little girl said before that she wanted second furs. The residents mostly brought lamb furs, and each brought three or four adult sheepskins. The most people had more than [-] sheepskins, and the few had more than a dozen.

Le Yun scanned for a while and found that some of the products were good in appearance and some of them were not very good in skin color. He picked them first, pointed out which ones were of good quality and which ones were of average quality, and gave the corresponding price.

The price offered by the little girl is about [-] yuan higher than the price offered in the market. The residents are very happy with the transaction. It will take time and travel expenses for them to send it to the purchase point in the town or the purchase point that specializes in fur purchases. The little girl comes to receive the goods , the price is fair, there is no one who is not happy with such a transaction.

They paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other, and the person who got the money didn't leave in a hurry, and helped fold the sheepskin again, and let the little girl's bodyguards carry it onto the plane.

Little Lolita's family traded with others. The least income of the residents was in the early three thousand, and the most was seven to eight thousand. The village head's family sold two sheep and more than 8000 second-fur furs, earning more than [-].

Le Xiao moved all the sheepskins into the aircraft, said goodbye to the residents again reluctantly, sent the residents to a safe place and then turned back to board the cab, and drove the plane back to the meeting place with Yan Shuai.

The villagers watched the helicopter unanimously, watching the small plane fly so far away that they couldn't see, and chatted happily while returning to the village with banknotes in their pockets.

The helicopter was flying smoothly in the air, and there was no danger ahead. Yan Xing turned his head to look at the little Lolita who was holding the backpack. He didn't know what he thought of, and asked honestly, "Little Lolita, what are you doing?" Why buy so much sheepskin?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Le Yun bared her teeth and said happily, don't disturb her, she is thinking about how to deal with the sheepskin and what is the most suitable for it.

As for what to do with the sheepskin, is it good if it has more functions, for example, as a scarf, as a winter cushion, as a carpet... More importantly, it is used to make plaster skin.

Of course, if you want to make sheepskin into a skin that sticks to the plaster, you need a lot of cooking processes. She intends to try it out, and she will not mass-produce it. There are many raw materials for making the skin of the ointment. Compared with sheepskin, it is actually more suitable for kangaroos. Leather is better.

Little Lolita refused to tell the reason for buying the sheepskin, Yan Xing no longer broke the casserole to ask the end, and did not fly around in circles, and flew straight to the party camp.

(End of this chapter)

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