magic eye doctor

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

Who are these people? !
When the old Taoist priest saw him, he blamed him, and Le Yun wanted to raise the tent. Didn't he agree to ask her to help him see the doctor?She came to support, not to be the attending physician, so if he handed him over to her like this, wouldn't his conscience hurt?
The old Taoist priest had already run away, looking at the hot potato thrown at him, she sighed resignedly, took out her jade box and pills, first took the needle and stuck ten needles in one go, lifted him up, and then Point on several acupoints on the chest of the wounded.

The wounded was hit in several places, trembled once in a coma, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and after spitting out a mouthful, he spat out two mouthfuls of blood in succession. The blood was sprinkled on the cloth covered in the tent and turned dark red. .

After forcing the blood out of the wounded man's chest, Le Yun laid him down again, took away a few needles, put in a few more needles, gave him three pills, helped him massage, and took them back about half an hour later. With my own medical needles, I moved a few needles stuck by Master Qingyang.

"The needle will be pulled out after an hour, and then let him rest. Don't practice for a while, don't be tired." Confessed a sentence, regardless of the stunned look of the two little Taoist priests, patted his buttocks, and walked away.

She was temporarily asked to help, and now she has nothing to do, so why keep it?
Not wanting to be caught as a white worker, let alone lose the pills, Le Yun ran fast, and rushed to the tent door at a fast and steady speed, and Xiong Jiu stepped out, flashing quickly.

Master Qingyang looked at the petite little back and couldn't help being happy. What is the little girl afraid of, running away so fast?
Watching the little girl's back turning around the corner and disappearing, he didn't have time to sigh with emotion. He checked the wounded first, and he was relieved to make sure that the situation was stable. He wrote down the acupuncture points on the wounded and organized his medical supplies in case The wounded can also be put into treatment immediately if they are sent.

In a flash, he ran back from the tent area of ​​the Qingcheng faction to his own tent, and Le Yun slipped through the gap left by the Xuan family gang to watch the battle and sat down as a crowd.

She has been there for so long, and has already passed three battles. Young Master Xuan is also idle, helping to write the record of victory and defeat, and also commenting on it.

Xuan Shao also recorded in seal script. His handwriting is not as delicate and aura as his appearance, but strong and powerful.

Little Lolita's handwriting is graceful and elegant, but there is an air of arrogance and arrogance, and the handwriting of Young Master Xuan is in the same book, and the difference between handwriting is obvious at a glance.

Little Lolita went back and forth, seeing the words written by Master Xuan full of approval, Yan Xing secretly slandered, didn't she just know a few fonts, what's there to show off?He also knows several fonts and several languages, does he show off?
Be a high-key person and do things low-key. If you are too high-profile, you will be jealous and cause a lot of trouble. Look at him, he is very low-key, obviously he will, and pretends not to reveal his secrets. This is called low-key.

Quietly despising Xuan Mou in his heart, Yan Xing continued to pretend to be stupid quietly, and after watching another episode, he went to the kitchen to make dinner without hesitation.

In the evening, the middle-aged group rested for dinner after the battle was over, and the time was only about ten minutes later than the scheduled [-]:[-] break.

The end of the competition for the middle-aged group also marks the end of the first round of competition, and the evening session is the second round of competition for the youth group.

The second round of Qichao is no longer a one-on-one battle, but a team battle-a scuffle. Those who passed the first round will all fight together, and the last ten remaining will enter the next round.

Melee stipulates that no one is allowed to carry weapons, and can only fight with bare hands at close range. However, small teams can be formed by themselves to conduct team-to-team confrontation.

The scuffle is the most popular battle. After the meal, the young and middle-aged people gather around the battle area early, waiting for the good show to take place.

Before the start of the scuffle, the youth group entered the second round to get their lottery back. At the end of the game, no one called for friends, and they formed their own teams. Some were family groups, and some were from various schools. Form a team, some are a few acquainted families or sect alliances, or people you know form a team, and dozens of teams are formed in an instant.

The Xuan family formed a group with the Ji family and the Zhou family, the Jiang family and the Feng family of the Hua family formed a team, and the Nalan family of the Dongfang family formed an alliance; the Qi family formed an alliance with the Yu family and the disciples of the Xueshan sect, Shengwu Mountain and Longhu Mountain formed an alliance, and so on. Each is unique.

Young Master Yan was originally in a group with a child from Zhongli's family, and later joined the eldest grandson of Wanqijiao and a child from the Fu family, forming a group of four, and was then pulled into the team by Xuan Shao, forming a multi-party alliance. .

Everyone in the circle is still looking for allies. Wang Ershaocai's classmate Chen left the team under the order of his elders, and the three schoolmasters ran to the little Lolita and competed to be her porter. The quarrel made the little Lolita dizzy, and she waved her hand Let the three come in turns and change for half an hour, so the three quarreling died down.

Ancestor Xuan really wanted to slap the three young men unconscious, why would the stinky kids snatch them away? There are so many young men in the Xuan family, how could they make the little girl stare blankly?
The three young men had a good relationship with the little girl. He didn't have the nerve to chase her away, so he had to endure it. However, he still brought the two young juniors to his side, ready to let the family youth carry the little girl on his back to watch people fight.

The scuffle will start soon, Le Yun climbed onto Wang Erxiao's back, watching the state of the people in the circle with great interest.

Wang Ershao is carrying a little loli on his back. She is as beautiful as a flower in happiness. The little loli is not heavy at all. She smells so good. No wonder grandma always likes female dolls. It feels like carrying a soft and cute girl on her back It's so beautiful, if I can hold a soft and cute girl doll, I will be happier.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the youth group battle sounded the horn.

The battle kicked off, and the team in the Qiecuo circle started the battle mode in an instant, and started a chaotic fighting mode where you fight me and I fight you, and he fights him. The head is full of figures, amidst the bang bang bang bang, the sound of "ouch, ah, ah, ah, ah" can be heard endlessly.

There are only ten people left for more than 100 people, and more than a hundred people need to be eliminated. That kind of competition is fierce, and the fighting in the battle circle is fierce. Many teams have plans and strategies, and the team has a clear division of labor. Some are responsible for throwing people out of the circle, and some are responsible for defense.

Not long after the melee started, people were constantly thrown out of the ring, some were beaten with bruises, and some people automatically surrendered when they couldn't bear the siege and ran out of the ring by themselves.

Half an hour into the melee, nearly one-third of the people were eliminated, the number of people in the battle circle was significantly reduced, and the speed of the battle was also slightly slowed down; after the battle lasted for an hour, nearly three-fifths of the people were eliminated, and the remaining All the personnel form several relatively large teams.

Due to the continuous elimination of personnel, the team is constantly reorganizing, the number of personnel is constantly decreasing, and the battle is becoming more and more serious. After the melee lasted for three hours, only two large teams remained. The children of the aristocratic families or the loose cultivators are mixed, one is mainly composed of Xuan Shaoyan, Hua Shao, Jiang Shaozhou, and others, and the other is an alliance team consisting of Che Hao, Yang Dongzhu and other casual cultivators and several sects.

In the melee, the geniuses Li Wanyao, Liu Ningshuang and others were all eliminated, and Miss Ji Jiu was still in the battle circle because she was on the wrong team.

There is no nonsense between the two teams, and they go straight to the battle. The persimmons are picked, and the melee is the same. You pick the weaker members of my team, and I pick the weaker members of your team. Each has the mentality of eliminating one first. Prepare, and some even sacrifice the ego, holding the mentality of pulling others to walk with you when you are out of the game, and "die together" with others.

The final battle was fiercer than any previous one, and all kinds of methods were used. There was no blood or gunpowder smoke, but it was like a life-and-death battle between life and death, and many unsung heroes were born.

The final elimination battle was extremely difficult. When the timeout came at nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, there were still 11 people left. Ms. Ji Jiu gasped and looked around, and yelled: "Oh, I'm the only girl? My Oh my god, I actually became the girl who had the last laugh? Hahaha, such a grand event is enough to make this girl boast for several years, I will not hold back, you guys work hard!"

Filled with joy, Ji Jiufeng patted the shoulder of Young Master Xuan who was closest to her. Regardless of being tired and out of breath, she bounced like a child towards Miss Le.

Everyone outside: "!" Abstained?

The young people who were eliminated by Miss Ji Jiu wanted to scold "Fuck", why don't they hold on?Let them see those guys kill each other again, can't they?

Miss Ji Jiu voluntarily abstained, and the final ten winners also came out, namely Yan Shaoxuan, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shaoji, Young Master Dongfang, a young man named Li who was in casual practice, Che Hao, Yang Dongzhu, and a young disciple of Mazu Pavilion.

After fighting hard for several hours, the last ten people who laughed stood in the battle circle and stared at each other, staring at each other, with one meaning: I am exhausted!

Everyone looked at the ten remaining people with mixed emotions.

The head of Qingcheng waited for Miss Ji Jiu to walk out of the battle circle, announcing the end of the melee of the youth group.

People in the battle circle also ran in all directions.

And Miss Ji Jiu also rushed to the place where Master Yudao and others were watching the battle, and hugged the little girl who had just climbed off the handsome guy's back: "Little beauty, I have a good understanding, am I very virtuous? Look I voluntarily withdrew to save those guys another fight, I am so kind and beautiful, are you treating me to dinner?"

The three schoolmasters want to kick people, your good character is your business, why do you want little loli to treat you to dinner?

"Ji Meimei, whether you withdraw or not has nothing to do with me. You voluntarily quit to save the last ten people from a battle, not to save me from a battle. You should treat them to dinner, come to me What to do? Others have been pregnant for three years, and you fight so stupidly that your mind is completely muddled, you, hurry up and go back to sleep."

Le Yun gave Ms. Ji Jiu a look of contempt, turned around, and walked towards the small plane without looking back. The scuffle lasted for nearly four hours, causing her to miss her practice time, so it was time to go back to sleep.

"Little beauty, I'm not dizzy. Young Master Yan is also among the ten people. Young Master Yan is your guard. If I back down, it means saving your guard's energy. Of course I want to treat you. Little beauty, I'll go Let me be your companion, it’s so deserted if you sleep alone on the small plane, you won’t be afraid if I’ll be your companion.”

Ji Jiufeng ran happily with the little loli, and the master of Yudao stretched out his hand and grabbed the little girl of Ji's family by the collar and brought her back: "Little girl, you are sweating all over, go wash it yourself, don't put the fragrant The little fairy stinks."

"Ahh", being pulled up by the collar, Ji Jiufeng wailed like a wolf, and when he heard the owner of Yudao said that she stinks, he was so frightened that Bala immediately froze, drooping his head like a frightened little rabbit, and ran away .

When Ji Shao saw Jiujie rushing towards the little girl, he knew that she was going to make a fuss again, so he could run to find someone when he left the venue. He was a step slower, and when he heard Jiujie yelling for someone to treat her, he wanted to cover it up. Face, he has a rowdy sister, what can he do?

When Ninth Sister was snatched by Master Yudao, she was so frightened that she ran away with her head in her arms. Ji Shao almost laughed out loud. One mountain is still higher. Ninth Sister is afraid of Master Yudao. My sister should not dare to join the little beauty again.

Ninth Sister didn't have to worry about it herself, Ji Bashao turned around and flew back to the tent, took her clothes and went to the river to take a bath.

The spectators rested after the end of the battle, and the youths who had participated in the scuffle were all sweaty, and they all went to the river to take a cold shower before going to bed. People came and went, and the gathering place was completely quiet when they got closer.

This night, Guxiu's meeting place was still as peaceful as ever, and in the calm, the new day slowly moved from dawn to dawn.

The new day also ushers in the Double Ninth Festival in September.

This day is the Respect for the Elderly Day, and respect for the elderly activities are held all over the country, and there are two extra dishes for breakfast at the Guxiu meeting place. Because it is the Double Ninth Festival, the battle will be held normally in the morning and rest in the afternoon.

The ancient repairers also did what they should do, and no one was dissatisfied because they could not move freely during the Double Ninth Festival. At eight o'clock, the melee of the youth group also kicked off as scheduled.

The juvenile group was small, and eight people remained after the melee.

Before the start of the melee, Ren Shaofeng and Duan Shao formed a team with the well-friended disciples of Longhushan, swept all the way, eliminated most of the opponents, and finally formed the final winner with the Little Dark Horse Alliance of Sanxiu, and after some fighting, Eight people remained.

When a disciple of his own sect in the junior group was eliminated, the head of Shengwu Mountain was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do. The knockout round was fair and bright, and if he was defeated, he could only complain about his lack of academic skills.

The disciples in the school were eliminated in the melee of the youth group, and were eliminated in the second round of the youth group. None of them entered the final round. We can only hope that the disciples who successfully entered the middle-aged group can advance to the final round of competition.

However, the next melee in the middle-aged group started, and the disciple I placed high hopes on was quickly eliminated. Head Wu was gloomy and failed again?
If the disciple lost to others in the melee, he could still accept it reluctantly, but why did he lose to the young master of the Tang Sect?

The Tang Sect is good at hidden weapons and poison, and has never been too strong in martial arts. The young master of the Tang Sect is not yet 40 years old, and the disciple sent by Shengwu Mountain is the best among the middle-aged generation. Seven out of ten, it is the time when the strength of martial arts practitioners is the most stable and prosperous.

The disciple he placed high hopes in lost to the young master of the Tang Sect who was not good at martial arts. Wu Zhangfeng felt an unprecedented sense of shame in his heart. Could it be true that his uncle said that he has a bad eye for people?
(End of this chapter)

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