magic eye doctor

Chapter 1093 Chongyang Visit (2 more

Chapter 1093 Chongyang Visit (2 more

The melee in the battle circle is still going on. Head Wu first questioned himself, and then vetoed his own idea of ​​questioning his own vision. He once said that Huang Zhichang would become a weapon in the future. As he said, Huang Zhichang sang all the way on the political path. Now he sits at the head of the provincial government.

Compared with Huang Zhichang, Le Hong, a disciple of the same brother at that time, was too far behind. He failed to become a politician, did not make achievements in medicine, and did not achieve any fame in other fields. farmer.

His vision was unmistakable, the reason why the disciple he placed high hopes on was defeated, he must have thought that the Tang Sect was good at poison but not martial arts, and his carelessness caused the ship to capsize in the gutter.

His thoughts turned around, and Wu Changfeng firmly believed in his own opinion. When he looked at the people in the melee, his gaze actually turned to the other side. He looked at the few people standing with the owner of Penglai Island, and saw a person who was watching the battle with his back on his back. girls.

After squinting a few times, he withdrew his gaze and glanced at his classmates and his uncle. He noticed that the uncle with slightly closed eyes seemed to have glanced at him, and immediately sat upright.

The middle-aged group had a large number of people, and ten people were finally selected to enter the next round. The middle-aged group experienced a chaotic singles and doubles. After being eliminated, only ten remained in the battle circle, and the melee also came to an end.

At that time, there were less than 10 minutes left before [-]:[-] noon, and because of the afternoon break, many young people were already happily inviting their friends to discuss whether to go climbing or relax.

The meeting place is far away from the villages and towns where people live. If you leave the meeting place to wander around, it is difficult to find a place to eat. Therefore, even if you rest in the afternoon, no one leaves to find a place to eat. They all eat in the canteen at the meeting place.

After dinner, Handsome Yan flew to the town for shopping. Wang Er Shaocai's classmate Chen, Feng Shao, Ren Shao, Duan Shao, Wu Shao, Miss Ji Jiu and more than 30 people hitched a ride to the town for a stroll.

Little Lolita didn't go, she boiled water, caught Xiaofengyi, Wanqijixiang and the children who started a small stove in her private kitchen every morning to take a bath.

It’s not a big deal for a strong adult to take a cold shower. The children are too young and their resistance is not very strong, and the river water in N province is also cold due to the climate. It is easy for children to take a cold shower to catch a cold. For the health of the flowers in the future of the motherland, little Lolita acts as a virgin.

The children hadn't bathed for three days, but they changed into close-fitting clothes every two days. Their bodies were actually very clean, and they didn't want to wash them. The pretty little loli gave the order to die fiercely. Anyone who didn't take a bath would be deducted from their breakfast, so , a few children lined up obediently, took a bath one by one, and went to play after a fragrant bath.

After finishing a few brats, the little loli boiled hot water and wiped the bodies of the ladies. After working for more than an hour, she finished packing up the kitchen tent, brewed a pot of good tea and slipped back to the tent.

She wanted to go back to the tent to sort out some of the information she had collected. Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped into the tent, Elder Yi from the Guanyin Temple arrived on her back. Medicinal tea, sitting comfortably on the carpet and drinking tea.

"Why do you keep looking for me? Tell me quickly if you have something to do, and you always go back to your old place if you have nothing to do." Regarding her younger brother's pseudonymous master, Le Yun expressed... distressed. Emotionally, she wanted to kick him out, but intellectually. You must control your own prehistoric power.

"There is something to do, of course there is something to do," Mr. Yi stared at the little girl with his gleaming eyes, as eager as someone starving to death seeing a cake: "Little girl, your stitching technique that night was so beautiful, You have the foundation, and if you learn my ghost technique, you will be even more powerful, the icing on the cake..."

Elder Ant mentioned the technique, and Le Yun knew that the old man saw Lie Xinxi and wanted to abduct her to become a teacher. He was speechless in his heart, too greedy, isn't he?

The old man forcibly snatched her younger brother as his apprentice, and abducted her even if he didn't give up.Isn't he afraid that she will turn against her and cancel her decision to let her younger brother become a teacher?

Thinking about it, there was a villain in Le Yun's heart who kept admonishing her younger brother not to worship the old guy as a teacher, and instigating herself to kick the old man out of the tent to make her ears clean.

The villain comes out and jumps, and the angels also take the lead. The villain said that to be kind is to respect the old and love the young. Don't look at the face of the statue, look at the face of the Buddha, and look at the face of Fengweizhu. Don't worry about the old man who always brushes his face ...

The villain and the little angel had a quarrel, Le Yun threw the two villains into a small black room and put them in confinement, looking at the old man who was spitting all over the place, he said let him talk, and she just listened to someone's storytelling Let's relieve boredom.

Mr. Ant originally thought that the little girl would blow him away impatiently, but he found that the little girl was troubled for a while, but she didn't get angry. She just smiled and listened to him, and his heart was so happy. Few people are willing to listen to the old man's nagging, the little girl is not only listening, but also listening seriously, that little girl is simply too cute.

A child who listens to others is a good child. Seeing the dignified appearance of the little girl who listens attentively, the old man thinks that the little disciple must be so well-behaved in the future.

He was full of joy, and he was not afraid of dry mouth. He chattered loudly, and it was nothing more than learning his special skills to ensure that people could be as agile as lightning. Picking something is like searching for something, and he has a good temper and patience. In short, he is boastful and boasting that he is a good housekeeper and a good person, and he will not suffer from being a teacher...

Elder Ant was chattering non-stop there, talking provocatively and spitting everywhere, but it was hard for some people who wanted to visit the little girl in their spare time in the afternoon. They waited and waited, their necks stretched as long as the neck of a giraffe I haven't seen Mr. Yi leave from Miss Le's tent. I'm very depressed. Mr. Yi eats three meals a day in the girl's kitchen. If he has anything to say, can't he talk to the girl before and after the meal? Why? Grabbing time with others?

Waiting left and right, after waiting for nearly an hour, Mr. Ant did not give up his seat. Others could endure it, but Huang Zhichang couldn't bear it. Yan Shao was flying to buy vegetables, and he would return soon. Once the helicopter When he came back, the little short-lived ghost must be busy in the kitchen again, and even if there were not many people running to flatter him, it would be inconvenient for the elders of the sect to find someone to talk to.

He was sitting on pins and needles. The head of Wu was calm and calm on the surface, but he was not very happy in his heart. Did the elders of the Guanyin Temple stay with someone Le on purpose?Or is it because someone is colluding with a certain old man, pretending to have a speculative chat, and not letting others set foot in her tent?
His heart is not depressed, and his opinion of the elders of Guanyin Temple is also colored. He can only express his dissatisfaction secretly, and he can't say a word on the bright side. After all, Elder Yi of Guanyin Temple is a contemporary of his master. Who doesn't respect the veteran figures in the cultivation world.

After waiting for another half an hour, Elder Yi still didn't leave someone's place. Head Wu didn't intend to wait, so he looked at his nephew and said, "Nephew Yu, you are going to visit on behalf of the master."

Yu Hui, who was sitting on the right, responded, "Yu Hui complies with the order of the sect master."

Longyan Liu Changhe looked at Master Dongfang, wondering if he had any orders.

Dongfang Shen sat at the first place in the row where the elders sat on the left, as if an old monk had settled down and didn't know anything about it.

The uncle did not deny it, indicating that he agreed with the head's decision, and Longyan Liu Changhe originally wanted to invite his nephew Yu Hui to visit with him, but he didn't bring it up.

Yu Hui didn't ask any more questions, got up and straightened his clothes, bowed and took a few steps back, and walked out with Buddha Chen in his arms.

Head Wu looked at his disciple Huang Zhichang and Li Ziwang, a lay disciple, and motioned for them to accompany him. Because the Grand Master's uncle didn't object, Li Ziwang didn't have the right to question the head's decision even if he had a hundred disagreements in his heart, so he got up and followed Master Yu.

Huang Zhichang had been looking forward to his master's instructions for a long time, and he got up quickly to catch up with Senior Brother Yu's footsteps.

Yu Hui had already guessed who the head master would send to meet the Le family girl with him, without even looking back from the corner of his eyes, he calmly walked out of the tent, and walked from the Qieba field to the Le family girl's tent calmly.

Yu Hui walked neither fast nor slow, very steady and calm, and kept his eyes on the whole way. He slowed down a little when he arrived in front of Lejia girl's tent. When he got to the place opposite the tent door, he saw Lejia girl sitting facing the tent. At the door, Elder Yi sitting on her left side is drinking tea. She has a bright smile on her face. Elder Yi is talking to her in a low voice. From the words that can be heard, it can be seen that the topics they are talking about are seafood and islands in the South China Sea. on the specialties.

Seeing Junior Brother Le's granddaughter, Yu Hui felt mixed emotions in his heart, hesitating for a moment, then walked slowly towards the big white tent, got closer, and gently reported his background: "Shengwu Mountain disciple Yu Hui came to visit Miss Le, I don't know if the little girl Is it convenient for the girl?"

Huang Zhichang, who was walking along with him, was instantly furious. Senior brother Yu came here on the order of the head of the sect. Wouldn't it be destroying his own spirit to give face to the little short-lived ghost?

Mr. Ant, who was talking about mountains and rivers and food ingredients with the little girl, stopped the conversation tactfully when he saw the three disciples from Shengwu Mountain coming over. He looked at the three outside with a smile and came to disturb his interest. I just want to haha!
Le Yun was not surprised when she saw the people outside. When she was idle and snooping around, she heard the voice of the head of Shengwu Mountain. She had known for a long time that the visitor came by order, not a personal visit.

The head of Shengwu Mountain didn't send anyone early or late, didn't send Zhang San or Li Si, and specially appointed senior brothers who were the same master as her grandfather to visit her again during the Double Ninth Festival. It was nothing but deceiving her when she was young. She wanted to use morality and filial piety to force her to give face to her grandfather's senior brother, so as to make some big things small and trivial.

She does respect her grandfather's senior brother, Senior Yu, but it is up to others to decide whether to respect Shengwu Mountain or not.

Although it was the first time to meet Grandpa's senior brother face to face, Le Yun was also very calm. Looking at Senior Yu, who had already shown the appearance of a middle-aged man, he felt a little sympathetic. Have a hard time.

(End of this chapter)

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