magic eye doctor

Chapter 1108 Midnight Action

Chapter 1108 Midnight Action
55 returned to the camp after washing the dishes and saw that the captain had regained the "favor" of the little loli. He was quite surprised. What did the captain do during the short time he was away, which made the little loli look at him differently again.

He thought and thought, but he couldn't figure out the reason. Originally, he wanted to sit with the little loli for a while before watching the scum, but the little loli said she was tired after sitting for a while, and climbed into the tent with her sleeping bag to sleep. The captain was stunned. Little Lolita came here because of scum, why doesn't she even want to look at it now?

Could it be that "enemies are extremely sad when they meet", and she is afraid that she will be too angry and accidentally kill the yellow scum?

Yan Xing thinks there is such a possibility, the last time little loli saw that little scumbag named San Gouzi, she cleaned up the scumbag skinned and cramped in three strokes and two hours. Throwing it to Yin Asan, she might be afraid that she couldn't help killing the yellow scum girl with a knife, so she had to give herself time to sort out her mood before facing the yellow scum girl.

Little Lolita wasn't going to chat with the yellow slag girl, and he didn't force it. He set the fire, extinguished the unburned firewood, and covered the fire with sand, or a strong wind in the middle of the night would blow the fire away. It will be troublesome if the embers meet the dry grass and cause a "wild fire that can't burn out".

The leader of the team leader didn't persuade little Lori, nor did he say to get the dregs out for ventilation. 55 covered the box containing the dregs with a rainproof cloth, and after the captain finished handling the fire, he followed the captain and climbed into the tent.

The two spread out sleeping bags on the left and right of Little Lolita, got in and pretended to be asleep. If they sat up and did not sleep, Little Lolita might not dare to sleep if she found out. They decided to wait for Little Lolita to fall asleep before they got up and took turns keeping vigil .

However, they originally wanted to pretend to be dozed off, but they made it real. After lying down for a while, their eyelids were heavy, and they fell asleep without knowing it.

Outside the tent, the scent of the medicine hadn't dissipated, and inside the tent, Young Master Yan and Comrade No. 55 breathed evenly and fell into a dream.

Le Yun, who was nestled in her sleeping bag, listened for a while, then turned on the flashlight and got up to check on the two handsome guys. They were fast asleep and would never wake up every five minutes.

"Hey, even if you guessed that the scent might be a drug, you've been tricked? Remember to be more careful in the future." Under the flashlight, handsome Yan's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he probably fell asleep before falling asleep. Guessed that there was something wrong with her medicine, but, didn't she lie down honestly?

Le Yun's proud little tail is going up to the sky, and there is a pharmacist by her side, especially a pharmacist who has cheats. It is impossible to guard against it. Come to plant, the big deal will be the same next time.

Little classmate Le, who was about to go to the sky, climbed out of the sleeping bag, pulled back the zipper of the sleeping bag, climbed out of the tent and put on his shoes again, turned around and zippered the tent door, and sprinkled a handful of snake and insect repellent powder around the tent.

I took safety precautions, removed the rainproof cloth covering the big cardboard box, opened the box, took away the fruit and cardboard, and saw the yellow slag girl in the cardboard box. The yellow slag girl had lost a lot of weight, and she probably hadn’t seen the sun for a long time , the skin is very white.

Facing the face of the scum girl, the scene of the yellow scum girl sisters asking someone to beat her in the small earth temple appeared in Le Yun's mind again, and she clenched her fists hard. Back then, many scum girls in Huang Shishi relied on their families and became officials. She is so majestic, even asking someone to beat her is aloof, and beating her with the tone of giving alms.

Now the feng shui took turns, and the dregs fell into her hands.

Clenching her fists, Le Yun resisted the urge to cut off the scum girl's chin with a knife, picked up the box and threw it back into the space. The 55 handsome guy drugged the scum girl, and she could fall into a coma for three or four days visually, without giving the scumbag another What do women eat.

Throw the scum girl and the box back to her secret place, check that there are no poisonous snakes approaching, and no one is angry, and run to the distance, to the bushes hundreds of meters away, dig giant saguaro, and pick a large number of cacti .

Not afraid of being discovered at night, classmate Le was very courageous. He dug down the giant pillar, cut it into sections and carried it.

Anyway, she has researched it out. As long as the cactus is not infected, it will not rot or die. The cactus meat needed for medicine also needs to be chopped into small pieces, so there is no need to be careful when collecting giant saguaro. It's OK to move back to the space.

Dig a few giant pillars in the short bushes, then go to the tall bushes, join hands with the little fox, let him tie the waist of the giant pillars with a rope, she will chop, cut off a section and throw it back into the space, and finally Digging the roots, and then dealing with the holes left by removing the cactus, the process of collecting cactus is simple and trouble-free.

One person and one fox were busy until four o'clock in the morning, and collected a large pile of giant saguaro. Le Xiao stopped for a while, erased the traces of his crime, and slipped back to the tent to catch up on returning to sleep.

Yan Xing opened his eyes as a conditioned reflex when he was conscious, and got up all at once, because he sat up with a sleeping bag and felt a sense of restraint. He freed his hands three times and turned on the flashlight to see the situation. Liwo lay flat and stable in the sleeping bag, as if she was asleep, very quiet.

Looking at the other side, 55 also seemed to be soundly asleep, with the whistling of the wind, the sound of the wind blowing the tent, and the rustling sound of rustling.

Little Lolita is fine, Yan Xing felt relieved, looked at the watch, saw the time at 5 o'clock in the morning, and immediately recalled the past in a daze, how could he not understand, this is a little girl Lolita's way!

His face sank, he gritted his teeth and stared at the culprit in the sleeping bag, and let out a low growl: "Stinky little girl, you've cheated even your own people, I really want to spank your ass!"

He was quite angry at first, but when he made a sound, his voice became much lower and gentler, even though his tone was full of embarrassment and anger, it could not be called anger.

The little thing in the sleeping bag didn't respond, Yan Xing resigned to his fate, ground his teeth, got out of the sleeping bag, put on his shoes and tiptoed out of the tent to check around, nothing changed, but the cardboard box that 55 brought was gone.

The box containing the scum girl disappeared, and everyone was fine, but there was only one answer: Little Loli secretly solved it last night!Or, she repeated the same operation in Africa - handing over the yellow scum girl to some strange people and taking it away. Whether it was illegally brought back to the Great China or sent there by other methods is unknown.

The stinky little loli is mysterious, in order not to let them know that she has a backhand, she actually drugged them, it's just... He blushed so hard that he didn't even utter a curse word, the little loli is "illegal" abroad The "piracy of medicinal materials" never bothered them, and never brought them any negative impact. What else could he say?

Knowing that he was wrong, Yan Xing fixed the zipper of the tent door, took a knife and went straight to the river to catch the fish and dismembered them. After processing the fish caught yesterday, he felt that it was a bit small. Taking advantage of the good air in the morning, he went into the water to catch the fish, and took a cold bath by the way. Another seven or eight fish were caught, dissected and cleaned, and the intestines were thrown into the desert wild for other small animals to eat, and the fish were carried back to the camp.

It was still a long time before dawn, and it was dark everywhere in the semi-desert.

Yan Xing checked that Little Lolita and 55 still hadn't woken up, so he set aside the fire that was burning yesterday, built a fire, put it in a pot, added water and rice to cook porridge, and then slowly roasted the fish with sticks.

55 When I woke up, I smelled the smell of fish. A fish turned over and got up. In the weak light, I saw that little Lolita's sleeping bag was quiet, and she got out of the sleeping bag like a loach, and then crawled out of the tent lightly. Seeing the captain, he looked around again, his face became even more stinky.

He leaned over to the captain, held his cheeks, and wrinkled his face like bitter melon skin: "Captain, you said that little loli is so cute, why did you use medicine on us? Her medicine is so precious, what a waste to use it on us." It's too big to face people.

Comrade Li 55 picked up the pot instead of opening it, Yan Xing's face was stinky: "You are lucky to be drugged by the little lolita, what are you mumbling about, what are you doing here, why don't you wash your face?"

"It's true, the little beauty only let us sleep for a while. If it were someone else, we might never see the sun the next day." Up to now, 55 can only hum a little tune under the yellow lotus tree - have fun while suffering, I found a step and went down, and went to the river to wash my face with washing supplies.

Classmate Le just squinted for a while, and woke up when Handsome Yan woke up, and heard the complaints from Yan that he wanted to spank her ass, she didn't take it seriously at all, and insisted on being a silkworm baby in her sleeping bag.

Waiting for handsome guy 55 to wake up and talk to handsome guy Yan, she listened openly. After handsome guy 55 had gone for a long time, it was enough to be a good baby. Get up, pack your sleeping bag, and climb out of the tent with your backpack. The sky outside is bright. The morning breeze is cool, and there is a thin dew on the leaves of the plants.

Hearing the sound of little loli getting up, Yan Xing waited with drooping face, and when she came out, he called pitifully: "Little loli—"

Turning her head to take a look, Le Yun took a toothbrush and walked to the river with short legs. That guy has learned to pretend to be weak and good. Whoever is serious with him is just looking for anger when he is idle.

Little Lolita walked away, Yan Xing was bitter, Little Lolita drugged him, and he didn't ask why, couldn't he comfort his wounded heart?

55 solved the problem of human metabolism. After washing up, I wanted to go back to the camp. When I saw the little loli coming, the dog-legged one came up to be a guide, and said where the soil was loose and could not be stepped on. After Loli has washed her face and brushed her teeth, she will accompany little Loli back to the camp.

Yan Xing waited until 55 to accompany the little Lolita back to the camp, shared the porridge and fish, and the three of them had breakfast. He was a sensible person, and the little Lolita didn’t like oil and salt. It would be unlucky for anyone to argue with her. It’s better to pretend to be stupid and say no. If she is happy, she can cook them a delicious meal.

After breakfast, the two handsome guys asked the little loli which cactus they were looking for, and they were going to dig it at night, the little loli calmly hugged her backpack: "This country is very friendly to our people, I don't want to rob their country's resources , go to country M to dig a few more trees."

The two youths had black question marks on their faces, are they leaving now? !The two brothers were very reluctant to part with each other, but they couldn't hold back Little Lolita's insistence, so they broke camp and drove back to Tijuana City.

(End of this chapter)

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