magic eye doctor

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109
Yan Xing originally planned to accompany little Lolita to take a good tour of Mexico, to see the relics national park in Mexico, to go to the Indian tribe, to go surfing in the bay, but the little Lolita was about to leave , His heartache was a hundred times stronger than the smell of knocking over a five-flavored bottle.

On the way, he and No. 55 wanted to lobby Little Lolita to play for a few more days countless times, but in the end they didn't say that. They went back to Tijuana City and had lunch together. Handsome Yan and Little Lolita went back to the hotel to pick up their luggage and check out to the airport.

Handsome Yan and little Lolita took a special flight from the capital of M country to Los Angeles in Tijuana, the capital of Mexico, and flew to Los Angeles in M ​​country. Because Yan Shao did not have a visa from M country, he transferred to Africa after arriving, and Le classmate transferred to fly Tucson, Arizona, on the border between Country M and Mexico.

It took several hours for Yan Dashao to transfer, and the plane didn't leave until evening. Student Le didn't accompany him. He took the Tucson plane and set off first. It was more than seven kilometers from Los Angeles to Tucson, and it only took one or more miles, because she It took some time to enter the country in Los Angeles and then transfer to a domestic flight in M ​​country, and it will be evening when we arrive in Tucson.

Arizona in country M is a tourist city, known as the Grand Canyon area, the most famous Grand Canyon Park in country M, and the magical Death Valley.

Le’s goal is the state’s symbolic plant—the giant saguaro. The number of giant saguaro in country M is greater than that in Mexico. It can be found everywhere in the deserts and semi-deserts of California, Arizona, and New Mexico in country M, even Country M has set up a national park to protect it, attracting millions of tourists to visit and admire it every year.

On the way to Tucson by taxi from the airport, the taxi driver heard that the lady from Asia was here to appreciate the giant saguaro, so he immediately opened up the chatterbox, introducing where in Tucson the highest density of giant saguaro plants Where the cactus is the tallest, and where the cactus is suitable for viewing from a distance, it is really rare.

After listening to the driver's introduction, Student Le was overjoyed. The gossip from the locals was far more true and important than the official information, and it was more beneficial to her actions.

You can't eat a fat man in one bite, not to mention that the authorities of country M are not friendly to the people of Huaxia country. In order not to make people suspect that he is doing evil things in country M, student Le Xiao didn't rush to run away, so he booked a hotel in Tucson City at night , so that there are traces to check.

The next day was the 25th of the local time. Le Xiaoluoli embarked on the journey with full energy, first took the train to Mexico, got off at a station on the way, and bypassed the town. At this time, the motorcycle she bought in the first half of the year came again. Come in handy and become the best means of transportation.

Student Le rode her own car to the desert, especially in sparsely populated areas, got into the desolate semi-desert or the depths of the desert, and began to sweep away cacti and tropical desert plants. She stayed in the desert until the 29th and returned to Tucson , Then take the plane to the capital of Arizona, transfer to the car to the Colorado plateau in the north, and enter the forest of the Rocky Mountains to collect wood.

Little Lolita is busy collecting giant pillars, Yan handsome guy transfers from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to Namibia, and goes to the embassy for "business", but he is actually waiting for little Lolita.

Le is "busy" abroad, and Le's father and Zhou Qiufeng are also busy at home. This year's winter seems to come very early. The beginning of winter on November 11th, but the weather in late October is cooler than usual, and the late rice in the countryside is harvested more than usual A few days earlier, the harvest began in the latter part of the year.

The rice at home was originally harvested at the end of the month. Happy father Zhou Qiufeng was worried that it would be very cold after the beginning of winter, which would not be conducive to digging sweet potatoes. The rice was harvested a few days earlier. The water content was more important, and the yield was slightly lower, but Rice will taste better.

On the 24th, the couple harvested rice in a hurry. Grandma Zhou has lived in Lejia for a long time. She helps take care of her grandson, helps with housekeeping, and helps with cooking, so that the young couple can work with peace of mind.

Brother Zhou is at the construction site and hasn't come home yet. Sister-in-law Zhou has repeatedly knocked around and wanted to take my mother-in-law home, even if she helps take care of the chickens, ducks and pigs. When the old lady came home, Brother Zhou directly said that she deserved it. It was she who disrespected her mother-in-law first and let her no longer care about the house. Now that she doesn't want to come back, she just knocked out her teeth and swallowed it in her stomach.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng is a good worker and did not ask other people to help. The couple cut rice early and late, and finished work at noon on the 28th. Taking the rice back was equivalent to completing a major event. The couple took advantage of the good weather, but even He didn't want to rest all day, and went to the field to cut sweet potato seedlings that day.

The straw was left to dry in the field and could not be moved home. The couple did not waste the sweet potatoes when cutting them. They tied the vines into bundles and picked up a load when they went home. There were cattle at home, and the sweet potato vines had to be collected and dried for winter. Snow is for cows.

When Lejia was busy in the sweet potato field, the villagers who harvested the rice early were also busy harvesting the sweet potatoes, and those who harvested the rice late began to harvest the late rice.

Brother Zhou also came home and started harvesting the late rice. This time, the Le family and his wife did not go to help. Said that they knew that their family harvested rice and pretended not to know, and said that the old lady did not go home, even if she came back to help cook, she had to go to the field to harvest rice and go home to cook, she was exhausted and so on .

Sister-in-law Zhou was talking about the relationship between her younger sister and my mother, and Brother Zhou directly replied, "You didn't help him, why did he help you? It's love to rob others to help you, and it's your duty not to help you." The mother and daughter left angrily, and your own girl is hiding and won't come back to work, so why do you want an old man to work and do housework." Mrs. Zhou was choked speechless, and she dared not speak out in anger.

Brother Zhou and his wife were tired for a few days and finally took back the rice. They wanted to rest and dig sweet potatoes after the beginning of winter.
Entering November, the weather is obviously not as clear as the end of October, and it turns cloudy, which makes the rice harvesters panic. If it rains, they don’t know how long it will take to clear. In case of frequent snowfall, the rice is not dried in time , it will become dark due to the high water vapor, and the rice will become very unpalatable and even moldy.

Lejia's rice is harvested and dried. Only a quarter of the rice is dried once, and it needs to be dried for another day before it can be harvested. But don't worry, it won't go bad after a few months.

When the weather turned cloudy, Le's father and Zhou Qiufeng divided the work. One dug up the sweet potatoes that hadn't been brought back, and the other carried the straw home. In order to collect the straw, Le's father was working at night, and he would not rest until after nine o'clock. The couple worked desperately, the straw was transported home or piled up before it rained, and all the sweet potatoes were taken home, only some of the sweet potato vines could not be transported back in time.

It was cloudy for a few days, and it rained on the first Sunday of November, that is, the first three days of Lidong. The rain never stopped, making people who confiscated sweet potatoes and rice undried feel anxious all day long.

It rains in her hometown due to climate change, and Le does not know about it. She runs around in the Rocky Mountain forest in country M, busy cutting wood day and night. The place she goes to is not a national park, so there are no forest rangers who often patrol the mountains. In the remote, deep and humid alpine forest, she cuts wood day and night, cuts down trees with a chainsaw at night, and then processes the traces during the day, or blows small wood or dead wood with a knife, and packs dry firewood.

She is not afraid of being caught, because in October and November, the temperature in the depths of the Rocky Mountains is very low, cold and humid, and no one is free to go wandering in the forest. She hides in the dense woods, as long as it is not Trees are cut down in groups, and a few trees are cut down at intervals. Even forestry satellites can hardly detect the changes.

Little Lolita is a wood robber in the forest, and the little fox is occasionally caught as an "accomplice". Of course, he is responsible for hunting or catching fish in lakes and rivers. It's not surprising, even those who are close to ink are black. When seeing any wood or stone that can be used, the first thing that comes to mind is whether it can be moved back to Dongtian Paradise.

After staying in the forest for several days, I gained a lot of classmates. It was not until November 11th that I reluctantly left the Rocky Mountains, returned to the civilized city, and rushed to the state capital of Arizona to take a flight to Los Angeles, and then transfer. dubai.

The plane that crossed two continents arrived in Dubai at 7:8 local time on the 14th. Le Xiao, who stayed on the plane for more than 8 minutes, was unwilling to bother booking a hotel to stay and rest. On the morning of the [-]th, he flew to Nanami It's not a helicopter, but a transfer to South Africa.

Young Master Yan got Little Loli's flight information in advance, and went to the airport to pick her up in the middle of the morning, waited from mid-morning to noon, and from noon to noon, and the plane that Little Loli was on landed slowly at the airport after one o'clock in the afternoon.

A handsome guy with a European and American face waited outside the entry channel, waiting for more than half an hour, and the little loli, who was waiting for the entry operation, slowly walked out.

At first glance, Yan Xing felt that little Lolita had lost weight. She wasn't fat in the first place. I haven't seen her in just over half a month. I don't know why she went there. She has lost a lot of weight. I can't show it anymore.

His heart ached in an instant, he went up to grab the backpack, and covered the top of the little boy's head with his big hands: "How did you take care of yourself, how did you become so thin?"

Le Yun rolled her eyes, isn't this nonsense, she is busy "being a thief" in country M, running around day and night, racing against time to collect plants and wood, and meditate for two hours a day, can it not be reduced?
She estimated by herself that she didn’t lose much weight. She lost about six catties. She was originally around 84 catties. After she lost a few catties, her weight dropped below the [-] level and dropped to the beginning of the word seven. The biggest visual effect of losing weight is the face. There is no face on the top, and the waist is thinner, but the cups of the underwear have not changed.

In this regard, she felt that any weight-loss drug company asked her to show up and advertise, and it was guaranteed to make the weight-loss product popular.

The little loli didn't speak, she pursed her lips and smiled with crooked eyebrows, Yan Xing couldn't help but say a few words to her, such a cute little loli, who would be willing to disappoint her?
"I made an appointment for a small plane, and I agreed to notify them when you came over. I called them today and they will pick us up in the city tomorrow morning. You can take a rest tonight."

Accompanying Little Lolita to the exit of the terminal building, Yan Xing protected her by his side while talking, so as not to be bumped into by people passing by, the little girl was thin and not sloppy, and could be blown away by the wind, whoever bumped into her It is possible to knock her into the sky.


"Also, I went to the embassy and said that you want to go to Angola across the river. The embassy in Angola sent an invitation letter. You can go to the embassy in Angola to submit visa materials."

Le Yun's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. I've already obtained a visa for Anguo here. Who lied to you to get under the table." Yan Xing rubbed the head of little loli, his brows and eyes became more and more gentle. He also wanted to go to Anguo, if he could get it in Nanami With the visa to Anguo, I can spend a few more days with little Lolita.

Thinking of submitting materials to the Anguo embassy in the country of Namibia to apply for a visa, Le Yun was so happy, and didn't mind that she might be touched and become bald. After submitting the materials, she did not have any documents with her, so what copies did she need to keep? .

After leaving the terminal, take a taxi back to the city center. The taxi will send the guests to the gate of Anguo’s embassy in Nagolia. Young Master Yan takes little loli into the Anguo embassy, ​​fills in the information in the lobby, and then asks the staff If the materials are not complete, get a reply and send the materials if the materials are complete.

Anguo’s staff will usually process it within seven working days after receiving the documents. Young Master Yan will take the little loli back to the hotel. Anyway, even if the little loli’s ID card and passport are sent to the Anguo embassy in Namibia, there will also be when Nami country enters the country. Even if he is checked on the street, he can prove his identity, and he will not be easily regarded as an illegal immigrant, not to mention that he has an ID card and a passport.

Little Lolita is too skinny, Yan Xing feels distressed, walking back to the hotel, looking for food everywhere, trying to feed her, hoping that her lost flesh can be replenished soon.

Le Yun never knew that a big man could nag like that, she could accept him saying that what to eat like this is good, why would Mao still mutter about what is cold and cannot be eaten, and what is too sour to eat? Affect appetite, what...

In a word, just listening to him talking in a godly manner alone is more chattering than the sum of her father, Aunt Feng, brother Chao, first aunt, second aunt, mother Chao, mother Fang, grandma Chao, etc. .

Feeling that the ears are about to hear calluses, he rolled his eyes angrily: "Have you finished? Are you or I who know more about fruit plants?"

"Okay, I won't talk, I won't talk about the head office, right?" I preached for half an hour, and it was the first time that little Lolita could bear it for so long. Yan Xing just shut up immediately and only helped She passed the barbecue and water.

Her ears were quiet, little loli gnawed food with peace of mind, ate while walking, and went to several beautiful coffee shops to taste coffee, and when she walked back to the hotel, her stomach was full of food.

Young Master Yan was not satisfied, he went back to the hotel and found the waiter to order a lot of food, please send it to the guest room, and continued to eat and eat with the little Lolita, he just wanted to make the little Lolita fat, her face was fleshy She has the cutest appearance. It would be even better if she was raised as a chubby person. She became fatter and her waist became thicker, so it would be better for others to look at her less.

(End of this chapter)

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