magic eye doctor

Chapter 1110

Chapter 1110
Young Master Yan took the goal of raising little Lolita into a chubby person as his own responsibility. He ate before meals, at mealtimes, and after meals, and ate with little Lolita until he couldn't eat anymore.

He has bad intentions, and he is overfed. Fortunately, he is not going to sleep at night because of the vigil, so he is not afraid of overeating. He just sits in the guest room all night, listening to the movement in the next room, and supervising whether there is any sound. near.

Because Handsome Yan found a lot of things, in the spirit of not wasting, Le classmate ate wildly, and ended up eating too much. Fortunately, she has a cheat, and she crawls into her secret place to work while sleeping , No matter how much you eat, it can be digested.

Therefore, after working hard, she had a good night's sleep and woke up refreshed in the morning. When she saw handsome Yan's gloomy eyes, she ignored it, ate a rich and nutritious breakfast prepared by the hotel, and packed her luggage to set off for the outskirts of the city.

Young Master Yan brought little loli to the suburbs, and the small helicopter waited first. The security officer accompanied the tourists in the cabin, and the pilot flew the plane into the air, heading for the northwest coastal areas.

In order to be a little follower, Yan Xing is very self-conscious and never pretentious. The multiple-choice question of where to go is also decided by the little loli, and he sits beside him and acts like a quiet and handsome man.

Little Loli let the small plane fly to the northwest along the semi-desert zone where the Namib Desert and the inland plain intersect, fly over the Brandberg Mountains, stop near a swamp pond at the end of a river valley in the wilderness, and return to Namib The most famous Cape Cross accommodation on the coast of the United States, and then pick up and drop off two guests when necessary.

Yan Xing was carrying his big backpack full of equipment and Little Lolita's backpack full of things, and walked behind her. She waved a small hoe while digging plants, she stopped and stopped, she walked and walked.

November is the end of spring in Namib. The plants are full of greenery and vitality, and they are working hard to grow. However, in fact, it is spring. The Namib Desert is dry and rainless, which is no different from the dry season. Only the inland plains are due to the wet season. There will be a storm.

Classmate Le started on the plants with strong families, dug some seedlings, and dug as he walked. It took nearly an hour to move to the valley less than one kilometer away, looking for a place to camp.

The work of finding a camp has always been the work of men. Young Master Yan contracted the work of where to stay at night. After surveying the terrain, he chose a stone nest in the bare rocky mountains beside the river valley as a place for overnight stay. Although it is a bit narrow, it can barely accommodate two people.

There is such a place that you don’t even need to pitch a tent, and it’s a few meters high from the ground, which can prevent beasts, so it’s a very safe place.

After deciding on a place to stay overnight, Yan Xing didn't care about anything else, and looked for rock rabbits nearby. He saw rock rabbit feces at the bottom of a rock crevice, and fresh feces, indicating that the rabbit was nearby.

Classmate Le, he left the job of finding a camp to Handsome Yan, and went to dig plants by himself, without caring about how that guy arranged accommodation.

In order to have a delicious meal, Yan Xing scouted and tracked the vicinity for a long time, and he also had a solid understanding of the rock rabbit's whereabouts. He put aside the work of catching rabbits and picked up firewood first. He issued a "military order" to the little loli Taking on the important task of finding firewood, it must not be messed up.

His speed is not slow, besides, there is usually a small oasis next to a river valley with water, with trees and grass, dry firewood and hay poles are firewood, and there are dead branches washed down by the upstream water.

It was noon after picking up a lot of firewood. The sun was so hot that the little loli would not run back to hide at noon. He ate some dry food by himself, found a tree, climbed up, lay down and took a nap for two hours, like bacon. After the hottest hour of the sun every day, I ran to find the rock rabbit.

He had reconnaissance in advance and went into battle again. It didn't take him long to find the rock rabbit. He squatted and followed, spent more than an hour of patient hunting, and successfully captured a fat big rabbit alive.

After studying the female rabbit that was not pregnant, Yan Xing returned to the camp with his prey, tied the rabbit's leg with a nylon rope for luggage and tied it to a tree, and then went to find the mud.

The Namib Desert has no soil, only sand, and there is no good soil in the semi-desert area, but there is silt, silt and some fine sand alluvial from the upper reaches, so it is not a big problem to wrap a rabbit.

Young Master Yan had a good memory, and remembered most of the plants used by Little Lolita to make rabbit meat. He also went to find some leaves of broad-leaved plants and some grass. He wanted to find some cacti, but he couldn't find them nearly two miles into the desert. Dot shadows and give up.

He went back to the camp, fixed the place for the fire, waited until late in the evening to cook the rice, and waited for the little girl to come back to decide how to make rabbit meat before slaughtering the rabbits.

He waited until the sun was halfway down, only to see the little loli returning with a bundle of plants, Yu Yang dragged her shadow to the elders, her smiling face was brighter than the sun.

Yan Xing rushed out to catch the little Lolita, snatched the plant and hugged it, and discussed gently: "Little Lolita, I caught a rock rabbit, it's still alive, should we stew it and eat it or wrap it in muddy eggs?" Burning eggs to eat?"

"I'll go and see if the silt stinks, and if the mud doesn't stink and burn it to eat." Yan Chihuo never forgets the rock rabbit, and Le Yun doesn't dampen his enthusiasm. Anyway, he can't come to Nami country often, and only catch three or a few at a time. Will not endanger the race of rabbits.

Yan Xing's eyebrows brightened, and he hurriedly placed the plants on the rocks beside the camp. He carried the rabbit with a knife and supplies and followed the little loli. Clean it up and give it to little loli.

Le finds some tender plants from the plants he dug, some are stuffed in the stomach of rabbits, some are wrapped in rabbits, wrapped with leaves and a layer of grass, wrapped in mud and burned in a fire.

Little Lolita was very talkative, and Yan Xing was overjoyed. He sat beside her and lit the fire, simmered the rice, and waited for the fire to burn for more than two minutes. Take out and cut into pieces to share.

Little Lolita was full after eating one rabbit leg, but the handsome Yanda ate up the rest unceremoniously. The weather was too hot, and the cooked rabbit meat could not be kept for long, and the taste might change if it was kept until tomorrow.

Yan's foodie was so satisfied that she couldn't see her eyes. Le Yun packed some things and stuffed them into her backpack, put the bag on her back, and took the flashlight: "Yan Xiaolongbao, I have work at night, you should be more alert."

"Little Lolita, where are you going?" Yan Xing thought that Little Lolita was packing her luggage to find a sleeping bag, but who knew that she was going to act alone in the middle of the night, so she jumped up at that time. Her actions were understandable, why did she feel like she was about to drop ?
"Go to a place to borrow a certain plant. It's far away from here. If you don't come back tomorrow morning, you don't have to worry. You will definitely be back tomorrow night." She has her own purpose, so she can't tell him, that guy has a big mouth, Some things are absolutely confidential.

"Are you going to dig centenarian orchids? I'll dig them for you." Yan Xing felt so sad that little Lolita really wanted to leave him and act alone.

"You big mouth, stay honest. I don't dare to let you know what species I borrowed. If you know, I'm worried that one day I will accidentally leak the secret again. It doesn't matter if I'm accused by everyone. I'm worried that I will I was regarded as a refusal by various countries, and I will no longer be granted a visa.”

"How can I, I don't have a big mouth."

"Stop rambling, stay honest, I don't know if there is a little tail this time, just be careful yourself, don't be taken away by someone, let next year's today be a good day for your brothers to miss you."

"Little Lolita, I swear that I will never say anything I shouldn't say, let me follow, okay?" Yan Xing wanted to shoot himself to death, he just revealed at the Guxiu party that she had a small washing scripture Sui Dan's secret, now little Lolita really uses him as a thief.

"What a ghost, don't be a hindrance anymore, you will call the plane to pick you up back to Windhoek tomorrow, and fly back to the motherland's embrace by yourself in advance to act like a spoiled child."

"I..." Once the little Lolita got angry, Yan Xing was drenched in a bucket of cold water like a winter, and she was swollen from head to toe. She didn't dare to say a word, and she became a dumb cannon, looking at Xiaoluo Li carried a little luggage and headed inland with a flashlight.

The bright light from Little Lolita went farther and farther. After turning around a rocky mountain in the upper reaches of the river valley, the light of the flashlight could not be seen. There was only the sound of the wind blowing the grass and the slight sound of the river flowing slowly.

Yan Xing, who was thrown down, silently stared at the direction of little loli for a long time, until his legs were almost numb before he looked away, and said sadly to himself: "I... I am obviously very obedient."

He is obviously a trustworthy person, how could he be a drag?

He also couldn't figure out why little loli wanted to exclude him, what kind of plant did she want to borrow?Is it possible that there are more rare species in Nanami than Centennial Orchid?
If it is an animal, ivory rhino horn or something, Little Lolita is not rare, she has no shortage of ivory rhino horn, and she can't hunt animals for animal horns, especially the country of Nami is very friendly to China, she will not illegal hunting animals.

After much deliberation, she couldn't figure out what little Lolita was looking for, and Yan Xing couldn't follow her, so she packed up her belongings, tied them all up on her back, climbed up the rocks, and climbed to the middle of the mountain, guarding someone who could The place of shelter is your own shelter, spread out your sleeping bag and get in to sit, then assemble your own weapon, sit with your gun in your hands and observe, to detect whether there is a small tail.

He went to the country of Nanami many days in advance, walked around the capital of Nanami and several most important small towns, and found no suspicious person, who was following him. As for the people on the road, of course there were.

Even if he didn't feel that he was watching his own tail, being careful in everything, he sat quietly all night with his gun in his hand. Before he could wait for the little tail, another kind of uninvited guest came in the middle of the night—jackals and wild leopards. One passed by in the middle of the night, and Ge Ge lingered for a long time at the place where they handled the hares before rushing forward.

Young Master Yan, who hadn't closed his eyes all night, got out of his sleeping bag at dawn to move his limbs, disassembled his gun, climbed down the rocky mountain with his luggage on his back, went to the rock nest he had originally chosen to eat, and lay down to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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