magic eye doctor

Chapter 1111 Can You Take Her To Heaven?

Chapter 1111 Can You Take Her To Heaven?

Le Xiaole threw down the oil bottle of Yan Ren, played with the east and west, walked inland, bypassed the rocky mountain, and immediately turned to the coast, and started to run wildly at an angle of inclination towards the northwest.

She is a little fly, her speed is inherently fast, and it only takes [-] minutes to run [-] meters, which is still a result of retaining her strength. In the desert, there is no one around, and there is no need to restrain her speed. She runs as fast as she can, and her speed increases a step.

Under the slightly bright night, a small figure ran wildly in the desert, bypassing rocky mountains, running across dry river valleys and sand dunes, avoiding small swamp mud ponds, and flying towards the depths of the desert.

On the way, some jackals regarded her as the prey, but the prey was faster than it, so it had to give up, and the second African brother missed her by a long distance. She passed through the hunting area of ​​wild leopards without any discussion, from bighorn sheep, Animals such as staring sheep or wild zebras passed by not far away, and met several snakes on a narrow road.

Le Xiaoluoli, who was walking in the dark and night, kept on her way, and when she marched to about [-] miles, she entered a desert. There were some millenia orchids scattered among the weeds in the gravel desert. They were generally older, with huge calyx and leaves. It is very long, and one plant is a large group.

After rushing to the destination, Le Yun, who ran for more than a minute, sat on the gravel and panted, and also caught the little fox and Xiao Huihui, letting them enjoy the starlight.

"Little girl, what are you doing? You're sweating all over your face?" After being lifted out of the cave, the little fox landed on the ground and looked around. What kind of place is this? It's so desolate.

The little black monkey jumped up and down, the young lady stayed on her shoulders, her eyes rolled around for a while, honestly being a cute and well-behaved little pet.

"Hey, I ran for more than [-] miles in one breath. The sandy ground is much more difficult than the hard ground. My speed is greatly reduced. Let's not talk, I'm ready to start work."

Le Yun wiped off her sweat, took out a sharp-toothed hoe and ran towards a dark shadow group, ran close, and hoeed on one side, there were more centenarian orchids in Anguo than Nanami, she wanted to go to Anguo to dig some plants , but the visa may not be approved, so Nanami has to dig some roots first, otherwise she will have to come here next time if she needs it. If others don't doubt her, she will feel embarrassed herself.

The little fox jumped up and followed, saw the little girl's desperate posture, and stroked her beard: "Little girl, how about making some soup for Benhu, how about Benhu helping you?"

"Are you sure?" Le Yun's eyes brightened, and it was worth it for the little fox to cook soup.

"Sure. Just dig this one grass."

"Deal!" Le Yun put down the hoe and gave way to the little fox.

"Dig half or dig it all out?" The little fox asked slowly, stroking his beard.

"The people in this country are very friendly. I have already dug up a few of them. I can no longer dig up their precious plants. I only need to take half of the underground stems to make medicine." I respect every foot, and I can't do too much.

"Understood, you can go wherever you want, and come back later to get the medicinal materials." The little fox said that he understood, and didn't touch the hoe at all. He lay down on the gravel ground and took a breath, and the sand on the ground turned into a wave of soil into his mouth.

"?" Le Yun was stunned, the little fox's a bottomless pit?
Watching it take a few breaths in a daze, the ground sank into a big hole, she wiped off the sweat with sweat: "Little fox, how big is your stomach?"

He is so small, so much sand, it is more than enough to bury it and build several graves, but the little fox ate it all at once. Where did it hide the sand?

Does the little fox have a storage space, or some sort of cave where things can be moved?
Le Yun looked at the little fox who could suck up hundreds of catties of sand with just one breath, and was dumbfounded. The little fox obviously died at the sight of light, so where did he get the strength?

The little fox sucked in the sand and shook the fine gravel from his mouth: "Little girl, you have forgotten the fact that this fox is a fox fairy. When this fox is at its peak, just blowing on it can make this place sink for hundreds of thousands of miles. Zhang, wave your paws to draw a strait to connect the sea to let the sea water come in here, or let the desert sink here and be submerged by the sea water. Now there is no mana, and the means of destroying the world can't be used, at least recover a little bit With physical strength, it is no problem to dig out tens of thousands of catties of sand."

"Then much sand can you hold in your stomach?" Le Yun felt like she was dreaming, oh my god, there is a fox fairy beside her, she seems to be wonderful, can you take her to heaven?
"I don't have enough physical strength, so I can't hold too much. It can probably hold three to five thousand catties. Come on, little girl, you go and do your work. It's business for Benhu to go to work as soon as he still has strength."

The little fox ignored the dumbfounded little girl, and lowered his head to suck up the sand. To be honest, if someone else asked him to dig the sand, he wouldn't do it. Is he the god of the fox clan?How can a dignified fox god do such trivial things? Even if he is of the earth, metal and fire attributes, he doesn't want to bury sand, earth, or stones in his stomach.

The spiritual food made by the little human girl is delicious, so that he can recover a little bit of his physical strength. In order to repay her, he reluctantly helps her to work, so as not to owe her too much favor. Of course, there is another important point, the sand here is still clean. If it is the kind of mud in the sea that is full of carrion, resolutely don't put it in your stomach.

The little fox lowered her head and inhaled to make the bunker several feet deeper. Le Yun's heart was beating very fast. After a few more glances, she felt that her heart was a little out of control and she needed to be quiet. She immediately let go of her feet and ran to more than ten meters Looking at the sky and the earth from afar, thinking about life.

The little black monkey is quietly being a beautiful little monkey, looking around, wow, that kind of grass seems to be a medicinal material, that one over there seems to be edible, over there...

Le Yun didn't know what Xiao Huihui was thinking at all. She stared at the sky and the earth for a long time before she calmed down the overwhelming emotion in her heart. She flashed the flashlight to find out the direction, and went straight to a certain direction, and ran to the desert in one breath towards the inland In the corner of the garden, I found a huge centenarian orchid. According to its leaves and calyx, it is more than [-] years old, and it is the oldest birthday star in the same family.

Finding the target, Le Yun made her whole body free of any hair or fibers, put on gloves, approached the centenarian orchid, picked up its leaves, tied them gently, and then took out a small shovel to move towards the giant flower. Sepals dig down on one side.

After digging less than ten centimeters, a small copper pipe was found, and continued down to about sixty centimeters. A corner of a mass buried next to Qiantui Langen was exposed, and it took several minutes to pry it out. Wrapped in a black plastic bag and wrapped with sealing tape a few times, it is extremely well protected.

Holding the object over and over again to study it several times, Le Yun threw it back into the space together with the copper pipe buried in the sand. She didn't know what it was, anyway, she had discovered it since the first time she was looking for the orchid in the desert. There is something buried under the orchid tree. The second time I passed by, I observed that something was still there. The first time I found it on the way back. It was inconvenient to study and I didn’t go to explore the secret. The handsome guy followed, and didn't come here to explore the desert.

This is the third time, and she must find out, otherwise she will not be able to eat well and sleep.

Find out the strange thing hidden by someone, and Le Yun doesn't study it in detail, backfill the sand, level the pit, scrape off a layer of skin from the sepals, pour water from the space well, and then Untie the leaf knots and spread the leaves to cover the moved sand.

The second step is to erase the traces. She walked backwards, took a bunch of branches to sweep, smoothed the footprints, walked around a few plants a few times away from a distance of more than ten meters to mess up the footprints, and then went to find the little fox. .

After the little girl was busy, the little raccoon worked with peace of mind. He sucked in all the gravel and sand into his stomach, and soon a big hole appeared, and more than half of the stems of the thousand-year-old orchid were exposed.

When the pit went down for more than [-] meters, the root of the orchid came to the end, and the bottom part was very tender, a bit like a giant saguaro, with a whiter color.

A big hole was dug, and the little fox just took a breath when the little human girl came back. He sat by the side holding his beard, smiling and waiting for the little girl to get the medicinal materials by herself.

Le Yun, who ran back to the little fox from a distance, stood beside the half-arc giant pit with a diameter of more than ten meters and stretched his head to take a look: "The height of more than twenty meters is really not low."

With a word of emotion, put the little fox on your shoulders, jump into the deep pit by yourself, kick the wall of the pit before landing to dissipate part of the strength, then fall, land, stand firm, no nonsense, take out the hoe and kill Chitose Pry away some of the sand next to the orchid root, then chop it with a knife, cut off a section and put it away, then take out a self-made ladder, stand on the ladder to chop off the orchid root, cut off a section and put away the ladder first, let the little fox spit out a piece of sand. Fill up the ground with some sand, and then cut the orchid roots.

She was not greedy, cut off orchid roots about ten meters long, helped it bandage the root section, climbed out of the pit, retracted the ladder, let the little fox backfill the deep pit, and then used well water to soak the ground and the leaves of the orchid.

Langen was dug away, and the place after backfilling was concave, and the little fox went to other places to suck a few mouthfuls of sand to fill the hole, a typical example of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

To erase the traces, Le Xiao immediately went back to the space to help the little fox take a bath and rinse his mouth, made the arrogant little fox delicious, stuffed a piece of emerald for him to eat, left the secret place by himself, returned to the natural world and ran to the south .

The little flying man ran wildly, turned over several rocky mountains in the desert plain, and arrived at another desert, where there were also some orchids growing. The age of the plants was a little younger than that of the previous orchids, and the density was more sparse.

Reaching the second goal, Le Yun observed all the way and found a millennium orchid that he had dug out the roots during the dry season in the desert. After careful observation, its roots were intercepted and did not affect its growth. The ointment for the wound is so good, it is more nourishing than before, and its vitality is stronger.

I poured a few buckets of water on the cut-off orchid and the orchid trees next to it, and then looked at the seeds that were sown, and ten new shoots grew. Such a result is gratifying.

Witnessing the results of the experiment with his own eyes, Le had no more psychological burden and ran towards the inland plain with his scud.

(End of this chapter)

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