magic eye doctor

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112 (Add a new update for the festival)
Africa is the kingdom of wild beasts. Africa at night, whether it is the savannah or the desert, is full of dangers. Even hunters dare not take risks at night.

The so-called artist is bold, and Le Xiaoluoli didn't know what it means to be afraid when she was a child. Even in the vast desert of Africa, she didn't have the slightest timidity. and lizards for blood and venom.

Speeding like wind and lightning to the inaccessible semi-desert zone at the junction of desert and plain, student Le Xiao stopped hurrying and stopped at a place without many plants, moved firewood from the space, set up a medicine stove, and gave Xiao a Fox stew fish soup.

In order to replenish his strength, the little fox, as long as the soup made by the little girl has the essence of spiritual food, he can eat it no matter what the ingredients are. In addition to conch and seashell soup, he is also used to freshwater fish soup and chicken soup.

The little Lolita went to log in the Rocky Mountains of country M. The little fox served delicious soup to undertake the hunting work. He was merciless and swept through several mountains like autumn leaves, and caught 800 There were more than [-] catties of freshwater fish, more than [-] grouse, and several teals and beavers were caught.

If it weren't for the little girl who said that although the authorities and most of the people in country M have a bad attitude towards the Great Heavenly Dynasty, animals are still innocent and cannot be hunted indiscriminately, and the five-to-one rule must be followed when hunting, his harvest may have increased several times.

The harvest is rich and the ingredients are sufficient. The little fox is in a good mood every day. He just sits and waits for the little girl to make soup for himself when he has time. He also knows that it is not easy to collect medicinal plants. If he wants to drink soup often, he must store enough medicine Zhi, so, when a little human girl digs orchid roots, he will offer to help.

The little girl is cooking soup while reading a book. The little fox is squatting on the little girl's shoulders, using his big furry tail as a neckerchief for her, holding his face in his front paws, with a happy face. A fox who has soup is the happiest. In order to be able to eat soup Why don't you take the little girl's family there too?The little girl's family is very weak, and when he recovers his mana, it will be no problem to protect a few ordinary people.

Little student Le doesn't understand that the little fox wants to kidnap her to travel to another world. If she knows, she will grab the little fox and throw it as a grenade. scarf.

In the spirit of not wasting time, little loli guarded the soup, holding the luminous pearl to scan the books. After scanning the last half of the books, the soup was boiled, and the fire was extinguished, and the soup was shared.

Xiao Huihui can only drink one or two small spoonfuls, she herself can drink more than half a bowl, and the rest goes into the little fox's bottomless stomach. Sleep well.

Satisfying the little fox's appetite, Le classmate packed up the place where he had parked, and set off on the journey back to the camp again. After running for more than an hour, he was not in a hurry when he was about seven or eight miles away from the camp of Handsome Yan. Go back to my secret site to catch up on the cage-free sleep, wait until dawn before climbing out of the space, walk all the way to the camp to dig plants, and return to the camp near the camp selected by Handsome Yan until mid-morning.

Young Master Yan nestled under the rocks for about an hour to get back into the cage and was no longer sleepy. He helped little Loli dry the medicinal herbs, wandered around, climbed to the tallest tree and waited anxiously for the unknown. When will the little loli come back.

He looked forward to the stars and the moon, and when the stretched-necked crane stretched its neck into a giraffe, he finally saw the figure of a little guy who just walked away and didn't know where to go. She was still walking in the same direction as last night. return.

When the little one came back, Yan Xing felt so depressed that he didn't know which corner of the world to play in the mud. He jumped off the tree and ran for more than a mile without touching the ground to meet the little Lolita. A sun flower: "Little Lolita, you are back, a leopard came by last night, I was not eaten."

"..." Handsome Yan Yan Er is also very powerful, Le Yun rolled his eyes at him: "If you are eaten by a leopard as a snack, I guess your brothers will be so disappointed that even if you are in peace, they want to pick it up Tomb whip the corpse three thousand times."

"Hey, if I was really killed by a leopard and died so uselessly, maybe those little rabbits really won't let me rest in peace." Little Lolita was willing to joke that she was not angry, and Yan Xing was also happy to make fun of herself. She happily asked: "Little Lolita, what about you, do you want to dig my grave?"

"It takes a lot of effort to dig a grave. I'm not that stupid. I just sit with a handful of melon seeds and watch."

"It's really the most poisonous woman's heart," Yan Xing originally thought that the little loli would say that digging his grave was against morality anyway, so she could only scold him a few words, but the result was good.

"The predecessor of a woman is a girl. Let me say it again, someone who may become a woman in the future will give you some poison immediately."

"Oh, don't poison me, I still want to live a few more years." Yan Xing took a step away, then squeezed into the little loli and winked: "No, now abroad, you should not have poison, with strange things They will be detained at the security check."

"It's the greatest insult to a person who plays drugs to question that he doesn't have any poison at hand." Le Yun quickly turned sideways, and flicked her fingers at Handsome Yan. The powder between her fingers scattered, and most of the powder was blown onto his face by the wind.

There was powder sticking to his face, Yan Xing touched his cheek subconsciously, feeling itchy, stretched out his hand to see nothing in front of him, touched it again, it felt even more itchy, and at the same time his fingers began to itch, just like frostbite in winter after being baked by the fire That kind of feeling is not particularly itchy, but it is heart-scratching.

"It's so itchy." He finally came to his senses and said to Little Lolita again, leaning his face up like a dog: "Little Lolita, I was wrong, you see my face is pimple, I'm so handsome, my face How many pimples affect the appearance of the city, please let me go."

"You deserve it. If you don't cry when you see the coffin, and don't give you a hard time, you don't know how many interesting things I have."

Le Yun originally wanted that guy to suffer a bit, but seeing that his handsome face was really showing signs of pimples, she took out a bottle as big as a finger belly, and poured out some jelly-like ointment to wipe his face.

Little Lolita's mouth was stubborn, but her heart was soft. Yan Xing smiled flatteringly and approached her face, waiting for her to stick the ointment on her face, and quickly spread the ointment evenly with her itchy fingers. The ointment has the fragrance of aloe vera It smells cool when it is applied to the face, and the itching sensation is instantly relieved.

He looked at Little Lolita's little paws, her paws were clean, but he couldn't figure out where she hid the powdered medicine?He also recognized her small bottle as a nail polish bottle.

For a moment, Yan Xing felt boundless hatred. Girls are good. You are allowed to carry a bunch of cosmetics such as nail polish, lipstick, face cream, etc. for your own use on the plane. Even if the capacity is limited, it is very humane. Men don’t Such a good treatment, only a little cream and shampoo for men's face.

In this world, women earn the best money, so even when customs close the door, they still open a window for ladies.

As a man, Yan Xing didn't know what to say other than emotion, he was still quite complacent about being born as a man, if he was born as a daughter, how could he have the chance to be his little girlfriend?

He reserves the right to comment on the customs regulations that allow women to carry a certain amount of cosmetics. There are good and bad regulations. The disadvantage is that some speculators take advantage of the loopholes to smuggle or sell drugs. The advantage is because of that article. The nail polish bottle carried by the little Lolita was not confiscated, and she had the opportunity to carry the precious ointment into and out of the country.

Young Master Yan was also winking, he never asked little Lolita whether her actions last night were successful, nor did she ask what kind of disgusting question Yao Zhi was looking for, just pretended that little Lolita went out alone for a whole day What happened at night didn't happen at all. He followed her and turned into a sparrow, asking her if she had breakfast, what she wanted for lunch, and if he wanted to catch rabbits.

Yan Chihuo turned into a talkative man, like a few chirping sparrows, of course, because he is so beautiful and handsome, even a sparrow is a beautiful sparrow.

Seeing the little loli throwing his own eyes, Yan Xing, who had nothing to say, remembered something, and excitedly ran to the little loli and then walked backwards: "little loli, there is good news. Don't listen?"

Yan's steamed buns committed another crime, Le Yun curled her lips in disgust, and refused to answer. With that guy's big mouth, even if she said she didn't want to hear it, he would hold it back for a long time.

The fact is also the same. Little Lolita didn’t say whether she wanted to hear it or not, and the handsome guy Yanda had already sent the good news with a smile: “I called the embassy today and told me that the guy on the other side of the river issued the visa to you.” The visa was notified to the embassy yesterday afternoon, when will we return to the capital of Namibia and when will we go to get the visa.”

They want to play in the Namib Desert, because most of the areas are desolate and remote, and the signal for interpreting is not very good. Therefore, the contact number left when applying for the visa is the office number of the embassy of the Great Heavenly Dynasty in Namibia.

"Hey, so powerful?" The good news is indeed good news, Le Yun expressed surprise to save face, she didn't know how Handsome Yan persuaded the embassy to ask some departments of Anguo to send invitation letters, and she didn't know Are there any other additional conditions? Handsome Yan's visa has been approved. There are no accidents, and her visa can basically be passed.

"Hey, if it were me, I would also have to give you my strength. Look at how rich you are, a little fortune star. Who doesn't like such a rich tourist who spends hundreds of dollars in Nanami without even blinking an eye."

"That's right, he's a rich generation." Good words are heard by everyone, and Le Yun is also very useful, and she is cocky. Of course, she will never tell others the reason why she spends money like water. If some countries know that she always She spent thousands of dollars because she dug up their rare plants, and it is estimated that there will be demonstrations and killing her.

Little Lolita's face became sunny, and Yan Xing was greatly relieved, umm, it's good to have an expression, and an expression shows that she is looking forward to the trip to Anguo, and probably won't abandon herself and act alone.

Anguo's visa has passed, what are you waiting for?Lexiao happily dragged the reserved plan onto the itinerary, notified the helicopter to pick him up, and then went to the desert in the south.

 Someone belatedly realized that yesterday was Beauty’s Day, and today is Married Women’s Day. Happy holidays for married beauties, unmarried sisters, let’s cherish the happy life of single dogs~
(End of this chapter)

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