magic eye doctor

Chapter 112 Purpose

Chapter 112 Purpose

When I first arrived, I didn't know too many people, so I could hear a knock on the door. Le Yun thought about it and didn't know who it was, so she ran to the door with doubts.

She had to tidy up the dormitory and wash the quilt covers. She was afraid of getting her shoes wet, so she changed a pair of sandals. When she ran, the sandals stomped on the ground with a loud and moving sound like galloping horses.

The second knock on the door was three more times, and then it stopped. Before the people outside knocked on the door for the third time, Classmate Le also arrived at the door and quickly twisted the door handle.

The doors of residential buildings generally have cat eyes. If someone knocks on the door, you can see who it is. The doors of dormitory buildings do not have cat eyes. If you want to see who is, you can only ask or open the door.

Opening the door, Le Yun quickly looked out. At the door stood a handsome man with a long body and an indescribable face. There was a small tear under his left eye. Such as peaches and plums, beautiful and elegant, such as a green bamboo pavilion standing upright, with outstanding charm, vigorous and elegant.

What is he doing here?

Seeing that the handsome guy who was still a guest in his dormitory at noon came again, a string of question marks flashed in Le's mind, and he couldn't help but look at the handsome guy's face again. It feels like a spring breeze, bright and bright.

The eunuch is graceful and stunning. The surface seems to be warm and jade-like, but the smile does not reach the bottom of the heart. The gentle smile is tangible and insubstantial.

If you put aside personal grievances, Le Yun has to admit that the eunuch is the most handsome guy with temperament, and that kind of cold and extravagance is innate, deep in the bone marrow, and it is difficult for others to imitate.

Handsome Liu is very handsome. Comparing him now with the first time she saw him in Shennong Mountain in Ebei, she certainly knew that the handsome Liu he saw for the first time was slightly covered up, and he was about 70.00% exposed at that time His true face is now his truest face, more handsome, handsome and dazzling than before.

When he walked with the eunuch, his beauty was still partially covered up by the eunuch. Now that the eunuch is not there, Liu Shuai's gentle and elegant temperament is so dazzling, and the whole person is radiant.

Lowering his eyes, he followed the handsome guy's straight body and looked down. There were several bags of things and fresh milk under his feet. Classmate Le blinked.

Looking at the handsome guy's face to his feet, Le Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows with a smile: "Uncle Liu, handsome guy Liu, what kind of wind blows you here again?"

Liu Xiangyang stood outside the door, his heart was a little hesitant at first. He sent the little princess Chao's car back to the Zhuangyuan Building. He didn't want to go back to face the black face of Young Master Yan, who was shackled by acupuncture hand, and went outside the school instead. Picking up the private car, I thought about it on the road, and I couldn't understand what Yan did to offend the little beauty. I had an idea and went to the mall outside the school to buy some things that I could get my hands on. I decided to explore the little beauty. 's tone.

He didn't think too much when he wanted to talk and buy things, so he just did it. When he drove back to Qingda University and parked downstairs of Zhuangyuan, he was a little confused: if he just ran like this, would he be caught by the little one? The beauty beats it out with a broom?Or maybe the little princess of the Chao family misunderstood something, secretly looking for him to settle accounts?

I hesitated for a long time, struggled for a long time, and finally gave up, no matter what, go up and try it again, it’s a big deal to get a slap in the face, if you have a speculative talk with the little beauty, maybe you can become a new year’s friend, and there will be no pressure to eat in the future.

Holding a good hope, Liu Dashao went upstairs with a small gift purchased from the shopping mall and went straight to the fourth floor. When he reached the destination point, he groomed himself and checked the door again and again before knocking on the door.

When he got to the fourth floor, he heard faint noises coming from the dormitory. He guessed that the master was at home. When he knocked on the door again, he didn't hear a response. He thought that the little beauty knew that he was here and deliberately ignored it. At that time, he was a little nervous. , hesitated for a few seconds to summon the courage to knock a second time.

When he heard the footsteps coming from the dormitory, Liu Xiangyang felt a sense of relief, and immediately put on a pose that he believed to be the most handsome, showed his most beautiful side, and waited for him.

When she saw the little beauty open the door and stick out her head to look, her eyes fell on his face, Liu Dashao did not hesitate to show his most gentle and kind smile.

Smile is the best language.

Liu Xiangyang, who showed a charming smile, saw the little beauty with her eyebrows flying, and replied with a gentle smile: "Little beauty, it was the fragrance of Qingda that blew me here. I was entertained at noon. I just went to pick up the car outside the school. Thanks by the way."

"It's a common meal, don't be too polite." Le Yun was even more puzzled. Do you need to pay back the gift on purpose?Although the guest had come, she said at noon that she would welcome him to be a guest in the future. She couldn't go back on her word, she opened the door wide and invited the guests in.

Upon receiving the invitation, Liu Xiangyang's tangled and hesitant heart instantly disappeared. The little beauty really didn't anger him because of Xiao Xingxing's affairs. The little beauty is reasonable and a hundred times more cute than Xiao Xingxing.

He was relaxed and happy, and hurriedly leaned over to pick up his luggage, a carton of milk, and four plastic food bags.

Classmate Le is washing the bedding, and other items have not been completely sorted out. The living room is still a little messy, but it also has the flavor of human habitation.

Liu Shao admires the little girl's walking posture. The little girl is young and looks petite and exquisite, with refreshing short hair, her back is straight when she walks, an ordinary shirt and cropped trousers, her exposed arms and ankles are white and tender. Like snow lotus, she is lively and agile, every step is like stepping on a cloud, and her body is as light as a swallow.

He was particularly curious, how could such a small girl have such a strong power to beat Xiao Xingxing so easily?

I feel that there are too many secrets worth exploring in the little beauty, which is enough to attract people to take an adventure. Liu Xiangyang's eyes are bright. If you can become friends with the little beauty, you can not only explore some secrets of the ancient Wu family at close range, but also eat regularly. When it comes to food, it is simply the beauty of life.

In a high mood, Liu Shao followed the little girl to the living room, put the things he was carrying aside, walked to the table gracefully and sat down, taking a tissue to wipe the sweat that didn't exist.

Le Yun asked Liu Shuai to sit down, she turned into the kitchen, carrying someone on her back, took out a cucumber from the space, washed it, cut it into slices and put it on a plate, and brought it out to entertain guests.

A refreshing smell wafted over, Liu Xiangyang smiled brilliantly, wow, he was so right, there was fruit to eat!

He watched the little girl bring out the plate, and immediately stopped the snicker that the trick was successful. He smiled slightly, politely, full of gentleman's demeanor, and the standard gentleman's demeanor.

Classmate Le brought out the fruit for the guests and sat down to accompany her. When she just said that she didn't cook tea and the reception was not good, she only ordered the cucumbers from her hometown as tea for the guests to taste. However, his hand quickly forked the slices of melon into his mouth, and the movement was so neat and tidy.

E North Shennong Mountain area has a mild climate, and the pollution-free green melons and fruits grown have a unique flavor. He and Xiaoxingxing and others are on a mission. When he is nervous, his favorite is to buy local melons and fruits to eat, those grown with agricultural fertilizers. The melons and fruits are fresh and tender, sweet and crunchy, and the taste is not comparable to the fruits and melons in the greenhouse.

The little beauty said that the cucumber was brought from her hometown, which means that it is the purest agricultural product in E North. Therefore, he couldn't wait to taste it. A piece of cucumber was imported, and Liu Shao was shocked. The hometown brought by the little beauty compares to him Those authentic local agricultural products that have been eaten are ten times better.

Seeing that a large plate is for him to eat alone, Liu Xiangyang's eyes are bright and bright, shining like stars. Say two words: delicious!

Now, he finally understood why the cucumbers were only placed there at noon, and they could still smell a faint refreshing smell, pure local agricultural products, 100% pollution-free green fruits, and of course the fragrance is tangy.

At this moment, Liu Xiangyang also understood why the little beauty would hide those watermelons, cucumbers and tomatoes at noon. If such a delicious local product was his, he would also hide it and refuse to give it to others.

At the same time, he also understood why the little beauties didn't invite them to eat local specialties at noon, of course, because Xiaoxingxing offended the little beauties. The little beauties didn't want to be cheap, so they didn't entertain them with delicious food. To put it bluntly, at noon he If you don't eat delicious food, it's all the fault of Xiaoxingxing.

Thanks to his wit, he managed to infiltrate the little beauty's dormitory in the name of Kuozi, who came to thank him. He was fortunate to taste the purest E North melon fruit. Mmmm, he deserved a small trip and couldn't eat it. Who told him to offend the little beauty.

Liu Xiangyang happily enjoyed the delicious food, and despised his good brother in his heart. That guy was so stubborn and stubborn. In modern words, he was called Aojiao, and he deserved to be unpopular.

The handsome guy in front of him was beaming, which made Le Yun look special... Speechless, he smiled quietly, delicious, right?Let's eat, let's eat, and eat happily, go back to publicize the eunuchs, if she can make the eunuchs angry, she won't mind inviting Liu handsome guy to eat delicious food next time.

Liu Xiangyang ate happily and kept stubbornly saying, "Little beauty, although I'm not the kind of guy who hangs the sky, I'm a native and I'm still very familiar with the capital, where do you want to go in the future? Hey, or if you need someone to run errands for anything, remember to find me, as long as you are free, I will be there when you call..."

Liu Shaoba did a bit of self-promotion, and at the end did not forget to help his good brother to excuse himself: "Little beauty, because of family relations, that guy in Xiaoxingxing is a little dark in his heart, and is easy to get confused sometimes, if he does something wrong where I am, I apologize to you on his behalf, you are a lot of adults, the ones that can be forgiven are the ones that can be forgiven, don't bother with him."


Le Yun blinked, saying, what is this handsome guy doing?If she only looked at his eating appearance, she felt that he was here to eat, and if it was based on his behavior, it seemed that he had come to work as a coolie, and now he is talking for the eunuch, and he is suspected of helping the eunuch to wash away his sins. .

The handsome guy's intentions are not very clear. Classmate Le smiled meaningfully: "Liu handsome guy, Uncle Liu, didn't the eunuch tell you the reason why he had a grudge with me?"


Hearing the word "Uncle", Liu Xiangyang, who was immersed in the delicious food, was shocked. He was only in his twenties, how could he be reduced to an old man at the level of an uncle?

He felt ten years older in an instant, but in fact he and Little Princess Chao were of the same generation, but could Little Beauty Mao call Little Princess Chao her brother, and call him uncle?Different treatment ah, Intuit is unfair.

"Little beauty, I'm actually only a few years older than Brother Chao, you can call him brother." He didn't want to be called uncle, really, that would remind him of how he felt calling him uncle.

"Brother Chao is nineteen years old this year, five years older than me, so it's normal to call him brother. Uncle Liu, with all due respect, your age is over 25 years old, which means that you are more than ten years older than me, ten years older. The age gap is a huge gap that is difficult to bridge, so relatively speaking, you are an uncle-level generation."

"..." Liu Xiangyang was speechless for a long time, he was indeed over 25 years old, and it was absolutely true that he was more than ten years older than the little beauty, feeling so sad!

Liu Shao, who was deeply affected by the age problem, had a feeling that he was born ten years later. If he was born ten years later, he would be the same generation as the little beauty, but his mother gave birth to him ten years earlier. Ah, that gap is like a chasm in the sky, and it is difficult to cross.

"Little beauty, what did Xiao Xingxing do to make you angry?" Depressed, he could only turn his grief into appetite, attacked the last few cucumbers, and didn't forget to inquire about gossip.

"Uncle Liu, you'd better ask the eunuch to see if he has the face to tell him the good deeds he has done." Ask the eunuch what the eunuch did?The eunuch is too embarrassed to be a hooligan, she has no face to say.

Feeling like a big deal?There was a faint murderous aura in the little beauty's tone, Liu Xiangyang's back froze, and he had a creepy intuition. He carefully peeked at the little girl, and tentatively admitted his mistake: "Little beauty, Xiao Xingxing's character is okay, he will do it. If something goes too far, it may be forced by the situation, he has his own difficulties, I think he should know that he did something wrong, and he is embarrassed to admit it directly, so it is the same for me to apologize on his behalf."

"You're not him, you can't represent him, the eunuch really recognizes the mistake, he can explain it in person this morning and at noon, he still pretends nothing happened, and wants to do something to me, I didn't beat him so much that his parents would recognize it. If you don’t come out, it will give you enough face. If you want to speak for the eunuch, don’t talk about it. If the eunuch apologizes sincerely, let him do it himself.”

"Okay, I won't talk to Xiaoxingxing, one code is one code, and they are not confused." The little girl raised her eyebrows, her sweet and lovely face loomed with anger, Liu Xiangyang hurriedly accepted it, the little beauty was sweet and innocent. , she only knew that Xiao Xingxing's methods were not good, and he didn't want to offend her.

"Well, it's one size fits all, you and the eunuch have a deep relationship with the eunuch, that's your business, you and Brother Chao are friends from the world, and you are a friend of Brother Chao, so of course I won't blacklist you because of the eunuch. "

Liu Xiangyang nodded humbly, the little beauty is knowledgeable, has clear grievances, and is a good boy. Why did Xiaoxingxing kill her and make her angry?

Considering that the little beauty has to pack her luggage, it is convenient for him to be left alone as a big man, so he hastily said goodbye. The purpose of his visit is to find out, the little beauty will not hate him, and he can come to eat happily in the future, so that's it. Complete line.

(End of this chapter)

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