magic eye doctor

Chapter 113 Pain

Chapter 113 Pain

After eating delicious food in the little beauty's dormitory, and finally being sent by the owner with a smile, Liu Xiangyang went downstairs with a refreshing heart, got into the black cheetah car, and rushed to the apartment building.

In fact, he originally thought of walking around and trying to stay out for as long as possible. In that case, someone Yan might be able to move freely when he returns. He was scolded, but when he thought about it, it was not a problem for him to avoid it. Maybe someone in Yan would complain that he was still in the mood regardless of his brother's life and death.

What's more, he has already witnessed the embarrassment of Young Master Yan, and he may be blamed both horizontally and vertically.

Qiuyang was shining brightly, and the freshmen were reported one after another. The old students helped the freshmen with their luggage, led the way, escorted them to the dormitory or led people to go through the formalities, etc. It was very lively in twos and threes.

Liu Shao looked at the slightly tender new faces, and he seemed to be several years younger. He had the heroic feeling of "just a classmate boy", he was in a great mood, and he drove very dazzlingly, and galloped to the apartment building. , and did a beautiful drift when parking, which caused several girls on the roadside to scream.

Cheetah's domineering appearance itself is easy to attract attention. When Liu Da Shao got off the car, his straight body and gentle and elegant appearance once again made the eyes of several girls full of stars.

This is a normal reaction!

Being sought after, Liu Xiangyang is triumphant, just say, he is so handsome, so handsome, how could he not be popular with girls?The little beauty was not amazed when she saw him. It was definitely not that he was not beautiful enough to overwhelm the crowd, but that there was something wrong with the beauty of the little beauty.

Liu Shao, who was elated for a while, closed the door of the cab with the most unrestrained action, then turned to the trunk, took out a box of face bags, twisted up a large food bag, and calmly turned to the apartment building, leaving others to stand tall and straight. Tall back.

Yan Xing stayed in the dormitory, let him try to move, try to hit the acupuncture points with luck, all in vain, time passed, failed countless times, and had to give up in frustration.

With his back to the wall, it was the same as being punished to stand and think about it. There was no one else in the dormitory, and he couldn't see the watch. He didn't know the exact time, so he silently calculated the approximate time based on his heartbeat.

An hour passed, and he could not move;

An hour and a half passed, and he could not move;

Silently counting the time, boiled, boiled, boiled abruptly for more than an hour and still couldn't move, or the time calculated after hitting Liu Xiangyang out. The more it accumulates, the more prosperous it becomes, and then it is diluted by time. The anger rises and disappears, and the anger disappears. It goes back and forth like the ebb and flow of the sea, and in the end he can't even raise the desire to be angry.

Depressed to the point where he was unable to get angry, his handsome face also went from black as the bottom of a pot to anger and hatred, and then he was expressionless and pursed his lips.

Can't move, what can he say?

Limbs are stiff, what you say is empty words, no matter how angry you are, you can't recover, no matter how angry you are, it's useless, even if you yell, you can't hurt the little loli anyway, it doesn't hurt or itches for her, and in the end, she will only suffocate herself.

After calming down, Yan Xing became more and more depressed. If Little Loli has internal strength, then it can explain why she has so much strength and can beat him with one punch, but whether it was the last time at Shennong Mountain or today , Watching with the breathing and walking of the little loli, the strange little loli doesn't seem to be a person who knows internal skills, how can she point acupuncture points?Where does the infinite power come from?

After thinking about it, there is no answer, I can only hope that the time will pass quickly, the sealed acupuncture points will be able to self-solve quickly, and I count the time until two hours have passed, and suddenly I feel that the two places on my chest seem to be scalded by hot water. After a moment, at the same moment, the elbows of the two arms were also warmed, and the stiff and numb arms suddenly felt.

Self-solving acupoints?

Sensing the mutation from the acupoints, Yan Xing tried to move his hands, and his two arms were able to move, even if it was stiff, he was finally free.

He tried hooking his fingers, clenching his fists, moving a few times, his arms were flexible little by little, he waved a few times, meditated and rushed to the acupoints, maybe there were two acupoints unblocked, the meridians were smoother, and the luck rushed, one after another. Several acupuncture points on the chest were finally released from the rigid state that lasted for more than two hours.

After breaking free, his whole body became lighter, Yan Xing's face turned black again, damn little Loli, her heart is so dark, she points his acupuncture points, if there are bad people around him, he will surely die.

The anger came up again, so angry that the top of his head was smoked, he gritted his teeth fiercely, while pressing the acupoints on his legs, pushing the palace to pass the blood, so that the stiff legs could recover as soon as possible, pinching and rubbing for a few minutes, the legs that were originally unconscious It was just a feeling of soreness and numbness.

Yan Xing moved to the bed step by step with his sore and swollen legs. His legs were standing for too long and his blood vessels were blocked. He was liberated at first and felt weak and weak.

He moved to the bed with one foot and one foot lightly, climbed up and lay down. Fortunately, the bed in the apartment was an ordinary iron canopy bed with only one floor and not high. He could move it up, if it was the upper bunk and the desk This kind of combination bed, even if he is free now, he will not be able to climb up.

Climbing onto the bed, Young Master Yan massaged himself again. Just after a few massages, he heard footsteps outside the door and walked to the door of the dormitory. His ears trembled and Xiangyang came back!

Almost without any thought, Yan Xing leaned back, fell flat on his back, and lay flat. As soon as he lay down, he heard the sound of the key entering the keyhole.

Holding the instant noodles, Liu Xiangyang carried the bag back to the outside of the dormitory, handed the bag to one hand, took out the key to open the door, twisted the door, and found a certain Yan on the bed, happily rushed into the dormitory: "Little Okay, brother is back, and brought back our supper."

Yan Xing turned his head, just as Liu Dashao kicked the door and closed the door. He was holding a square box in his hand and twisting a large bag of things. His thick ink eyebrows jumped three times, and he was silent.

Closing the door with one foot, Liu Xiangyang threw the thing and threw it on the table next to the wall. He flew to Yan's side, sat down on the bed, and bent one leg on the bed, watching as he lay on his back. The handsome and handsome guy who was very handsome expressed his deepest concern: "Xiao Xingxing, you are so good, you can open the acupuncture points by yourself, how are you now? Is there any discomfort? Can you exercise? Do you need to go for a walk and exercise? ?"

Someone Liu was chattering, causing Yan Xing's brows to twitch again. He didn't want to care about people, but he couldn't stand Liu Shao's hot gossip eyes, so he threw the knife away angrily: "How comfortable is it? , what's wrong with it, do you dare to carry me on your back to find the culprit?"

His acupuncture points were opened, and the dumb acupoints also resolved themselves. His throat had not been wet for a long time, and it was slightly dry and hoarse, and his voice was even more sexy.

"Don't dare." Liu Xiangyang smiled and said his thoughts openly: "I dare to eat, but I don't dare to go to trouble with you, I don't want to be touched by the little beauty and can't move, stand up Be her doorman there."

"..." Yan Xing was choked, and Xiang Yang said as if he was out of his control and sent it up to give Little Lolita acupuncture points.

"Xiaoxingxing, listen to what brother said, what did you really do to offend the little beauty, please apologize seriously, a man is a man, dare to do it and admit it, it is not a man to be a tortoise."

"You're not going to find her again, are you?"

"Yes." Liu Xiangyang was stared at by a pair of sharp dragon eyes, and his face was not afraid: "Let's go to someone's house today, and we didn't bring any gifts, it would be very impolite, so when I returned the car, I went to take you outside the school. My private car drove in, stop by the mall to buy some gifts, and thank the little beauty."

Yan Xing's face was black for a second: "Then what?"

"Then I told the little beauty that Xiao Xingxing has an absolutely reliable character and is not a bad person. If you do something, it must be a last resort. I apologize to her on your behalf, and ask her to hold her hand high and stop worrying about it."

"And then?" Yan Xing's face was black enough to squeeze out ink, who asked him to apologize on his behalf?The guy who has more than enough success and more than failure, only pulls him back.

"And then, the little beauty said that I am me, and I can't represent you. The little beauty said that if you are sincere, you can explain or apologize when you meet in the morning or noon, saying that you thought nothing happened and wanted to do something to her. , I didn't beat you so much that your parents couldn't recognize it, it was just to give me face, and I told you to apologize or something, let you go in person, to be reasonable, brother, I am very sad, this is the first time I went to apologize to you so seriously, but I didn't get it. Reconciliation is simply detrimental to this young master's splendid image of being wise and handsome."

Gritting his teeth, Yan Xing gritted his teeth, really wanting to punch Liu Xiangyang, who asked him to come over and apologize?Isn't this rushing up to be trampled on?

"Who the hell gave you the guts to let you run away to find trouble?"

"Lend my courage." Seeing that Yan Shao's face was blue and iron, Liu Xiangyang didn't care at all.

The corners of Yan Xing's eyes suddenly jumped: "Have you reported it?"

"Well." Liu Xiangyang nodded with a serious face: "Xiao Xingxing, we were kicked here, you have another hidden task in addition to the obvious task, and I was also assigned another hidden task. It was said above, I told you to rob someone, you know."

"Little beauty is one of your goals?" Yan Xing almost vomited blood.

"Yes, it is one of the goals at present. In ten days and a half, if certain things are confirmed, it may be upgraded to a key goal. I said above, if brother fails to complete the task, immediately arrange for him to be engaged to a certain daughter, Xiaoxing. Okay, good brother, for the sake of brother's free and happy life, for the sake of the four-year-old in the world in brother's heart, you can't take the credit for brother, and you can't do things that make brother embarrassed, okay?"

"Okay, I don't want to play yin." Yan Xing pursed his lips, and made a promise after a long while. Little Lolita bullied him so badly. He wanted to play yin. Xiangyang's goal, he temporarily let her go, and waited for Xiangyang to get people to the army before rectification.

"Hahaha, this is the buddy, Xiao Xingxing, this time you help me get rid of someone, and when you have a crush, my brother will help you chase your wife."

Yan Xing hummed his head and ruthlessly despised: "You think that everyone is like you, but you are indifferent to a beautiful woman, but you are so obsessed with taste that you want to chew on the tender grass, and I still don't know how to start, what do you say you are? Eyes, it's a shame. If I have a crush on someone, I won't be as dawdling as you, looking forward and looking back, I'm afraid, I go straight up and pack up and hold the person and talk about evidence."

"Che, just blow it, you can only talk about it, if you really have the ability you said, you won't watch the Wang family's daughter's pipa, don't hold it, and you won't be like this young man now. Still single."

"Liu-Xiang Yiyang!" Yan Xing's face was full of anger, his big hands were clenched into fists, the dragon eyes that symbolized justice opened violently, and his eyes were full of flames.

Whoosh, Yan Shao just called out a word "Liu", Liu Xiangyang knew that he had poked Yan Shao's sore spot, jumped up, jumped a few feet away, his forehead was sweating, uh, a slip of the tongue, he actually didn't. He didn't really want to expose someone's injury to Yan, but he couldn't hold back for a while and rushed out, really, he swears!

You must know that he and someone Yan are iron buddies who grew up in childhood, and brothers who have experienced a lot of bullets. The relationship is properly deep, but it is not someone who can pry the foundation, and of course he will not deliberately go to the brother. Sprinkle salt on your body.

As for a certain Wang Qianjin, sigh, the matter of that person is really hard to describe. He can only say that it is the peach blossom calamity of Yan. To tell the truth, it is the best for the person who has no results with Yan. The one who got married, he had to worry about someone Yan.

Accidentally stepping on Young Master Yan hurt his feet, Liu Xiangyang was afraid of being poisoned, so he jumped a few steps smartly and turned around to look at Young Master Yan. , it looks like it's going to explode.

Not afraid of death, he rolled his eyes carelessly, rubbed his chin slowly, and laughed again and again: "Don't yell so loudly, I'm not deaf. Tsk tsk, a certain daughter is really your pain, you can't stand it if you poke it, ji Do not do what you want to others, why are you poking my wounds?"

"Do you try again?" Yan Xing pressed his hands firmly onto the bed, God knows how hard it took him to control himself not to jump up and beat Liu Xiangyang violently. That guy couldn't open the pot but raised it. Are you trying to piss him off?

"Okay, I don't say it, you can't stand teasing, really, it's still the bright moonlight in my heart, alas, I don't know that this young master will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to form a good relationship with the goddess, alas, I think back then when this young man was majestic, handsome and flawless, but I met her at that moment. From then on, I saw her forever. My goddess, the gentleness that bowed her head the most, she was so shy and shy as a lotus flower. moon……"

Liu Shaotao kept praising his sweetheart, Yan Xing closed his eyes angrily, Qing Tie's complexion slowly returned to its original color, and the tightly clenched hand loosened little by little. A person slashed a knife in the heart, even if the injury is healed, as long as a stab, blood will be dripping, and the heart will be painful.

(End of this chapter)

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