magic eye doctor

Chapter 114 Little beauty, come and help

Chapter 114 Little beauty, come and help

The sun slanted into the room from the window, the whole room was bright, and there was a little noise in the distance, adding some popularity to the lonely floor.

Classmate Le sent Shuai Liu away. Looking at the sunshine in the room, he was very happy. He flew back to the bathroom to wash the pillowcases and pillowcases, washed everything that should be washed, squeezed all the water, and put them on the drying line on the balcony to dry.

When I go back and clean up the dormitory, I can collect all the things in the cabinets, so I don’t need to take up space. I can’t put the fruits in the refrigerator and put them on the table, clean them, and then wipe the floor.

On a sunny day, the air in the capital is dry, and the ground that has just been mopped is easy to dry. First mop the living room, then the bedroom, and when I turn around, the living room floor is basically dry.

After cleaning up, classmate Le had time to check the thank-you gifts brought by Liu Shuai. In addition to a carton of milk, two bags of four food bags were fruits, including pears, dragon fruits, and mangosteen; the other two bags were chocolate, biscuits, potato chips, words Mei and other snacks are also snacks that girls love to eat.

囧 ah 囧!

Seeing snacks, Le Yun is embarrassed, Liu Shuai must be a guy who is used to coaxing girls, otherwise how would he know to buy snacks?

They even sent it, so she accepted it rudely, put the fruit, milk and snacks on the writing table, and arranged the tables and chairs in the living room one by one.

It's still early. I cut a mangosteen, dragon fruit and fragrant pear, found the plump and firm seeds, slipped back into the space, and found two barreled soil seeds, mangosteen and pear, and scattered the dragon fruit seeds in a flower pot. nursery.

Filling up the two wooden buckets will also use up half of the soil accumulated before, and the stock will not be used many times. Fortunately, there are still dozens of flower pots with soil, so you can plant small things in an emergency.

"It is necessary to go to the north." After planting the seeds, Le Yun murmured to herself that the soil in the north is fertile, and she wants to find an opportunity to go to the great north to dig some soil for backup.

The soil dug from the outside cannot be compared with the soil of the medicine field. Fortunately, there is well water. Watering with well water can supplement nutrients and speed up the growth cycle of crops.

She is doing an experiment, constantly drenching the soil brought into the space from the outside with well water, to see if the soil can become as magical as the soil in a medicine field.

There is still some time before dinner. Le is not in a hurry, she goes to pick off the pumpkins and melon seedlings that are almost ready to be picked, and then selects some of the medicinal herbs that she needs from the medicinal herbs. For the sake of future safety, she will With the event of self-defense powder or potion on the schedule, start preparations.

President Chao and Classmate Li finished the meeting of the Youth League branch. Classmate Chao and the branch secretary and several other important personnel still had some matters to discuss. Li Shao swayed and ran away faster than anything else.

Li Yubo came out of the conference room of the Youth League branch, went downstairs in the elevator with a group of people, and walked to the elevator lobby. His eyes swept around like a scanning ceremony, and he scanned the figure of a tall young man, and quickly chased after him. He ran behind someone and patted the young man on the shoulder: "Young genius, don't run, I have serious business with you."

The young man held by his shoulder held a document bag in his hand, stood up, and turned around. He was about 1.8 meters tall, tall and graceful, with white skin and red lips, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, full of book smell, standard romantic Talented.

He also happens to be surnamed Cai, named Talent Talent Jun, and the Deputy Minister of Culture under the Student Union. However, he is not a liberal arts genius. He studies medicine and is one of the top scholars in the Medical Department. His hobby is literature.

The Ministry of Culture has always been dominated by the top students in the liberal arts, but the top students in the medical department have become the second-in-command of the Ministry of Culture when they enter the student union.

The talented student Jun turned around and saw the sunny, smiling classmate Li, elegantly stretched out two fingers to push the glasses frame, and asked tepidly, "You're talking about serious matters that will not drag me off the sports field. Smelly sweat?"

He was often dragged off the sports field by a minister on the grounds of "business" to play a hot football or basketball game, and then sweated profusely every time, and several times because of his sweaty embarrassment, he was seen by outsiders, almost Let his gentle scholar image vanish.

He is also entrusted by Minister Li. Because of his regular training and good health, he really develops along the road of "morality, wisdom and beauty".

In view of Minister Li's criminal record, Cai didn't quite believe the seriousness of what he said was serious.

"Now I don't have time to play ball, this time is really a serious matter," Li Yubo happily walked on the shoulders of the talented man: "Dude, I'm asking you to borrow books, the professional books you learned in the past two years. Borrow for use, don't roll your eyes, I'm borrowing, I won't use your professional books as scraps to sell for money, and I won't refuse to return them."

"Dude, if I don't lose my memory, I remember that you are a computer major. What's the use of a computer science student who borrows books from medical majors?" Talented Zijun has a kind of impulsive desire to knock out Minister Li's brain. To read a medical book, forgive him for his poor ability to accept, and he can't accept the fact that he is biased towards the wild.

The two buddies walked out of the elevator lobby and went to pick up the car.

"Of course I don't have that kind of hobby of studying medicine, but that doesn't mean others don't. In a word, can I borrow it? Humph, if you don't borrow it, the boat of your friendship will be overturned."

"Borrow, your eldest and youngest opened the golden mouth in person. How can I not borrow it? All the books I learned in the first and second grades are in the dormitory. When do you want to move them?"

"This is the brother." Li Yubo hooked the shoulder of the talented man and smiled meaningfully: "Dude, I remember that you have a good relationship with the representative of the Department of Medicine, Chen Shuyuan Xueba, right?"


Mentioning the seniors in the senior year made a quick flash of doubt in the mind of Cai Zijun. He tilted his head to look at classmate Li, and nodded indifferently: "Yes, I get along very well with Senior Chen."

"Good buddy, do me a favor again, please help me borrow Senior Chen's professional book for use."

"Senior Chen is a major in integrated Chinese and Western medicine, and I major in Western medicine. You want both Western medicine and integrated Chinese and Western medicine. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"I can't go to heaven. I think it's the one who needs books. Don't talk about it. If you're a man, just be more relaxed. Can you help me with this?"

"If you don't help, the boat of friendship will be overturned, right?"


"Senior Chen is doing scientific research. He leaves early and returns late every day. In the evening, I will borrow books for you. I've agreed in advance that this genius will only borrow books for you. You can carry it yourself. Our hands need a scalpel. It's very precious, don't let me do that kind of tiring work, understand?"

"Understood, future great doctor, go, go to your dormitory, it's four o'clock now, when I pack your books, senior Chen is almost back."

The two walked in front of Classmate Li's car and got into the car. With no one else around, Talent Juncai asked calmly, "Tell me, who are you helping to borrow books?"

"President Chao's precious sister is also a freshman in your medical department this year. She is a very cute elementary school girl. I hope my buddies will take care of me in the future, so as not to be bullied."

"President Chao's younger sister? You lied to me because you have little knowledge. Who doesn't know that President Chao is the only seed in the family, where did he come from? If President Chao has a younger sister, the fans of the president are sure to flock to him. To please her, do you think I need to take care of her?"

"Who lied to you? Xiao Chao doesn't have a younger sister. Could it be that he couldn't marry Jin Lan? You probably know this girl from elementary school. She is the champion of the science college entrance examination this year."

"No. [-] in the college entrance examination?'s not that little girl who ranks first in the country for science, right?" The calm expression of talented scholar Jun finally changed a little.

There are a total of [-] provinces in the country, and there are more than [-] champions in arts and sciences in the college entrance examination every year. This year, there is only one champion in the national college entrance examination to study medicine, which was once embarrassing.

Also because the champion was the only one who applied to major in medicine, it was understandable that he also became a figure he talked about with relish. Even if he had not yet reported to Qingda University, almost all the students in the medical department knew who he was.

Talented Zijun also got a glimpse of a little secret. I heard that several old professors in the medical department are interested in bringing new students this year, including his mentor. For this reason, the medical department held several meetings, and was eventually taken away by the wonderful professor, Professor Wan Cheng. As the tutor of the class of the junior champion, his tutor gnashed his teeth and went to Professor Wan Cheng for a meal in order to avenge the failure of the competition.

"The answer is correct, it's the primary school girl. It must be kept secret in advance. The primary school girl asks you for advice if she doesn't understand something, and please don't hesitate to give pointers. There are a lot of trivial matters in the past two days. After the primary school girl's military training, I will invite you when you have time. Have dinner with Senior Chen."

"Okay, I'm waiting for your treat."

"Wait patiently, it's guaranteed to open your eyes." Li Yubo set off for the car, hurried out with a whimper, and rushed to the dormitory area in high spirits.

When classmate Li went to borrow books, Yan Xing was lying on the bed and pretending to be dead. Because Liu Xiangyang poked at the sore spot, he was in a particularly gloomy mood.

Liu Xiangyang giggled for a while, but did not amuse Yan, he sighed and looked at the things he had bought, put out a bag of fruit, found a red dragon fruit, cut a knife in the middle, divided it into two, and then went to the small one. On the balcony, he found a bowl and fork on the small table, brought a stainless steel fork, took half a dragon fruit, sat on the edge of Yan's bed, cut out a piece of pulp with a fork and handed it to Yan.

"Xiaoxingxing, are you still angry? Be good, don't be angry anymore, brother, please eat Guoguo."

Yan Xing originally closed his eyes and ignored him, but when he heard Liu Xiangyang's words, he opened his eyes and looked at Liu Shao, looking at Liu Shao's always sunny face and pleasing expression, and then at the piece of fruit he handed over. , Silently sighed, and ate obediently.

He is younger than Liu Xiangyang, but not much younger. Liu Xiangyang has always regarded himself as a brother since he was a child. When they were young, the two fought. No matter right or wrong, the first person to bow was always Xiangyang, and most of them were also coaxing him. Xiang Yang used such a tone to coax him to eat.

When they were young, he and Xiang Yang were both busy with their studies, busy learning various knowledge and skills, and had no time to play. When they each had the ability to stand on their own, they were mature, and even if there was a dispute, they would not become stiff, and Xiang Yang would never be the same again. Didn't coax him like hours.

Today he just didn't want to talk, he didn't expect to relive the scene of Xiangyang coaxing him back then.

Childhood memories flooded into his heart, Yan Xing felt sour and melancholy, rolled up the fruit on his fork, and protested in a sullen voice, "I don't like dragon fruit, it's unpalatable."

"Xiaoxing, don't be picky eaters. The doctor said that because of your injury, your physique has weakened a lot and you need to supplement nutrition. Dragon fruit is the most nutritious fruit. You are not required to eat one a day, but at least two a week."

Yan Xing's eyebrows trembled slightly: "Do you believe what the doctor said? Whoever likes to eat this crap, I don't want to suffer."

Liu Xiangyang put a fork in his mouth, frowning in disgust: "It's really hard to eat." After thinking about it, he was excited: "Or, let's eat durian instead, I heard that durian is more nutritious."

"Durian stinks even more." When he was doing field survival training in the tropical rainforest, he couldn't find any meat animals for a while, so he relied on wild durian and mango to save his life, and now he wants to vomit when he mentions durian and mango.

"That's still eating dragon fruit." Liu Xiangyang grinned and cut out another piece to feed someone to Yan.

Yan Xing ate silently, Liu Xiangyang happily waited on Young Master Yan, and after eating half of the dragon fruit, Yan Xing's face became clear and his stiff limbs completely recovered. He sat up, moved around, and talked with Liu Less hold their respective computers to start work on the small balcony.

The two of them almost forgot the time as soon as they got to work, and they didn't stop until dusk, but it was already past five, Liu Xiangyang rubbed his old waist and whispered, "It's almost time for dinner, I really want to go to the little beauty's place for a meal. ."

Yan Xing originally wanted to reprimand Liu Xiangyang for being sloppy, but shut up and told the truth, the food made by Little Lolita is really delicious!

Liu Xiangyang muttered something, took a peek at Yan Shao, and found that Xiao Xingxing looked gloomy, he looked up sadly at the sky, Xiao Xingxing didn't mean to bow his head and apologize, and he didn't know when he would have the opportunity to visit the little beauty, kindness stop!

Liu Shao was very upset, while Classmate Chao was in a good mood. After discussing the work with the core staff of the regiment, he quietly declined the proposal of everyone to go to a restaurant outside the school, left the office building, and rushed to the dormitory by car.

Back at the Zhuangyuan Building, the young man hugged his document bag and went upstairs happily. He was in good spirits when it came to happy events, and climbed up to the fourth floor in one go. Although he was a little out of breath, he was not uncomfortable at all.

The door was still ajar, and it opened as soon as it was pushed. The living room was neat and tidy. Chao Yubo saw the small figure in the small kitchen, and a smile overflowed his face unconsciously.

"Brother Chao, are you done?" Le Yun was washing vegetables when she heard the sound of the door being pushed and looked around. She saw the delicate and beautiful young man with a bright smile on the pink round goose egg.

"Well, I'm done. Xiao Lele, what are you going to eat tonight? I can smell the aroma." Chao Yubo threw his backpack and document bag on the desk, walked quickly to the table and sat down, looking eagerly at the kitchen.

"I'm still making soup. I'll eat cabbage and pumpkin seedlings tonight." Le Yun turned off the tap and went to the bedroom.

The boy climbed the stairs, his fair face turned red, and he was extremely beautiful. He sat quietly and waited, when he saw the little girl holding a green watermelon from the bedroom, and a pair of phoenix eyes shone brighter than the stars. .

When Le Yun went to the bedroom, she was also pretending. She took out a watermelon and a few tomatoes from the space, washed it in the small kitchen, wiped off the water stains, took a knife and a plate to the small living room, killed the melon, and cut it into several pieces.

The delicate boy started to eat happily, and ate two-thirds of the portion in one go, leaving one-third for Da Li. He ate most of the watermelon and three tomatoes by himself. His stomach was so distended that he couldn't sit still. In 3 minutes, I rushed to the toilet to detoxify.

The delicate young man had just finished his metabolism when he heard footsteps outside. He ran back to the table faster than Feifei, picked up the last tomato and took a bite. Just after eating two bites, the dormitory door was banged open. , floating to the pig-like cry: "Little beauty, come and help, Xiaoxingxing is dying!"

(End of this chapter)

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