magic eye doctor

Chapter 1126 Hungry (2 more

Chapter 1126 Hungry (2 more

Yan Xing looked at the white, tender and fragrant little loli, and the delicious tofu nao, cold jelly and other delicacies kept appearing in his mind.

Busy scanning the music rhyme of the book, when I heard several "gudong" sounds of swallowing, I really couldn't be deaf, so I frowned and squinted at the guy who made the noise: "What do you want to say?"

Peeking... Uh, no, watching the little loli being captured by herself, Yan Xing's face and ears became hot, he touched the rebel's belly, and blushed and said loudly: "I... hungry."

"Won't you go find something to eat when you're hungry? You used to say you're a fool with a lot of money, but now you're a fool with a lot of money." What are you doing looking at her when you're hungry?
Yan Xing is easy to learn: "What's the difference between people who are stupid with a lot of money and people with a lot of money who are stupid?"

"People who are stupid with a lot of money mean that money is self-willed, so no matter it is useful or not, they can buy whatever they see. A lot of money is stupid means that they have money, but people are like fools who don't know how to spend money. know how to use it."

"It has nothing to do with who I am now."

"Why doesn't it matter? You won't buy food when you're hungry? It's not that you don't have money. You'd rather be hungry when you have money, aren't you stupid?"

"I want to save my stomach for lunch."

"Then you are hungry and stay away from me. Your stomach is rumbling and arguing. You are not afraid that they will succeed in their rebellion. I am also worried about being affected."

Yan Xing rubbed his stomach: "How about I go to the balcony to be quiet."

He thought that little Lolita would say "no, it's cold outside" or go get him something to eat, but the reality gave him a heavy blow, and little Lolita said "yes" before looking down at the book.

Yan Xing's heart crashed into slag, what could it mean?Do you mean let him go to the balcony to calm down?Although he is not afraid of the cold, the temperature in the little loli's dormitory is actually not very high, it is only a little warmer than outside, but there is no little loli on the balcony.

After thinking for a while with a bitter face, he silently rubbed his disappointing stomach, got up bitterly and went to the balcony, walking slowly on purpose, in order to let the little loli ask him where he was going, and then keep him, the fact gave him again He gave a heavy blow, and little Lolita didn't even lift her head.

Suffering from a mental blow, Yan Xing walked to the small kitchen and opened the door to go out to calm down. There was nothing he could do, the little loli was too fragrant and tender. Looking at her pink and tender face, he wanted to take a few bites. Looking at her, he felt If you are hungry, you must blow the air to calm down and let your stomach settle down.

In winter, the sky in the capital is gray, the cold wind is blowing, and the warm air on the body drops at a speed that can be felt, and soon the clothes are covered with cold air.

It was cold for a while, and the stomach growling was not so loud. Standing on the balcony and looking at the gray area in the distance, the handsome man was full of sadness. It is not easy to chase a girlfriend these days. She let go, but he dared not stay. When it comes to beating a dog, he doesn't dare to chase a cat, he wants to be a 24-filial, gentle and obedient man.

After being a 24-filial good man for about 10 minutes, Yan Xing felt that he should be able to face the little Lolita again, and tiptoed back to the living room to warm himself up before sitting down. Deliberately made a detour.

After sitting down, in order not to have another experience of eating wind and eating dew, he didn't dare to look at the little loli, and took the book to pretend to study, but his stomach didn't cooperate, and he was still growling.

He is really hungry!
I'm really hungry, I'm not hungry because I think about the delicious tender meat of little Lolita.

Yan Xing rubbed his belly embarrassingly, alas, this belly!The only thing that reassures him is that it doesn't get angry when it's working. It's embarrassing to make a fuss in this situation, but it's harmless. Therefore, he doesn't blame his stomach for not understanding the general situation. On the contrary, his stomach actually takes the overall situation into consideration. No matter how hungry he was, he never held back when he performed the task.

When Handsome Yan went out to stand on the balcony, Le Yun didn't stop him. He went voluntarily, so you can't blame her, can you?He walked back by himself, but she didn't care, he was clear-headed, and he should come back, after all, he sometimes has a lot of money and is stupid, but his brain is fine.

It was quiet for a while and then there was a commotion. She sighed, put the book aside, got up and went to the bedroom, took out a box of baked bread from the space, took a bag to hold six large loaves, and then turned around and went out to give the bread to Handsome Yan: "No You don’t pay attention to being hungry when you are performing tasks, it’s a pity that your stomach is born on you.”

Yan Xing thought that little Lolita got up and went to the kitchen, and when she entered the bedroom, she would give herself a bag of food, and she was stunned, because she was stunned by the great happiness.

Happiness comes too fast!
Embracing happiness, she smirked: "I have something to pay attention to, and there are very few examples like this." In the army, at He's house, if you don't eat when you are hungry, your teammates and relatives will grab you to make up for it. It's because it's easy to get out and hard to get in.

"It's the same as before. I really don't want to control your life and death. I'm afraid that you'll end up with stomach problems from starvation and you'll have to seek me for treatment, wasting my medicinal materials." He is a mentally handicapped young man, don't care about him, just sit down and read his book.

Yan Xing didn't care what the little loli said, anyway, the little loli was worried that his health was more real than gold, and he didn't refute it. He packed the bag happily, took the bread and gnawed it, and barely swallowed it after three bites. The stomach was coaxed, and then I ate slowly, eating all the sesame seeds and bread crumbs in the bag, and then folded the bag and stuffed it in my pocket.

There was something in his stomach and he stopped making trouble. He observed the little loli quietly, but he was afraid that he would be disgusted by the little loli if he was too serious and hungry. He still touched the book and studied it. While studying, he secretly watched the little loli. The book said What, he didn't remember a single word, because the little loli was very fragrant, and he thought the books were also pleasing to the eye.

The handsome young man was reading a book with a smile on his face. He would turn a page every once in a while. When he saw eleven o'clock, he turned half of a book in a daze. Appreciate the little beauty in the kitchen, her eyes are full of tenderness like water.

Le Yun originally wanted Yan to eat rice and his coconut stewed pig's trotters at noon, but her eyes were too sharp, and she scanned him probably because he was on a mission and often didn't have time to eat, or there was no condition at all during the mission After a decent meal, his gastrointestinal function showed signs of fatigue, so he was filled with love, and made him a delicious braised fish and fried celery with lean meat, and brought him four toasted truffle bread.

There was only me and little Lolita for lunch, and little Lolita cooked a table of dishes for herself, Yan Xingwo felt that all the cells in her body were singing, first she took the fish head off and gave it to Little Lolita to eat, and then helped her pick up a lot of dishes until After being stared at by her for a few times, he stupidly lowered his head and ate wildly.

Ninety percent of the dishes on the table were eaten by him alone. He ate very full for the first time, smiled so hard that his teeth could not see his teeth, cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen, and quietly slipped to an inconspicuous place to sit and pretend to be empty.

(End of this chapter)

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