magic eye doctor

Chapter 1127

Chapter 1127

In the afternoon, Young Master Yan nestled in the dormitory of Little Lolita, where the atmosphere was blissful. Professor Wan Teng wanted to pack up and pick up his wife to enjoy the blessings with the elementary school students after a class, but was arrested by the leaders of the medical department for a meeting.

The leaders' meetings are none of his business?

Professor Wan Teng was very resistant to being arrested as a young man. He is not a leader, so why should he be asked to do it?They like to have a meeting today and tomorrow's meeting is their business, so don't make him suffer.

There are tens of thousands of alpacas roaring and galloping in his heart, but he is not easy to say no to others, so he followed the leaders of the medical department to the meeting room of the school office building. After entering the meeting room at the end, he saw many people present Pick the one closest to the door and the last one to sit on and use as a log.

The meeting started after the leaders of the various schools and departments of the school arrived. The topic was to discuss how to arrange the reward banquet for sponsors at the end of the year as usual, and how many people to attend in which departments and departments.

The leaders of each department took turns to announce the arrangement plan, and the leader of the medical department will announce the arrangement plan. The meeting room was silent at first, and then a leader asked: "Why is Le Yun from the medical department not on the list?"

The leaders of the medical department all nodded in agreement, and explained the reason why student Le was not included in the list: "Student Le made it clear last year that he would not go to the banquet in the future, not only because he would not participate in the reward banquet in return for sponsors, but also for non-medical communication. I will not attend all the banquets."

Some of the school leaders had a bad expression on their faces, and asked again: "Is Professor Wan Teng here today?"

"I'm here." Being named, Professor Wan Teng, who wanted to be the air, couldn't avoid it. He reluctantly raised his hand to prove that he was a living person. Well, actually, if he could, he would rather be a living person in this kind of place. Fake death for a while.

"Professor Wan Cheng, has Student Le returned to China?"

"I came back a few days ago."

As soon as Professor Wan Cheng said that a certain student was back, he heard a slight sigh of relief, and then heard a leader speak: "Professor Wan Cheng, several sponsors asked about Student Le and said they hoped to have It is a good opportunity to have a meal with Le, and the reward banquet is a good opportunity, and I will leave it to the professor to take Le to the reward banquet."

"No, leader, don't ask me about this." Professor Wan Teng's face sank suddenly: "Last year, someone promised that Xiao Le would attend the reward banquet. Because of the school's reputation, Le classmate would rush back to the banquet even if he didn't want to. I showed up, and later I clearly conveyed the meaning of classmate Le. She said that it is not an example. Whoever decides for her in the future will bear the responsibility. Don't look for her. It's still the same sentence, whoever wants fame and fortune to teach a talented student by himself, don't use my student's name to give him face."

The old professor's words were not pleasant, especially the last few words hit the ground like an iron rod, and there were a few of the dozens of leaders with unnatural expressions.

"Professor Wan Teng, you can't say that. Students should make a small contribution to the school, right..."

"Speaking of contributions, I have to say a few words," Professor Wan Teng didn't like to listen to what the leaders said, and retorted without waiting for others to finish speaking: "Everyone knows in their hearts that several new rich and powerful sponsors have been added in the past two years. Who is it because of who is throwing thousands of dollars at Qingda University? It is not because of Le, as far as I know, the huge amount of money sponsored by Le is at least more than 3000 million. Those sponsors are willing to spend money because of Le The classmate is here, isn't this the contribution of Le classmate?

How much of the money was spent on classmate Le?Le classmate voluntarily gave up various scholarships because she did not attend classes and participate in some group activities at school. Has she ever complained to anyone in the school forum?Has the school been discredited?
Le represented the school or the country in sports competitions. She broke the world record, broke the Asian record, and won so many honors for the school. Isn't this a contribution?

Le classmate traveled abroad and visited the research room of the Rome Medical School. She won the unanimous praise of the researchers of the Rome Medical School for her knowledge and traditional Chinese medical theory, which prompted the Rome Medical School to take the initiative to exchange academic knowledge with the school, and it is expected that the first half of next year Sending a medical team to the school for academic exchanges, Le students have given the school's reputation to foreign medical fields, isn't this the contribution that Le students have made for the school?

Le has done so much for the school, how many other students have done the same or made more contributions?Let's look at the so-called top student in a certain department, she is also a girl, older than my students, but what did she do?Participating in the strongest brain, falsification of academic qualifications, adulteration of academic achievements, corruption of personal morality, how much negative impact has it brought to the school?

My primary school student doesn't like to compete for fame and fortune, but only likes to earnestly learn and study medical problems. If she doesn't want to participate in a dinner party, is she not contributing to the school?What kind of broken reason is this?

Anyone who really wants to say that not going to that dinner party is not contributing to the school, Xiao Le and I really don’t make contributions, this kind of contribution is left to those who are very happy to do it, who wants me to take students to the dinner party? talk.

Here are all the leaders. I am not suitable as a teacher here, so I will not get involved. Let the leaders hold a meeting slowly. "

Professor Wan Teng's heart was full of fire, and he vomited with a dark face. He didn't care whether the leaders would be black-faced, let alone whether the leaders of a certain department could get off the stage, he stood up and left.

The manly man left as soon as he said he would, without any sloppiness. Before anyone could react, he went to the door and opened it, and walked out of the meeting room without looking back.

The old professor left in anger, leaving behind the leaders who were dumbfounded. The leaders of the medical team smiled awkwardly: "Leaders, don't worry, Professor Wan Teng has such a bad temper. He often blows his beard and stares at the private seminars of the medical department. The table slapped people's face, last year because of letting classmate Le go to the dinner party, we almost got spittle sprayed in the face by the old professor afterwards, he made a big fuss last year, not only slapped people's face, but also slammed the door."

The unspoken meaning is that we have suffered from the help of our superiors last year, and this time we can’t blame us anymore. The other meaning is that the old professor is a child protector, and he dares to turn against anyone who provokes him.

Then, the head of the medical department was quite cute, and gave a friendly suggestion: "If the leaders have to take Le to the dinner, you can try to do the job of the former president of the student union Chao. Le loves her brother the most."

The leaders were thoughtful, and never mentioned the matter of asking the leaders of the medical department to do ideological work for Professor Wan Cheng.

The head of the medical department wisely threw the hot potato back to the leaders of the various departments, said nothing more, and continued to be a good person cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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