magic eye doctor

Chapter 1129 The third electronic component

Chapter 1129 The Third Electronic Component

Le Yun sat and scanned the books for more than ten minutes, and heard the footsteps of Wang Ershao and Feng Shao going downstairs, and finally turned her head to look at someone Yan who was lying on the sidelines: "Yan Xiaolongbao, what else do you have?" something to say?"

" big deal, I just wanted to ask if you would suddenly buy a plane ticket and fly away again." Yan Xing stayed obediently, thinking he was safe, but he was picked out by the little Lolita for questioning .

"I'm not sure. If someone asks me to do ideological work, I will consider flying away." Le Yun told the truth, if anyone wants her to go to a dinner party because she is in China, she doesn't mind turning around and buying a plane ticket to go abroad and wait. Come back after New Year's Eve.

Thinking of what the professor said about some people still not giving up on wanting her to be taken advantage of, I felt uncomfortable, and wanted to hurry up and read books. In order not to waste my precious time, I reached out from behind the pile of books to find a bunch of things and threw them away. Handsome Guy Yan: "Here, let's find a researcher to study it."

Little Lolita said that she might fly away, Yan Xing felt depressed, and wanted to ask her where she would go, when she suddenly saw something thrown by her, he subconsciously reached out to grab it, and caught the hard item wrapped in a red plastic bag. Loli's words also drifted into her ears, and her brain's thinking slowed down.

After a momentary flash, I touched the things in my hand. I felt uneven. There were many square, round, high and low objects. The first thing I thought of was electronic components.

He untied the randomly rolled red bag as fast as he could. Inside was really an electronic component, half the size of a palm, inlaid with various small components.

A guess flashed in his mind, and Yan Xing himself couldn't believe his own thoughts: "Little Lolita, this is..." Is it something like before?
"It should be similar in nature to something before. It was dug out under a thousand-year-old orchid in the Namib Desert."

Le Yun threw the things she took out as trash to Handsome Yan. It was as easy as throwing away the jacket. I only had time to study it last night. Visually, it was the same electronic component as the two previous pick-ups. As for whether useful information can be extracted, that is a headache for researchers in the professional field.

"Really?" Yan Xing said to himself incredulously, holding it up to his eyes, the more he looked at it, the more he was shocked, and his heart was also extremely shocked: "Is your luck a bit better?"

I heard that people who are too unlucky may redeem their sins, or they will get better after bad luck. When the bad luck is gone, there will be a sunny road. Similarly, there are two kinds of people with too much luck, one is accumulated in previous lives, This life is for enjoyment, the other is sweet first and then bitter, when good luck is exhausted, bad luck will continue.

"I don't want to be like this, okay?" Le Yun wanted to beat the ground in grief and anger: "What the hell, who did I provoke? I just like to run around the world and study plants. Who knows that bastards always like to hide things?" Strange things, every time you think you have dug up a priceless treasure, every time you hope, you will be disappointed, you think I'm not sad."

Every time she thought she would find rare treasures, such as digging up prehistoric materials, or treasures of heaven and earth, or rare treasures, every time they were something that could not be directly exchanged for money, she felt even more frustrated.

Le Yun, whose heart was so congested that she couldn't breathe, glared at someone Yan fiercely: "I gave you all the junk, and you're standing here waiting for me to ask you how many millions you want in reward?"

"..." Mo Ming was not pleasing to the eye, and Yan Xing curled his lips helplessly: "I just want to... ask if you are so lucky, do you have any special thoughts?"

Although the incident two years ago seems to have ended without a problem on the surface, in fact, many organizations are still secretly looking for the whereabouts of certain things, especially the old M. Everyone seems to be a suspect, and they bite whoever they catch. Things come to find fault.

The old M made all kinds of troubles out of nothing, why was it not because there were clues appearing in the territory of Huaxia Kingdom, they were suspicious and anxious, so they always stared at the Great Heavenly Dynasty, even if it had nothing to do with the Great Heavenly Dynasty, they would pull it together for discussion , Splashing dirty water on China's head.

"Of course there are special feelings. For example, the advantage of running around the world is that you can dig up all kinds of weird things. For example, why don't you let me dig up a treasure map and become the world's richest man overnight. .”

"That's it?" Shouldn't he be too excited to fall asleep because of his high luck?Shouldn't you be thinking about buying a lottery ticket?
"You haven't even wiped out a few scumbags. I have a special idea and you can't help realize it. What else can I do if I don't."

"..." Yan Xing was speechless, and silently put the things in his pocket: "If you don't go abroad, will you go to Chao's house at school on New Year's Day?"

"I don't know." She was really not sure, Mrs. Wang wanted her to spend New Year's Day with them, and Chao's parents also wanted her to spend New Year's Day at Chao's house. She actually didn't want to go anywhere, but just wanted to stay in the nest Scanning books happily.

"Okay, I'll go back first, and I'll contact you if I have something to do." He wanted to talk about it in a few days before contacting, afraid that little Lolita would think that he wanted to rely on her to spend New Year's Day, so he changed his words.

Seeing that little Lolita had no intention of keeping her for lunch, Yan Xing packed the things in his pockets, got up, picked up his coat and put it on, opened the door and walked out of the girls' dormitory.

When he walked out the door, he looked back, closed the door again, and went downstairs expressionlessly. It was not until he sat in his car that his face showed extremely complicated emotions. Little Lori had obviously dug something in the Nanami Desert. , why didn't you give it to him then?

Do you not trust him, or are you worried that he will not be able to pass the security check and be detained?
That thought went around in his mind, and he immediately believed it was the latter. Little Lolita is such a pure-hearted person, every time she finds something strange, she throws it to him and never asks again, so she won't trust him. If Nami didn't hand over the things to him, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to pass the customs with them. If they were seized, unless they were discarded directly, they might attract the attention of the customs and cause a series of troubles.

Put the electronic components in the pocket into the backpack, put them properly, and drive away from Qingda University. While driving, I think about the problems that follow. Little Lori has already contributed two special electronic components. This is the third piece. If There is also secret information in this piece, so, what kind of credit should be given to her?

Young Master Yan carried the newly acquired special items in his arms, so he went back to the camp thinking all the way. When he arrived at the camp, he was about to recruit talents in electronics to study together, and made a detailed registration. The elder and younger secretly entered the Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology with a small piece of electronic equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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