magic eye doctor

Chapter 1130 Action (2 more

Chapter 1130 Action (2 more

After the winter solstice, the seasonal response to long nights and short days has become more and more obvious. The northern provinces are dormant in the cold current to gather energy and look forward to the coming spring.

Monday is the Christmas Eve before Christmas, and netizens in many countries spend Christmas in the bad weather brought by the cold snap.

Qingda had a Christmas ball, and sent an invitation to classmate Le, who was busy studying, so how could he have time to go to that kind of social ball that has no practical value? It is said that he is now a graduate student, focusing on scientific research and has no time to be distracted.

A beautiful boy who has no time to be distracted, spends Christmas Eve and Christmas with his soft and cute sister, and enjoys the delicious food that others want to grab with their sharp heads.

Probably due to the influence of classmate Le and the beautiful boy, many of the school's top academics and the most famous handsome men and beauties in the freshmen and sophomores were absent from the Christmas ball. The popularity of the Christmas ball was a bit low that year.

The capital city is an international city. There are many dances and various exchange banquets during Christmas. Liu Qianjin, the granddaughter of Mr. Liu of the State Council, carefully selected two high-standard banquets to show up, but none of them met. Thinking about the people he wanted to meet, not to mention meeting Yan Shao and Liu Shao, he didn't even see half of the He family and Liu Shao's family, and he didn't even see the Chao family and the young people who were related to the Chao family. .

Liu Qianjin was very depressed. After meeting Yan Shao last time, she seemed to have evaporated from the world. Moreover, she also wanted to work in the group founded by Yan Shao's mother, but she didn't know why she was not shortlisted.

Time will not slow down because of Liu Qianjin's depression. Day by day, the 28th at the end of the month, the 29th is a Saturday and the weekend is supposed to be off, because New Year's Day is Tuesday, so it is a day off, and the 29th will make up for the next Monday. class that day.

On the 29th, Tianqing college students also made up their classes for next Monday. The beautiful boy didn't go in the afternoon, but took the soft and cute little dumpling back to Chao's house for the holiday, and walked away in a very chic way.

The young and the old of Chao's family were at Chao'er's house, happily celebrating New Year's Day.

When the beautiful boy brought his younger sister back to Chao's house, Huang Zhenzhi, who had been waiting in secret for a long time, finally got a call from Wu Dan, and he drove back to his hometown in Shi.

It takes more than 5 hours to get there from Han City, the prefecture of Northern Province, to Shishi by taking the expressway. Huang Zhenzhi only takes half of the expressway, and the other half goes around in circles between urban and rural areas. From the city direction to Jiudao Township.

There was a phone call, and he met Wu Dan on the street next to Jiudao, and had a quick snack before they left for Jiudao.

City E is not as cold as in the north, and the temperature is not too high. Everyone wears feathered jackets or thick jackets. At night, you can't see your fingers. If there are no cars on the road, it will be dark.

On such a winter night, there are fewer vehicles in remote counties, not to mention the countryside, where you can often walk on the road for several hours without encountering a car. From a distance, you can only see the lights of villages and towns occasionally, far away The lights are like a few stars hanging from the sky.

Huang Zhenzhi drove to a place only about four miles away from Jiudaoxiang Street, moved from the urban and rural road to the natural dirt road beside the road, drove for a few minutes, and stopped in an empty wilderness.

The surrounding area was very quiet, except for the occasional chirping of insects, the rustling sound made by the night wind was relatively slight, and the breathing of people stood out when the car was still.

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the desert is wild, it is... a good time to fight at night!Huang Zhenzhi, who was the driver, inexplicably flashed such an idea in his mind, and he became excited. He reached out and hugged the beautiful woman in the passenger seat, and kissed passionately: "Dear, it's so early, they must not be asleep, let's try The new pattern is here, how about it?"

The impatient man was fussy, but the woman didn't object, and even cast a shy wink: "As long as you like, you can go anywhere."

The woman groaned softly, put her red lips together, put her arms around the man's neck, pressed her soft body against it, and responded to the man's restless movement with actions.

The woman's response was the best invitation. The man put the woman in his arms, and after a passionate kiss, his clothes were half off, and a blockbuster car scene was staged.

After a hearty battle, the woman put her arms around the man and complained: "Honey, you are so good, my legs are so weak, how can people work like this."

The man kissed the woman's red lips, his eyes were ambiguous: "Baby, you can do it, if you catch a little trouble, go back and I will make it up to you."

"Hate it!" The flushed face of the newly nourished woman didn't fade away, she patted the man's chest tenderly, and tidied up her clothes shyly.

Huang Zhenzhi laughed loudly, touched the woman's exquisite body a few times, helped her straighten her blouse, and then slowly pulled up her pants.

Miao Miaodan shyly put on a mask and a black windbreaker, and took a long while before getting out of the car. She even turned around and poked the man on the face. After flirting with her, she turned on the flashlight and walked towards the darkness along the natural dirt road.

Huang Zhenzhi sat in the cab and watched. At first, she could see Wu Dan's figure. She got luckier and luckier, and soon she could only see the light of a flashlight, which became smaller and smaller. Ten minutes later into the darkness.

Seeing the flashlight disappearing in the direction behind Jiudaoxiang Street, and smelling the sensuality in the car, he could no longer contain his excitement, his face was full of victorious smiles, and in a few more hours, When the Le family's baby fell into his hands, the thorn in Huang's family would no longer be a threat.

Lejia is only supported by Le Xiaoshougui, and the little shortlived ghost is gone. It is easier to kill the other members of Lejia than to ant.

This time, he will never follow the old path of his predecessors, he will not give Le Jia another chance to continue the incense, first get rid of the two little short-lived ghosts, and then kill Le Lame as soon as possible, so that Le Jia will die forever future trouble.

Success is not far away, Huang Zhenzhi stretched his waist complacently, lit a stick of soft China, took a puff enjoying it, and blew it out gracefully, every smoke ring vaguely had the faces of the Le family, and those faces followed The smoke ring dissipated.

Miaomiaodan walks along the natural dirt road. The dirt road is made by country bumpkins who planted crops and went to the mountains to pull things out of the way.

Miaomiaodan had already figured out the topography of the thirty or forty miles of Fangyuan in Jiudao Township in ten days, and he knew the topography of Meicun in Jiudao Township even more. Touch the village behind the direction.

She walked into Plum Village openly. Even if a dog heard a sound and barked a few times, it was normal for the villagers. Even if someone looked around and saw the light of the flashlight, they thought it was a villager, and no one would chase to see who it was.

Miaomiaodan turned along the road in Meicun to a road in front of the Lejia building, then turned to the road next to the Lejia house and walked towards the back of the village. The fish shed is used as a temporary hiding place.

(End of this chapter)

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