magic eye doctor

Chapter 1133 The Best Catalyst

Chapter 1133 The Best Catalyst

Someone Huang stretched out his hand to scratch the child's face, but Miaomiaodan blocked him: "Honey, it depends on him whether our big event can be completed. Before his sister dies, this is our amulet. Don't move him now."

"I won't kill him. At most, I'll let him have a few more beautiful tattoos on his face." Seeing that he could vent his anger by torturing the little devil, but was stopped by Wu Dan, Huang Zhenzhi was very upset. Will kill the kid now.

"Honey, Le Mou is not easy to lie, you hurt this, if Le Mou finds out, she just abandons it, and let the person who kidnapped this little thing be buried with her, what will you do then? ?”

"No way, this is her own brother, it's impossible for the little short-lived ghost to abandon him."

"You forgot, my sisters and brothers are half-siblings, not brothers and sisters of the same mother. Abandoning this is just missing a younger brother to her. At worst, let her stepmother have another one."

"..." Huang Zhenzhi was speechless. What Wu Dan said was quite right. A half-brother is more important than a half-brother. It doesn't matter if you give up your short life.

"We should also capture the little short-lived ghost's dead ghost father. That's safer." After thinking about it, he felt that there was a big mistake in the plan, and it would be truly foolproof if he also caught Le Cripple.

"No, if the men from the Le family are really captured together, someone in Le will know that the kidnapper is trying to destroy the whole family of Le family. Even if she tries her best to save her father, the people behind her will stop her from taking risks. As long as she is kept It means that the Le family still has a bloodline. If she takes risks, the Le family may really be wiped out, so just in case, for the sake of the family, she will not be easily fooled;
Le and her father have depended on each other for many years, and the father-daughter relationship is deep. The man in the Le family must be heartbroken and panicked when he loses his son. Le is a filial daughter. She will try her best to save her brother for the sake of her father, unless she is sure that it is impossible to save her son. Or if he finds that his younger brother has been irreparably hurt, it would be a waste to save him and he might give up.

Therefore, keeping the man from the Le family is the best catalyst for Le to do his best to save her brother. It is also the key to the success of our plan to ensure that the child is intact. "

Miao Miaodan, in order to prevent Huang from sabotaging her plan just for a moment of quick-wittedness and crippling the baby, she patiently analyzed why she didn't arrest the Le family man, thinking that she couldn't think of arresting the Le family man?If catching Lejia's man could put someone in danger, she would have already caught him as a bed slave.

"I just said it casually. How could I not have thought of those, or I would have thought of a way to kill Le Cripple." It is wise not to move the Le Cripple. If you really kill the Le Cripple, it is like forcing the little short-lived ghost to die.

Miao Miaodan pecked the man's face reassuringly: "Honey, it's too cold at night, let's go back early."

Receiving a hot kiss, Huang Zhenzhi's aggrieved mood of not being able to rub the kid was comforted. He held a flashlight in one hand and put his arm around the woman's water snake waist with the other.

The night is dark, not to mention human figures, not even ghosts, with the darkness as a cover, the target was successfully captured, the middle-aged men and women felt full of accomplishment, flirting unscrupulously, walking slowly towards the parked vehicle, just like taking a walk leisurely.

Because they were afraid of long nights and dreams, the two of them did not miss the point of business. When they returned to the parked car, Huang Zhenzhi asked Wu Dan to sit in the back seat. After Wu Dan sat down, he turned around and drove back, returning from the natural path to the urban-rural highway. Instead of entering Jiudao Township, he took the nearest road back to Shishi.

Like when he came, he still took a detour to enter Zhuxian County, which is adjacent to Fangxian County, and then took the urban and rural highway to the county seat of Zhuxian County, and then took the expressway to return to Shishi via Fangxian County. He hurried back after 06:30. Arrived at the villa.

In winter, it is not yet bright after 06:30, and the sky is hazy, because that day is the first day of the New Year's Day holiday, most office workers do not have to go to work, and there are few people on the road in the morning.

Huang Zhenzhi drove into the villa complex and didn't even see a ghost. It was quiet everywhere. It would be better if he didn't see anyone. He swaggered back to his villa and parked the car in the courtyard.

Miao Miaodan got out of the car with the sleeping child in her arms, and just arrived at the entrance of the villa building, the door opened, and four young men with public faces and a short child walked out to greet them, and respectfully called "Miss, Mr. Huang".

"Take the child to resettlement. Don't hurt him. I drugged him and he won't wake up for a day or two. You should be careful. Don't let him freeze to death or die in an accident." Miaomiaodan handed over the child to his own guards,

The two youths picked up the child that the young lady had brought back, went into the living room with the short man and then went upstairs, and arranged the child in a room that was used as a guest room.

The other two young men went to the kitchen to heat up some food for the young lady and Mr. Huang's family. After Huang Zhenzhi ate something, he happily took Wu Dan to catch up on sleep. As soon as he entered the master bedroom, he couldn't wait to bite the woman's ear: "Baby! Son, when shall we contact the man?"

"Honey, don't be in a hurry." Miao Miaodan smiled and kissed Huang, and talked to him in a discussing tone, lest he be impatient to ruin his own important matter: "Let's not contact that person yet, at least let them find him." For three or two days, they couldn't find anyone, and they were very anxious. At this time, we gave her a little hope, so that she would be willing to take the bait."

"It's been too long. If they call the police, the Chao family behind her will also intervene. I'm afraid they will find us soon." Huang Zhenzhi knows a thing or two about the abilities of the local criminal police, and knows that their skills are limited. , I can't find them for a while, and what I'm afraid of is the forces behind the little short-lived ghost. If they all intervene, it will be difficult to say.

"My dear, contacting her today is equivalent to giving her a target. The people behind her or the police will immediately focus on checking the people who contacted her, which will make it easier to expose ourselves.

We don't negotiate with her, even if she calls the police, because the goal is uncertain, and the official power will be dispersed, which is in our interest;

Le Mou is in the capital, and even if he rushes back, he will have to wait until the afternoon. They can't do anything at all. After a day and a night of suffering, their defenses are about to collapse. Talking with her tomorrow is great news for the Le family. We just need to Tighten the conditions, only allow her to negotiate at the place we designated, and just lure people here. "

"Baby, you have the final say on this matter. I'm waiting for the good news of your complete victory." Thinking that the Le family would not be able to jump around, Huang Zhenzhi's mood couldn't get any more excited, and he didn't care about the Le family's little baby and the enjoyment with the beautiful beauties world of two people.

(End of this chapter)

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