magic eye doctor

Chapter 1134 Discovering that Leshan has disappeared

Chapter 1134 Discovering that Leshan has disappeared (2 more)

In winter, it usually doesn’t get bright until seven o’clock. Grandma Zhou sleeps until she wakes up naturally. When she wakes up, she sees the window is gray and hears nothing. She thinks it’s still early and wants to lie down for a while and wait for her daughter and son-in-law to prepare breakfast I just got up, but I wanted to go to the bathroom again, feeling uncomfortable, sat up lightly, pressed the light switch on the bedside and the light didn't turn on.

power cut.

A power outage is not a big deal. Grandma Zhou didn't worry about it. She touched the flashlight and turned it on. She put on her clothes and shoes, opened the door with the flashlight, and went out from the main room to the backyard door. After arriving at the house, she found that it was very bright outside. I also heard the voice of Cheng Youde's daughter-in-law next door to Zhou's family scolding chickens.

What time is it?

Grandma Zhou was a little confused. You said it was still early, but it was dawn and the Cheng family got up. Why didn't Qiufeng and Yueqing make any movement?If it's too late, I think it's unlikely, after all, Qiufeng and Yueqing have always been the earliest people in this neighborhood.

The old man can't figure it out, go to the toilet first, then go back to the main room of Lejia. When he wants to go to the kitchen to get hot water and wash his hands, he turns to watch the alarm clock on the TV table. separated!

Grandma was stunned next week. She didn't wake up until after seven o'clock. This sleep was really heavy. You must know that I used to sleep until three or four o'clock and then couldn't fall asleep.

It's a good thing to sleep soundly, but it's so late, how come Qiufeng and Yueqing haven't woken up yet?

Suddenly, she subconsciously looked towards the stairs again. That's right, the big wolf dog didn't see her today. That big dog would go downstairs early every day and wait for Xiao Leshan to get up. If the big dog wasn't in the main room, would anyone hear When I get up, I will come to say hello and then go to the kitchen or go elsewhere, but I haven't seen him today.

Grandma Zhou felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, she went to knock on the door of the bedroom of the girl and her son-in-law for the first time, and shouted as she knocked: "Qiufeng, Qiufeng—"

When Zhou Qiufeng woke up, he was awakened by the sound. Because people woke up from sleep, they subconsciously sat up with their right elbow pressed against the bed surface when they were sleeping inwards. Very clear: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Father Le was also suddenly awakened from a completely unconscious sleep state, turned over and sat up: "Mom, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The couple had just sat up when they heard a knock on the door, and they couldn't tell whether it was midnight or what time. It was a subconscious reaction, because the old man would never call them in the middle of the night on weekdays.

"I'm fine, what's wrong with you? Tell me what's wrong, take Leshan with me, and you can sleep a little longer." Hearing the girl and son-in-law's voice, Grandma Zhou's raised heart barely fell Landed, offered to take the children.

People say that thirty is like a wolf and forty tiger. The young couple is at that age, and it is normal for the husband and wife to have a lot of life needs. As long as they are not too over the top, it is okay for the young couple to be more affectionate at night and sleep a little later.

Grandma Zhou is someone who has been there, so she naturally knows that the girl and her son-in-law live in harmony. The young couple married and have children are as loving as newly married young people, so she is considerate of the young couple. As long as the child is not hungry, the young couple will be fine if they sleep until noon .

"I'm not feeling well, it's still early." Zhou Qiufeng's thinking became normal, and he understood what the old mother said, and his face burned for a while.

Papa Le was also extremely ashamed, frantically looking for clothes to wear.

"It's past seven o'clock, it's getting late, Leshan should be hungry." Grandma Zhou didn't want to say it at first, but she reminded her that it's okay for the young couple to be hungry, but don't starve her precious grandson.

"Le Shan hasn't woken up yet..." Papa Le replied subconsciously. Zhou Qiufeng looked at the little bed, seeing the emptiness of the little bed under the weak light from the window with the curtains down. Gone: "Le Shan Le Shan, where is Le Shan..."

Father Le was so frightened that he suddenly got up when Le Shan was hugged to bed with him last night, and hurriedly lifted the quilt: "I remember you put Le Shan to sleep on the bed last night..."

As he was talking, the quilt was lifted, and his son was not seen on the side where the pillow was placed. At that time, his hands were shaking a little, and he hugged the quilt, and there was no Leshan on the other side except for his and his wife's legs. Throwing away the quilt and crawling outside, the voice trembled: "Did you fall out of bed?"

Lifting the quilt in Yueqing, Zhou Qiufeng also turned her head, did not see the child, turned over and jumped off the ground, stepped on the cold ground with bare feet to find the small bed, and shouted in a panic: "Leshan, Leshan, Leshan—"

Hearing her daughter yelling where Le Shan went, Grandma Zhou's heart jumped into her throat. She heard her son-in-law said that she was sleeping on the bed, and the heart that reached her throat just fell down and heard that she might have fallen out of bed. , that heart, whoosh jumped to the throat again, and his face turned pale: "Qiufeng, what happened to Le Shan, what happened to Le Shan?"

Zhou Qiufeng didn't find the child by the side of the crib, so she lay down on the ground and looked at the bottom of the bed. Le Dad, who was wearing long johns, climbed out of the bed, looked down and couldn't see clearly, turned on the light but it didn't turn on, and touched the flashlight to light it under the bed, but didn't look at it. When it comes to children, I will take care of other corners when I am busy. There is no corner where people can hide.

"Le Shan, wow—" Zhou Qiufeng couldn't find his son, sobbing anxiously, crying and looking for him.

Zhou Qiufeng was crying outside the house. Grandma Zhou's legs were weak and she couldn't stand still.

Le's father was also so panicked that he couldn't control his hands and feet. Looking at the small bed again, his face turned pale with shock: "No, where are Le Shan's quilt and clothes? I only carried Le Shan to the bed in the middle of the night last night, and the clothes were put on the bed. The... black dragon in the cot, the black dragon-"

Father Le thought of his big wolfdog, rushed to the door, opened the door and rushed out of the bedroom to look at the door. The door was closed well. Seeing that his mother-in-law was holding on to the wall and almost couldn't stand still, he hurriedly helped him: "Mom, mom, don't Panic."

"You...don't worry about me, look for the boy, find Leshan boy! My heart, you have to be good...uh!" Grandma Zhou pushed Yueqing away with some strength. Leaning against the wall, he choked up after speaking a few words out of breath.

Dad Le really didn't care about his mother-in-law, and he didn't feel it when he stepped on the ground with his bare feet. He ran up the stairs and climbed to the second floor. Omen, rushed up to the second floor in one breath, and crashed into the main room on the second floor. In the main room, there was a dog kennel by the south wall. The black dragon was not in the kennel, but the door leading to the balcony was open.

Father Le rushed out of the living room to the balcony, and saw Heilong lying on the balcony near the outer railing, motionless.

Le Shan disappeared, and the wolf dog fell to the ground, what is there not to understand?Father Le's muscles trembled violently, his legs softened and he knelt down. There was only one voice in his head: Le Shan was stolen!

(End of this chapter)

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