magic eye doctor

Chapter 1143 Going to liquidate in a fair manner (3 more

Chapter 1143 Going to liquidate in a fair manner (3 more

The little fox squatted on the grass, flicked his big tail, squinted his eyes and smiled, yes, he did the right thing, helping the little girl rescue her brother, the little girl was very happy.

Le Yun was extremely excited, and her brain was extraordinarily clear-headed. She almost held her breath and untied the quilt to check whether her brother had been abused or injured, but he was tampered with.

Scanning my brother's body with my eyes, I found two kinds of viruses in my body: AIDS and rabies virus, and the virus successfully invaded, bit by bit swallowing, infecting healthy cells, and invading the central nervous system.

Leshan was artificially injected with two viruses, and he was still young, no matter how good his physique was, he could not withstand the attack of the double virus, and he showed signs of a slight fever.

The Huang family and Fei Toujiang are too vicious, Le Yun's heart is full of hatred, Fei Toujiang's family and Huang's family dare to attack children, they are vicious before, don't blame her for being ruthless in the future!

With anger in my heart, my muscles tightened up and down, and my fingers were a little stiff. I opened my brother's clothes and checked my whole body for any special wounds. I found a small needle hole in my right wrist and a small hole in my left calf. small needle eye.

The heart contracted violently again, Le Yun gritted her teeth, picked up her brother and rushed to the place where she kept the medicine, found out the syringe and the tube-shaped sample bottle, drew blood from the brother's arm and calf, and took four tubes of blood samples in a row for research.

With the blood sample, the next step is to prevent the spread of the virus. I grabbed a few bottles and poured out a few medicines to pry open my brother's mouth to feed them. Then I found a bottle of liquid medicine and fed it down. I took a medical needle and pricked a few big holes on my brother's head. and the big chest hole.

Sealed several vital points with needles to prevent the virus from invading, Le Yun tapped his younger brother's sleeping point, carefully wrapped him in a quilt, carried him to the lawn and laid him down, rushed to the little fox like flying, and held the fiery red ball in his arms In the palm of his hand, seeing the smiling expression of the little fox, his eyes suddenly became hot, and he lowered his head and kissed the little fox madly: "Thank you, thank you, little fox, it's good to have you!"

Because of the little fox, when encountering difficulties, she has something to discuss and someone to turn to for help, so that she understands that she is not alone, and she also has something to rely on.

Holding a ball of fiery red, Le Yun's heart was full of emotion and the joy of being dependent, holding the little fox close to his heart, went to take the little fox's bathtub and supplies and rushed to the well.

After being kissed madly, the little fox's heart was agitated, the little girl is so cute!If this continues, he can't help but want to take her back to be the concubine fox.

In a good mood, he stretched out his paws to hold his face: "Little girl, take care of your brother first, and don't rush to help Benhu take a bath."

"My younger brother was injected with poison, and it won't be cured for a while. I'll wash your mouth and take a bath first." Le Yun ran to the well with the little fox in her arms like precious treasures, fetched water with a bucket, and mentioned While rinsing the little fox, he bathed him with spice concoction.

The little fox is happily enjoying the good life of being cared for carefully. Brushing his teeth three times and taking a bath three times makes his whole body smell good. After wiping off the water stains on his hair, he feels that the whole fox life is extremely bright.

Le Yun made the little fox fragrant, and then moved out a piece of yellow jadeite for the little fox as a snack: "This stone is for you as a snack, and I will give you two hundred catties of silver and fifty catties of gold, whichever you choose. "

"Yeah, okay, this fox is going to eat snacks, you go and deal with the bad guys." The little fox hugged a piece of jade weighing a hundred catties, clicked a bite, and flew into the sky with happiness. The little girl is really a roundworm in his stomach Knowing that he likes this one, eat more aura of gold, silver and jade, his stomach will be stronger and his work will be more vigorous.

The little fox is a foodie, and the little black monkey nestled in the hole of the dragon's blood tree despises it. She stretches her little hands and feet and climbs down the tree. easy.

Guessing that the medicine dropped on Feitou would take effect soon, Le Yun didn't bother, took the disguise potion and clothes to the dragon's blood tree, took a quick bath, washed off the disguise, and changed back to when he left home. Wear clothes, swallow two pills.

She also didn't want to suffer from an old headache, so she dried her hair first, and then ran to move a big medicine stove to block her younger brother, so that his younger brother would not be directly illuminated by the light of the night pearl.

Observed his younger brother again, and analyzed that the result was not dangerous. If he didn't relieve his acupoints, he wouldn't wake up. Le Yun felt relieved, climbed out of the space, and hid behind a rock to observe the new progress of Huang's villa.

Fei Toujiang is more sensitive to smells, but the smell of love in the house is too strong. Miao Miaodan and Huang Zhenzhi went back to the bedroom and smelled the smell in the house and didn't have any doubts. They watched sex with Huang Zhenzhi, flirted, flirted As soon as the feeling came, the two rolled on the bed to learn new postures.

Miao Miao Dan originally had a plan to hang out with men in the first half of the night to replenish her body. After Huang Zhenzhi fell asleep, she would go out again and go to the police station to check the situation. For some reason, maybe she added kidney tonic to the dinner As for the tonic, Huang Zhenzhi was particularly brave, which made her very happy.

Immersed in the wonderful feeling between men and women, Miaomiaodan pestered the man endlessly tossing and tossing, she herself felt a little sleepy, she lay down to enjoy the man's nourishment, and fell asleep while lying down.

Huang Zhenzhi didn't know that there were drugs added to the dinner, so he was proud that he was as energetic as a young man in his thirties in his fifties, full of pride, and proved his heroism by conquering women.

He was very powerful, but after only two rounds of fighting with Wu Dan, he felt powerless, so he stopped fighting first, rested, and fell into a deep sleep unknowingly.

The fighting downstairs stopped, and the five people upstairs who were distracted by the sound downstairs relaxed.

It took them a lot of effort to reorganize the computer system that was messed up and check the monitoring, because the sound downstairs was too loud, they smelled that strange smell, and they were inexplicably excited. The feeling was very exhausting, the five of them Resist temptation.

It wasn't until Miss Dan and Mrs. Huang had finished their sex, that the five of them, who were dizzy, relaxed, and lazily leaned on the sofa to give themselves a little rest.

Within a short while, the five of them all closed their eyes and breathed steadily while sleeping.

The villa building is quiet.

Le Yun, who was hiding behind the rocks, found that the upper and lower floors of the villa were completely silent, her breathing was heavy, and her heartbeat was steady and rhythmic, which showed that she had hit everything.

The whole person was refreshed, and he stopped hiding. He stood up, stretched his waist, took out his backpack and the gun he got from Handsome Yan, assembled them on his back, and ran to the villa area with a flashlight in one hand. Choose a location a few meters away from the fence, put away the flashlight, and jump up by stomping on the ground, jumping onto the fence, and then smashing the wall with all your strength, jumping up and flying to the balcony on the second floor of the villa.

She was light and dexterous like a swallow, grabbed the railing on the second floor of the villa building, turned over and entered the terrace again, trotted to the glass door leading to the terrace and pushed the door leaf.

The glass door was not locked, one was pushed open, and he stepped into the hall, saw the people in the hall clearly, gritted his teeth angrily, the Huang family planned to kill her and her younger brother, even the villa building, okay, very nice!
Full of anger, he ran to the Feitoujiang family members to look at the faces of the five people, put on masks and gloves, grabbed the short dwarf and put it on the ground. That was not a child, but an adult dwarf who was nearly a hundred years old, or an old man. Flying head descending division.

Feitoujiang itself has a certain ability to resist medicine. In order to prevent the medicine from prematurely failing in the old dwarf's body, he took out old sandalwood sticks and nailed his palms and feet, then sealed his mouth with a wooden stick, and took three other wooden sticks. When used as a needle, don't pinch the skin surface of his neck.

She chose the position of the attack very well, it was the position where the flying head was broken from the shoulder when it left the body. Without the sandalwood stick, even if the flying head descendant woke up, he would not be able to separate the body from the head.

Sealed the old Feitou Jiangshi, tied his hands and feet with a sofa towel and blindfolded him before throwing him back into space for detention, and then caught a young man who was around 35 years old with one hand, and went downstairs to the living room on the first floor, and the living room on the first floor There are hidden behind and under the sofa, in the TV cabinet and behind the air conditioner.

Fei Toujiang and Huang's family arranged so carefully, she didn't want their hard work to be in vain, she threw the two young people on the sofa and sat on the sofa, followed the smell to find Fei Toujiang, found a place to open the door, there was a disgusting smell Come out, people can't avoid it.

Caught off guard, Le Yun was so smoked that she could barely open her eyes, she moved aside, waited a while and endured the nausea feeling into the love nest of the scumbag, the picture in the room was almost impossible to look directly at, the scumbag and the prodigal The naked women were huddled together, the bed sheets were stained into a large map, and the stench made people spit out the overnight meal.

With only one eye, she was so disgusted that she wanted to turn her head and walk away. She really turned around, took a step and then stopped abruptly, forcing herself to face the reality. When taking pictures of men and women, in order to take a clearer picture, they changed into a pair of clean gloves, resisted the nausea, stepped forward and turned the faces of men and women to an angle, and took pictures from various angles.

It took more than a dozen shots before putting away the camera. Regardless of the dirty and smelly smell, the men and women who were entangled were separated, and the woman was washed in the bathroom first.

The woman is too dirty, she is afraid of dirtying her own space, so she washes the woman with water for a while, then finds a clean sheet and tears it off, binds her legs and hands, then blindfolds her, and seals it with a sandalwood stick. She tied seven needle sticks cut from sandalwood around her neck to seal it, and wrapped Fei's body with the rest of the torn bed sheet. Throwing a naked woman into the space would blind the little fox and little Huihui Eye.

The flying master's head was hard. After thinking about it, Le Yun also brought out the old dwarf, took out a copper alloy stick, and beat the heads of a male and a female two flying heads like wooden fishes for a dozen times before throwing them away. Returning to the space, he slammed Fei's head for a while, which relieved his anger and prevented him from waking up in the middle and making troubles. It was the best of both worlds.

After dealing with the two most troublesome flying head descendants, Le Yun found a bath towel and casually tied the scumbag around the waist of the man, lifted the scumbag of Huang to the living room on the first floor, and put the scumbag on the sofa to occupy a seat first.

She didn't want to leave a clue, and then went to check inside and outside the scumbag's bedroom, erasing her own traces, and didn't care about the TV that was still on, she closed the door and went up to the second floor.

Going back to the living room on the second floor to check the computer, the computer programming knowledge she knows is described as "the kung fu of a three-legged cat", which is not a mockery of her shallow knowledge. After playing with it for a while, she can't decipher certain things. Four of the computers were shut down and confiscated. After fiddling with the monitoring computer for a while, he successfully found the image of himself flying into the villa area, decided not to delete it, nor confiscated the computer, and left it on the desktop.

Finally, I picked up the folded palmtop computer, turned it on, and it was about to be unlocked. I compared the fingerprints of two young people, and one youth's fingerprints unlocked a heavy lock. I compared the people who were thrown back into the space, and the woman's fingerprints were unlocked again. A heavy lock, but the fingerprint password has not been completely unlocked.

Le Yun held the computer in one hand, stacked the other two and went downstairs, and put the two young people on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, let them sit in a row, and specially arranged for them, so that people sat behind and underneath best position.

Then use the fingers of the other two people to unlock it, and one of them has the fingerprint to be seated. After unlocking the fingerprint lock, the palmtop computer appears on the screen. There is no other information, only the layout plan of the villa, not only the upstairs and downstairs, but also the ceiling of the basement. , That is to say, there is a large bundle hanging under the floor of the living room on the first floor, and all the timer remote control master switches are small palmtop computers.

Seeing so much, Le Yun was so angry that her face turned pale. Without the help of the little fox, she would have to force her way in to negotiate with someone. Because there is room, she can retreat without a successful negotiation, and the possibility of saving her brother is slim Very little, if there is no space for that sky-defying plug-in, the chances of successfully retreating are almost too low to be evaluated.

As for the drug use, the winter wind is strong, and the powder of the drug will be blown away soon. After the effect of the drug penetrates into the air and then penetrates into the villa building, people will not know that it will have to wait until the year of the monkey. It may be noticed by the other party after a long time. .

Moreover, the medication may not be successful, because the Feitoujiang family has clearly prepared for it, and has taken some anti-confusion drugs, and what is even more unbelievable is that the medicine they took is clearly the detoxification pill in her hands. !
According to the data analysis of the medicines taken by members of the Feitou Jiangshi family, they were taking ordinary detoxification pills, but the anti-drowning medicines were more than enough.

It can be seen from this that female Fei Toujiang's hands not only infiltrated Tantai's family, but may also have affairs with certain families or sects, so there is a detoxification pill made by her. No sect, family or person can escape the fact that they colluded with foreign enemies.

Attacking the other's shield with the other's spear, and using her detoxification pill to prevent her drug poison is the best way to prevent her from using poison. You must know that the raw materials used in her detoxification pill are more precious than poison, because you put your heart into detoxification. Dan's potency is higher grade than her poison.

The Feitoujiang family is very smart, which also shows that they are fully prepared.

Fei Toujiang has her detoxification pill in his hand. This time, using the previous drug may not be effective. Fortunately, for the safety of her younger brother, she has also made all preparations, reconstituted the medicine specifically for Fei Toujiang, and sprinkled the medicine on the airtight The fact that she still waited so long before putting people down in the space also proved that her detoxification pill was not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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