magic eye doctor

Chapter 1144 Response (2 more

Chapter 1144 Response (2 more

The objects in the Huang family's villa were torn apart by the loud noise, and a huge surge shot up from the ceiling, and then resonated with the shock wave generated by the gun in the living room, spreading in all directions.

When the power of the shock wave reaches a critical value, like an invincible warrior, the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, and the wall smashed into the wall. Under the rampage, a villa building collapsed, and the billowing smoke and flames rushed straight into the sky.

In the earth-shattering loud noise, the earth shook violently, as if affected by an earthquake, the nearby villas also shook slightly, and the villas in the same row suddenly lost power.

Because it was not yet nine o'clock, the residents in the villa area were basically awake. They were shocked when they heard the loud noise. Later, they thought it was an earthquake, and ran out screaming, forming a mess.

The security guards of the property were also stunned by the loud noise. After they reacted, they ran to the open space one after another. Personnel reassure residents
Many people who rushed out of their own villas also found the fire in a certain corner, and immediately called the police, called the security, etc., or ran in the direction of the fire, because there were still people running out of the building, and there were women and children crying , The villa area was full of noise and chaos.

When the loud noise of the explosion rose into the sky, Le Yun was shocked and slowed down. She didn't turn her head back, and still ran wildly. She ran for tens of meters in one breath, and ran to a circular fountain in the villa area, before reaching a safe place. Putting his feet back, he turned around and looked into the distance, only to see an open fire burning at night in Huang's villa building, and thick smoke rising.

The Huang family wanted to raze the villa to the ground, and she helped to do it, so the Huang family should be satisfied now.

Sneering secretly, Le Yun quietly threw the handheld computer back into the space, took out her mobile phone and turned it on, and called Handsome Yan to inform them to pick it up. Now it's time for Yan's team to come out.

A group of wolf kings arrived at the police station in Shishi with the captain. Some of them stayed in the helicopter cabin and refused to show their faces. Contacted with the transportation department, and also communicated with Zhong C City. The roads leading from Shi City to other cities were strictly checked.

Young Master Yan and the Wolf Kings were sitting in on the sidelines. Whenever the Zhang Bureau or the Provincial Department staff asked their opinions, they would express some opinions or suggestions when they could speak, and keep silent when they felt that it was better not to speak.

Because there were no useful clues, an officer from the capital and a representative of an officer from the border station in Han City were sitting there. The police staff were under a lot of pressure, and Bureau Zhang was carrying a mountain on his back, and he was almost overwhelmed. , I only hope that the people behind the kidnapping case will propose negotiations as soon as possible.

In the tense and anxious waiting, half a day slipped away without a clue. In the evening, the cafeteria inside the police station provided dinner, and the soldiers on the helicopter still did not show up. The teammates packed the food. Meals are delivered to the cabin.

Zhang Ju was forced to lose his appetite by the pressure of work. Because Yan Shao and the others didn't have any news about Little Lolita, they regarded eating as a daily task, so they ate it up in twos and twos, and continued to be wooden stakes.

The waiting time was extremely long. Whenever there was a phone call, the people in the police station would treat it as a call from the kidnapper, and they would always feel a little excited. Rest assured, no news is sometimes good news, a hundred times better than hearing bad news, isn't it?

Waiting and waiting, seeing that it was almost nine o'clock, a mobile phone on the conference table suddenly turned on and rang, and everyone in the conference room held their breath almost at the same time.

"Captain, are you a kidnapper?" The wolf kings who followed the captain's leader glanced at the phone and became excited.

Yan Xing grabbed the phone with almost lightning speed, and was very surprised when he saw the number: "It's the number 27."

27 is the number 27 in his team. He took 27's mobile phone with Xiao Luoli. The reason why he took 27's mobile phone was because 27 carried two mobile phones. What he took away for Xiao Luoli was 27's work mobile phone. That number Only the teammates know that when they come out this time, if there is anything in the team, they will call the other contact number they carry, and no one will call one of the spare numbers that 27 carries, so he gave it to Xiao Luoli as a contact tool.

He said whose number it was, and at the same time swiped his finger to connect. Before he could ask, he heard the clear and sweet voice of little lolita: "I rescued my brother, they blew up the villa building, and the kidnappers also escaped." One, hurry up and deal with the aftermath."

"Are you injured? We will come to pick you up immediately. You must ensure your own safety. If the criminals are nearby or someone intends to harm you, there is no need to negotiate. If something happens, we will directly kill you." Take charge." Yan Xing was overjoyed when he heard that Little Lolita had successfully rescued the hostages, holding his phone and shouting excitedly.

He said something in one breath, and the voice of the little loli came again: "I'm fine, but those who killed a thousand dollars injected my brother with rabies virus medicine. Has my private small plane arrived? When it comes, we will send it to you." Come pick me up to the Taihang Mountains, I need to find some medicinal herbs to make medicine."

"I see. The private jet will arrive at your house in the afternoon. I will inform them to come to the city immediately. You wait for us in a safe place, we will be there soon, don't turn off your phone, we will find your location from the location of your phone."

Little Lolita's younger brother was injected with medicine, she must be very anxious, Yan Xing didn't bother anymore, he ran out in great leaps and bounds, rushed to the door, stopped and turned around to line up, stand up and follow the police officers who ran out Called: "Zhang Bureau, there was an explosion in the XX villa area on XXX Road. Please lead the team to deal with it. There should be... casualties, but don't worry, casualties are also criminals. You used to appease the residents and deal with the aftermath."

Zhang Ju and the police officers ran after Young Master Yan. Hearing about a certain villa area, he was not surprised because he didn't know the inside story. Isn't it in the incident area?"

"Yes, the owner of the villa colluded with the kidnappers and kidnapped classmate Le Yun's younger brother and hid it in the villa. Classmate Le went to negotiate with the kidnappers alone. Classmate Le escaped with her brother, and the kidnapper escaped one. Let's talk about it later. The big explosion in the villa area is likely to cause reporters to rush there, my team members focus on protecting Le, and leave the rest to Bureau Zhang, when we arrive at the scene, the police can announce the kidnapping of the Le family’s child.”

Yan Xing briefly explained, and rushed out with a few teammates.

Bureau Zhang and the police officers also rushed out. Before all the people rushed out of the conference room, the 110 command center notified the news of the explosion in the villa area of ​​XX. The operator replied that he was dispatching the police and hung up the connection.

Director Zhang and the deputy department leader from the Provincial Department hurried away with their personnel and ran out of the police station building. Some people boarded police cars one after another, and some boarded armed police helicopters. In the past, they surrounded the nest, and when there was news, the action team members naturally rushed out.

The helicopter was parked far away from the building, and Young Master Yan waited a little slower. They climbed into the plane when the people over there got into the car, and immediately closed the hatch. The helicopter took off, rose into the sky, turned around and rushed towards a certain villa area At the same time, the armed police helicopter carrying Zhang Ju and others also took off.

Two helicopters were flying in the air, and the police cars on the ground were chasing after with their sirens sounding. It was the scene of "you are flying and flying in the sky, and I am chasing and chasing on the ground".

The pilot of the Wolf King from the capital knew which direction it was in, so there was no need for special reminders. Yan Xing took out his mobile phone and dialed Lan San's number when the plane was flying smoothly, and asked Lan San to inform the pilot to drive a small plane to the city Pick up the little girl.

Classmate Le Xiao went to Shishi. Ten soldiers from the Han City National Defense Frontier Station and wolf kings from the capital cleaned the second floor of the North Building of Lejia in the afternoon. In order to remove certain drugs, the balcony floor, railings and walls were cleaned Scrub it clean, and drag the living room several times by the way, and open the doors and windows in all rooms to ventilate.

At the same time, the doors and windows on the first floor were also opened to ventilate the air, and cameras were installed to inspect everywhere and help with cooking in the evening.

Aunt Zhou Bapi Papi and Village Chief Zhou also helped with cleaning and arranging accommodation in Lejia in the afternoon, and returned to their own home after dinner. No matter who they met or who asked them what happened to Lejia, they never mentioned that they had lost their children. .

In Yueqing, Zhou Qiufeng and Grandma Zhou were restless, and they were fooled. The uncle and nephew of the Chao family took care of the housework on their behalf, arranged food and accommodation for the handsome guys, and with the help of Zhou's family, there was no chaos.

Handsome guys take turns to watch the night, ten border guards went to the new building to rest first, Lan San and his teammates waited for the news with the masters, they all sat in the main room of Dalejia, the wolf kings carried computers or mobile phones, and often checked the location of the captain and teammates Is there any change.

After living the days like years, Yueqing Zhou Qiufeng's whole heart arose at [-] o'clock in the evening. When the phone rang, everyone's first reaction was "the kidnapper is calling", and the second reaction was "new news". They all trembled with the ringtone, and Zhou Qiufeng stood up immediately when the second ring rang, almost holding the phone up to the tip of his nose, and suddenly realized that it wasn't his phone ringing, and sat down dejectedly.

The wolf kings couldn't tell whose phone was on the first ring, but they knew it was Lan San's phone when the second ring rang. They guessed that there was news from the captain or the capital troops. If you need to ask the captain for urgent matters, everyone waits with bated breath.

Lan San saw the captain's number on his mobile phone, he was highly concentrated, and quickly connected under the gaze of his teammates. When he heard the captain say that the Lejia child had been rescued by the little beauty, he was pleasantly surprised by the crucial news When I arrived, I showed a big smiling face and repeatedly responded "I see, yes, I understand".

After listening to the captain's instructions, he immediately shouted to the crowd who were looking at him eagerly: "Little beauty rescued Le Shan, the captain ordered the pilot to fly to the city to pick up the little beauty immediately, the driver went to work, and the others stayed close to Le Shan , strictly prevent the kidnappers’ companions from rebelling in the middle of the night.”

The wolf kings who accompanied the team to Little Lolita's house to carry out missions are amphibious warriors, all of whom have gone through hundreds of battles and experienced the baptism of life and death. Their reactions are first-class. When Lan San conveyed the captain's order, the two drivers "popped" He closed the computer, jumped up, didn't even say a word, rushed to the door like a stray bullet, opened the half-covered door, rushed out, and rushed to the village committee building.

Some of their luggage is stored in the room on the second floor of Lejia, but each of them also has a piece of necessary equipment that they carry close to their body, so they can go to battle and kill the enemy directly without carrying daily necessities and backpacks.

The two wolf kings who were in charge of flying the plane rushed out, and the rest of the wolf kings were overjoyed. They immediately called the brothers in Lejiaxinhou to say that the child in Lejia had been rescued, and their task tonight was to protect Lejia.

The border guards in the new building of Lejia just lay down for a long time, and they were still not asleep. Hearing that the little baby of Lejia was rescued, they were also overjoyed.

The young people reacted quickly. The uncles and nephews of the Chao family were shocked at first, and then pleasantly surprised. Father Zhou Qiufeng and Grandma Zhou heard that Handsome Lan said that Le Shan was saved, and their brains went blank when they were shocked by the sudden surprise. Nothing happened.

Two handsome guys went out, handsome guy Lan was still answering the phone, the beautiful boy didn't bother him, and when he ended the call, he hurriedly asked handsome guy Lan for confirmation: "Handsome guy Lan, Xiao Leshan was really rescued? Are Xiao Lele and Leshan injured?" ?”

"Everything is fine. The little girl and Le Shan were not injured. Little Leshan was injected with a drug. The little girl was going to the Taihang Mountains, so she called a helicopter to pick her up in the city." Lan San explained the reason concisely, Otherwise, if the little beauty didn't bring her brother back, the Le family and his wife would definitely be suspicious and panic.

"Le Shan was...rescued?" Zhou Qiufeng's brain was like a muddle, and he stared at the handsome young man in a daze, with surprise, confusion, caution, and expectation in his eyes.

"It was really rescued. The little beauty was rescued from the kidnappers herself. Aunt Le and Grandma Zhou, you can rest assured. If the little beauty comes out, it must be a success. The little beauty is all right. She is an ever-victorious goddess of war, invincible, invincible, and invincible.”

Handsome Lan praised Xiao Lele as if he didn't want money, the beautiful boy showed a slight smile, and Xiao Lele would occasionally put gold on her face, if she heard handsome Lan praise her like this, she would definitely turn her tail up.

Thinking of the cute Xiaotuanzi rescued Xiaoleshan and the safety of his siblings, he relaxed his tense nerves, and took out his mobile phone to call his grandparents, parents and elders in the capital to report the good news.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao stayed at Chao Er's house, restless all day long, and refused to go to bed at night. They stayed in the living room with their elder son and younger sons, hoping for news of the latest progress.

When Chao San's cell phone rang, he saw it was his son's call, and immediately answered it. He was so excited when he heard the good news from his son, he kept saying "OK, ok", and then happily conveyed the good news: "Xiao Bo said that Le Le will Le Shan has been rescued, and the siblings are safe, so let us not worry."

"That's great!"

"Thank God, everyone is safe."

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao Yi, Mrs. Chao San and Mrs. Hu were so surprised that they almost jumped up, slapped their chests, clasped their hands together and thanked God, expressing their joy in their own ways.

Chao San asked a few questions in detail, knowing that Xiao Lele hadn't returned to Le's house yet, and asked his son to take care of his fourth uncle and aunt, so he hung up the phone without saying much.

The old man and the old lady Huang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked about the situation, because the people over there hadn't returned home yet, they just reported that they were safe, and Chao San didn't know the details. Fortunately, knowing that someone was rescued is the best news, everyone Don't worry if you don't know the process well.

After the beautiful boy made the phone call, he found Grandma Zhou sitting in a daze. Guessing that the old man hadn't recovered in a while, he gently rubbed Grandma Zhou's shoulders to relax her.

After Le Shan's ecstasy, he felt distressed. He felt sorry for his caring little padded jacket. Le Shan was born because of Le Le. If something happened to Le Shan, he had to go to rescue Le Le regardless of danger. When he lost his child, what he thought of was his daughter Le Le, but I never thought that the girl is only 16 and a half years old, and she is also a child.

Suddenly, Papa Le felt pain and regret in his heart. He only wanted to find Lele to save his son Leshan. At that moment, he never thought about whether Lele would be in danger, whether he might be caught, no I thought that Lele was a child, and she was still a girl!
Lele is too strong. In his heart, Lele is the unfailing spiritual pillar and omnipotent. So when Leshan is in danger, he is worried about his son with all his body and mind. He has never thought about Lele's safety. Will Lele be able to do anything? Think he is eccentric?Will be sad?
The more Le Dad thought about it, the more guilty he felt, and his heart became sour, the sour taste came to his heart, his eyes were sour, his eyes were hot, and he silently wiped his tears.

Chao Erye originally wanted to call his family members who were waiting in the capital to announce the good news, but his nephew reacted quickly and acted as the shopkeeper with peace of mind, when he suddenly found a big man in Yueqing wiping his tears and hurriedly hugged the fourth brother's shoulder Ask: "Fourth, why are you crying?"

Grandma Zhou and Zhou Qiufeng, who were in a daze, subconsciously turned their heads to look at Yueqing and the second master of the Chao family, their hearts were absent, and their eyes were not focused.

"I feel bad, Lele is still a child." Papa Le was sobbing, crying like a child on Brother Chao's shoulder.

"Lele is a caring little padded jacket. You have such a good girl who must have saved the earth in your previous life. Don't cry. Leshan escaped safely. You should happily wait for your children to come back."

Second Master Chao coaxed the fourth child like a child, and Papa Le nodded frequently while wiping his tears.

Grandma Zhou was overwhelmed by the great good news. After looking at Yueqing for a long time, her brain finally came to her senses. She sat down softly, tears streaming down her face, and muttered to herself: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay... ..."

Hearing what the old lady said, Zhou Qiufeng, whose expression had been changing all the time, seemed to wake up from a dream, his tense nerves instantly relaxed, and his body was as soft as mud, and he cried "wow".

The mother and daughter of the Zhou family started crying again, and Chao Er and his wife rushed to comfort and comfort them. They took a long time to comfort them, and they waited for more detailed feedback from the handsome guys.

(End of this chapter)

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