magic eye doctor

Chapter 1145 Revenge on the Culprit

Chapter 1145 Revenge on the Culprit

Yan Ren was witty and asked Zhang Ju to do the on-site investigation first. Le Yun secretly gave him a compliment, because he could already hear the sirens of fire trucks and police cars, so he decided to do his own business first and let Yan The handsome guy helped his younger brother, took out his flashlight and ran towards the fence.

Wolf kings don't worry about letting the little loli run around, they protect the captain and Lejia's little baby, they follow the little loli every step of the way across a section of lawn to the fence, and then around a few broken wall boards, step over Passed the wall that was knocked down and left the villa area.

The handsome guys insisted on being little tails, Le Yun asked them to follow first, walked out of the fence and walked tens of meters to the foot of the mountain to let them wait, and firmly refused to allow anyone to follow up the mountain.

A few handsome wolf king young guys wanted to cry and complain to the captain, but little loli didn't let them go climbing with them. Did she think they were slow or not handsome?Hey, so wronged!

Feeling aggrieved, the wolf kings watched little Loli climb up the mountain with a flashlight, and prayed in their hearts for some kind of tree or thorn to save face and not trip up little Loli or scratch her delicate skin.

The night is colder than the day, and the night in the mountains is even colder. Even though the trees are not tall, they still feel gloomy. Le Yunyi is not afraid of ghosts or the cold. She crawled between the dwarf trees and vines for about two miles. , Take out a sack from behind a rock and bushes that can hide people, grab the female flying head from the space, stuff it into the sack, and tie one end of the sack tightly.

He carried the bag and checked it repeatedly. No matter how he looked, he couldn't see that there was a person in it. He slung the bag on his back and went down the mountain along the same road with a flashlight.

Student Le carried the sack down the mountain and had just walked halfway. The police cars and fire trucks from the city rushed to the villa area one after another. Bureau Zhang asked people to go to the gate to maintain order with the security guards. He only let the fire trucks and police cars pass. Those who came to watch were still stopped outside the gate of the villa.

The police cars rushed to the scene first, and the vehicles were all parked in the safe area. The police officers brought tools to the scene to pull the police boundary and conduct safety surveys.

The water pipes in the villa building have been shut off, and the electricity has been turned off. Only the open fire is burning. The smell of burning plastic products is a bit strong, because after burning for a while, the flammable materials are almost burned, and the fire has weakened significantly.

The fire truck drove in a small circle before arriving at the scene of the fire. As soon as the personnel got out of the vehicle, they were told not to use fire to put out the fire.

After hearing that there might be two kinds of viruses at the fire point, which would threaten people's safety, everyone suddenly realized that they didn't even need to take tools such as water pipes. Going to the development zone, I borrowed a few cans of dry ice fire extinguishers and carried them to the scene to put out the fire.

The staff in the villa were busy putting out the fire, and the wolf kings who were waiting at the foot of the mountain waited for more than ten minutes before seeing little Lolita go and return. When I came down from the mountains, I found that little Lolita seemed to be carrying something, and ran up in a hurry. Looking closer, little Lolita was carrying a big sack.

"Little Lolita, let me carry it for you."

"It's a little heavy."

"Have you caught a wild boar?"

The handsome guys scrambled to take over the sack from the little loli. They could smell the smell of blood keenly, and laughed and joked. They didn't even need to divide the work, and one of them carried the sack.

"A goat, I got it." Le Yun smiled meaningfully, and went down the mountain without any regrets.

The wolf king carrying the sack touched the "goat" on his back with his backhand, but didn't say anything.

The wolf kings hugged the little loli and walked through a short section of wasteland full of weeds, and then entered the villa area through the gap in the wall, and did not stop around the ruins to watch, and followed the little loli back to the helicopter.

When they returned to the villa area, only a few places in the ruins were still smoking, mainly because they were afraid of falling or being cut by construction debris. The firefighters were also extra careful, so the speed was naturally slower.

When the police officers saw the little girl and the young men returning, they didn't ask them what they brought back. Young Master Yan and his teammates didn't ask any questions, and retreated decisively.

A group of wolf kings returned to the helicopter and boarded the cabin. When they saw the big bag thrown on the ground, they tacitly agreed with each other that it didn't exist.

Young Master Liu was busy processing the data, because the community surveillance was deleted, and the remote could not be repaired. When someone Yan came back, after discussing it, he took an assistant off the plane and went to the security room of the community to communicate with the security guards of the property, and then disassembled their surveillance. computer studies.

Less than 3 minutes after Liu Shaogang entered the security room, reporters from the city or many broadcasters who wanted to live broadcast rushed to the villa area one after another. The police officers had a secret order from Zhang Bureau to let all journalists with certificates go, confirming that it was to promote safety. The anchors on the relevant platforms and with certificates will also be released.

Several reporters and a few anchors rushed into the villa area and ran towards the place where the lights were shining. When they arrived, there were only three or two ruins still burning with open flames. Fire trucks and police cars were lined up, wearing special police uniforms and armed police uniforms People in uniforms of public security officers and police officers are also with the police boundary line, and only a few people in the boundary line are reconnaissance at the edge of the ruins.

The reporters and anchors asked for instructions to enter the police boundary for on-site recording. The security personnel did not let go, and invited Zhang Ju, who was very talkative, and agreed to allow the personnel to enter the police boundary. Personal contact with construction debris is strictly prohibited.

The reporters and a few anchors wandered around the ruins, and turned their attention to the police officers present to conduct on-the-spot interviews. The focus was on Zhang Ju. Answered a few questions, such as who is the owner of the villa.

Then, pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud naturally brought up a series of questions such as whether the hostages were rescued, who the kidnapped were, and so on.

When Shishi reporters heard that the abductee was the younger brother of Jiudao Leyun in Fangxian County, they vaguely felt that the name was a bit familiar. The record-breaking was matched with a series of first-class Le students who were ranked first in science in the whole province in that year, and the topics of interviews increased dramatically.

A group of reporters and anchors asked questions one after another, like a faucet that opened a floodgate but could not be turned off, Zhang Ju also had a little reservation, some too sensitive topics also only gave ambiguous and formulaic answers, such as " Further investigation/investigation required", etc.

There was nothing to ask from Bureau Zhang. The reporters turned their attention to the helicopter, rushed to the helicopter and shouted for an interview. The wolf kings who were in charge of the guards asked the captain for instructions and brought out a spokesperson.

Wearing a helmet covering his face with only his eyes exposed, the wolf king stood in front of the hanging ladder for a brief interview, and answered everything he could. When the reporters wanted to interview the Le family, the young wolf kings seriously refused the request. It was the Lejia child who was injected with some kind of drug and fell into a coma. The Lejia girl went deep into the tiger's den to rescue her younger brother alone. She was frightened and exhausted, and was busy worrying about her younger brother's health, so she couldn't concentrate on accepting the interview.

The reporters were deeply disappointed that they couldn't see the Le family siblings. Fortunately, having a lot of first-hand information made the trip worthwhile. In order to dig up more information, they took the opportunity to find out about the situation from the residents and security guards.

Le Yun stayed in the helicopter silently as a mute, but her brain was never idle for a moment, analyzing and calculating data on her younger brother's physical condition.

On behalf of the interviewed wolf king, he returned to the cabin and gave the captain and his teammates a look of embarrassment. How is he, isn't he very stylish?

All the handsome guys unanimously despised him silently, hehe, who can't do this job?
Liu Shao was busy in the security room for a while, restored part of the data of the monitoring system, backed up the data himself, and took it back to the helicopter for work. Seeing a group of people looking at him, he beamed with pride: "It's not that I'm bragging, there's a brother out there!" It must be successful immediately, and I have successfully obtained some important evidence."

Yan Xing patted Fa Xiao on the shoulder: "Brother, we know you are powerful, tell me what important evidence you have obtained?"

"Of course there are some records of Huang and so-and-so entering and leaving the villa in pairs, and there are also records of certain people's minions entering and leaving." Liu Xiangyang triumphantly raised his chin, with an air of ecstasy, Sitting on the floor holding the computer, he tapped the keyboard with his fingers.

In just a few seconds, the computer showed some surveillance records. The young wolf king who was close to him approached, and really saw the scene of Huang driving a woman into the villa area. The handsome guys are also ghosts and ghosts. Throwing at the Liu team, such as "Liu brother is so powerful", "Liu team is not only handsome, but also the best in computer technology in the country, Liu brother, you are my idol", "Liu team is invincible and invincible"...

Surrounded by a bunch of compliments, First Young Master Liu cocked his tail in a twitching manner, with a high air, he presented the treasure very, very readily, and called up a few shots for a group of upright brothers to have a sneak peek.

Witnessing how Handsome Liu gets along with handsome young men, Le Yun feels that her three views are about to be shattered. In her mind, Handsome Liu was originally more reliable than Handsome Yan, but now why does she think that he is also a sophomore?

There are some things that cannot be said clearly, so Xiao Le decided to be dumb.

The handsome young men praised Captain Liu so much that they stopped talking good things about him. Shao Liu happily backed up the data, and kept one copy for himself, and some data for the police station.

He prepared the documents and was about to go to Bureau Zhang to hand them over. Little Lolita's helicopter finally rushed to the sky over the villa area. The helicopter originally wanted to go to the police station, but it was notified to come to the villa halfway.

Seeing all kinds of bright lights on the ground at high altitude, the helicopter circled and landed on the lawn between the two villas far away from the fountain.

Zhang Ju and others saw Le's private helicopter coming, and hurried to the military helicopter. The reporters, with their keen sense of smell, also flocked here.

The private helicopter arrived, Yan Xing carried the little milk baby and led his teammates to protect the little Lolita, and carried the sack of the little Lolita to transfer together. The handsome wolf king protected the little Lolita tightly, and strictly prohibited anyone from approaching. All the way from the military helicopter to the private small plane, the people who were waiting to accompany the little Lolita to fly to the Taihang Mountains entered the cabin and closed the hatch, handsome Liu and the remaining ten wolf kings stood far away, watching the small plane take off and then Back to the military helicopter.

Young Master Liu seized Zhang Ju and informed him to send someone to receive some information. The two sides completed the computer-to-computer direct transfer of information on the helicopter. The military helicopter carried the wolf kings back to Jiudao. Their task was to To protect Lejia, the special police and armed police are naturally responsible for the affairs in the villa area.

The youths from the capital were evacuated, Zhang Juan dispatched troops to condemn the generals, and arranged personnel to guard the scene in shifts, and the leaders from the provincial department took some team members back to the police station to sort out the case, and wrote an announcement that the police would be notified tomorrow, etc.

The fire was extinguished, there was no fire brigade, they also closed the team, leaving the policemen to protect the scene, the reporters saw that they could not dig up any materials, so they called it a day, anyway, the scene will be cleaned up tomorrow, and some things can be left for tomorrow According to the report, it is more practical to release the major new case just obtained tonight.

Residents were afraid of the scene and left one after another. Families who were closer to the ruins did not dare to live in the villa, so they simply packed up their simple luggage and temporarily stayed in the hotel.

Yan Xing and a few teammates accompanied the little Lolita to fly high in the small plane, silently breathing a sigh of relief, the pilot asked: "Little beauty, where are you going in the Taihang Mountains?"

The Taihang Mountains are too wide, and no province or district is specified, so it is difficult to determine the course.

"Go to Liaocheng City in the west of S." Le Yun announced the purpose lightly, and handsome guy Chao Yan stretched out his hand: "It's time to give me my mobile phone, I need to make a call."

"Well, I'll give it to you right away." Yan Xing was very reluctant, so he took out the mobile phone that he had been carrying for several hours from his pocket and gave it to Xiao Luoli, and made a special statement: "We did not use hacking technology to decipher your mobile phone. phone password."

"Measuring the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." Le Yun gave someone Yan a white look, and she didn't doubt that he would peek at her phone. Anyway, her phone doesn't have any shady secrets, and it would be useless for others to look at it. Look, the one with the secret is a computer, lying in space.

The handsome wolf kings laughed secretly, the captain has become a villain!

Yan Xing didn't mind being treated as someone, so he asked his own question thoughtfully: "Little Lolita, you said you were going to talk about the city, didn't you go to gather medicine?"

"Is that an excuse? I can't tell everyone that my aunt is angry. My aunt will immediately take revenge on the sons and daughters who are the culprit."

"So, you're going to the Tantai family to capture the illegitimate children of the Tantai family?" Yan Xing realized, and aimed at the big bag: "Then, the one on the head should be the female flying head descending?"

"If you guessed it, you still ask the question knowingly, it's unnecessary."

"Little beauty, didn't you say it was a goat?" The handsome wolf king who followed him to the mountain couldn't help talking.

"It is recorded in history that some people collectively referred to the slaughtered as 'two-legged sheep', haven't you heard of it?"

"..." Several handsome guys shuddered unanimously. Little Lolita was referring to the allusions of some dynasties who were cruel and cannibalistic. Those people called men and women who were killed for meat "two feet sheep".

(End of this chapter)

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