magic eye doctor

Chapter 1157 Self-expelled from the house (2 more

Chapter 1157 Self-expelled from the house (two more
Before nine o'clock at night, Shishi was quite lively, but the leisure and health villa area where Huang Zhenzhi lived was deserted, only a few villas were occupied, and the police officers and firefighters who cleaned up the ruins all day made various records in the tent.

For the sake of safety, the cleaning work is still carried out during the day. Because of the large number of people, after a day's efforts, the ruins have been almost cleaned up. The villa really has a basement, which was built by the owner of the villa without permission, which is an illegal building.

The staff also cleared a lot of things from the ruins, including clothes and supplies, and found two glass tube bottles from a broken trash can, one intact and the other half broken; some minced meat was collected from the ruins, The number was small, and the police sent the minced meat and blood-stained cloth remains for DNA testing.

During the entire cleaning process, there were only official personnel. The wife and children of the owner of the villa, Huang Zhenzhi, and family members of the Huang family, not to mention visiting the scene in person, did not even show their faces, as if Huang Zhenzhi had nothing to do with them.

The police informed Huang Zhenzhi's family that his wife and children were on the phone when they notified the family in the morning, but after the phone was turned off, they could no longer be reached.

The Huang family was gloomy because of Huang Zhenzhi's affairs, who would care about Huang Zhenzhi's funeral, busy transferring or destroying certain things, or thinking about avoiding the limelight.

Huang Zhenzhi's closest family members, um, learned that something was wrong in the morning, so in order not to be implicated, they directly left home and went to other provinces.

The Huang family doesn't care about Huang Zhenzhi's funeral. Netizens who follow Shishi Police Station are very enthusiastic. "Warriors", not to mention "the masters are among the people", some of the folks are Internet masters and people who love to shoot, and they provide a lot of clues.

Zhou Chunmei is also particularly jealous of the huge bounty offered. However, she is not an Internet expert and has no contact with certain people's activities at all. Not to mention providing clues, it is impossible to even see people's shadows. She can only secretly covet them. Swiping her phone and hearing the fragrance from Lejia, her heart aches with jealousy, Le Yun is willing to throw 200 million to others, why is she reluctant to give her a hundred and eighty thousand pocket money?
The hated classmate Le Xiao had no time to worry about what Zhou Chunmei next door was doing. After dinner, she first went to the second floor to help an old man clean out a guest room, and then found a clean set of clothes and hat for her younger brother. Moved the bath tub of my son and younger brother to the south building, and then carried my younger brother to the new building and closed the door, no matter who it was, I refused to disturb it.

Mr. Ant originally thought that it was okay for him to watch acupuncture as a master of a little milk baby, but in the end he was treated equally, and he dragged Chao Jiamei boy to complain sadly. Yes, he just complained without image, saying that the little girl It's so disrespectful to the old man to stare at him and threaten him.

Everyone: "..." If you complain like this, aren't you afraid of being reviled?

The beautiful young man didn't hate the old man, and comforted the old man gently: "You are really wronged, how about I go to my Xiaotuanzi and say that you always say that she doesn't respect the old, that you always feel uncomfortable living in Le's house, and let Xiaotuan Tuanzi will send you a plane tomorrow to take you back to the island to recuperate?"

"No, brother Chao, the little girl is busy, don't disturb her." Mr. An almost... choked himself out of breath. It's inhumane.

A certain old man is deflated, and the handsome men of the wolf king are secretly laughing, telling you that you got a cheap deal and complaining about your stomachache. Now you have met a powerful character.

Grandma Zhou and the others were having fun, the village chief and his wife chatted with Zhou Papi and his wife until [-]:[-] o'clock, and they went home separately. The handsome wolf king guys had something to do, and they took care of the glutinous rice soup boiled behind the house in batches, and arranged for two people to take care of the fire at night , others sleep.

Classmate Le Xiao stayed in the kitchen of the south building and boiled medicine. He pushed his younger brother's hair and cut it into a small bald head. When it was nearly ten o'clock, he took out a medicinal soup from the stove, prepared a new medicine, and gave his younger brother the first round of acupuncture. , designed to kill the "DIAS" virus.

She wanted to cultivate antibodies against the two viruses in her younger brother's body, but his younger brother was too young to bear the burden of the two viruses fighting for survival, so she decided to kill one virus body first, because the treatment If you have experience with "DIAS" disease, you should solve the more familiar one first.

The first round of acupuncture took four hours to clean every infected cell, which was equivalent to cleaning all the blood, muscles and bone marrow of my brother's body.

After completing the first round of acupuncture, blood samples were drawn, and then fed pills and injected concoctions to observe the reaction in the bed. Observe for two minutes, and do every second round of acupuncture to remove poison.

Time passed without knowing it, and the sky will be bright.

Yu Hui sat facing the wind all night outside the main hall of the Golden Roof Palace. When the darkness before dawn came, he got up silently, straightened his clothes, performed three knocks and nine prostrations to the door of the palace, and spread the Buddha dust horizontally On the ground, he picked up his luggage and saluted again: "Uncle Master, disciple Yu Hui has been cultivating hard in the sect for many years without any results. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to go to Zhongtiao Mountain to ask for hermit practice. Farewell to Yu Hui, Master Uncle cherishes it !"

No one answered in the hall, Yu Hui gave a deep salute, turned around and went down the steps step by step, and did not turn around when he reached the stone pavement in the palace courtyard. Far away, getting closer and closer to the courtyard wall gate of the Golden Roof Palace, walked to the bottom of the gate of the palace courtyard, raised his foot across the threshold without hesitation, and walked along the mountain road to the third heavenly gate.

When he walked out of the palace for a few meters, the gate of the main hall of the Golden Roof Palace was pulled open from the inside, and lights were lit in the hall. Sitting next to the Taoist icon, Wu Changfeng, Liu Changhe, Longyan, and several elders were all present.

After the door was opened, the people sitting on the tuanpu looked out, and there was only the gray morning light in the palace courtyard, nothing else.

Li Ziwang glanced out, bowed his head deeply: "Go back to Grand Master Uncle, Master Yu left behind a handle of Buddha dust."

All the elders in the hall were startled, did Yu Hui leave behind his Buddha dust? !

Buddha dust has a special meaning in both Buddhism and Taoism. It represents the meaning of brushing away the dusty fate, that is to say, it means that after becoming a monk, all kinds of fate and emotional ties in the world have been broken.

Yu Hui is a Taoist priest who has formally become a monk. Leaving behind the dust of the Buddha means that he is expelled from the monastery, and it also means that he may abandon the principle that he once insisted on being a monk and not getting involved in the world, and enter the world at any time.

Yu Hui has a deep affection for his master, and also has a deep affection for Le Hong. If he entered the world, it must be because of Le Hong and Le Hong's siblings.

Yu Hun left behind Buddha dust, and another underlying meaning also means that if Huang does something to Le family again, he will be silent because he is expelled from the mountain and no longer cares about the reputation of the sect because he is a disciple of Shengwu Mountain. Will speak up for Lejia.

Long Yan and Liu Changhe were shocked by Yu Hui's determination. Perhaps, Yu Hui had the intention of leaving a long time ago. The so-called freezing three feet is not a day's cold. It is possible that the Double Ninth Festival Party has already chilled him, because Master Gu Nian is a disciple of Shengwu Mountain. He also grew up in Shengwu Mountain since he was a child, and eventually he was a little reluctant to mention the matter of leaving the mountain to practice in seclusion. This time, the matter of the Huangzhichang tribe made Yu Hui completely chilled, so he resolutely resigned and left.

"Alas—" Dongfang Shen let out a long low sigh: "Please send the Buddha dust back to the Taoist temple where he lives for enshrining."

He said something, closed his eyelids, and said nothing more.

Li Ziwang respectfully obeyed, bent out of the main hall and knelt down to hold up the Buddha dust, walked out of the yard in front of the main hall without looking sideways, and walked faster and faster outside, running at a running speed.

He ran wildly all the way, however, after chasing after the first heavenly gate, Master Yu still could not be seen. After running wildly for a while, he saw a figure rushing down the mountain from a distance, guessing that Master Yu knew he had chased him out. Wishing to see him, I stopped chasing him, and turned to the temple where my uncle once lived, holding the dust of Buddha.

Taking advantage of the fact that no tourists climbed the mountain in the morning, Yu Hui traveled all the way and arrived at the foot of the mountain when the sky was bright. He never looked back at the mountain gate, and just drifted away with the car.

Dongfang Shen ordered Li Ziwang to send back Yu Hui's Buddha dust and then closed his eyes and meditated without saying a word. Because the elders of the Grand Master's uncle did not order to say "Let's go", Long Yan and other elders did not dare to leave without authorization, and they all sat quietly .

Wu Changfeng sat upright, his face was calm, his heart was like a windy sea, he couldn't be calm at all, he guessed that Yu Hui would meet at the Golden Roof Palace at night after learning about Huang Zhichang's family and others kidnapping the Le family's children Master uncle, so he rushed to the Golden Roof Palace early.

When he arrived, the other elders were there, and they did not leave at night.

He knew that Yu Hui was the person who climbed to the summit at night, and his uncle must know who it was. He thought that Yu Hui was here to ask his uncle to uphold justice, and thought that his uncle might reconcile when he met Yu Hui, but Yu Hui didn't say anything at all. , Uncle Shi didn't give any instructions.

However, he didn't expect that Yu Hui sat outside the hall all night not to ask his uncle to uphold justice, but to say goodbye.

Uncle Dongfang and the elders didn't want to stay, and he actually... didn't stay either.

It doesn't matter if Uncle Dongfang and the elders don't stay together, because the uncle is a few generations older than Yu Hui, and he is an elder, and he is the head of the sect, the same generation as Yu Hui. ... Ruthless, even, Yu Hui's going here is like being forced to leave his hometown by his master and apprentice!

What face would he have if other sects learned that he forced his fellow sects to leave Zhongtiao Mountain?

The more Wu Changfeng thought about it, the more uneasy he became. He didn't understand the reason for his uncle's sigh before, but now he understands that the uncle was disappointed in him, but now he only hopes that Li Ziwang can catch up with Yu Hui. Clever should be able to think of the money and things Yu Hui needs to build a house when he goes to Zhongtiao Mountain for hermit cultivation, and will give Yu Hui a sum of money in the name of the teacher.

However, with great hope and great disappointment, he sat and waited until the end of the day, when Li Ziwang finally went and returned to talk, he said that he did not see Yu Hui on the way to send Fochen back.

Dongfang Shen learned that he was silent for a long time before saying "It's all gone", got up and went back to the Taoist temple where he was practicing quietly; all the elders left the main hall.

Unable to guess the uncle's intentions, head Wu became even more uneasy, he was careful in everything, and never called Huang Zhichang to ask what was going on.

 Little fairies, the second watch is coming~
  (Acacia fans are hardworking, right? I think I’m just a hardworking bee~)

(End of this chapter)

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