magic eye doctor

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158

Seeing that her children returned home safely, her father, Zhou Qiufeng, really slept soundly at night, woke up on time at 05:30, quietly went outside the new building to listen to the sound before breakfast, and smelled a strong smell of medicine, and did not take the key The idea of ​​secretly opening the door and going in, I feel relieved to have breakfast.

The handsome young wolf kings also get up early. Ant gets up to meditate before 06 o'clock, and then slowly goes downstairs at 30:[-]. He wants to run to see how the little apprentice is doing, but he is afraid of being bullied by the little girl. I have to quietly be a martial arts master with the demeanor of an outsider.

Le Yun’s second round of acupuncture for her younger brother lasted until seven o’clock before work was over. She took back the medical needles and soaked them in liquid medicine for disinfection, and poured the medicinal soup to bathe her younger brother. Little hat, well dressed.

Throw the changed clothes of the younger brother into the basin to soak, and then untie the acupuncture points of the younger brother. At that time, I belatedly realized that I didn’t untie the acupuncture points of the big wolf dog. I went to poke the big dog a few times, washed my hands, and it was still there. Add a lot of medicinal materials to the boiled medicine stove, hold my brother and wait for the black dragon to wake up.

The big wolf dog rested for a night, and his weak body was repaired by the power of the special medicine ball to the same level of health as the injured one. He was released from the sleeping hole, and after lying down for only two or three minutes, he opened his eyes leisurely, tilted his head to look around, and looked around again. Looking and smelling, there is only one thought in my mind-where am I, who am I?
After looking around for a few times, seeing the familiar and beautiful young lady, I got up with a joyful cry of "Wow, Wang Wang", flew to the young lady's feet and hugged one of my sister's legs, rubbing and rubbing vigorously, and wagging her tail vigorously.

Le Yun squatted down and touched the dog's head: "Heilong is a good soldier. Two days ago, bad guys came to the house to snatch Le Shan. Heilong reported to the family and was seriously injured. Now he's back to health."

Heilong raised his head, thought hard, bark, I remembered, something strange came, did you catch it?
"The bad guys caught it, and Leshan was rescued. Heilong and Leshan will continue to be good partners in the future. Let's go, let's have breakfast." Le Yun doesn't understand dog language, but she can guess that Heilong is a military dog. Definitely catch the bad guys.

"Wow woof—" the black dragon happily wagged his tail, trotted along while hugging the young lady's feet, waited for the beautiful and fragrant young lady to lock the door, he ran first, and ran to the big room of the young lady's house like a gust of wind. At the door, I saw many familiar people, raised their heads coldly, entered the main room with difficulty, jumped over the soldiers who called his name, and rushed to the beautiful and beautiful little brother to hug his thigh.

The handsome young men saw that the black dragon who was suffering from Alzheimer's disease yesterday became alive overnight, and they all called out "black dragon" in amazement. They wanted to see if the wolf dog recognized them, but the dog ignored them. In the end, that guy went to the Chao family boy to curry favor and show off his cuteness.

Just because the handsome boy is beautiful, so the black dragon also judges people by their appearance?The young wolf kings looked at each other, and a sentence popped up in their minds - dogs look down on people!

Heilong, who looks down on people with a dog's eyes, doesn't get close to Captain Yan, pretends not to know Captain Liu, hugs the beautiful boy's legs and rubs them for fun. This is the little sister's little brother, beautiful and gentle, a big warm boy brother.

"Heilong is okay?" Grandma Zhou was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. This... Lele's medical skills can really bring the dead back to life!
Mr. Ant secretly rolled his eyes, no matter how cute and obedient the big wolf dog is, he is not as good as his little apprentice, who is the most loving child.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng was also shocked, but became very happy, and ran to touch the black dragon's head.

Heilong licked the Lejia couple's palms very docilely, wagging its tail.

Mrs. Huang Er was very jealous, and also reached out to pet the big dog. The black dragon was very clever, hugging the beautiful lady's calf, expressing friendship enthusiastically.

"Is this a black dragon?"

"Is it okay to become refined?"

The wolf kings who have been with Heilong for several years and have a comrade-in-arms friendship say that it is a lie that they don’t eat. When he was in the army, they went to visit him when they were free, and bought ham and roast duck legs for him to eat. As a result, when he left Beijing, Heilong had A new home and forget old friends.

Heilong turned his head and gave two "barks" to a group of rough men as a response, then continued to get close to the beautiful boy, heard the young lady's footsteps to the door, jumped happily and went back to pick up the young lady, and followed the young lady around.

The handsome men of the Wolf King saw the little Lori coming over with Lejia's little milk baby in their arms, and asked in unison, "Little beauty, is your brother recovered?"

"It's necessary, I'll take the medicine to cure the disease." Le Yun proudly raised her chin, with a proud expression of "I don't even think about who I am", and scratched his brother's itch with his right hand.

"Giggle", Le Shan was sleeping on his sister's neck, and was scratched a few times, woke up with a smile, looked around while writhing, turned his head to look at the person who was hugging him, took a look, Grinning: "Sister, sister is back!"

The wolf king youths who were waiting for Xiao Leshan's reaction, and others all smiled relieved when they heard Leshan softly calling his sister, um, the little milk baby's intelligence has not been affected, so I can feel relieved now.

Grandma Zhou's father, Zhou Qiufeng, had red eyes and ran to Lele's side while shouting "Leshan" to let the child recognize who he was.

Leshan called grandma one by one, called mom and dad, and yelled again, with a small face wrinkled in thought: "Dad, didn't you say that my sister will go home after a holiday? Why did my sister come back when I woke up? There are so many things to do." ……uncle?"

He delayed the pronunciation of the word "uncle" and turned it into a rising tone, which was also in line with the innocent reactions of children.

"This..." Father Le rubbed his hands, not knowing how to explain.

Le Yun put her brother on the ground and stood there, looking into his eyes: "Le Shan, my sister is here to tell you why there are so many uncles in our family. Two nights ago, Le Shan and her parents fell asleep, and some bad guys came to us The family took away Leshan, and my uncles accompanied my sister to our house to rescue Leshan, and the police uncles helped to rescue Leshan, and then rescued Leshan from the bad guys.

These uncles are soldiers, they are soldiers who protect the country and protect the lives and property of the people. Soldiers are the greatest and loveliest people in our country. Only with soldiers and police uncles can we live happily.

Some military uncles and police uncles who rescued Leshan are not here now, and they will come to our house when they finish their work. The uncles rescued Leshan. Does Leshan know what to do? "

The handsome young guys originally agreed that Leshan's kidnapping had to be kept a secret from Little Nailwa, but Little Lolita actually told Little Nailwa herself. They were really worried that the child would have a psychological shadow from now on.

Grandma Zhou was also afraid that Xiao Leshan would find out, she was afraid, her heart was pounding, Chao's uncle and nephew looked calm, it was not a problem to hide and cover, Leshan would know sooner or later, instead of letting others tell him, it is better for the Le family Tell him yourself, after all, what others say may be embellished, or deliberately distort the facts, give children some bad opinions, and deliberately mislead children.

"I know," Le Shan thought for a while, his eyes lit up, he turned around, and bowed to a group of uncles: "Thank you uncles!"

"It should be!"

"You're welcome!"

Being thanked by the little Naiwa seriously, the young wolf kings were so soft-hearted, the little Naiwa sister is too powerful, they are just supporting the scene, but the little Lolita is teaching her younger brother to establish the correct three views, They have to cooperate.

His son knew to say thank you, and Le's father Zhou Qiufeng also bowed repeatedly to thank the young soldiers who came all the way to save their children.

A group of wolf kings in the army who did not change their expressions in the rain of bullets were very embarrassed when faced with the thanks from the Le family couple and the little milk baby.

Le Shan said thank you, and then asked her sister in a dazed and studious way: "Sister, what else should I do?"

"Receive the kindness of others, and it is not enough to just say thank you, you have to pay back, return to the military uncle, return to the police Uncle C, and return to those who help us. When they need it, we should be obliged to return. They, if they don't need us to repay, then we should repay the country and kind people, and we can help those in need within our ability.

Of course, before we help others, we must determine whether the person really needs help. Some bad people will pretend to be pitiful and want others to sympathize with them, and then they use our kindness to do bad things.

There are good people and bad people in this world. We can’t condone bad people to do bad things, and we can’t let good people be wronged. How can we tell who is bad and who is good? Leshan is still young, so it’s impossible to tell the difference at once. Observe slowly in the future. Study slowly.

Le Shan was captured by the bad guys, are you afraid now? "

Leshan knew so much in his little head, but it didn't prevent him from listening to his sister's reasoning. He listened carefully. He didn't remember the long speech before, but he understood the latter part. He shook his head: "I'm not afraid."


"..." Shaking his head, unable to speak.

"I don't know, it should be because Le Shan was stunned by the bad guys' drugs. You have never seen the bad guys do bad things to you. I don't know what they did to hurt you. When the bad guys get bad, they are very heartless and inhuman. You can do anything, Leshan can't listen to others casually in the future, and can't go around with people who are not very close, if someone wants to take you where, you have to ask your parents and sister face to face, you know?"

"I know," Le Shan looked towards grandma: "Sister, grandma, Grandpa Man, grandma, little grandpa and little grandma want to take me to play, can I go?"

"Okay, the few you mentioned are relatives of Leshan, of course you can go, uncle can take you to play, sister's brother, even the elders of the uncles and aunts sitting over there want to take you to play You can follow, wherever your uncle’s cousin wants to take you to play, you must not go with her, if the cousin wants to hug you or insists on taking you, you must find a way to ask for help.”

"Cousin is a bad person?"

"My cousin has a bad heart. She is jealous of my sister's money. She is not friendly to our family. We have to guard against her doing bad things. We can't tell others this. Leshan just keep it in his heart, you know?"

"Understood." Le Shan seemed to understand, nodded obediently, and raised his head: "Sister, you and your uncles rescued me back, right?"

"Yes, my sister is Leshan's sister. My sister watched Leshan's birth, and she and her parents are the family members who love Leshan the most. In the future, if others say some bad things, don't be sad and don't take it to heart. What do you not understand? Ask my sister, my sister loves Leshan the most, no matter what happens, she will never stop Leshan."

"I love my sister the most too! My sister is the best!" Le Shan threw herself into her arms with bright eyes, hugged her neck and kissed her face.

Le Yun was kissed several times by her younger brother, she was both happy and helpless, she said so much about her feelings, but she didn't leave a trace in her baby brother's heart, only the last sentence may have left an impression, but it doesn't matter, my brother is still young, slow Slowly preaching and teaching, the younger brother will become a good young man who loves the country, loves the family and knows self-esteem, self-love and self-protection under the influence of subtle influences.

Lele was teaching on the spot, and Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, was listening. No one thought it was too early for Leshan to teach the truth. They thought that no matter what Lele did, there must be a reason for her. That's right, anyway, the couple are obsessed with the girl.

When Lele talked about Zhou Chunmei's bad heart, Grandma Zhou didn't feel that Lele said her granddaughter was embarrassing her in front of so many people, but she just felt ashamed that Zhou Chunmei was raised by her mother, which is a fact for all to see No wonder Lele was on guard against Zhou Chunmei's tricks.

Little Lolita was teaching her younger brother, and the ears of all the wolves were pricked up. When she taught Xiao Leshan the theory of knowing how to repay kindness, her heart was shocked again. Little Lolita never said "I love the country and love ..." He kept the slogans on his lips, but kept the country and the nation in his heart, so Leshan instilled in him the concept of patriotism and love for the nation when he was young and ignorant, and erected the national and national self-confidence in his heart. No sense, a sense of honor and disgrace.

Because of being touched, the image of the little loli in the hearts of the young men meets buddies has once again risen to a higher level, which is much higher than the status of the captain. As for the captain, well, the little loli who is a medical ghost appears, and their captain is already in their hearts. A stone's throw back.

Because Huang and Fei Tou didn't wake up his younger brother to threaten and abuse him, the younger brother wasn't frightened, he didn't have any psychological shadows, and hugged his soft and cute younger brother who acted like a baby, Le Yun's anger towards Huang and Fei Toujiang was a little bit less. , of course, it was just a little bit less, and it was impossible for her not to pursue it.

Kissed my younger brother's red face, hugged him and walked towards the table, and put the cute younger brother upright in front of the old man who was sitting upright, without saying a word, with longing eyes in his eyes: "Le Shan In order to make Leshan not afraid of bad guys everywhere in the future, my sister invited a master of martial arts for Leshan. He will be Leshan's master in the future. When we Leshan are three years old, we will teach you martial arts skills, Leshan Shan, call Master first."

Being brought before the unfamiliar old man, Le Shan tilted his head and stared at the old man. After a few glances, he turned his head again: "Sister, I learned that skill... can I fly high like a bird?"

He is still young and doesn't know literature and martial arts, let alone flying over walls, but he has heard that he can fly high after learning something.

"Yeah, after learning how to fly, whether you can fly high like a bird depends on Le Shan's learning results, whether you can endure hardship, and whether you are willing to work hard." She didn't lie to the children, The younger brother is very talented, and he is willing to work hard to persevere. If one day he can build a foundation and fly like a bird, it will not be a problem at all.

The little cute baby is still a bit entangled: "After learning the skills from, can I beat bad guys by myself?"

The little milk baby is too young, and the pronunciation of the word "Master" is not very accurate, but it is very joyful. The young wolves made up the transliteration of "wet suit", "shigu" and so on in their brains, which is a joy.

"Yes, after learning the skills, when Leshan grows up and has the ability to protect himself, he will be able to beat the bad guys when they come to bully them."

"Okay, I'll learn." A huge smile bloomed on Leshan's small face, bowed seriously to the old man who looked as old as the little grandpas, and softly called: "The wet pot is good! "

The little girl was teaching the little milk baby, and Mr. Yi pretended to be calm. When the little girl put the child in front of him, he resisted so much that he didn't grab it and hug her. To be honest, he heard the little milk baby talking to her sister about learning martial arts. It's no good, he's like fifteen buckets fetching water in his heart - up and down, afraid of being rejected by the little apprentice, after all, the little guy didn't give him face when he first came to Lejia to hold the little milk baby a year ago.

Recalling the glorious past when he first embraced his little disciple, who cried out his dislike by crying, Mr. Ant became worried. His heart, which had been very strong for a hundred years, twisted into a ball until the little disciple agreed to learn martial arts. The webbed heart hanging high fell to the ground.

The little disciple bowed, Mr. Ant still remembers the image of a master, wow, he hugged the soft and cute little disciple excitedly: "My dear disciple, Master knows that you are a good person who respects teachers and teaches you well." Child, master give me a hug."

Le Shan was hugged violently, her mouth was deflated, she was about to cry but she didn't, she turned her head to look at her sister.

"Leshan's master is a very kind person. You came to our house to see you when you were only six months old and hugged you. Leshan's master is an elder who loves Leshan just like his parents and sisters. Leshan should respect Master as much as he respects his parents, grandma and grandpa.”

"I see," Le Shan was encouraged by her sister's warm smile, nodded obediently, tried to stretch out her small arms to hug Master's neck, and softly called "wet pot" again.

The little disciple gets close to his sister, and if he asks his sister for advice in advance, the old ant doesn't like it. When the little guy takes the initiative to get close to him, the excited old eyes glisten, and he is happy and silly, hugging the little disciple is sweet. The answer was "Hey", and the voice was soft and warmer than the sunshine in March: "Leshan, when you are free, Master will take you to fly, fly high."

Le Shan nodded happily, Feifei was fun, and his sister took Feifei with him.

Zhou Qiufeng was both sad and pleasantly surprised when he saw it. The sad thing was that someone targeted Le Shan, so Le Shan had to prepare to learn martial arts to protect himself at such a young age. What was pleasantly surprised was that Le Le could invite a martial arts expert to teach Le Shan, and Le Shan learned it. Wu, when they grow up and go out, they are more at ease as parents.

The handsome young guys are also a little jealous. The little milk baby is so lucky to have an older sister to help with everything. Life with an older sister is so happy.

"Xiao Leshan has a great master, so I'm glad to congratulate you. Lele will cook us a delicious meal at noon to celebrate?" The beautiful boy patted the top of the cute little dumpling's head.

"Must, I will be the chef myself at noon."

"Wow, that's great!"

"It's delicious."

"Hurry up, let's eat quickly, work after eating, and wait for the food after work..."

The wolf kings were overjoyed, and immediately sat upright, Le father Zhou Qiufeng also happily invited the second elder brother and second sister-in-law of the Chao family to sit down, and everyone happily ate breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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