magic eye doctor

Chapter 1161 What Did You Do?

Chapter 1161 What Did You Do?

Village Chief Zhou and others watched the helicopter go into the night before returning to the village. As the only bodyguard left behind, the handsome Lan San was so happy that he turned on the strong flashlight he brought.

On the way back, he first sent Zhou Papi and his wife home, then Zhou village elder and his wife, and finally Lan San accompanied Chao Jiamei and Xiao Luoli back to Lejia with the black dragon.

In the past two days, I could not see people wearing mazes when I went in and out. Suddenly, people left, and the house suddenly became quiet. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, was still a little uncomfortable. When Xiao Lele came back, he soaked his feet in water and went to sleep.

Xiao Leshan is clingy to his elder sister and refuses to sleep with his parents. Since his elder sister has something to do at night, he immediately ran to sleep with his beautiful boy brother.

If the little heartless one doesn't follow him, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng simply ignores the brat, and the husband and wife can live their own two-person world.

Mr. Yi wanted to watch the little girl make medicine, so he followed Dang Xiaowei to the living room on the first floor of the south building of Lejia. The little girl looked at him and smiled.

Throwing away that clingy Mr. Ant, student Le Xiao fastened and locked the door leading to the living room on the first floor, and walked back to the kitchen to add firewood to the embers that still had embers to start a fire , Move out a small medicine stove and put it on the bracket, put in herbs and a fish to cook fish soup.

Watching the fish soup stew, while taking out the bottles and cans to prepare the medicine juice, injecting it into the vessel containing the blood sample to observe the reaction, constantly doing experiments and observing.

The fish soup was stewed until one o'clock in the morning before it came out of the oven. Classmate Le Xiao will switch to a medicine stove and put it on the fire to cook. He will bring the fish soup back to the space, take out the night pearl lighting, and move the small table to share the soup.

The little fox was sleeping in the blood hole of Nagarjuna, smelled the fragrance and jumped up, grabbed the little monkey and jumped down the tree and ran to the place where the little girl was sitting, jumped on the small table, and threw the little monkey beside a small plate , He picked up a full bowl of fish soup and drank half of it in one gulp, and drank it all in one gulp.

Drinking up a bowl of soup, holding his beard, squinting his eyes with joy: "Little girl, you changed the recipe? I feel that the taste is different from last time."

"It's so clever, I changed the amount of several volcanic herbs and added silver swordflower flowers."

"Yeah, this one tastes better." After drinking it, hot steam surged into my stomach, even if that bit of warmth is like a drop of water falling into the ocean to a cold body, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat, and no matter how small the heat It is also strength.

Successfully won the little fox's praise that the fish soup was delicious, Le Yun helped the little fox fill the soup with a smile, and filled a half bowl herself, and drank it in small sips.

The little fox held the bowl and drank it happily. When the little girl filled it up, he raised his head and drank it again. Bowl after bowl, he drank up the whole pot of soup, wiped his mouth in satisfaction, grasped the drowsiness The little monkey, Flash Fox, climbed back into the tree hole and adjusted his breath beautifully.

Le Yun cleaned up the bowls and tables, found dozens of herbs and chopped them into pieces, then returned to the kitchen, slipped the female flying head and Tantai Mixue out from the space and threw them on the ground.

Female Feitou and Tantai siblings are living beings, even if they are put in a box and thrown in the kitchen, it's not a problem. She is afraid that if Grandpa Zhouman or someone else enters the kitchen, they will be curious to open the box and find that there is something inside. Therefore, she transferred the flying heads into the space last night. The box was still in the kitchen, and it contained only stones.

Worried that female Feitou and Tantai Mixue would be scared to shit and dirty their home, I found a tarpaulin and spread it near the wall, then threw the mother and daughter on the tarpaulin and let them lean against the wall. Female Feitou fed and drank a bowl of antidote, then unlocked the sleeping points of Feitou and Tantai Mixue, and re-tightened a few of their acupuncture points.

After all the preparations were completed, Xiao Le added a batch of medicinal materials to the medicine furnace, moved his own medicines to the front of Feitou mother and daughter, and moved a small bench to sit on.

Tantai Mixue woke up first, she woke up leisurely, looked around in a daze at first, and then suddenly came back to her senses when she glanced at the short-haired round-faced girl for the second time, staring at the round-faced girl, her face turned white little by little.

When Le Yun was waiting for someone to wake up, when the young woman just woke up, her eyes swept over her and she didn't make a sound. At this moment, she saw the young woman's expression changed, and she smiled with good teeth: "Are you awake? As you thought , this is not a place you are familiar with, this is my home."

"Ah—" Tantai Mixue screamed with all her strength, trying to alert the neighbors to help people, but when she opened her voice and shouted, she suddenly realized that she was screaming, but it was far from the screaming sound. The decibel level of the call is at most a sound.

"Do you want to make a sound for others to hear and save you? You should give up your heart. Don't say that you make ghosts and wolves howl, even if you call for help, no one comes, because I have already greeted people who live near my house, and others think I failed the experiment and made myself cry."

The young woman raised her head and howled, Le Yun didn't stop her from being stupid, and she happily poured cold water on her face when she finished shouting. In order to prevent the young woman from yelling and screaming and scaring people, she first poked the dumb acupoint a few times , so that people can make a sound, and the volume will definitely not be too loud.

"It's against the law for you to restrict people's freedom without permission!" Tantai Mixue wanted to chop up the short-haired little girl into meat paste, but her whole body was stiff, her hands and feet were limp, and her eyes were red with anxiety.

"Who knows that you are in my hands? The people at Handsome Yan's side will not say it, let alone the Tantai family. The Tantai family said to the outside world that the Tantai family found that your siblings have no blood relationship with the Tantai family. You You were taken away overnight by your biological parents, and your disappearance has nothing to do with the Tantai family, and it has nothing to do with me. Even if someone knows that you are in my hands, it does not matter. I will say that your biological parents discovered that you have genetic Illness, secretly sent to ask me to treat you.”

"You, despicable villain!" Tantai Mixue trembled with anger, Xiao Zuozi was too cruel!

"Compared to your mother, I'm simply too kind." Le Yun turned her head to look at the female Fei who had just woken up, and smiled while taking a syringe to draw blood from a sample bottle: "Miao Miao Dan, I'm going to The experiment was done, and you woke up just right."

When Miao Miaodan woke up, he only had time to look around the environment, and found that it was only himself and his daughter, so he didn't have time to think about it. Hearing the little girl with yellow hair say that he was going to do an experiment, his heart trembled: "What do you want to do?"

"I have taken several blood samples from my younger brother, and I am going to use them for clinical experiments. First, I will use your daughter as a guinea pig to test the clinical response of the blood containing the two viruses in the human body."

Le Yun drew a tube of blood, grabbed the arm of Tantai Mixue who was about to crawl away in panic, and accurately inserted the needle into the vein of the young woman.

Miao Miaodan saw the yellow-haired little troublemaker walking towards Tantai Mixue with a syringe, she was terrified and wanted to grab it, but she forgot that her hands and feet were tied, she jumped forward and fell into the mud, she wanted to get up for a long time No, I just saw Xiao Yijing transfuse all the blood from a tube of blood into Tantai Mixue's veins.

Tantai Mixue struggled vigorously in panic, but the little Zuozi girl was surprisingly strong, being held was like a mountain pressing down on the top, the oppression was suffocating, she couldn't get out, trembling.

Le Yun transported the blood into the experimental body, pulled out the needle, observed the needle tube, then sucked the medicine to wash it, and dropped the liquid medicine in the needle washing tube into a piece of charcoal, and observed the reaction of the experimental mice while observing the charcoal.

Freed from the shackles, Tantai Mixue shrank into a ball like a frightened hedgehog.

Miao Miaodan sat up little by little trembling, with a few strands of hair sticking to her face, she stared at the little troublemaker, her chest swelled and heaved with anger, and her muscles twitched slightly like an electric shock.

The female flying head looked at her with fierce eyes, Le Yun didn't care: "It's useless to stare at me, if you don't do it, you won't die, if you don't do it to trouble me, I won't be free to catch you and your children as test subjects , you and your children will fall into such a situation, it is the consequence of your own actions."

Miao Miaodan was so angry that his head swelled and his eyes were bloodthirsty.

"Don't think about biting me while I'm not paying attention, or scratching my skin, and dripping your blood on my wound to infect me. The germs you carry are useless to me. I am born with extremely powerful antibodies. Naturally domineering and xenophobic, once foreign pathogens invade, I don’t need to prepare the medicine myself, the antibodies will swallow up the pathogens.”

Feitou stared at herself as if she wanted to eat her own flesh, Le Yun shrugged, and kindly reminded her to take another syringe, grab the female Feitou's arm and pierce a vein to get blood, then put it in a tube-shaped sample bottle, and kept it for a while. It took five tubes of blood samples to stop.

Miao Miaodan was extremely resentful, but was powerless to resist, and let the blood be drawn away, watching Xiao Shushijing extract different medicinal juices and drip them into her blood samples, and she saw that her blood reacted differently when it met the drugs.

The more she watched, the more frightened Miao Miaodan became. She didn't know what Xiao Shangshijing wanted to do and why she took her blood for experiments.

Le Xiao completed an experiment, collected all kinds of data, then added medicine to each sample bottle, observed, then added medicine, kept adding, and kept observing.

The experiment was observed for one hour, and another syringe of medicine was injected into the young woman, staring at it without blinking, the clinical response of the medicine was collected, the medicine was re-prepared and injected again, and different medicines were formulated again according to the clinical response data, one by one. experiment.

Tantai Mixue was very calm at first, but after being injected with the medicine for the third time, she felt cold all over her body and shivered from the ice. Soon she felt sick and wanted to vomit. what did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything to you. The virus was given to my brother by your mother. I gave it back to you. According to your current appearance, it is a reaction to the outbreak of rabies." Le Yun smiled brightly, picked up her own to experiment One of the vials used: "See, here is the rabies virus I extracted,"

Pick up another bottle: "This is a potion I made, it can restrain the rabies virus," put it down and take another bottle and shake it: "This is a potion to kill the rabies virus. Stable, I need to experiment,"

Finally, change to another large sample bottle: "This is the rabies antibody I cultivated. This is the pit body cultivated with my brother's blood. I cultivated a bottle with my own blood, and cultivated a bottle with your blood." It is estimated that it will take at least three days to get the results. At present, what is being tested in your body is part of the antibody drug against the two viruses. From the perspective of clinical response, it is not realistic to cultivate antibodies against the two viruses at the same time. A part of your body There is an outbreak of germs, and you will suffer."

"Le Yun, I'm going to kill you!" Tantai Mixue couldn't stand it any longer, stood up with all her strength, and ran into Xiao Zuozi and her experimental vessel recklessly.

Miao Miaodan and her daughter had a good understanding, and immediately rolled towards the little troublemaker, trying to hug her feet.

"Mother and daughter team up to commit crimes, I really don't want to see the Yellow River." The female flying head and the young female wanted to rebel, Le Yun laughed so hard that she didn't move, waved her hands, and the few silver needles she grabbed from the space flew out.

A little bit of cold light was divided into two groups, and the two dots of cold light were shot at Miaomiaodan's neck and lower abdomen in a flash. The moment she was hit by the needle, her body was like a deflated ball, and she suddenly wilted.

Two silver needles squeaked twice, one was nailed to the bone of Tantai Mixue's pipa, the needle penetrated deeply into the bone, and the bone made a slight cracking sound; the other needle pierced the young woman's nose, and penetrated into the flesh.

"Ah—" Tantai Mixue felt the pain in his bones, and fell down at that moment, and when he fell down, he first fell backwards and then forwards, and threw his head on the ground, hitting the silver needle deeper, and at the same time, the needle was also bent and deformed.

Tantai Mixue convulsed in pain and rolled on the ground.

Miaomiaodan was pricked by something, and she even found it difficult to breathe. She struggled and forced to move her head to look at Tantai Mixue. Seeing her daughter rolling over while making a soft howl of pain, her heart was terrified. The tide was submerged, and the eyes that looked at the little troublemaker were trembling.

"If you don't die, why can't you understand people's words? It seems that I am too kind, so you have the strength to toss, so I will not be polite."

The stupid mother and daughter Li Cai, Le Yun happily looked for medical tools, happily lifted the young girl on top of the tarpaulin and threw it away, then gave her another tube of medicine, and tapped the numb acupoint so that the young girl could not move and could not send out any symptoms. sound.

Turning around, I brought the female flying head to Tantai Mixue's side and threw it away, took out a large tube bottle, pried open the female flying head's mouth and poured the medicine down, pinched the upper and lower jaws of the female flying head with one hand, and waited. It took seven or eight minutes to lift my head and go to the bathroom.

Miao Miaodan wanted to open her mouth, but her mouth was pinched by the little troublemaker. She wanted to kick someone but couldn't. When she was lifted up, her limbs trembled in fright. She was lifted up and walked a few steps. She felt like her stomach was on fire, a severe burning pain.

Le Xiaole carried the female flying head into the toilet, untied the torn sheet that wrapped the flying head, and stood aside to observe.

Miaomiaodan wanted to cover her stomach with her hand, but she couldn't move it. She lay on the ground with tiles stuck to her stomach, trying to cool down her stomach that was burned by the fire, but it was useless. He kept vomiting, spitting out mouthfuls of turquoise liquid.

"Impossible, impossible..." Miao Miaodan yelled in horror, but the voice could not be transmitted, and it only became the sound of "wow".

She wanted to keep her mouth shut, but she couldn't. She watched as the gastric juice that she had refined over decades and collected hundreds of toxins turned into green water and sprayed out, away from herself. Those venoms were the essence of her many years of penance, but they were diluted by some medicine used by the little troublemaker to turn them into ordinary smelly water.

The stuff in the stomach surged up, rushed out of the mouth non-stop, gathered on the ground, and flowed into the squat toilet in the toilet. The green water flowed into the toilet and met the water, producing an unpleasant stench.

wow wow wow...

The contents of the stomach surged up wave after wave, and Miaomiaodan vomited non-stop, vomited and vomited, the amount became smaller and smaller, until finally there was only bitter water.

With an empty stomach, Miao Miaodan watched in despair as the green liquid flowed into the toilet. Decades of essence and venom were gone, and she would soon turn from a young and beautiful 28-year-old woman into an ordinary flying head descendant.

After the female Feitou vomited cleanly, Le Yun took water for the female Feitou to rinse her mouth and her green-stained hair, then wrapped the woman in a quilt and carried her back to the kitchen, placed acupuncture points on the tarp and lay down, then went to the bathroom by herself , Take out a bucket of medicine from the space to scrub the bathroom, and pour the medicine into the toilet.

Female Feitou's gastric juice is poisonous, and she neutralizes it with special drugs. The green liquid is also toxic to a certain extent. If it flows into the paddy field, it can kill fish and shrimp. If it cannot flow out in the toilet, it will also be toxic to a certain extent when it turns into methane. Potion can liquefy green into water.

After cleaning up the bathroom, Le Yun went back to the kitchen, observed the mother and daughter, kicked her head and kicked her to keep her away from Tantai Mixue, and then took back the needles on the mother and daughter for disinfection.

Tantai Mixue had acupuncture points, she couldn't move, she couldn't shout, she watched the little girl take her mother out, and heard the sound of vomiting from the other side of the room, she didn't know what the little girl did to her mother, she was terrified.

When Xiao Zuozi brought his mother back and saw her mother's face seemed to be dying, Tantai Mixue's heart was about to burst. If her mother was still there, the grandma's family might try their best to save her, and save her by the way. He would definitely not take the Guxiu family of Huaxia Kingdom on his shoulders for her.

She wanted to ask her mother what was going on, but she couldn't even turn her neck. She could only see Xiao Zuozi leaving her mother and going out again. When Xiao Zuozi came back, she pulled out the needle that made her unable to move. Severe pain hit her limbs, causing her to curl up into a ball, her limbs twitching non-stop.

The severe pain lasted for a long time and gradually weakened. Tantai Mixue felt less pain. She twisted and looked at her mother. Seeing her lying on her stomach, she asked in horror: "What do you think of my mother?" What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything," Le Yun sat beside her and kept paying attention to her experimental body. The young woman regained her strength and wanted to ask a hundred thousand reasons, and she answered very kindly: "Be careful, I will use you to try new drugs at most. , I won’t let you hurt your roots, you are dishonest and stupid, so no wonder I, your mother likes to die, so I gave her a medicine to abolish her poison, no poison, your mother is An ordinary flying head drop will soon grow old and return to what she should be at her age."

It's over!Tantai Mixue is in despair. Her mother is the most outstanding child of her grandmother's family. She has lost her greatest support and has become an ordinary flying head. Will the grandmother's family still think of a way to save an ordinary child?

Miao Miaodan closed her eyes, unwilling to face the reality in a decadent manner.

The mother and daughter stopped being noisy after being hit, and Le Yun was more satisfied, took out a bottle of medicine and poured it into Fei's head to drink it, made Fei's head dizzy, then gave Tantai Mixue an injection, observed for a few minutes, and tapped the sleeping point , Throwing the mother and daughter back into the space, the first round of experiment has received the intended effect, and the experimental product can naturally be put away temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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