magic eye doctor

Chapter 1162 Seeking Justice

Chapter 1162 Seeking Justice

Classmate Le Xiao collected the clinical reaction data of the medicine from the experimental mice. He was in a good mood. He put away some bottles and jars and moved out a medicine stove.

Little Lolita has been busy all night, and Mr. Yi slept soundly. The little girl said that she made medicine at home these days and let him have a good rest. He really felt relieved and slept when he should.

After a good night's sleep, Mr. Ant wakes up before five o'clock to meditate, and settles down in the fragrance of the little girl's boiled medicine. It's not until the handsome Chao family guy gets up with his little disciple and tidies up that he slowly goes to wash himself off. , went downstairs, and listened to the handsome young man Chao teaching his young apprentice to read early.

When the Le family couple woke up and were busy cooking, Yan Shao and his party also arrived in the capital. The small plane first sent Chao Er and his wife to the villa, and helped to move some items to Chao Erye's house before flying to the garrison base.

When the helicopter arrived at the villa, Uncle Hu's mother had just woken up to make breakfast, and the old man and the others hadn't gotten up yet. They were awakened by the sound of the helicopter, and they all got up, chatting with the family.

The family chatted for a long time, Chao Yi and Chao San went to work, Chao Er and his wife didn't want to run around, so they decisively absent from work and rested at home.

Chao Erye is the boss of his own company, and he rests when he doesn't want to go to work, while a group of wolf kings who also rushed back to the capital from E North returned to the station and immediately divided the work according to the shift, doing what they had to do, and taking a rest just rest.

Yan Xing only stayed at the battalion headquarters for half a day, and left Beijing with a few people for the northern border in the afternoon; Young Master Liu stayed at the station for even less time, and within two hours he was arrested and sent to a research institute as a hard worker,

The new day is January 2, office workers go to work normally, students go to class, Huang Zhichang spent New Year's Day in a panic, and after the holiday, he went to work in the office building calmly as if nothing had happened, but he was uneasy.

Du Miaoshu attends class normally on Wednesday. For some reason, she always feels that the students seem to be more enthusiastic about her, which makes her quite uncomfortable.

Zhang Jing was isolated because her father ate free food from the state. She was exposed as an illegitimate daughter and was isolated. Few people were willing to talk to her. Take the initiative to talk to her, at least not openly reject and hate her. Now the students always stay away when they see her, and they always say that a certain surname is too cruel when they talk. They dare not provoke them. They are afraid of being retaliated and kidnapped. Or family members or something, so I can't afford to provoke them and hide them.

Zhang Jing understood the reason, and was so angry that she cried secretly, what does it matter to her who kidnapped Le Yun's younger brother from the Huang family?Her surname is not Huang, and the Huang family did not admit that she is a descendant of the Huang family.

Life has to go on, Shishi Huang's family is afraid of being affected by Huang Zhenzhi and being retaliated by Le Xiao short-lived ghosts endlessly, but they still have to go to work and earn money, so they bite the bullet and do their own things, and treat others strangely Only when I didn't find it.

People who start companies or white-collar workers are not affected much, only those who open shops or restaurants are miserable. However, the business of restaurants or daily necessities stores that were known to be owned by the Huang family, a famous family in Shishi, has plummeted , Many people shy away from it. In other words, they are "afraid of being poisoned to death by revenge" or "fear of fake products" or "fear of accidentally saying something wrong and being hated by others and kidnapping their children".

The Le family has no time to check whether the Huang family is in a hurry. They are busy. They go to buy meat and chickens to make stewed meat, and buy duck eggs in the village to make preserved eggs. For the medicinal soup and condiments needed, she will only help when there is no need to take care of the medicine.

Mr. Yi also joined in the fun and helped with the work for half a day. After lunch, he went to Jiudaoxiang Street to take the round-trip bus from the county town to Jiudao to the county town, and then took a tourist bus to Shengwu Mountain. Tun's climbing the golden summit.

Don't be in a hurry, Mr. Ant. Waiting for him to sway to the Jinding Mountain, the night will cover the earth, and the whole Shengwu Mountain will become a black mountain.

The door of Jinxiang Palace is still open, all the lantern-like street lamps in the palace courtyard are also on, and the gate of the main hall of the palace is also wide open. Dongfang Shen, as well as the elders of the elders are sitting in the hall.

When Yilao stepped into the Golden Neck Palace, Dongfang Shen, who was sitting in the main hall, got up, led the Taoist priests out of the main hall, stepped down the steps to the palace courtyard to greet him, first sang "Infinite Life Buddha", Dongfang Shen asked each other with a smile : "Elder An's visit makes our door flourish."

"Old Niubi, I'm always here to ask for an explanation, but I'm not here to be a guest. No matter how nice you say it, it's useless." An old man with one hand behind his back and the other at his side, rhythmically swinging his steps back and forth. , while speaking, he floated lightly in front of a group of Taoist priests, his eyes swept across the group of Taoist priests, and he paused for a while focusing on the head of Wu.

Ask for an explanation?
All the Taoist priests were very puzzled. Even if Elder An intends to accept the girl from the Le family as an apprentice, but the girl from the Ke Le family did not agree to worship in the Guanyin Temple again, is it too unethical for Elder An to help others?
"The visitor is a guest, Elder Yi, please come in." Dongfang Shen's eyelids twitched suddenly, still deliberately ignoring the intention of Elder An's visit, and politely invited the visitor to the hall.

He's here to find someone to settle accounts, and he's not the one at fault, so what are you afraid of?Mr. Ant raised his chin slightly, and he was not polite. The guest with his head held high did whatever he wanted. Accompanied by his host, he climbed the steps and crossed the eaves to enter the main hall of the Golden Necklace Palace. After scanning the main hall, he was puzzled. Visiting, why didn't the little girl's grandfather's brother come out to meet the guests?
Dongfang Shen invited Elder Ant to the hall, and then gave up his seat. The guests of honor sat down on the tuanpu, and all the Taoist priests who followed into the hall also took their seats one by one. In the hall, make tea and serve fragrant tea.

Dongfang Shen accompanied the guests to have a few sips of tea, politely asked the head of the Guanyin Temple and the elders about their health, and the ant replied "Toefl is good" and then got back to business: "Old Niubi, don't talk about what you have, you disciples of Shengwu Mountain You bullied this old disciple, how will you settle the debt yourself?"

"Elder An, what you said is so poor that it's hard to understand. When did the disciples of this faction bully the disciples of Guanyin Hall? I don't know where the disciples of Elder An are?" Dongfang Shen asked cautiously.

"Old Niubi, it's too late for you to pretend to be stupid. Of course, this old disciple is a kid from the Jiudao Le family. Otherwise, why do you think that this old man has the qualifications to enter your Shengwu Mountain Gate, and what face does he have to ask the teacher?"

The hearts of all the Taoists jumped, and Dongfang Shenmei Peak trembled again: "Elder Yi, when did the little girl from the Le family worship in the Guanyin Hall?"

Ant raised his eyebrows, curled his mouth, and announced proudly: "When did I say that the little girl Le was worshiped under my palace? The little girl is already 16 years old, who dares to call her a little baby? The old man said Le Jiaxiao The baby is of course the little milk baby from Lejia."

The hearts of all the Taoist priests thumped, and they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Head Wu only felt a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and he was so blinded that he could see stars in both eyes. The little milk boy of the Le family has already worshiped the elder Ant of Guanyin Hall as his teacher?This must not be true.

Dongfang Shen lowered his eyes sadly, and congratulated in a soft voice: "Congratulations to Elder Yi for being a successor, but I don't know when the Le family child worshiped under Elder An's door, and we have never heard anything about it."

"Hehe, old Niubi, do you think that this old man only accepted apprentices in the past two days, right? I want to say that the little milk baby was kidnapped by your disciples in collusion with outsiders, and the little milk baby did not enter the Guanyin Temple before the old disciple, so it is not two years old Pai grudges, right?"

Mr. Ant cast a cold glance at Mr. Wu, and poured out a basin of cold water: "I want to teach you to know that you are wrong. I already accepted the Le family's little baby as the successor in December last year. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the new building of the little girl’s house was capped, and the old man went to the Xuanyuan family, the Ji family, and the Si family of the Hua family to send New Year’s gifts. At that time, the old man also took the little milk baby from the Le family as his apprentice. The boys from those families were witness.

I have worked so hard to find a satisfactory heir. I only hope that the little apprentice will have fun during the day and sleep well at night, and grow up early to inherit my martial arts. , Relying on being a local snake, on the surface, the paralyzed Lejia who gave Lejia gifts and what kind of New Year's gifts, was holding back a big move behind his back, and stretched his hands on the head of this old little disciple when he couldn't move the little girl, hehe, you guys Ben is always dead, or do you think that when he is old, he is like a rotten persimmon that he can squeeze as many times as he wants? "

Elder Ant said it very bluntly, and Long Yan and others trembled in fear. Elder An actually accepted Lejia's little baby as his apprentice last year? !

Dongfang Shen felt lost, the girl from the Le family really hated Shengwu Mountain, and had been on guard against them for a long time, so she asked her younger brother to worship Elder Yi as his teacher early on.

The little baby of the Le family worshiped at the door of the Guanyin Temple, and the girl of the Le family kept her face. Maybe the baby also worshiped at the door of several other ancient repair houses.

"Elder An, the clansmen of our disciple Huang Zhichang did something unacceptable to heaven, not by Huang Zhichang himself. Elder An said that the disciples of our sect bullied the disciples of the Guanyin Temple, but it is serious. What's more, our sect doesn't know The little baby of the Le family is worshiping at the door of the Guanyin Hall, if he had known that the child of the Le family was worshiping at the door of the Guanyin Hall, the Huang Zhichang family would not have dared to pull out their teeth." Dongfang Shen refused to admit that bad debt, and if he wanted to admit it, he should It was Huang Zhichang who believed that Shengwushan sect must not be charged with conniving disciples to bully the disciples of Guanyin Hall.

"I expected that you would not admit it," Mr. Ant sneered, and stood up: "You have been conniving Huang Zhichang's misconduct decades ago, and you can cover up Huang Zhichang's cruelty to his fellow disciples without conscience, let alone Now Huang Zhichang's murder is not a disciple of your sect, and you will never admit it, "

Elder Ant glanced at Dongfang Shen, his eyebrows stained with ice: "Dongfang Shen, I don't care what kind of mood you are protecting your disciples, I just tell you that you are not the only ones protecting your sect, the Guanyin Temple also protects your shortcomings. Your disciple Huang Zhichang Colluding with different cultivators and flying toujiang to bully our disciples, this matter will never end!"

After leaving a word, he stepped off the tuanpu, and went straight to the door without looking back.

"Elder An, please stay!" Dongfang Shen stood up eagerly and shouted, jumping out of the tuanpu, seeing Elder An stopped, and sincerely asked for advice: "Excuse me, where did Elder An say that Huang Zhichang colluded with different cultivators?"

"Heh-" Yichang laughed coldly: "The other mastermind who kidnapped this old disciple is Fei Toujiang, who is the alien cultivator discussed at the last Chongyang meeting! Fei Toujiang and Huang Zhichang before the action There was a conspiracy, and the evidence is in the hands of the little girl Le Yan and the police, so it was not released to the public in order not to cause unrest."

He walked up and down again, took a few steps out of the main hall gate of the Golden Roof Palace, and paused under the eaves: "Because of Huang Zhichang, you indulged him and protected him, and your disciples bullied this old disciple and refused to admit it. Come on, from now on, you tell the successors you send to be careful. When you become disabled and dead, don't look for your old man, let alone go to the Guanyin Temple, and you will leave vertically and horizontally. .Farewell!"

"Elder Ant—" Dongfang Shen chased after him with light kung fu and wanted to call "Liubu", Elder Ant flitted away like a nighthawk. go.

The distant figure was as fast as lightning, and disappeared after a flash or two. Outside the palace, there was only the darkness of night.

Dongfang Shen, who was chasing almost to the threshold of the hall, looked away from afar, and suddenly felt that the hall was cool, even the handle of Buddha dust in his hand was cool, turned around slowly, seeing all the disciples didn't know what to do. Standing up from time to time, his eyes were confused, his eyes glanced at the current head, and his heart was infinitely sad, the sect was unfortunate, the wrong head was chosen, and the reputation of the sect was in jeopardy!
Because Elder Yi walked away in a huff, Grand Master Uncle personally chased after him. Head Wu and the others turned pale with shock, and all stood up. Seeing the look of Grand Master’s Uncle who turned around, he was even more worried. Elder Yi said that Huang Zhichang colluded with different cultivators and flew to the end What's the matter?
Head Wu was even more terrified, seeing his uncle walking slowly, he went up to help him lightly, but just as he stretched out his hand, his uncle brushed it away.

With that swipe, not only the person was brushed away, but also the face of his head.

Sect Leader Wu was shocked. In order to maintain his prestige and face as the Sect Leader for decades, his uncle never confronted him face to face even for things that he clearly did not support. This was the first time that he was dismissed in public.

Dongfang Shen walked back to the tuanpu slowly and sat down, and asked coldly: "Wu Changfeng, how much of the family heirlooms of the Le family have you recovered?"

"This..." Being called by his name directly, Sect Leader Wu's heart trembled, and he bowed his head: "Uncle Hui, it's been a long time, those things have disappeared, and one... has not been recovered."

"Wu Changfeng, you only have three ways to go," Dongfang Shen said coldly, "The first way, you take Huang Zhichang down the mountain from the Golden Xiang Palace, worshiping three steps at a time, and go all the way to Lejia to apologize; the second way , you take your proud disciple Huang Zhichang to apologize immediately, and after that, our sect will take your ashes to Lejia; The two of them went to Le's house to settle their old grievances. You choose one."

"Uncle!" Headmaster Wu turned pale in shock, which of the three ways given by the uncle is the best?The first two are dead ends, and the third one leaves a way of life, which also makes life worse than death.

"You have no other choice. Huang Zhichang is your confidant disciple. You know how you have protected him these years. This time, even if you have great ability, you can't cover him," Dongfang Shen said indifferently. The realities revealed: "The last time the alliance meeting was held after the Double Ninth Festival, the reason was that there were alien cultivators who infiltrated the ancient cultivator world and leaked the martial arts of the ancient cultivator world to foreigners. Elder Yi said that the Huangzhichang tribe kidnapped Lejia together The child was the Fei Toujiang, who had met Huang Zhichang privately before the action.

The disciples of Guxiu colluded with Fei Toujiang. If you are lucky, our sect can wash away the stains. If you are talked about by the Guxiu world, it is considered lax at best. If you fail, you may be wiped out by the Guxiu Alliance. As long as your brains are not broken, you will be fine. Imagine how serious the consequences of being wiped out would be.

Wu Changfeng, Huang Zhichang colluded with Fei Toujiang, do you think you can keep Huang Zhichang?Even if you want to protect it, do you think that the Guxiu Alliance will give you face if they are as easy-talking as the elders of our sect, pretending to know nothing and conniving you to protect their disciples? "

Liu Changhe and all the elders were stunned by the sudden news, did Huang Zhichang collude with other cultivators?This is simply...unacceptable!
Wu Changfeng was blinded by the thunderstorm on a sunny day, and he managed to wake up after a while. His heart was pounding, his hand holding the Buddha dust was stiff, and he lowered his head deeply: "Disciple... I must try my best to find the whereabouts of the Le family's ancestral objects."

"Longyan Liu Changhe, the two of you will take care of the affairs of the sect from now on. Wu Changfeng handed over the sect's token to the Jinxiang Palace before noon tomorrow and then wholeheartedly search for the ancestral relic of Lezhong. If you can't find it, Wu Changfeng, you It's over." Dongfang Shen closed his eyes and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

"Uncle, this disciple is incompetent, please take back the order!" Longyan Liu Changhe did not dare to accept the order from the uncle, and bowed to his knees.

"Let you take care of it for a while, go down and prepare, you will move to the Golden Palace tomorrow."

"..." Longyan Liu Changhe was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

Wu Changfeng was more terrified than being struck by lightning after being pushed away by his uncle. The panic in his heart was surging like a tide, almost drowning his reason. He didn't dare to complain, let alone defend himself. He bent deeply, backed up slowly, and withdrew It took several steps before he dared to turn around, walked out of the hall step by step, and slowly walked out of the palace, his whole body went limp, it's over, it's over, Huang Zhichang has done him a disservice!
He walked towards his palace step by step, like a walking dead.

Long Yan, Liu Changhe and the other disciples didn't even dare to breathe, bowed their heads and followed Head Wu out of the main hall, descended the steps and slowed down their pace, lagging far behind, so that the gate of the palace was blown by the cold wind, everyone The still somewhat chaotic brain is clearer, but everyone has countless things in their hearts and wants to find someone to talk to, but they don't know where to start. Instead, everyone is speechless, walks silently to the fork to disperse, and each returns to the temple where he lives.

Ant Lao broke up with Le Fangshen in Jinxiang Palace, and flew down the mountain. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he didn't walk to the main gate of Shengwu Mountain. directly under the boundary, and then swept to the distance.

The old man went around a circle and lived far away from the area where Mount Shengwu belonged. He didn’t want to stay in a hotel in the middle of the night, and he couldn’t go to other people’s houses to stay overnight. He meditated under the eaves of a villager’s house in a village not far from Mount Shengwu. It was almost dawn and left quietly again, rushed to the place with a bus stop sign and waited for the bus to go to work, took the bus to Fangcheng and then took the bus back to Jiudao.

(End of this chapter)

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