magic eye doctor

Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184


The little fox was playing with mystery. Le Yun held the little fox in one hand and touched her chin with the other. After thinking for a while, her eyes lit up: "Is it you? The world must have great influence, so the gate of time and space opens, extraditing you to another world to shine."

The little fox jumped up and lay on the little girl's head, touched the little girl's head with his paws, and vetoed dumbfoundingly: "Little girl, you think too much, it's not Benhu, Benhu is not a person favored by heaven."

"It's my brother? Right? My brother is brave, cute and well-behaved. He is a little mascot." Le Yun pulled the little fox off and played with his beard.

"No, ouch, don't pull Benhu's beard, Benhu just said no, the mascot is you." The little fox protects his beautiful beard with his paws, the little girl is too naughty, either threatening to chop off her tail or pulling her beard, she can always Grab his weakness and start.

"Me?" Le Yun opened her mouth in disbelief. Is she the mascot?Lie to ghosts, she is really a mascot, her mother will lose her baby?How could grandparents die young?
"That's right, it's you, don't doubt it, you are a person favored by heaven, that is to say, the darling of heaven and earth."

"However, I am the child my mother gave up on. My grandparents didn't live long because of me, and my family didn't prosper because of my birth." Le Yun didn't believe it. She was actually a poor person. , was abandoned by his mother, lost his grandparents when he was young, his son wanted to support him but his relatives were not there, so pitiful, he couldn't compete with the darling of the world.

"You are the darling of heaven and earth, but your family is not the darling of heaven and earth. Therefore, no matter what dangers you encountered when you were young, you can turn danger into good luck and escape from death. The best proof is that you can open your paradise. This paradise is not If you are lucky, you can get it, there is no great fairy fate, and you are not a person favored by heaven, so you have no chance to have it."

Le Yun was even more dazed: "My... the Paradise of Paradise has a good background?" She doesn't know when she got her space, birth is a birthmark, and she really needs to find out the root of it. Blending into one body seems to be really blessed by God.

"As far as I know, it is like that. According to the legend of Henggu, the universe was born in chaos. The first creature born in the world of chaos was a tree, called the tree of chaos. The tree gave birth to all things and spirits, and then the chaos collapsed. Countless worlds are formed. It is said that the sacred tree blooms once every [-] million years, bears fruit every year, and the fruit matures every [-] million years. Each fruit grows a sapling to form a small universe, and the fruit core that does not grow a seedling will turn into a star. You This paradise is actually a planet."

The little fox was talking about the origin of the Paradise, Le Yun frowned and interjected: "No, the planet should be very big, but mine is too small, with only such a small place, it doesn't have much to do with the planet."

"Who knows how long the universe has been formed? After countless long periods of time, the sun will perish, not to mention planets. Some planets collapse and disappear completely. Some stars may leave some fragments after they collapse. For example, meteorites are fragments of planets. You don’t know how many years you have been wandering in the universe, and when you don’t have enough power to maintain it, it’s normal for it to keep breaking apart and leaving only a little star core in the end.”

Le Yun raised her little hand: "Little fox, I still have a question to ask, how do you know so clearly?"

The little fox weighed his beard with a solemn face: "I'll tell you a secret, the ancestor of this fox was also the darling of heaven, and got a blessed land with the same root as yours, and it was because of this that this fox was able to reproduce. Zhihu Clan, let me tell you again, the Paradise of Paradise obtained by the ancestor of this fox has now become a world, a very big world, which is the mother planet of the Fox Clan and is ruled by the Fox Clan."

"How big is it?"

"Probably hundreds of millions of times larger than the Earth."

"..." Le Yun squatted on the ground and couldn't afford it. The darling of heaven and earth, she promised to be favored by heaven and earth. Why is the cave of the little fox family a planet, and her cave is only a few meters wide?

People are compared to others, and people are pissed off, people are compared to foxes, and they cry in anger!

The little girl pursed her lips and said nothing, the little fox understood in seconds, jumped on the little girl's shoulder, stroked her face with her tail, and touched the back of her head with her little paw: "Little girl, don't you be sad, your cave is not big now, as long as you If you are willing to work hard, it will turn into a star. The gate of time and space has been opened. You go to all walks of life to find rare treasures, find the natural materials and earthly treasures needed by the cave, and it will continue to grow bigger and bigger when it absorbs enough power. Big, becoming a beautiful planet is not a dream."

The little fox drew a big cake, and Le Yun pouted: "How long will it take?"

"It's hard to say. It may take hundreds of years or thousands of years, or it may only take a few years or a few months. If we really find the power that the star core needs, it may become a star overnight."

"How do I know what power it needs?"

"Silly girl, the most basic power that the cave needs is spiritual energy, or the power of heaven. The earth lacks spiritual energy, and there are few things with spiritual energy. Other realms have spiritual energy and spiritual objects. Little girl, you carry the most powerful force in the universe." The rare Heart of One Realm, don’t waste a good opportunity, aim at another world, be fully prepared to set off at any time, come on!”

"..." Le Yun rolled her eyes faintly, who wouldn't say good things?It's true that she carries a rare paradise, let her rush to another world at any time, isn't she afraid of being slapped to death by someone?
Sigh and sigh again, after a few sighs and then revive with full blood, the little fox said rightly, don't waste a good opportunity, she has good luck that others can't ask for, if you don't cherish or work hard, you will be struck by lightning Yes, so, try your best to do what you should do!
What should I do?

The answer is - cooking!
Knowing when to do what, Le Yun carried her sleeping brother back to her room, warmed the bed first, then let her brother sleep alone, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast by herself.

February 2th is the first day of the first lunar month, the first day of the new year, and the children in the countryside start the happiest day of the year again, and go everywhere to pay New Year's greetings.

Just after breakfast at Lejia, a large group of children of all ages flocked to Lejia, all children under the age of 12. There were three lively tables. The children were very cute. I told the owner of Lejia that they would report first. Ask for a good omen, and then come back later to drink melon seeds, tea and snacks.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng happily greeted the children to eat snacks first, and asked them to come for lunch. A group of children, big and small, happily ate some sunflower seeds, and then went door-to-door.

Yanxing Lansan had already experienced it once last year, so it was not surprising. Hei Jiu and Er Si were particularly surprised, and they had curious faces the whole time.

Leshan can also go door to door, he doesn't want to go anywhere when his sister is at home, so when the children are gone, he sticks to his sister as a leg pendant.

Dad and Aunt Feng didn't go to Grandma Zhou's house until the second day of junior high school. There was nothing to do that day, and classmate Le first called Chao's parents, mentor, Mrs. Wang, and the teachers to pay New Year's greetings. While eating pasta, he was thinking about the gate of time and space and the cave he owned.

To tell the truth, she is really tempted and wants to go to another world through the gate of time and space. I heard that the other world that was first attracted by her space and opened is the most destined for the earth where she is, and the chance of going there is even greater. .

Little Lolita was making herbal meals in the building on the south side. How could Young Master Yan be idle? He also moved a chair to sit and help make dumplings and knead bread. Lolita disliked: "What do you think you are doing? You think you are not beautiful now, so you are jealous of the dumpling dough, and you made it so ugly on purpose, don't you?"

The three handsome men who were helping them lowered their heads to work, and couldn't bear to look directly at the scene of the captain being scolded.

"My hands and feet are a little slow to react, and the ones I squeezed out are a bit ugly, but it's okay, I can still eat them myself if others can't eat them. The dumplings don't have to be beautiful or ugly, as long as they are delicious."

"You have a good idea, and try to uglify the dumplings and bread? If you make such an ugly one on purpose, you will be deducted, and you will not have your share at noon and tomorrow morning."

"He didn't do it on purpose, he tried his best to correct it, okay, okay, don't stare, I can't change it."

Yan Xing was secretly thinking about making some more ugly pasta, and he would definitely eat it in the end. However, the little Lolita wanted to deduct her share, so she stared at herself angrily, and immediately confessed, Because his plan to use tricks to stockpile himself was strangled in the bud, he was forced to give up pretending to be clumsy and work quickly.

The three handsome guys stared at the beautiful dumplings freshly baked from the captain's hands, and they were all dumbfounded, oh my god, can they still play like this?Isn't the captain afraid of pretending to be stupid and being found out to really annoy the little loli?
Little Lori and four handsome guys were busy until almost noon, and the children, big and small, who went to Lejia in the morning and ordered to go back to Lejia, and the number of people increased. There were three and a half tables. Then set the menu of lunch dishes, and heat up a table of rich dishes at noon to entertain the little guests in the village.

Before eating with the children at noon, the four handsome boys were very nervous. They were able to relax after the children left happily, and continued to help little Lori in the afternoon.

On the second day of the first lunar month, Zhou Qiufeng wanted to take her son back to her mother’s house for New Year’s greetings. In order to prevent her younger brother from going to her grandmother’s house and being upset by Zhou Chunmei’s unflattering words that would not bring good omens, Classmate Le took her younger brother to Grandma Zhou’s house for New Year’s greetings first, and then Went to Zhou Bapi's house, walked two in a row, asked for a good omen, and then turned around and handed over my brother to Dad and Aunt Feng to take him to Grandma Zhou's house.

As for her, she didn't want to see that idiot Zhou Chunmei, instead of going to Zhou's house to pay New Year's greetings, she would happily cook at home and make Yilao his favorite barbecued pork buns.

Yan Xing was not in a good mood, he promised the second year of junior high school to get out, he didn't want to go back to Beijing!

He had no choice but to leave even if he didn't want to get out. He was waiting for the Le family and his wife to come back from Zhou's house, and they had a lively dinner. Returning to Beijing with big bags and small bags reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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