magic eye doctor

Chapter 1185 Landing on Penglai Island (2 more

Chapter 1185 Landing on Penglai Island (2 more

Yan Xing took the two team members and refueled twice on the road in Little Lolita's small plane, and returned to the capital to garrison the base at midnight.

The three of them thought that the personnel were sleeping. After the helicopter landed and saw the lights on in the buildings in the camp, a group of people rushed out and realized that they were wrong. Those foodies were waiting for the delicious food they brought back from Loli’s house. Getting it is a strange thing.

The three of them not only brought back food, but also special medicine for Chi Shishishi and Zhuo Shiqi, including Captain Yan's own portion. months of recuperation.

Because he couldn't cling to the little Lolita, Yan Xing was also unhappy when he returned to the station. After dawn, he arranged for someone to send the things for Chao's family to Master Chao's house. Get together, stay for one night, and go back to He's house to accompany grandma on the fourth day of the lunar new year.

Little Lolita won't go back to Beijing directly after the end of the year. Handsome Yan will bring back what was given to Chao's parents and mentors. The young wolf will get a car and take them to Chao Erye's house, and the eldest son Wanqi will go to Chao Erye. The family took a gift and went back to their parents to show their hospitality.

After the new year, in the first few days of the first month of the first month, families visit relatives and friends. The sixth day of the sixth day is busy, and the annual leave is over. Office workers go to work, and students are still enjoying the holiday happily.

The Le family beat away three handsome guys, and it was much quieter. However, since the third year of junior high school, the neighbors had frequent exchanges, and there were never less than four tables of guests at noon every day, and no less than three tables at night.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, is in charge of greeting the guests, while Le is only in charge of making herbal meals. Of course, it is impossible to use all of them to greet the fellow villagers.

The guests came and went, and it was quieter on the seventh day of the eighth day. In the early morning of the eighth day, Le classmate left home with his luggage and was sent to Penglai in Eastern Province by a helicopter by a handsome blue man.

The distance from Jiudao to Penglai, the most famous scenic spot in the eastern province, is not much different from the distance from Jiudao to the capital. The handsome guy Lan San flew a helicopter for six hours before arriving at the airport in Penglai. It is necessary to reserve aviation fuel, fill up the fuel and fly to the Salmonella Islands opposite Penglai.

Lan San flew the plane over the archipelago to the northernmost island, and landed on a relatively flat wilderness on the northernmost island to put the little girl down. He returned to Penglai and waited for the little girl to contact her before going to the island to pick her up.

The climate of Salmonella Island is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the winter is not too cold, but the sea breeze is strong, so summer is the best time to travel.

From the helicopters flying all over the sky to the ground with both feet on the ground, Le Yun also experienced the change from lack of energy to full blood resurrection. First, he jumped on the wild grass for a few activities, and then turned on his mobile phone to call Xuan Shao and asked him where.

Xuan Shao set off on the sixth day of the lunar new year, and rushed to the northernmost island of Salmonella Island early to wait for the arrival of the little girl. The eighth day was the appointed day, and he waited for the little girl to come to the appointment in a fishing village near the sea. When the call came, I jumped up with joy: "Little beauty, you are here, where are you? I will pick you up,"

"I landed from the helicopter. It should be in the southwest of the island. Let me change the phone settings first to show you my current location." Many places on the island have no names, and Le Yun doesn't know which corner she is in. Immediately Change settings.

Young Master Xuan waited, and looked again after a while, umm, the location of the little loli came out, and he was happy: "I know where you are, little beauty, you go north, I'll pick you up, it's a little away Far away, it may take more than an hour to arrive."

"Okay, I'll walk slowly." Le Yun agreed with a smile, hung up the phone, and walked north without changing the phone settings, pulling up some plants while walking.

The place that handsome guy Lan chose was not too wide and flat, but only a relatively flat wasteland with a radius of about one mile, without any stones or trees.

Salmonella Island is an island in the sea and a pure land that has not been polluted by industry. It is a protected area, and the protected objects are wild animals, and the species of island plants are also very rich.

Classmate Le Xiao walked and stopped, and walked for a long time before reaching a place where there was a residential area. In order for Xuan Shao to find her, she stayed in the village.

Xuan Shao took his personal guard Xuan Yi and a local fisherman to set off from the place where he lived, drove to pick up the little Lolita, went around, and found the village where the little Lolita stayed after an hour and [-] minutes, and successfully took her away. looking for.

New Year's Eve is the first day of spring, and the first month of the first month can be regarded as the beginning of spring. However, the island is windy and the temperature is a little bit, so everyone wears thin sweaters and coats.

Xuan Shao found little Lolita, and saw the little girl in a red mid-length woolen jacket talking to a villager, that touch of red like a flame warmed the slightly cold air in early spring.

Little Lolita saw him, said goodbye to the villagers with a smile, and trotted all the way, and he greeted him with a smile: "Little beauty, seeing you smile like a spring breeze, what interesting things did you find?"

"I heard an interesting story from a fellow villager. I'm very happy." Le Yun and Xuan Shao met, and his eyes smiled into stars: "Go, go, I can't wait to eat seafood. I found some plants on the road, pickled seafood and then It must be delicious roasted."

"Okay, go back quickly, the seafood has been prepared, and I'll be waiting for you." Xuan Shao couldn't help reaching out to touch the little head of the little girl whose hair was blown tousled by the wind. Her hair was so fluffy that it was very fun to rub it.

Le Yun hugged her head, one or two always love to touch her head, this altitude is really too sad.

Xuan Shao was so happy that he rubbed little Lolita's head again, and accompanied her to the Xiali car that was coming to help open the door. After she got up and sat down firmly, he closed the door and walked around to the other side to get in the car.

It took the group more than two minutes to return to the fishing village near the bay. The car drove into a small courtyard of a two-story villa, and several youths from the Xuan family and the owner came out to greet them.

The owner of the house is a disciple of Penglai Xiandao, who has lived in the bay for generations. He is a foreign liaison officer and is also in charge of foreign affairs. His surname is Ge. He is over seventy years old, and he seems to be in his early forties.

Mr. Ge enthusiastically entertained the distinguished guests from afar. He invited the younger guests into the living room, and first served tea on Penglai Island. Before it got dark, he brought barbecue supplies to grill seafood.

Le classmate took out the medicinal materials he dug up from his backpack, washed them, pounded them into juice to marinate the seafood, marinated them and then grilled them. The taste can be described as delicious with Xuan Shao's "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" sound.

After grilling the seafood for a few hours, when he was full, Xuan Shao remembered that the sun had already set below the sea level when he went to watch the sunset. If he wanted to watch the sunset, please come back tomorrow night.

The sunset can’t be seen anymore, so continue to cook dinner, wait for the belated dinner to come out, a table of seafood feast, or fresh raw seafood, the taste once again makes foodies want to swallow it in a bowl.

With Mr. Ge's warm hospitality, Le classmate ate well and slept soundly at night, and was dug up by Xuan Shao early the next morning to watch the sunrise. After breakfast, Mr. Ge took people out to sea for fishing and fun.

The boat is a private small ferry, which integrates the functions of eating, living, playing and fishing.

Xuan Shao brought four personal guards, six of them together with Little Lolita. Mr. Ge drove the boat out of the bay to an uninhabited island, fishing, and enjoying the scenery. near the reef.

When the sun set and it was dark, and there was no boat on the sea, Mr. Ge took out a pearl-sized bead and handed it to Xuan Shao. Xuan Shao held the bead in one hand and held the little loli in the other, and asked the guards to follow him, and jumped into it. in sea water.

Le Yun has hydrophobia, especially in the deep sea. Even if she saw Xuan Shao avoiding water drops, she was still terrified. She was dragged into the sea with her eyes closed. With a feeling, he slowly opened his eyes, and found that he and the handsome guys from the Xuan family were surrounded by a bright light, which protected them like a transparent glass cover, and there was darkness outside the light cover.

She was still afraid, for fear that the light would shatter and she would become a fish in the sea, and she didn't dare to move around, letting Young Master Xuan lead her "walk".

Xuan Shao led the people to sink along the edge of the reef of the uninhabited island, and when they dived into the water to a depth of about tens of meters, a light appeared in front of them. Xuan Shao led the people into the light curtain. In the sea again, I was in a dark passage in the water. I walked along the dark passage in the water for about 2000 meters. There were steps extending upwards at the other end of the passage.

Xuan Shao led the people out of the water, and when he walked up the steps, the mask to avoid water drops disappeared, only emitting a faint pearly luster, Xuan [-], Xuan [-], Xuan [-], Xuan [-] took out the flashlight to illuminate.

The six people climbed up the sloping steps and climbed [-] steps. A stone gate appeared in front of them. Master Xuan twisted a button on the stone gate, and the stone gate rose slowly. The gate was a thousand-jin gate used in ancient times. , with a total weight of at least ten thousand catties.

After the stone gate is opened a crack, light seeps into the secret passage. When the stone gate rises to the top of the person's head, the situation on the other side of the gate is vividly seen. The other side of the gate is a hall, which is made of wood and has an antique flavor. The pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes, painted with gold Color, Ambilight, truly beautiful.

The hall should be a meeting hall, with chairs on both sides, and the main seat near the wall in the middle. The door is on the side of the main seat. There are beautiful crane-shaped candlesticks in the hall, candles are lit, and the hall is brightly lit.

There was a row of people standing in the candlelit hall, with Yudao Master in blue wide-sleeved autumn clothes standing at the front, beside her stood a little narcissus, and ten elegant old ladies.

A dozen or so people all wore wide-sleeved ancient clothes, the elegance and temperament were extremely elegant and extravagant, and the scene shook people's hearts.

Le Yun was stunned, oh my god, this welcome ceremony is a bit big, she was a little flustered.

When Xuan Shao saw his relatives, he jumped out and threw himself in front of the seniors to have fun: "Great aunt, great aunt, great aunt, aunt, Jin An, Chen Bei invited the little beauty here!"

"You little monkey, you left the little fairy and ran first." The master of Yudao raised his slender hand and rewarded the rushing child with a stir-fried chestnut.

The old women were all smiles.

After receiving a flick of the finger, Xuan Shaoshui retreated to the little Lolita, and spoke to the little Lolita in a serious manner: "Little beauty, we have officially landed on Penglai Island, please come forward."

(End of this chapter)

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