magic eye doctor

Chapter 1186 Don't Steal Yours

Chapter 1186 Don't Steal Yours
Young master Xuan won the kitchen on the battlefield, played fun and cute, pretended to be clever and trustworthy, and Le Yun admired him all over the place, and his admiration for him was like the waters of the East Sea without boundaries.

Seeing that he was sold out and returned to seriousness, he clasped his fists and saluted to the hosts: "You are welcomed by the owner of Lao Yu Island and the old ladies! The seniors love you so much, and the younger generation deserves it."

The youths of the Xuan family bowed unanimously to greet Lord Yudao and all the old ladies.

"Little fairy Moli Xiaochenbei, that child is like a wild horse running away from home, playing like crazy." Yudao master floated forward, grabbed the petite and cute girl, touched her head and face: "You are not far away after hard work." I have come here thousands of miles away and let you walk at night, I should be ashamed."

"Master Jade Island is too polite. Penglai Immortal Island is the dream of many people. The younger generation is invited to this fairyland on earth. I am lucky." It was more stable during the Chongyang Festival last year, and the minor ailments I mentioned before were no longer visible. It can be seen that mood is the best medicine. A good mood can cure many diseases without treatment.

The little girl is pretty and cute. When she smiles, her eyes are curved into crescent moons. She is very cute. The old women can't help it. When the island owner brings the little girl over, you will immediately pat her head and I will poke her face and love the little girl.

Xuan Shao and the four personal guards followed the great aunt and grandmother, quietly huddled their heads as air, let the little beauty give the chance to be loved, he doesn't mind being ignored.

The old women had a soft and cute girl to tease, and they ignored the five young men, poking the little girl's face fondly, making one of her face red, cuter than rouge.

Lord Yudao took the little girl's slender hand out of the hall, walked along the corridor to the other side, passed through the courtyard where the hall was located, and passed through an arched door to another courtyard. It was an exquisite courtyard house with seven rooms. The room is added to the ear room, with lanterns hanging under the eaves, and the flowers and plants in the atrium are shaking with light and shadow.

There are men and women shuttling in the big courtyard, and seeing Master Yudao bring a little girl into the courtyard, the people far and near are slightly blessed and go to work on their own, and the smell of delicacies wafts from the ear room of the side room of the courtyard .

Master Yudao took the little girl by the hand and entered the main hall of the upper room from the Chaoshou corridor. Tuanfu, lotus-shaped candlesticks standing everywhere, and the lobby is brightly lit.

Lord Yudao held onto the little girl's hand and walked to the main seat to sit down. The little girl sat on his left hand side, and Xuan Shao walked to the elder's right hand side and sat upright on his knees.

The old women also took their seats. Outside, there were middle-aged men and women entering the main hall to serve tea and fresh fruits. The men had short hair and Confucian gowns with narrow sleeves; the women also wore narrow-sleeved ancient Hanfu, with their long hair simply tied up pattern, with flower decorations on the hairpin.

Le Yun has a feeling of going back to the ancient times through time and space. Observing the men and women, I found that everyone has good lightness skills, walks lightly and silently, and breathes long.

The tea from Penglai Island is brewed with spring water on the island. It is light in fragrance and elegant in taste.

After drinking two sips of tea, Le Yun's eyes brightened: "Master Yu Island, wait a minute, I want to go for a few laps on the island's mountains, first I would like to ask you, which hills can't move things, and where the trees and grasses can be free. pick?"

Xuan Shao snickered, wondering what the little beauty was looking for, maybe Penglai Island would be ransacked by her as well.

"Little girl can go wherever she wants. The plants on the island can be excavated as long as they are not enclosed. For the plants that are enclosed in the fairy tale, don't tell me when digging. You can quietly move them away." The island owner laughed, the little girl is neither greedy for gold nor silver, but only greedy for medicinal plants, she is so cute.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll go to the spot first. If I find a target, I'll go digging in the middle of the night. When I go, I'll bring the young master of the Xuan family with me. If the fairies on the island find out, they'll arrest them and beat them up to rectify the island's rules." , Lord Yudao and the old lady please give some good words, if you want to arrest him, arrest Xuan Shao, he is a boy, resist beating."

"Little beauty, if you don't bring such a trickster, I won't resist beating." Xuan Shao lay down with his gun, extremely innocent.

"If you don't resist the beating, you must bear it. If you don't make it a scapegoat, who will be the scapegoat? Doesn't your conscience ache for letting me, a delicate girl, be beaten?"

My conscience doesn't hurt, Master Xuan hasn't expressed it yet, the old ladies laughed and agreed to catch and beat up the brats.

"Little Fairy is right. If you want to beat a boy, you must beat a boy. How can you beat a delicate girl?"

"Boy Xuan is resistant to beating, so just beat him."

At the end, Yoyo said: "It's just that there is no rule on our island that says that if you are caught picking plants on the island, you will be beaten with a board, or we can temporarily add a rule so that we can catch the boys and beat them for fun."

That remark caused a lot of noise among the crowd, and all votes were in favor.

"Great aunts, great aunts, grand aunts, I am so handsome, elegant and sunny, do you have the heart to beat me up?" Xuan Shao's heart received a critical hit of [-] points. I don't want him anymore, I want to catch him and beat him up for fun, it's so sad.

"Be patient."

"The boy is solid, and the sound of hitting the board is very loud."

"..." Xuan Shao trembled, the rhythm of him being beaten while doing nothing was terrifying!
Xuan Shao was eliminated, Le Yun grabbed the water sleeve of Master Yudao to shield herself from stealing music, and was accidentally caught by Xuan Shao, that guy quietly stretched out his paws from behind the elder to scratch her head, she hugged her head to hide in Yudao Find a safe haven under the main sleeve.

When the old women saw the Xuanjia boy asking the little girl to settle accounts, they turned their eyes and closed their eyes. They just had fun, and it was fun to have children who were not afraid of people around. Look how cute the little girl and the Xuanjia boy are.

Xuan Shao rubbed the little Lolita's head several times, and came back for revenge, rubbing his hands secretly, seeing the elders smiling meaningfully at him, secretly grimacing and sitting upright.

Xuan Shao did not secretly retaliate. Classmate Le straightened his tousled hair and drank two more sips of tea. A woman came in and asked Master Yu if he had a meal. Master Yu took the little girl and moved to the dining room.

The backpacks carried by the youths of the Xuan family were all placed in the main hall of the upper room, and they did as the Romans did when they went to the country. Student Le Xiao also took off the backpacks he carried with him and put them aside, and went to eat with his sleeves empty.

The dining room is in the west wing of the courtyard. There are round tables, and there are six tables in total. The owner of Yudao, the eight oldest old ladies, the little girl, and the young head of the Xuan family sit at the first table, and the rest sit one by one. Young men and women served eight dishes in total, three seafood dishes, three wild game dishes from the mountains of Penglai Island, and two vegetarian dishes.

After the food was served, the men and women who served the food also took their seats. After Yudao offered the chopsticks, all the staff opened the table.

As a Le Yun who is good at cooking medicinal food, she is full of praise for the dishes on the island. The chefs are very good at cooking, keeping the essence as much as possible, which is nutritious and delicious.

After a sumptuous dinner, they went to sit in the main hall of the upper room. The middle-aged men and women lifted the tea stove to the top and slowly brewed tea.

No one mentioned the patient. The owner of Yudao Island and the old women told the little girl about the topography of Penglai Island, which mountains had what animals, which small bays had what kind of fish and shrimp, where it was more dangerous, and where it was safe.

Gossiping for more than an hour before going to rest, Master Yudao arranged the little girl in the East Wing, the room is next to the main hall of the East Wing, and on the other side of the main hall are the young head of the Xuan family and the four boys.

As a newcomer, Le classmate disappeared without hesitation and did not return to the space. He meditated honestly and slept soundly, because the air on the island was fresh and the smell of plants made him feel relaxed.

The men and women on the island are all practitioners and have no talent for martial arts, so they go to bed early and get up early every day. When Ms. Le wakes up, she feels that many people wake up earlier than her. After she wakes up and washes up, those people go to the dining room for breakfast.

When the sun was rising, the master of Yudao and the old woman took the little girls and young people to the east pavilion.

There are several passages between Penglai Island and the outside world, and others have been closed, leaving only one passage on the south to communicate with the outside world. The place with passages is facing the sea in the south. There is a complex of buildings called Nange, with more than 300 permanent residents.

There are only two types of buildings on the island, one is an all-wood structure, and the other is a mixed stone and wood structure. Some buildings in the South Pavilion use rocks to build walls. The entire building complex does not see a trace of modern reinforced concrete, and even There are also very few modern supplies. In order to cut down wood as little as possible, only pots, barrels and tools for storing grain are made of modern stainless steel.

Penglai Island was originally the largest island in the Salmonella Islands. It is located in the northernmost and northwest of the current Salmonella Islands.

In fact, it is between uninhabited reefs and uninhabited islands. Because of the array, outsiders only see a few reefs and uninhabited islands, and they cannot approach it. Direction, because the formation and the psychedelic formation, people who approach always feel that they have passed between some small islands, or feel that some small islands are very close to each other, but what they see is an illusion, and those small islands are far away. In fact, it is very far away.

There are a few days every year in Penglai Island where small islands and ships outside the formation can be seen. Except for special days, the world outside the formation is usually invisible.

Penglai Island is very wide, and the total area of ​​its main island is not much smaller than that of Qiong Island. If it were not separated by formations, it would sit firmly on the throne of the third island of Huaxia Kingdom. There are scattered small islands around the main island. The highest peak on the main island is The altitude is more than 2000 meters, and there are more than a dozen peaks with an altitude of more than 1000 meters.

Nange is on the mountainside of a small mountain with an altitude of about 800 meters, about 150 meters above sea level, facing the direction of the sea, and there is a road leading to the sea.

The vegetation coverage on the island is very high. Except for rocks and places where no vegetation can grow, there are basically plants growing. Although it is an island, the land is fertile. You can see mulberry forests, hemp forests, and rice fields along the artificially opened natural road to Dongge. , fruit forest, and vegetable garden, everything is well organized.

Overlooking the sea, there are some boats moored along the beach.

Walking out of the Nange building complex and walking on the road that can accommodate a carriage, Le Yun’s eyes drifted to the wilderness like lightning. Oh my god, there are so many medicinal materials. The Selaginella over there is 90 years old, and the thousand-year-old Selaginella over there The old grass is a hundred years old...

Looking at the medicinal materials that can be seen everywhere, she can hardly control her prehistoric power, and she really wants to rush into the mountains to dig. There are so many medicinal materials that no one has dug up, it is a waste of heaven and earth.

As I was walking, I saw a 300-year-old thyme, and I couldn't move my feet anymore. I raised my head and stared at the herbs on the side of the road, biting my fingers.

"Little beauty, why don't you leave? See something good, do you want me to help you?" Little Lolita stood still as if rooted, and Xuan Shao, who took a step over, stepped back and looked around curiously. What precious plants.

You Xuan Shao opened the golden mouth, Le Yun jumped up like a monkey, jumped up and hugged a tree above the road next to the mountain, turned over and climbed into the sparse trees and grass above, Pulled a few times to pull out the herb in his picture, then grabbed the tree and jumped onto the road, grabbing the herb he dug and laughing like a fool.

The little girl climbed up the grass to dig something, the owner of Yudao Island and the old women stood there, waiting for the little guy to dig out a green grass and jumped down, everyone: "..." Can they say that kind of grass can be seen everywhere on the island?

Xuan Shao also recognized the herb, and covered his eyes with his hand: "Little beauty, although I don't want to hit you, I still want to tell the truth, that kind of grass is very common, basically all over the island."

"I know. After walking this distance, I saw no less than [-] trees."

"Then you still seem to have found a treasure?" Forgive him for not being able to understand the mood of the little beauty.

"You don't know about this. Thyme is easy to see, but it is difficult to meet the conditions of the right time and place and harmony with the surrounding plants. Oh, I forgot, you don't like to study this, you still want to think about what this medicinal material is related to. It is most suitable to be used as a medicinal meal."

Little Lolita stabbed herself abruptly, and Xuan Shao felt numb with pain in his heart. He is not proficient in the growth habits of Chinese medicinal materials, but he knows a lot of medicinal materials anyway. Wouldn't it be wrong to hit him like this?
In order to gain some knowledge for myself, I moved forward and fiddled with the leaves of the herb: "I'm very interested, tell me about its rarity."

Classmate Le Xiao hid the medicinal herb behind him, and guarded against Xuan Shao like a thief: "Don't be interested in this one in my hand, if you are interested, pull one yourself and study it."

The little girl took good care of the medicinal herb, the master Yudao, the little Narcissus and the old woman couldn't help but smile, and no one tried to stop them, letting the two little guys make a fuss while walking slowly.

"I won't snatch it from you, so there's no need to hide it. How precious is it? Why didn't I see it?" Xuan Shao only touched the leaf and the plant disappeared, feeling helpless. He was not a robber. What a bad habit.

"In terms of age, it is precious. It is 300 years old. Before that, I only picked one tree that was born in 95, and that one was worth a hundred ordinary trees. The medicinal effect of this one is equivalent to four hundred trees that are less than 50 years old. The sum of the effects of the raw thyme; there are also rare places where it grows, where there are several herbs that complement its medicinal properties."

Little Lolita said that it was hundreds of years old, and Xuan Shao looked at the sky silently. He really didn't have the talent to study medicine, and he couldn't tell how many years the herb had lived, so he should study cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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