magic eye doctor

Chapter 130 Don't worry about the dishes I cook from now on

Chapter 130 Don't worry about the dishes I cook from now on

"Huh?" After reading the red fruit bag, Le Yun opened the last black plastic bag with a red bag, she heard the sound and hummed lightly. Just as she was about to look up at the eunuch, she suddenly found two coconuts in the bag and hugged them excitedly. Picking up a round fruit, he smiled happily and rolled his eyes: "Wow, there are coconuts!"


Yan Xing, who was about to confess Cong Kuan, heard a cheer, and quickly looked at the things in the hands of the little Loli. The little Loli was holding a green coconut fruit, her eyebrows were flying, and she looked elated as if she had picked up a treasure. He was stunned. Startled, it's just a coconut, is it worth being so happy?

"Eunuch, what did you just say?" With a happy voice, Le Yun remembered that the owner who gave the coconut seemed to have something to tell her, and smiled and tilted her head.

Because there were things she liked among the things that the eunuch gave her, her tolerance for the eunuch increased a little bit again, and she was interested in hearing what nonsense the guy wanted to say.

"Oh, it's not a big deal." Yan Xing suddenly didn't want to disturb Little Loli's good mood, and swallowed what she wanted to confess. As for him being Zhang Jin, let's talk about it at another time. Now tell Little Loli, Maybe she will be angry. If she is angry, if she throws a coconut as a weapon, it will inevitably cause chaos in the world and destroy the atmosphere.

Yan Shao instantly calmed down and smiled lightly: "I want to say, can you cook more, last time... we didn't have enough to eat."

What's that called?

Le Yun, who tilted her head to look at her, brought back the eunuch's hesitant expression in her eyes. Hearing what he said was obviously a bit inappropriate, she blinked in surprise, what did the eunuch want to say?Why change your mind?

However, he didn't say it himself, and she didn't ask any questions. She curled her lips in annoyance: "My rice cooker is only that big. Who made you guys eat? You can't blame me for not having enough to eat."

"..." Yan Xingmo, are they rice bucket belly?

Obviously, neither he nor Liu Xiangyang can only eat rice buckets. According to their food intake, it is normal. If it is replaced by a few members of the team, it will be called eating a lot.

The feeling of being scolded as a rice bucket is really... um, it's hard to say!

However, being scolded as a rice bucket can't be refuted. How can it be a suffocation that can be explained clearly? Yan Shao thought about it for three seconds. Forget it, the rice bucket is the rice bucket. , It is said that a rice bucket is nothing.

The eunuch didn't speak. Le Yun picked up the two coconuts, rolled them on the ground, and let them play head-to-head.

Little Lolita was having a great time, Yan Xing felt like she was watching a child play at home, she was speechless, it was just a broken coconut, so fun?

"Do you like coconuts?" He couldn't find the topic, so he cautiously probed. Coconuts are a product of the southern seaside, but now the traffic is developed, and they are sold in every city, and there are naturally many in E North. Like a rare treasure.

"What I like is not coconuts, but the happiness that coconuts bring." Le Yun bumped the pair of coconuts again, her eyes full of memories: "The first time I ate coconuts, it was given by the neighbor next door. Two, my dad took the coconut fruit as a shot put and taught me to throw a ball. Grandpa and grandma used the coconut fruit as a ball to play with me. After the peels of the two coconut fruit were ground to rot, they would drink the juice and eat the pulp. Forget it, say Even you don't understand, you rich sons born with golden spoons don't understand the feelings of common people."

Le Yun only ate coconuts twice. The first time was given by Uncle Zhou, and the second time was given by Boss Wu. Her father and grandparents would not buy them. Coconuts are very expensive in Fang County. In the few years before she passed away, a coconut cost 50 yuan. In the past few years, it was cheaper, about 25 yuan a piece. It was still a luxury for her family. Her father worked hard to save up, wishing for a cent The money is two cents, how could she be willing to waste money on such expensive fruits, and she was even more reluctant to buy that kind of thing.

She remembers very clearly that the first time she ate coconuts was the National Day when she was five years old. Uncle Zhou came back from working outside and brought back several coconuts, and sent two to their home. The first time she saw coconuts, Surprised, regardless of Sanqi 21, he took a bite while holding it, and almost broke his teeth because of it.

It was also at that time that my grandmother used local materials to teach her about coconuts and the living habits of coconut trees. Grandpa taught her that coconuts are not only fruits, but also medicinal materials. Man, she couldn't play with the village children, so in order to coax her to play ball with her, her father used coconut fruit as a shot put and taught her to throw with a cane.

Ye Guo completed the important task of education and finally dedicated herself to her honorably. The same is true for her grandparents. They passed away after giving all their love.

In fact, the fruit juice is not delicious, and the most memorable and memorable thing is the good happiness and memory.

Seeing the coconut, Le Yun thought of her grandfather, grandma and father, and her family's poor but still happy life, and she was overjoyed.

Yanxing was silent again. The children of rich and noble families were indeed unable to experience the simple happiness of ordinary people, because they never lacked precious fruits and toys since they were young. Because they lacked everything, they did not have much expectations, so they did not experience it. Not the joy and satisfaction of having.

In turn, he was a little uncomfortable. Little Loli despised him for not knowing the sufferings of the common people. He came from a wealthy and noble family, so he had never tasted the hard life of ordinary people's families. Could it be that Brother Chao knew the sorrows of ordinary people?

He came from an aristocratic family, and he had no shortage of food and clothing since he was a child. Brother Chao was also born in a high-quality family, and he did not distinguish between grains. Little Loli was good with Brother Chao, so why did you despise him?

Compared with her attitude towards Brother Chao since she was a child, Yan Xing felt that even if Little Loli said she forgave him, she was still cold and alienated, and didn't mean to try to get along well and be friends.

That discovery made Young Master Yan very uncomfortable and very depressed. He apologized, he admitted his mistake, and he beat her up. Why did Little Loli still dislike him and not want to have a deep friendship with him?

Could it be that Xiao Chao said something that made Xiao Luoli not want to get involved with him?

Thinking of it for a while, Yan Xing was even more depressed when he thought that Brother Chao might have reminded Little Loli. If that was the case, it would be a troublesome thing.

The eunuch didn't talk nonsense, Le Yun played with coconuts and had fun, went to the kitchen to get knives and bowls and plates, and happily peeled coconuts.

Coconuts are not fully mature yet, so they cannot be used as seedlings, and they are not too tender. Make a few cuts on the green skin, and make a hard knife. As for the inner fibrous mesh skin, it is very hard and solid, and it is difficult to peel.

It took a lot of effort to peel off a layer of skin, make a small opening at the top of the coconut, pour out the juice from the fruit, put the bowl back in the kitchen, cut the coconut into four strands, and peel off the pulp of the coconut.

While classmate Le was carefully peeling the coconut pulp, Liu Dashao was happily shopping on the street of Qingda's life.

When he ran from the fourth floor where the little girl lived to the first floor, Liu Shao threw off his flying legs and ran from the champion building to his dormitory at a [-]-meter sprint speed. Of course, the distance is not a big problem. He rushed to the parking area of ​​the dormitory building in one breath, got in his car and went shopping.

If there is a car, the speed is naturally very fast, but in a few minutes, I will reach the street of life, and I will happily rush into the fruit sparse shop, happily purchasing sparse vegetables.

There is something to eat, and there is hope. Liu Shao is very bold when he buys food. He bought a lot of large and small bags. He also asked the store for a cardboard box and tied it to the back seat. The speed of the racing car was unmatched and daunting.

Chao Yubo, Cai Zijun, Li Yubo and others accompanied the guests to visit the School of Humanities on campus in the afternoon to experience the purpose and concept of the unity of astronomy and man, and then went to the library to experience the profoundness of the sea. When it was almost 05:30, the group closed the team.

On the way back to the guest house with the guests, when he heard the phone vibrate, Classmate Chao found a space to watch, and saw Xiaolele's text message, his eyes were filled with light, he quickly sent a message, closed the phone, and continued with the guests. comminicate.

Chen Shuyuan finished his scientific research only two days ago. After the old students returned to school, they went to class and then worked on the subject. It was rare to have a few days to rest.

In fact, he wanted to sneak off to find Little Loli's primary school girl in the afternoon, but yesterday, President Chao said that he could not disturb Little Loli. He finally held down his rushing mood angrily, and went out with the active elements of the sports department to sway his youthful blood. .

When it was almost evening, everyone had been working hard for a long time and returned home. He went back to the dormitory and cleaned himself up like a dog. He decided to review his homework first, and then meet up to have a meal together when the talented guy comes back. Knowing that the book has not yet read three pages, the mobile phone will send a text message.

Sitting in front of the desk, classmate Chen casually took the claw machine to read the message, and found that it was sent by classmate Chao, with a sloppy expression that was three more serious, opened the message and glanced, wow, Little Lolita asked to come over for dinner at night? !


Chen Shuyuan jumped three feet high, and he didn't even bother to read a book. He rushed out of the bedroom like a smoke, ran across the living room, opened and closed the door in one go, and then turned into a cheerful little butterfly and flew downstairs.

Classmate Chen ran from the eighth floor to the ground floor without taking a break, then rushed into the eastern stairway, and climbed upstairs with all his strength. The steps that were usually annoying now look much more pleasing to the eye. .

Ding ding dong dong climbed to the fourth floor, Chen Shuyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked again, the door was closed again, and he was so happy that he pushed the door impatiently: "Little Lolita, I'm here!"

Yan Xing quietly admired Little Loli peeling the coconut fruit. She sat on the floor without any restraint, lowered her head slightly, steadied a coconut in one hand, and stabbed a spoon between the pulp and shell with the other hand, slowly and slowly. Remove the pulp from the shell walls.

She does her own thing seriously, and doesn't care about anyone next to her. Shao Yan watched it seriously, as if she was watching an art performance.

When he heard the sound of the stairs, Yan Shao didn't want to be distracted, and he didn't bother to pay attention until the door was pushed open, and the noise broke the peace of the room. He was unhappy. From time to time, disturbing Yaxing!

Rao was unhappy, and he only frowned slightly. The handsome face was like a crown of jade, and he was very clear. He knew very well that this was not his territory. No matter who came, he had no right to speak.

You must be more obedient when you should be obedient on other people's sites, especially in Little Lolita's territory. Unreasonable behavior, in the end it is yourself who suffers.

Yan Xing has suffered a few losses, and his heart is like a mirror. He will not be so stupid that he will overwhelm the guest and run to point fingers at the people that Little Loli knows.

Rushing into the door in a hurry, Chen Shuyuan realized that there was still a big living person in the living room, and couldn't help but be stunned. Is that a friend of Little Loli?

That man is so handsome!

With a sigh, he quickly closed the door, looked at his handsome young man with a slight smile, said hello a little, spread his feet and ran to the master, he only saw a head and a little back of the little loli at the door, and he didn't know her. what are you doing.

"Little Loli, what are you doing, do you want me to help?" Ji hurried, smiling brightly.

"Senior Chen, I'm peeling coconuts." Le Yun heard the sound, turned her head, and saw the eyes behind Chen's glasses and laughed so fast that she couldn't find it, she almost couldn't help laughing, Senior Chen was very cute, more than Brother Li is still having fun.

"Hey, coconut?" Chen Shuyuan ran to the little loli in one breath and saw a green coconut sleeping on the ground, and a few coconut petals that were cut into petals, rubbed his arms and sleeves, and volunteered to go forward: "Oh , elementary school girl, this kind of work should be done by men, how can a little girl do it, little loli, sit down, I'll do it."

Yan Xing was stunned, the young man with glasses was accusing him of being a big man and doing nothing, right?Is that what it means?

Um?A question mark flashed in Le Yun's mind, holding a coconut and moving a position, someone came to help, ok, very welcome.

Chen Shuyuan didn't want to be image, he knelt on the ground, picked up a coconut, used a fruit knife to pry the pulp, and pryed off a small piece. As it is, the whole is peeled off from the shell wall.

Look at your own. It's broken into a big piece of nails. Well, it seems to be too small.

"Elementary school girl, is it okay to break it?" He didn't know whether to want a larger piece or a smaller piece, and asked the situation with a few words.

"The pulp is one of the raw materials for the stew. It would be better if you can make it bigger." Le Yun grinned and her eyes were crooked. Senior Chen was very down-to-earth.

"No problem, it's up to me." Chen Shuyuan knew it in his mind. He started working with his knife and slashed the inner wall of the coconut with a knife on the left and the right. After a few strokes and prying, he quickly pryed out a piece of pulp that was two fingers wide and half a finger long. .

His method works very well, prying out a few pieces, then slashing and pulling a few knives, and then peeling off the divided small pieces of pulp.

"Little Loli, what are we going to eat tonight?" Classmate Chen eagerly inquired about the dinner recipe.

"I don't know yet. The people who bought the vegetables haven't come back. Tonight's dinner will be late. If you are hungry, eat some snacks to cushion your stomach."

"It doesn't matter, any night will do." Chen Shuyuan's eyes lit up with excitement, wow, someone went shopping, there must be a lot of delicious food in the evening, he is not afraid of waiting, let alone not hungry, even if you are hungry, don't He is not stupid, he will never do that kind of thing.

Yan Xing was in a gloomy mood. As soon as the glasses man came, Little Loli played with him in love with each other. He was such a big man sitting here, and they ignored him.

He bought the coconut, and the man with glasses is better. He rushed to help and took all the credit. In this way, he was almost ignored and turned into air, damn it!

Not satisfied.

Yan Shao, who was so choked up, was very unconvinced. He looked at a boy and a girl who were happily peeling coconut nuts. He was annoyed, but he was embarrassed to squeeze up to brush his senses. He was such a big man, so embarrassed to have no hair on his mouth. The little boys grab attention.

Just when Yan Shao was sullen, Liu Shao finally rolled downstairs like a locust crossing the border of the champion. He jumped down before the car stopped, locked the car neatly, and took off the cardboard box from the back seat. Holding a box and carrying a box of fresh eggs in one hand, the wind blew up to the stairwell, soaring to the fourth floor.

Liu Xiangyang hurriedly climbed to the fourth floor. He heard cheerful voices of men and women from inside across the door, and was stunned. Didn't the little beauty say that little princess Chao was very busy tonight?Why are there still people?

He thought that it would be a pleasant dinner with someone Yan, but who knows there are other things, Liu Shao felt a little sad, took a few breaths, adjusted his mood, pushed the door, and shouted vigorously: "Little beauty, Guess what I bought.".

The little loli was talking to the man with glasses, but she couldn't get in at all. Yan Xingzheng was depressed. Hearing the footsteps outside, she guessed that her ally might be back. She was overjoyed. Barged in and was overjoyed, Xiangyang sometimes was a sophomore, just in time to compete with the glasses man.

Chen Shuyuan looked up and saw the handsome young man rushing into Little Loli's dormitory holding something, knowing that it was the person Little Loli said to go shopping, and smiled gracefully: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Uh? !

"It's not hard, it should be." Liu Xiangyang was stunned at first, and then responded with a smile, but he felt a few surprises in his heart. The little beauty didn't say it was hard, but the young man said it was hard on behalf of the master. Who is that? It looks like you are familiar with Little Loli?

He was puzzled and looked at someone Yan, only to get an unknowing expression, Liu Shao hated that iron is not steel, what did Xiaoxing do to eat, let him guard the little beauty, and he also let others take advantage of the loopholes, it was just mad to kill also!

Although he was so annoyed that he wanted to throw someone out of Yan, he also endured it. Before the enemy, of course, he must first unite the front and agree to the outside world. After the enemy is settled, the brothers will chat and chat about life in private.

Liu Xiangyang took out twelve points of joy, the most handsome expression, and went straight to the owner, the little beauty, holding the things. This site belongs to the little beauty, and the little beauty has the final say.

Running in front of the little girl, Liu Shao, with a handsome face and a bright smile, put down the things as if taking credit, and let the master check the results.

Twitch, Le Yun's eyes twitched and her mouth twitched violently for several times, handsome Liu wanted to hold a banquet, look, a small box of eggs, a chicken, a duck, a big goose leg, pig's trotter, Pig ears, pork belly, pork liver, pork kidney, spare ribs, pork belly, lean meat, look at this style, does he want a whole pig feast?

Let's look at green vegetables, garlic moss, bitter gourd, beans, rapeseed, lettuce, celery, cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, green peppers, two potatoes and two unhusked corns.

"Brother Liu, the vegetables in the Guoshu shop don't cost money today, are you going to set up a stall to sell vegetables?" Le fiddled silently a few times, counted the varieties of vegetables, and looked up at handsome Liu, cattle, and willows with lofty eyes. The handsome guy is so awesome!

She just wanted to ask him: How many tables is your boss going to invite?

Little Lolita opened the greens to see what kinds of vegetables there were, Chen Shuyuan was also dumbfounded, uh, Little Loli has so few refrigerators, how can she keep it!

"Be prepared, little beauty, you can do whatever you want, cook whatever you like, and throw away what you don't like." Liu Xiangyang proudly stretched out his sleeves, with a handsome look of "I'm very embarrassed".

"Do you want chicken soup or pork rib soup?" To the local tyrant Liu Shuai, Le Yun was speechless and packed up the meat and vegetables by herself.

"We eat what you do." Even though the three men were not familiar with each other, they agreed on some points.

A bunch of foodies!

Le Yun rolled her eyes to the sky, and when she met a foodie, she asked if everything was a cloud.Silently counted, picked out rapeseed, cabbage, lettuce and celery, beans, and pumpkin. She had a few things in her space, and she could change the package. Those that were not in the space were put aside for the time being.

Meat can’t be put outside, put it in the refrigerator if it’s not cooked at night, pick up the parts of the pig and a chicken, and slip all the vegetables into the kitchen, chop half of the chicken and make soup, take out half of the ribs, and stuff the extra ribs and chicken in. Store in refrigerator.

Liu Xiangyang couldn't help, so he happily slipped back to Yan and took a seat.

Throw the chicken into the soup pot, pour the coconut milk, add space well water, and boil it over the fire. Then, Le Yun starts to clean the vegetables, just like washing the bags, put the cleaned vegetables in the basket and drain the water.

While removing the blood from the pig's trotters, I remembered that there were pineapples in the fruit bought by the eunuch, and called out, "Senior Chen, help me get a pineapple and peel it. The pineapple is in the fruit pile by the wall."

"Okay." When Chen Shuyuan heard this, he dropped the coconut in his hand and ran to find the pineapple.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao: "..." Why didn't you call them?They will too.

Classmate Le ignored the two cheeky guests, washed the blood and water of the pig's trotters, put it in a wok and boiled it, then washed the pork belly, first rubbed it twice with starch for thickening to remove the adhering matter, then washed it with water and salt water. Wash the pork liver and pork loin, cut each into pieces, and put them on a plate for later use.

When Shao Shao and the Chao family nanny first set up furniture, everything was auspicious. They took six counts, six noodle bowls, six rice pots, six plates, soup bowls, forks and spoons, and the pots and shovels. After that, Le bought some more and added it to perfection.

Today, even if there are ten bowls and plates, it does not seem to be enough.

Cut the meat into pieces and slices, and Le went to beat out the tripped rice, put it in a big soup, wrap it in plastic wrap, and cook it again.

Her rice cooker is enough for 3-5 people. If there are more than two people, it will not be enough. In the evening, there are elder brother Chao, elder brother Li elder brother, elder elder Chen elder, and herself, as well as eunuch and Liu Shuai. There are seven people in total. The handsome guy and the eunuch are still people with a stomach like a cow, and one pot of rice is definitely not enough, and they need to be increased.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao were overjoyed when they saw that the little girl made the rice and cooked the second pot again. They should be able to have a full meal tonight!

At nearly six o'clock, the sky was dark in the capital. Classmate Chao and others accompanied the guests back to the reception building. Chao Yubo left the reception of the guests to the vice president and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Things like receiving guests are the main work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The president is in charge of the overall situation and people. The vice president's job is to manage affairs. Therefore, the host of the vice president and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the only thing to entertain guests. Making the best use of people and making the best use of their talents can also better demonstrate the advantages and coordination of various departments of the Youth University Student Union.

Le Shili was very happy at first. Tonight, the school set up a dinner party to entertain guests. In terms of position, she is the vice president, and of course she is qualified to bring several members to attend with President Chao as the chief representative of the student union. There is a chance to hold President Chao's arm and be his temporary female companion.

Unexpectedly, President Chao actually said that he couldn't go to the banquet at night because of something.

"President Chao, this kind of important dinner is a must for you. Do you think you can postpone other affairs?" Le Shiyun stopped the exquisite and noble boy and tried to persuade him to stay.

"Each member of the student union is a capable person with great talent and shrewdness. We have also received dignitaries and foreign guests before, and each of them can stand alone. I still have the urgent work of the student union to deal with, and I am tired. I'm sorry, I'll leave it to you for tonight's reception, I believe you'll do a good job, and you'll show the leadership of our youth student union with amazing style, which will definitely open the eyes of the guests and be impressed."

The young man has delicate eyebrows, and his eyes full of expectations have inspected the members, and he is so eager to look forward to it that he cannot bear to refuse.

"President, rest assured, we will do our best to do the reception work and make the distinguished guests feel at home."

"President, you also pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

The members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs happily took the order, and did not forget to instruct the President to combine work and rest.

"..." Le Shiyun was powerless to refute, and could only helplessly watch President Chao Shi Shiran's exit. She wanted to keep Talented Zijun and Minister Li Yubo. One of the two said they would prepare the first school newspaper, and the other said Been planning a sporting event for September and have been so busy.

The three classmates who were involved in official business, Shi Shiran's parted ways with everyone, Shi Shiran's ride on Chairman Chao's black Chery, and left together.

When Li Shao was the driver, he galloped all the way back to the Zhuangyuan Building. When the third buddies got off the car, Chao Yubo saw the domineering motorcycle parked in front of the building.

When Brother Chao's breath changed, Li Yubo noticed it and asked inexplicably, "Xiao Chao, what's wrong?"

"Liu Shao and Yan Shao came to Nao Lele's tranquility again." The young man lifted his legs and walked towards the stairs.

"I'll go!" Li Yubo wanted to scold, but those two were shameless.

"Who is it?" Talented Zijun didn't know who he was talking about, and asked with an inquiring face.

"Two guys who always want to eat because of their good looks, you can meet them in a while, just be polite on the surface." Li Shao kindly explained to his brother, which made people feel confident.

Chao Yubo wanted to laugh when he heard it, Da Li really couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, but he was too right in his description, Liu Shao and Yan Shao were the cheeky ones who always rubbed off on their faces because of their pretty faces.

Talented Zijun knew what he knew, and went upstairs with his two buddies full of spring breeze. The higher the three of them climbed, the stronger the scent they smelled. When they climbed to the fourth floor, the scent alone made people salivate.

The person who secretly swallowed several saliva pushed the door in a hurry and shouted excitedly: "Lele, we are back!"

When Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang saw the three young people with different styles, their mood was gloomy and gloomy.

"You are finally here." Chen Shuyuan stretched his waist: "If it's all right, hurry up and help pack up and help the elementary school girl sort out the books."

"Which gust of wind blows Yan Shao and Liu Shao." Chao Yubo greeted the two handsome young men sitting at the table with a smile that was not a smile.

"Well, of course, it's the fragrance in the little beauty's kitchen." Liu Xiangyang smiled happily. If he asked which gust of wind was blowing them, it was naturally the fragrance from the little beauty's cooking.


Chao Yubo directly ignored those two people. Anyway, the two young men were as thick as walls, and they couldn't drive them away under the order of expulsion.

The talented young man nodded and smiled at the first guest, walked to the bookstore and went to complete the book for the elementary school girl; Li Yubo went to help clean up the fruit and other items that had been thrown on the ground. Seeing that Senior Chen was still fighting with the coconut, he smiled unkindly. A flower branch trembled.

Chen Shuyuan was too lazy to explain to him, peeled off the last piece of pulp, took the pulp to the kitchen and handed it to Little Loli, turned around and went to help classify the books. He knew his books best, and organized them easily.

Classmate Chao didn't have to work, he put down his backpack, went to the kitchen for a walk, took a small piece of Lele to cook the rest of the pineapple, and went to the small living room to sit and eat slowly. Xiao Lele said that pineapple is appetizing and should be eaten before meals. Stomach and healthy.

The handsome and fresh young people went their separate ways. Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were under great pressure. They felt the strong condemnation in the eyes of the little fresh meats. Did the young people despise them for eating and not working? !

Chao Yubo finished eating a piece of pineapple gracefully, wiped his hands slowly, and his voice was as gentle as a beautiful jade collision: "Lele, what Baoguo did you say that day, I am mobilizing the power of the people, if any family and friends go to Africa to see if they can Bring it back."

"Xiao Chao, what fruit?" Li Yubo responded quickly.

"Little Chao, what kind of fruit is the primary school girl looking for, let's listen to it and see if we can do something." Talented Zijun and Chen Shuyuan were not far behind.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were forgotten again.

"Breadfruit." Le Yun explained while cooking: "Breadfruit is the fruit of the bread tree. It is native to the Malay Peninsula and Polynesia, and is now found in South Africa and India."

"Hey, are you talking about the kind of breadfruit that can be used as food?" Chen Shuyuan was very surprised: "Breadfruit grows in tropical regions, and the Samoans living in the southern Pacific Ocean use breadfruit as their staple food."

"Senior Chen knows breadfruit?"

"Well, I've also eaten it. I communicated with a foreign university the year before last, and I went with the team to foreign research and investigation. I went to the island country of Samoa in the Pacific Ocean in Nanxia. I saw with my own eyes the magical tree species of the bread tree. The fruits of breadfruit are baked into Bread has a unique flavor and tastes great. Do you want to eat breadfruit or do you want to go further?"

"Well, I want to find breadfruit for research."

"I'll ask my family to see who has traveled to those places on business. Some people can help bring them back, whether they want to be raw or cooked?" Li Yubo exclaimed excitedly. His relatives or company personnel often travel on business and sometimes go to the world. everywhere.

"Lele wants a ripe breadfruit and an unripe breadfruit. Try to find the ripe fruit. If I can't find it, I decide to travel to the tropics during the winter vacation or next summer vacation. If you are interested, you are welcome to form a group."

"Yes! Count me in."

"I think it's best to go to the foreign language department to draw an alliance that understands indigenous languages."

"Why are you looking for a translator, can't you learn it yourself?"

"Xiao Chao, do you think everyone is like you, no matter what you learn?"

The four handsome classmates were arguing with each other, and it was extremely lively.

Liu Xiangyang looked up at the sky and looked at the ground, and looked at Yan someone in a depressing way. In other words, did Xiaoxingxing apologize to the little beauty?Is there a reconciliation?

To tell the truth, according to this formula, if Xiaoxingxing does not reconcile with the little beauty, they may be pushed out, and they will not even be able to enter in the future.

He looked N times, someone Yan ignored him, Liu Shaoyu died, an unreliable younger brother was holding him back, his future was bleak, and he was heartbroken!

Yan Xing was also suffocated. The young people these days are too bad-hearted, and they didn't provoke Brother Chao. Brother Chao deliberately formed a gang to isolate him and Xiangyang, damn it!

Want him to get out of trouble?

Hmph, he won't back down just because he's been left out a bit, he won't leave, let's see what they do.

There was a lot of resentment in his belly, Yan Xing sat calmly, no matter what the young man said, he always smiled as before, the handsome face smiled slightly, and the country was alluring.

The four classmates chatted non-stop, from the south to the north, from the east to the west, planning a grand blueprint for travel, all eager to try, looking forward to the holiday, and then invite friends and go to the world.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang secretly despised them, and they still travel the world with the broken body of the Chao family brother?He's so small that he can't even take a tour of the capital, right?

The chattering came to an abrupt end when the little Loli said "ready to start dinner", and the four fresh and tender young talents and real scholars rushed up, moving the table, moving the bench, holding the bowl, serving the dishes, and scrambling for each other. Rushing to do errands.

A small table was originally a table for four, with two people sitting facing each other, one end against the wall, and another at the other end. Five people could still sit down, but seven people could only be moved out that night.

Set up the table and chairs, the handsome boys serve the dishes, take the soup bowl for the rice, take out the inner pot of the electric casserole and put it on the table, as well as the pineapple and pig's trotters, the fried pig's ears with dried mushrooms, and the pan-fried pork ribs. , braised pork belly, pork belly with green peppers, spicy pork liver, fried pork loin with lettuce, as well as cabbage, lettuce, rapeseed, beans, pumpkin five vegetables, a total of seven meat and five vegetarian soup, crowded a table full full.

Of the four academic bullies, Liang Junshao looked at his eyes with light, which were bright green.

"Brother Liu, don't worry about the dishes I cook in the future. The reason why I cook delicious dishes is because I make medicated meals and use the medicinal materials I have worked so hard to prepare, mainly to clear the lungs and detoxify, invigorate the middle and nourish the qi, and nourish the kidneys. Sperm production can improve immunity, and now I have used up all the raw materials, and I will not have any herbs to serve in the future, and the dishes I make are the same as those cooked by you." Looking at a group of people like tigers, Le Yun Resolutely put the gentleman before the villain, and cut the way for others.

The world of foodies only has food, and these two are all foodies. Once they become addicted to food, they will come to eat every now and then, and she will never think of peace.

For the sake of the quiet days in the future, it is necessary to quench the flames of their eating and drinking in the bud.

"Ah?" Liu Xiangyang opened his mouth in shock, no more delicious food in the future?Woo, how does this work?

"?" Classmate Chen, classmate and classmate Li also had a shocked face, um, the elementary school girl said, can't make delicious food in the future?No, they must have heard it wrong!

The three school tyrants didn't believe it. They thought that it was probably the elementary school girl who didn't want to serve because a certain two always came to eat, so she made an excuse to refuse. Otherwise, the elementary school girl didn't call their names, but ordered the two bit.

Chao Yubo's phoenix eyes flashed, and he almost wanted to applaud, um, that's how it should be, these two want to come to eat, especially Liu Shao and Yan Shao are like uncles, what do they think of Lele.

Yan Xing frowned slightly, Little Loli really treated her differently, only calling Xiang Yang's name, not Brother Chao and his friends' names.

"Little beauty, what herbs are you using, I'll help you find them." Liu Xiangyang paused for a second, found the problem and took the initiative to find the raw materials.

"180-year-old Dangshen, 50-70-year-old Poria cocos, pure wild Dendrobium candidum seedlings and flowers, 50-[-]-year-old yellow-flowered water lotus, astragalus, Bupleurum... Atractylodes macrophylla, um, remember to identify, some are easy to get Damn, don’t show me the ones below [-] years old, don’t show me the ones that aren’t pure wild, I don’t want to waste my eyes.”

Le Yun pointed her little finger, and the number of balaclava, a total of a dozen medicinal herbs were named, and the age requirement was added at the end. Ginger is old and spicy, and so are some medicinal herbs. The longer the age, the better the effect.

Liu Xiangyang's face turned into a bitter melon face, what the hell, 180-year-old Codonopsis ginseng is harder to find than century-old ginseng, let alone Poria cocos, even if you are exhausted, you may not be able to find the same one that meets the requirements , I feel that delicious food is a dream, getting farther and farther away.

"Stop procrastinating, eat quickly, Xiao Lele has to review her homework at night." The exquisite young man reminded everyone warmly.

"Hey, hurry up and eat!"

Liu Shao, who was deeply hit, grabbed a seat and sat down, and several academic tyrants also took their seats. The seven people were a little crowded, and there was delicious food, and no one cared.

The beautiful boy helped the little girl put everything into the bowl, and when she took a bite, the whole group of people, fearing to be left behind, quickly shot at the dishes that they had coveted for a long time, some with pig trotters, some with pig liver, and some with pig ears. Yes, the six people are faster than their hands, and they are all as fast as the wind.

In the future, you may not be able to eat delicious food again. You have to grab it. If you grab it slowly, the loss will be big.

Thinking of what Little Loli said, classmate Chen and several schoolmasters are full of resentment, all of them don't have grace, and start a battle with Liu Shao and Yan Shao, Liu Shao and Yan Shao are not to be outdone, you come and go, everyone is afraid to eat less To a bite, no one will let anyone.

When the grab mode is turned on, it can't stop. The six men are amazingly unified in some aspects. They all kill the first bowl of rice with three bites and swallows, and then quickly fill up the second bowl, and then frantically grab the dishes.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao have big stomachs and want to eat the third bowl. First, they will kill two bowls, then put on the rice, and compare the speed of chopsticks with a group of school tyrants. , and then, um, divide the chicken soup, divide the vegetable juice, you spoon me a spoon, bibimbap with the soup, and kill the last half of the bowl of rice.

After a meal, everyone had to eat, Chen and Cai washed the dishes, Liu Shao touched his belly with a satisfied face, no matter if he could eat delicious food in the future, tonight's meal is worth it!

After tidying up the kitchen table, the noble and beautiful boy screwed everyone away, leaving the space for Xiao Lele to review the book.

(End of this chapter)

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