magic eye doctor

Chapter 131 Missing a good show

Chapter 131 Missing a good show

Liu Xiangyang had a lot of questions and wanted to ask the little girl for advice. For example, she said that she used medicinal herbs, why did he not eat it, how did she add the medicinal herbs to the dishes, etc., but she was driven away by the little princess of the Chao family. On the surface, he was very cooperative, but he had already scolded the Chao family boy to the bottom of his heart.

The stagnation accumulated in his heart, and when he returned to the dormitory, he vented it unscrupulously: "The scolded little princess Chao, the little princess Po Chao, the sick and wilted little princess Chao, the broken child, the mad master Oh, what a fool, I pray that I will never beg this young master, otherwise this young master will throw his feet in the face of the stinky little princess..."

"Don't talk about the length of the meeting, don't talk about it behind your back, Xiangyang, you are dating again." Yan Xing sat in front of his desk warmly and turned on the computer.

"I'm not angry at all."

"Then what can you do? Go fight with Little Loli, or fight with Brother Chao?"

"Hmph, I'm not stupid. If I fight with little princess Chao, the little beauty won't even let me pass the threshold, so I'll just scold me. Xiao Xingxing, did you laugh at the little beauty? Hate?"

"The resentment is over, and she also forgave me, but... oh, it's okay not to say it."

"But what?"

"She said that the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road."

"Ah?" Liu Xiangyang's whole face drooped into a bitter gourd shape; "Qiao to Qiaolu, doesn't it mean that they are irrelevant? If everyone is irrelevant, what reason do we have to go to the little beauty to chat and have a meal? Aw, my brother is so bitter!"

Yan Xing blinked his dragon eyes, but he didn't say anything about suffering, okay?He also wanted to show the little Loli that he was a person under the pseudonym Zhang Jin, and wanted to fight for confession and leniency, but in the end, he was abruptly mixed up.

"Even if they are irrelevant, you may not be able to successfully eat rice. Little Loli said that she will not be able to make delicious food without raw materials in the future."

"Do you believe it?" Liu Xiangyang glared at someone Yan with a ghostly expression. Those words were clearly an excuse. The little beauty really has such good medicinal materials. If you don't use it as medicine, it is a waste of time to use it as ingredients.

"I believe." Yan Xing put his finger on the computer's keyboard and tapped calmly: "I observed that Little Loli did not use tap water for cooking in the kitchen. The water she used was in a mineral water bottle. The tap water is used to wash the rice, and the bottled water is also used when the rice is washed and boiled. If she uses medicinal herbs, the water should be the water for soaking the medicinal herbs. Besides, don't you feel that every time I go to her place to eat it? When the thing comes back, the spirit and physical strength are particularly good, and the physical condition is also in the best state. If there is no medicinal material, the miraculous effect cannot be achieved."

"I also know that after eating at the little beauty, my physical condition will be different. Otherwise, people would be shameless and shameless and run away to eat. In order to eat, brother even gave up the dignity of a man. Is it easy for me, brother? ?"

Yan Xing glanced at a certain person with contempt, and ignored the brother who was suffering from secondary illness. He adjusted the content of his work and began to deal with his own work.

"Xiao Xingxing, what are we going to do in the future? What reason are we looking for to find the little beauty?" I have to get close, or why would he kidnap the little beauty to be a military doctor?

As for whether the food made by the little beauty is really not as delicious as before, of course, you have to eat it before you know it.

The biggest problem facing Liu Shao now is how to get closer to the little beauty, how to form a comradeship, and how to successfully win the little beauty's trust and friendship.

Liu Shao chattered endlessly, shouting for a long time without getting the slightest response from someone from Yan, making him feel like a punch on cotton with no response, he had no choice but to be depressed alone.

Compared with Liu Shao's unhappy mood, Cai, Chen, and Li, who were screwed away by President Chao, were much happier. The four of them slipped into Chao's dormitory to hold a roundtable meeting, discussing work and study in whispers. I was very busy, and as for the problem that the primary school girl said that it would not be delicious in the future, the three school tyrants were too lazy to worry about it.

In San Xueba's mind, that problem is not a problem at all. Little Loli is Chairman Chao's younger sister. Little Loli will wrong others, could she also wrong her brother?

Little Lolita will not be wronged by Brother Chao, then, they follow President Chao to rub rice and brush their presence, and of course they will not be treated differently by Little Lolita. In a word, if you want to eat delicious food, please hold President Chao's thick thighs tightly. !

They felt that other things could be ignored, except for the matter of hugging President Chao's thighs. The three academic bullies secretly made up their minds to hug President Chao's thighs resolutely, unswervingly, and without hesitation. , insist that the thunder strikes Taishan not to bend down, and the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten and don't let go.

Therefore, the three Xueba Gang President Chao spared no effort to waste limited brain cells in all aspects of the student union's work.

When a group of diners disappeared, Le Yun checked again the green vegetables that Liu Shao bought and the fruits given by the eunuch, to see which ones needed to be thrown back into the space for storage and which ones were put in the refrigerator. When cleaning the items, she saw pineapple, bitter gourd and a radish in the refrigerator. After thinking about it, I had an idea in my heart, I sorted things out, picked up a section of the top flower left by Chen Xuechang cutting the pineapple, cut off the top flower of another pineapple, peeled off a few leaves, and stuck a toothpick at the bottom , which returns space.

Crawling back to her own one-third of an acre, Classmate Le used a flashlight, took a small pot, and soaked the pineapple top flower in water. Many people said that pineapple top flower could be used to grow pineapples. She had never tried it, and she should test.

A toothpick is stuck at the bottom of the pineapple, and it is supported in the basin without touching the bottom of the basin to facilitate root growth. Then put well water, soak a little of the pulp left at the bottom of the pineapple top flower, and let it sit.

After cultivating the pineapple seedlings, Le Yun ran to the pile of plant seeds she had piled up to find something, and found the seeds of radish, carrot, loofah, gourd, winter melon, cantaloupe and cantaloupe, and spread them out on the ground, considering which to plant first.

Winter gourd, loofah and gourd gourd are common in the countryside. Many people plant them in the front layer of the house. In Lejia’s back garden, gourd gourd, wax gourd, loofah and pumpkin are planted in the corners of the garden in front of the house. , climbs the fence automatically without putting up a shelf.

The seeds of loofah, winter gourd and gourd gourd are not tasty, so it is easy to keep the seeds. Classmate Le found a lot of seeds left after sowing in the spring. The pumpkin seeds were delicious and not much left. She found only a little bit left after sowing in the spring.

Radish is the most common winter crop grown in the countryside, and it is the easiest to find. Moreover, the country keeps its own seeds.

The cantaloupe, cantaloupe, and carrot seeds were bought. On the day of volunteering, Le went shopping and bought a lot of seeds. If her family didn’t have any, some seed stores bought one, such as willow cabbage and Chinese cabbage. , cabbage, spinach, mustard greens, green beans, edamame, black beans, cucumbers, cucumbers, gourds, and more.

Putting out the seeds, Le Yun thought silently, what to plant and what to plant...

In the past, some things were not planted because there was no time to manage them. Now she thinks that she should plant some of each thing to be prepared. Otherwise, there is no space for some things, and they will not have to be replaced when they are bought.

Although the space is for growing medicinal materials, and growing vegetables is really overkill, but people take food as their heaven, and they will not have the strength to grow medicinal materials and study medicinal materials.

Therefore, classmate Le persuaded himself that even if he felt that it was a shame to grow vegetables in the medicinal field where he grew elixir, he still continued to grow vegetables. The pulp of melon can be used as medicine.

After a comparison, I felt that everything needed to be planted, so Le Yun didn’t think about it at all. Instead, she used the searchlight on her head, which was used in the mines. She used a small hoe and seeds to go to the ground. First, she planted cantaloupe and cantaloupe, and planted ten of each. Plant the radishes and carrots on the ground, planting only a small piece of each.

I don't want to waste the land, so I planted wax gourd, loofah, and gourd melon in the pots that I used to grow Yunzhi. I planted two of each type. As soon as I started planting melons, I just didn't do it again and again. I planted two more pots of bitter gourd and a bergamot. melon, two pots of zucchini melon.

After planting, water the well water once, and pick up the mushrooms, pumpkins, and green peppers, all of which are large and small, and hang on the branches, because the largest green peppers are kept as seeds, and the small ones are not picked before they are picked. I went to collect some Dendrobium candidum flowers and black tiger fruits and fried it in August. I left the space and went back to the dormitory to take a shower and do the laundry. Then I sat down and scanned the English documents with peace of mind.

The night passed quietly, the light of a new day came quietly, and it was the last day of August.

September is approaching, and the school season is officially in full swing. Colleges and primary and secondary schools across the country that have not started school have also entered the school season or are about to officially start school.

On the same day, Du Miaoshu, a classmate with a small belly at the same table in Le's high school, also started her college journey. Her college entrance examination score was several ten points higher than the first line. Except for going to the top two top universities in China, Beijing University and Qingda University, she was not qualified enough to go to other universities. A university is no problem, she thought about it, and she chose the first university in the capital of the province when filling out her volunteers.

Hanshi University, the capital of E North, is also a famous university in China. It is a first-class university that ranks in the top five every year except the two universities of Beijing University and Qingda University. It has strong teachers and abundant resources.

The reason why Du was the first choice to enroll in Han City University was that he was in his own province, and he was close to his home, so he could save a lot of travel fares. Questions are better.

Hanshi University started school on September 9. The Du family decided early to send their children to school one day earlier, so they booked a ticket for the last day of August, so they could get used to the environment first.

So, early in the morning, the Du family got up, packed their luggage and set off, or the whole family was dispatched. After all, going to college is a major event in life, and the Du family parents and Du younger brother did not want to miss it, so the whole family dispatched and decided to Go to the capital for a day or two.

The Du family of four were afraid of missing the train, so they got up early and rushed the first bus to Shishi, then rushed to the Shishi Railway Station in a hurry, got the tickets, and waited in the waiting room for the bus.

There was still an hour or so before the departure. Du Miaoshu was a restless person. After sitting for a long time, he was bored and bored. After looking around, he couldn't bear it anymore and slipped out for a stroll.

Brother Du is quieter than his sister. There is free WF in the waiting room. He has a lot of fun playing with his mobile phone, and he is not interested in accompanying his sister crazy all over the world.

Student Du went for a walk around the square, and went to buy two bottles of water. Fearing that his parents would be worried, he swayed back and forth, and when he was walking, he saw a familiar figure. Over there, a mother and son dragged their luggage to the waiting car. In the room, the woman wore a dress with black stockings and a pair of toad mirrors on her head, while the young man wore jeans and a short-sleeved shirt with a waist. He was tall and sunny.

La la la, see acquaintances again!

Seeing the tall and slender young man, Du Miaoshu scurried past several people, rushed to find an old acquaintance, and when he was very close to the mother and son, he greeted enthusiastically: "Hi, Yang Xiaocao, what a coincidence, you are here today too. Are you going to school?"

Yang Binbin dragged a suitcase and went to the waiting room with his mother in a hurry. The pedestrians were in a hurry, no one cared about anyone, and he didn't pay much attention to others. When he heard a familiar voice, he was slightly startled. Since the results of the college entrance examination were released, he has been reluctant to show his face, and his classmates have also taken care of themselves, and there is no contact with everyone. He has almost forgotten that person, classmate Du.

Now, when he heard the voice, he was still a little unresponsive at the first moment. He looked over subconsciously, and came to one side, a beautiful girl with a ponytail, young and beautiful.

Seeing Classmate Du, Yang Binbin couldn't help but think that his grades were a lot worse than Classmate Du, and a sense of shame flooded in his heart, "um", bowed his head and continued walking.

"Xiao Bin, is that your classmate?" Mrs. Yang tilted her head to ask her son when she saw the radiant girl.

"That's right." Yang Binbin didn't want to get involved too much with Du, so he replied calmly to his mother and quickened his pace.

Mrs. Yang looked at the female student with disdain. She looked okay, but she wasn't worthy of her son. He was handsome, and there were too many girls who went backwards. She didn't have a good family background or background, so she could only give it to her. With her son as a temporary bed partner, she would not let anyone in.

What are the eyes of the Yang family's mother and son?

Although Du Miaoshu is a bit sloppy at times, she is not a fool. The mother and son of the Yang family can still tell the difference in their disgusting eyes. When they roll their eyes, they laugh all over their body as if they didn't realize it: "Oh, I don't agree with learning before I go to college. It's really big. The difficulty is what Leleniu said about the school's grass style? No, when Chao's senior, Chao handsome Yanguan No. [-] Middle School, was famous for the whole school, even if he didn't want to communicate with people he didn't like, he didn't. Put on airs like Yang Xiaocao.

Oh, I remembered, Yang Xiaocao is recognized as a lover in the third middle school. No one knows who does not know that Yang Xiaocao only bows to the beauty of Zhang Jing, and disdains others who are always black and white. It's a pity that beauty Zhang Jing only likes Chao Yubo. Speaking of Chao Yubo, I remembered it again, Lele is a student at Qingda University, and she is in the same school with Chao. Lele said that senior Chao is the chairman of the Youth University Student Union, and she posted it the night before. Send me a photo with classmate Chao, how handsome is it? If beauty Zhang Jing sees the photo, she will probably be so happy that she won't be able to sleep.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that Yang Xiaocao and Chao are rivals in love. I don't want to hear Chao's name. Hey, I said Yang Xiaocao, you are going to college today, why didn't Zhang Jing come to see you?No, no, I made a mistake, why didn't you invite Zhang Jing to go with you?Didn't I hear that you were so infatuated, that you finally moved Zhang Jing under the offensive of sending countless gifts and countless treasures, and sending money to the mobile phone. Did Zhang Jing agree to your pursuit?

Alas, look at me, I said so much, but I forgot the real business, where did classmate Yang go to study?Is it the province or the province?Or to the capital? "

Classmate Du was straightforward and quick, and he spoke without pausing. He froze and froze, leaking a lot of information in a row, which made people overwhelmed.

At least, Mrs. Yang was said to be confused. Her son was chasing a girl?Or bow your knees and be infatuated? !

After being stunned for a while, Mrs. Yang suddenly came back to her senses. She felt like she heard a big joke. Her son is so good, and there are a lot of girls who have posted backwards. What is the use of chasing girls?

Yang Binbin's face turned green, he glared at Du Miaoshu fiercely, so angry that he wanted to tear her mouth, he never knew that Du Miaoshu had such a good eloquence.

"This female classmate, my family Xiaobin is studying at E-North University in the capital. Which university did you study? How many books?" Mrs. Yang calmed down from the initial dizziness, answered the female classmate kindly, and incidentally cared about the female classmate. .

Yang Binbin heard his mother ask Du Miaoshu which university to study and how many books he went to, but he felt bad. He was a few points lower than Du Miaoshu. Du Miaoshu must go to a better school than him. He just wanted to change the subject, but it was too late. Taking a step further, Du Miaoshu replied with a smile.

"Auntie, congratulations to your son for going to E University. My grades are average on weekdays. Fortunately, I have a good tablemate, and I did well in the exam under the help of the same table. It’s a coincidence that I am going to report today, when I was in the same high school class as Yang, then we were both in science, and now we are in the same city for university.”

When talking to the elders, classmate Du changed his flamboyant personality. He was docile and well-behaved, and his smile was shy. He had the youthfulness of a girl, but he was also lively and cheerful. The smile and joy overflowed from his brows, full of the taste of youth.

593 points, Han University?

The perfect smile on Mrs. Yang's lips froze. Her son's score was 528, and the female classmate was a few points higher than her son. Her son studied at E University, while the female classmate studied at Han University. Her son was a little worse than the female classmate.

Although Han University and E University are both universities in the capital of E Province, Han University is a national first-class university, and E University is only one of the top universities in the province, and there is a gap between the two.

I thought she was a useless little girl, but who would have guessed that she would overturn her gutter and lose face, Mrs. Yang congratulated her stiffly and urged her son to leave quickly.

"Auntie walk slowly, don't be in a hurry." Looking at the mother and son of the Yang family who were in a hurry, Du Miaoshu felt refreshed and reminded with a smile, um, this kind of face-slap thing is the best!

She was about to turn around to go to the waiting room, when she saw another wave of people coming, she couldn't help but take a closer look, her eyes fell on a pair of mother and daughter, her eyes flashed like torches, and she waved her arms and shouted, "Student Yang Binbin, Wait, your goddess Zhang Jing is here."

She shouted to the mother and son of the Yang family, and then to the female classmate who was a little further away: "Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing, this way, Yang Binbin is also here."

Being shouted by classmate Du like that, people who were in a hurry couldn't help looking around curiously.

Zhang Jing is here? !

Hearing Du's shouting, Yang Binbin, who hurriedly avoided her back, tightened her back. During the holidays, especially in the past few days, Zhang Jing made a lot of phone calls. saw the information.

"Xiao Bin, have you really chased after the girl surnamed Zhang?" Mrs. Yang's face turned blue when she heard the female classmate calling her name by name. The female classmate was clearly here to ruin his son's reputation.

"Well. Mom, we'll enter the waiting room, and we'll be in the station soon." Yang Binbin didn't want to talk more about Zhang Jing, so he hummed in a low voice and walked faster.

He didn't want to see Zhang Jing again. If he did meet Zhang Jing, it would be bad for his reputation in the event that Zhang Jing was confused and said something about him, heard by nosy people or posted a video on the Internet.

He only hoped that it would be the time to enter the station soon, so as to avoid Zhang Jing, and he was so looking forward to it, the broadcast sounded, and a gentle female voice came out: "Passengers taking the XXX train, please bring your luggage ticket and prepare to check the ticket and enter the station..."

The announcer informed that the number of the train that can be checked is the train that he wants to take. Yang Binbin was overjoyed and trotted with his luggage: "Mom, hurry up, our car has checked for tickets."

Mrs. Yang had a trace of fire in her heart when she heard her son's words, and when she heard the ticket inspection notification, she didn't care about finding her son to settle the account, and hurried to the waiting room.

Du Miaoshu opened her throat and roared. She saw Zhang Jing still looking around, jumping and waving. She turned to look at the mother and son of the Yang family, and found that the two hurried to the waiting room. She immediately ran to Zhang Jing, and Yang Xiaocao entered. In the waiting room, it is easier to find. The most important thing is to lead Zhang Jing in, so that classmate Zhang can meet Yang Xiaocao.

Zhang Jing was wearing a long floral dress. Because of the hot weather, her hair was tied up. Originally, Zhang's father thought that the child could repeat for a year, but Zhang Jing also wanted to repeat, but she was afraid that the news of her pregnancy and miscarriage would spread. I couldn't stay in school, and for various reasons, I finally decided to go to three universities.

The school she is studying in is also in the capital. The school starts tomorrow. Zhang Jing’s mother and Wu’s sister-in-law will send the girl to report. The mother and daughter are afraid that they will not be able to catch the bus. They went to Shishi yesterday and stayed in a small hotel near the station for one night. It took a long time to go to the station to wait for the train.

Because Zhang Jing was exposed by Le Yun about her pregnancy, she had an allergic reaction to various sounds. When she heard Du Miaomiao's voice, she subconsciously wanted to escape. Looking for classmate Du, only by finding Du Miaoshu can you find Yang Binbin faster. She is eager to find Yang Binbin.

Sister-in-law Wu didn't know classmate Du. She heard people calling her daughter to think she was a good friend and helped her to find it. She looked around for a while before she saw a girl running up and rushed to meet her.

Zhang Jing also trotted, and soon met Du Miaoshu. Without waiting for Zhang to ask anything, Du was very considerate and helped drag the luggage together, while urging: "Zhang Jing, Yang Binbin has just entered the waiting room, hurry up."

Zhang Jing didn't care why Du Miaoshu was so kind. She dragged her luggage and trotted. Sister Wu also ran quickly. The three hurried across the square in front of the station, entered the waiting room door, and entered the waiting hall with the ticket.

Yang Binbin's mother and son hurriedly entered the hall and lined up at the ticket inspection platform. When Zhang Jing and her daughter ran into the hall, Yang Binbin's mother and son passed the ticket inspection station after checking the tickets.

Du Miaoshu entered the waiting room and scanned around, and found that Yang Xiaocao was checking the ticket, and quickly pointed it to Zhang Jing: "Where is Yang Binbin, the ticket checking has come in, in fact, it doesn't matter if we don't meet this time, Yang Xiaocao is here. Big E, you can find him when you have time off or on vacation."

Zhang Jing heard that Yang Binbin had checked the ticket and entered the station, so she ran to the check-in station. She saw Yang Binbin walking towards the platform. She was so angry that she grabbed the railing and almost bit her lip. Avoid her, hateful!

Du Miaoshu saw Zhang Jing chasing to see Yang Xiaocao, gave the luggage to Zhang Jing's mother, and went to find her parents and younger brother. Look, when are you not going now?

It's a pity, a good show was missed by accident. If Yang Xiaocao's car starts later, when he chats with Zhang Jing, maybe he can see a show of you and me. The emotional drama of Nong and Yiyi saying goodbye, of course, may also be the kind of world war in which one side has been tempted and the other has changed, and then there is a world war.

It's a pity it's a pity...

Du Miaoshu shook her head and ran to find her relatives. She thought she was so enthusiastic if she could watch a good show, and then she told her to listen to little girl Lele.

The girl was very enthusiastic at first, but when she arrived at the waiting room with her, she left silently, making Sister Wu puzzled, so she had to find an empty seat by herself, put away her luggage, and sit and wait.

Zhang Jing watched Yang Binbin walk away with the crowd, and was so angry that it didn't help. She found her mother angrily and sat down to endure the time. She was still angry about Yang Binbin, so she left Du classmate behind. She went and waited for about half an hour. The car she was going to take arrived at the time. The mother and daughter checked the tickets and entered the station. When she got in the car, she remembered classmate Du and wanted to ask Du Miaoshu if she knew where Yang Binbin was studying. But it was too late.

Even if she didn't see a good show, Du Miaoshu was still very satisfied, at least she succeeded in choking Yang Xiaocao, the feeling of stepping on a guy who looked down on her before was simply too good.

Accompanied by that good mood, Du also stepped into the car to the capital and took the first step to start a new life at the university he was looking forward to.

When some classmates were rushing to the bus early in the morning, Zhou Qiufeng also packed two boxes and rushed to the street, and successfully caught the first bus to the county seat, loaded the things on the bus, handed over the money and a note to the ticket office, and asked someone to help Mail Things.

There is a post office in the township. Considering the relationship between a certain staff member and Zhang Jing's family, she doesn't want to send it. She would rather entrust the bus driver and conductor. Over the years, people in the township have often asked them to send things on their behalf or go to the county express delivery point to pick up the courier. The drivers and conductors have good credit, which is reassuring.

Zhou Qiufeng's belongings were sent to Kyoto for her girl. Lele brought two suitcases when she went to report. The things that could be packed were limited, only clothes in season and one or two spare coats, but no sweaters. , she helped send.

After handing over the things to the conductor, Zhou Qiufeng didn't wait for the car to leave. He drove the electric tricycle to buy a bunch of things on the street. He returned to Mei Village and walked around the village for a while before returning home.

Not long after she returned to Lejia, the three villagers went to Lejia and went to the second floor of Lejia to watch for a while. The two sides exchanged for a while, reached an agreement, and went downstairs happily.

After sending the three villagers away, Zhou Qiufeng moved the firewood piled upstairs, tied it into bundles, threw it down from the second floor, and threw it in the empty ground behind the house. Before she could clear the firewood, a villager drove a walking tractor. , sent a truckload of bricks, poured it on the open space in front of Lejia's door, and transported it again.

Soon, two other villagers brought a machine for hanging bricks and heavy objects, and moved them to the second floor to assemble them. One was on the first floor, and the red bricks were loaded into the bucket and hung on the machine, and the other was on the second floor. , stack the bricks on the second floor.

Looking at the frame, everyone knew that the building was ready to be built.

Grandma Zhou found the movement of Le's family and ran to her son-in-law's house. She smiled when she went back. When it was noon, when her son came back from the ground, she immediately asked her son to help her sister and brother-in-law.

"I understand. Mom, I'm going to help Xiaofeng's house in the afternoon." Brother Zhou saw the tractor transporting bricks to the Lejia when he returned home. He has also worked on construction sites, and of course he knows what his sister's family is going to do. .

"There are so many houses in Yueqing's house, why do they still build the second floor?" Mrs. Zhou was not happy. The sweet potato seedlings in the field had not been turned over yet. If her husband went to Le's house to help, the rest of the work would be entirely hers.

As for the Zhou family's two children, Zhou Chunmei went back to school in the city yesterday, and Zhou Tianming went to her grandmother's house to play with the outside a few days after harvesting the rice. She will not go to school until the school starts tomorrow.

"Why can't it be built?" Brother Zhou looked at his wife coldly: "Le's house doesn't need to ask you for money when building a house.

Sister-in-law Zhou was so choked that her chest hurt, and she didn't dare to say a word. If she said any more, Brother Zhou would definitely say that Zhou Qiufeng took tens of thousands of dollars when they built the house, and she would also pay tens of thousands of dollars when they built the house. Lejia built a house and lost a lot of money.

At noon, Zhou Qiufeng threw all the firewood piled on the second floor behind the house, entertained the three master craftsmen at noon, and in the afternoon she threw the firewood downstairs into the back corner of the house.

In the afternoon, Brother Zhou went to Lejia to help transport the bricks up to the second floor. The masters who are brick and mortar workers in the village are very familiar with them. Wherever there is work that requires manpower, they will invite them to work. Brother Zhou used to go with the villagers. Building a site or helping people build a house can also be said to be the same group of people who have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Zhou Qiufeng made the decision to build the second floor himself, without notifying Father Le in advance. Therefore, when Father Le came home in the evening, he was shocked to see the bricks in front of the house and the machines on the second floor. High and one foot low, he ran into the house crookedly.

"Xiaofeng Xiaofeng..." He shouted all the way, and when he saw his wife who came back from feeding the pigs in the backyard and came out through the door leading to the back of the house from the stairwell, he immediately became stupid: "Xiaofeng, Are you calling someone to build a building?"

"Well, what, do you have an opinion?" Zhou Qiufeng was carrying an empty bucket of pig food, the queen was full of momentum.

Because she couldn't stay at home all the time, Zhou Qiufeng told the master craftsman that she would contract the house to the master craftsman, and the master would not have to take care of the three meals a day. Therefore, in the evening, the workers stopped work and didn't eat at Lejia, and there was no one else around, and she didn't either. Mind being a tigress.

"No, no, I have no opinion," Le Dad shrank his neck from the stare, and smiled back to please: "wife, you are the master, I have no opinion, it's just... it's a matter of money, do we have enough money?"

"Enough, you gave me a passbook of more than 1 yuan, and I have more than 3 yuan on hand. Lele will not need us to pay for school and miscellaneous expenses for a year or two. First use this money to build the second floor, and then help Lele save money to supply Yes, Master Dagong and I did a rough calculation, the materials are about [-], and the wages will not exceed [-], which is enough."

Before preparing to build the second floor, Zhou Qiufeng thought it out carefully, taking into account all factors, how much money was needed, and whether the family had enough money, and the plan was clear.

She dares to do that on the premise that Lele is not in charge of her family when she goes to school. If she wants to pay Lele to go to university, the money on hand is not enough, and the construction of the building will have to be considered for a few years.

Lele has a scholarship. She doesn't need to give money from her family for at least three years. Then, the money on hand is idle. You can use it first. After the second floor is built, it will be time to save money for Lele to study. She calculates it very well, Yueqing Going to work, one month’s salary is enough for their living needs, she grows vegetables and sells, sells things in the fields for a year, or raises pigs and chickens and ducks to sell, the money can be saved up, and if she saves for three or two years, it will be enough for fun Happy to spend.

After calculating all aspects correctly, confirming that action can be taken, and then immediately finalizing the decision, putting the plan into action, regarding Yueqing's opinion, er, Zhou Qiufeng thinks that is not a problem, female housekeeper, she has the final say on how to live.

"Xiaofeng, you have to keep the money from your private house, how can I use your money." Le's father blushed with shame. He had only saved more than 1 yuan for several years, which is very little.

"Why can't I use it? I keep the private house money because I am afraid that my children will not be filial in the future, and I can live a life with money. I am a Lejia family when I enter the Lejia family. What else is yours and mine? I will have Lele for the elderly in the future. Worry, what are you doing with the money from the private house? Let it get moldy, Brother Le, don’t be a man, go and help cook the pigs, and I will also go to the garden to cut sweet potato vines.”

"...Well, I'm going to make a fire." Dad Le's throat was hard, and he hurried to the kitchen. Xiaofeng said it was all over, what else could he say?Needless to say, in the future, we will support each other, grow old together, wait for Lele to get married and have children in the future, watch the children and grandchildren around the knees, and enjoy the happiness of a family, that is the best answer to Xiaofeng.

Zhou Qiufeng smiled with satisfaction. She said that if you want to be a good home, of course you have to do it. If the building is complete, the home is the perfect home. Only then can it be regarded as a good home. It is necessary to spend money appropriately, and it is only in line with the law of life that there is progress.

If you work hard, life will become more and more exciting. Zhou Qiufeng has confidence in the future. He can watch Yueqing take care of the fire, don't worry about the stove fire, carry the bucket to the pool in front of the house to clean it, wash his hands, and go to the garden to pick sweet potato vines

Zhou Qiufeng didn't even notify Le's father that she was majoring in sex, and Le Yun, who was far away in Kyoto, didn't even know about it. She was busy with exams.

In the morning, a group of freshmen did fasting blood draws and experience, some visited the school, and Le was the group who visited the school. In the afternoon, all freshmen took a unified comprehensive test.

The pre-school comprehensive test is also related to elective courses. It is only divided into literature and science, regardless of major. All freshmen go to the school complex and take the test at the same time.

The complex building is also known as the "exam building". All kinds of large-scale examinations are conducted in its building. Several floors are dedicated to the examination venues and are also large conference rooms, which can hold meetings, conduct examinations, or study and teach. The largest one can accommodate thousands of people. The same examination, small can accommodate more than [-] people, there are various special examination rooms such as computers.

The arts and sciences are separated, although they are not divided into majors, they are generally divided into the same conference room by faculties.

The Department of Medicine shares a medium-sized meeting room with a capacity of about 500 people with another department. In fact, there are only more than 200 people, because the exam is similar to the college entrance examination. One person sits at a table, and there is a row of empty seats between people.

Mobile phones and PDAs are not allowed in the exam, just stationery.

The test started at [-]:[-] pm. Le Yun, Dai Liangyu, Wu Heng, and Xu Changtian arrived at the test room with the large army.

Classmate Le has always been in the first row from elementary school to high school, so as long as she is allowed to choose, she is accustomed to prefer the first row, so she still chooses the first row to sit.

A few of Xu's students were very cute, and the left and right and the back of Classmate Rou Le were seated, and the four of them formed a square formation.

The exam starts at 55 o'clock, and the papers are distributed at [-]:[-]. At [-] minutes, students are asked to check the test papers.

English is taken out and tested separately. The liberal arts of the pre-school comprehensive test cover all subjects, including language, mathematics, politics, history, and geography; the sciences include language, mathematics, biology, mathematics, and physics.

There are five subjects in each subject, and each subject has an examination. There is no composition in Chinese, only reading comprehension.

Because it includes every subject of the general subject, the test is extremely challenging. After all, no one knows which corner of the knowledge the question is asked.

When checking the test paper, it is unknown how many people want to faint. Anyway, the comprehensive test every year is like the college entrance examination. It is inevitable that some people will be happy and some will be sad.

When Le Yun checked the test paper, she swept through it like ten lines at a glance, and also swept various question types into her brain. When the answer sheet command sounded, she began to answer neatly.

Cameras are installed in every corner of the examination room, 360-degree without dead angle to shoot the whole venue, to prevent cheating, and there are lecturers invigilating the examination, which is solemn and serious.

Dai Liangyu sat on the right side of classmate Le. A few minutes after the test started, she secretly glanced at Little Loli out of the corner of her eye. The question of determination is skipped first.

From the beginning of the answer, Le Yun started the crazy work mode and concentrated on writing the answer. In terms of the test, the difficulty of the test is not high, at least slightly lower than the difficulty of the college entrance examination, but the question type is too wide, and the test is a bit tricky.

Two teachers invigilated the examination, patrolled the field, and during the first round of inspections, one teacher stood beside Le for a few minutes, then walked away silently, and then another teacher walked to the front and stood beside Le for three to five minutes After a long time, on the third lap of the tour, the two teachers were silent for a while beside Le, respectively.

As a result, the students in the audience were extremely grateful to the classmate in the first row, who was so eye-catching, and the teachers always liked to stay there, which greatly reduced their stress.

When the teacher made the fourth round of inspections, Professor Wan Cheng walked into the examination room three steps at a time. The two lecturers nodded and smiled at the old professor, and continued to patrol.

Professor Wan Teng walked around slowly with his hands behind his back, and then stopped beside student Le Xiao. The more he looked, the brighter his eyes behind the glasses became. He stayed there for 8 minutes. The old professor Smiling, Mimi swayed out the door with three steps, and continued to walk around.

After the sixth round of the invigilator, Le Yun answered the last question neatly, put down the pen, put the test papers in order, put the answer sheet at the top, and then pressed it on the surface with scratch paper.

Then the teacher who came over from the tour raised his wrist to look at his watch in astonishment, it was just 03:30!

The test lasted three hours from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock, and it was just 03:30, which means that a student only took one and a half hours to complete the questions that took three hours to complete. Did she finish all the questions, or did some of them not?

The invigilator approached, gently removed the scratch paper covering the answer sheet, looked at the student's answer sheet and answer sheet, and saw that there were no empty questions on one side, then turned over again, if there were no empty questions, turned over again, if there was no time, looked left and right, all Answered, the handwriting is standard, one-stroke italics, beautiful and neat, clean and dignified.

"Teacher, can you hand in the paper?" Le Yun asked in a low voice when she saw the teacher finished her exam paper and covered it up again. Every teacher had to take a few glances when she walked around. She was so numb that she didn't want to stay any longer. .

"..." The teacher's lips hesitated slightly: "Yes." The exam stipulates that the exam can be handed in within an hour.

Ouch, liberated!

Le Yun was overjoyed, grabbed her pen and eraser, and moved out of the seat gently. In order not to affect others, she squatted on the ground half-squatting and ran to the door on the catwalk.

The invigilator raised the corners of his eyes, showing admiration in his eyes. He knew how to be considerate of others, had a delicate mind, and was a good boy.

Dai Liangyu often pays attention to Little Loli, and finds that she is not very good when she submits the papers, so Little Loli is done? !He quickly looked at the others, and found that classmates Wu and Xu were also looking at the slipping little loli, and his heart was finally balanced.

The three students who were hit silently watched Little Lolita sneak to the door, silently retracted their gaze, and silently ripped apart with the title sea.

Classmate Le slipped silently to the door with a cat on his waist, hurried out, and hurriedly ran. On the way, he passed two conference rooms. In order not to affect the exams of the students inside, he slipped out of the corridor outside the window again.

Taking the elevator downstairs, going out of the elevator lobby to the outside of the building, I saw the teacher sitting on the grass and the exquisite young brother chatting, and ran over quickly: "Professor Wan Cheng, brother Chao!"

Professor Wan Cheng and President Chao were talking about the sky and the earth, and they were talking about speculation. When they heard a soft and crisp sound like a wind chime hitting a beautiful jade, they both turned their heads. When they saw the little girl jumping and running, they were shocked. ……finish exam? !

"Lele, have you finished the question?" Chao Yubo didn't hide his surprise, and he greeted the little girl who came rushing forward. Xiao Lele only looked like a 14-year-old child when he was happy.

"Well, I've finished answering the question." Le Yunfei jumped to the side of the beautiful boy and sat down by smashing her buttocks.

"All the answers?" Professor Wan Cheng looked at his watch. It took a little more than an hour and a half. In such a short time, can he complete all the questions?

"It's all over."

"Student Xiaole, tell you how long it took you to take the college entrance examination." Professor Wan Cheng moved his buttocks and changed his sitting position to the most comfortable sitting position, and asked enthusiastically.

"Complete Chinese and Mathematics one hour ahead of time, and finish answering questions in English about four or 10 minutes ahead of time." Le is an honest and good boy who will not lie.

"You are amazing." Professor Wan Teng was so happy that he answered all the questions an hour or four or 10 minutes earlier and still got a perfect score in the test. This speed is amazing!

Originally, he was worried that the little guy came out so early and might not do well in the test. After listening to her words, the old professor was relieved. The most difficult pre-school test is similar to the college entrance examination. Not too bad anyway.

"Why did you show up early? Are you sitting bored and wanting to come out to see the handsome guy." He joked again with a smile.

"Because the invigilator and you are always urging me, you always go in to check the post and stay beside me and look at me. The two invigilators will pay attention to where I am answering every time they go around. I don't dare to stay longer, I just run away after I finish."

"Professor, it's immoral to go to deliberately rush the exam, and it will cause psychological pressure on the students. If Lele is not perfect this time, you will also be embarrassed." Full of justice.

"Cough cough..., we are expressing concern, the young students are strong-willed and tenacious, and will not be affected by this external force." Looking at the young man's clear phoenix eyes, Professor Wan Cheng couldn't help but feel guilty.

"The professor's starting point is good, but I still don't agree. Lele has to take an English test in the evening. I'll send Lele back to review her homework first, and I won't accompany the professor."

The beautiful teenager pulled the little girl to run away, so that Professor Wan Cheng could only stare, Lao Chao's stinky grandson is too hateful, he has not yet entered politics, so young has a clever and exquisite heart, so he stole his primary school student , It's simply... making people want to scold my mother.

He wanted to scold his mother, that guy Lao Chao, how could the son of that old and rigid guy give birth to such a child, even if Po Lao Chao has such a grandson, he still picked up such a cute little girl, Lao Chao's family is good Luckily, he refused to accept it.

If it weren't for the matter in the past two days, Professor Wan Cheng would have immediately killed him and went to Chao's house, and said to the old ghost Chao, if there is a disagreement, it's a big deal.

Angrily, he watched the handsome young man with the flamboyant charisma and the cute, petite, lively and cheerful elementary school students board the car. The old professor angrily stood up and patted the grass clippings, turned around and walked to the elevator hall of the building, hey, he went to the test round to see if he could still do it. Find out a few good seedlings with excellent psychological quality.

The exquisite young man sat in the cab, and saw Professor Qi Hua walking towards the building, with a sly smile on his lips, go, go, go around a few more times, and frighten a few more students to submit papers earlier, then Lele will not be the only one. A person who submitted papers early.

"Brother Chao, let's run away, is Professor Wan Cheng angry?" Le Yun was a little confused when she saw the professor who went to the building in a rage. The professor wanted to let them chat, but they slipped away and ignored him. will be lonely.

"No, the professor is only angry because the students don't pay attention to knowledge and academics, and other things are not at ease. The professor is also an invigilator, and he went on a tour." The identity of other people's invigilators is arranged by the school, and the professor is Sima Zhao's mind was well known to everyone who volunteered and suggested himself to snatch the inspection tour. What was the purpose of the old professor.

Classmate Le sympathized with other students. According to the professor's way of patrolling the exam, she might scare a few people. After all, standing in front of others like that can make people feel a lot of pressure. Just because she can pass the exam, she has enough confidence.

"Lele, how many points do you estimate you can get?" The young man started the car and walked slowly.

"If impression points are not deducted, at least 98."

"Le Le Niu, try to get full marks in English, so that some people can admire them all..."

(End of this chapter)

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