magic eye doctor

Chapter 132 Military Training

Chapter 132 Military Training

The delicate and beautiful teenager took the lively and lovely little girl from Professor Wan Cheng back to the dormitory on the fourth floor of the Zhuangyuan Building, threw away the backpack gracefully, and enjoyed his unique fruit - the last clean watermelon.

The young man ate most of the watermelon and two tomatoes by himself, went to the bathroom, and finished the detoxification and decontamination. He himself knocks on the computer and does his own work.

Le's computer is also placed on the table, and there is a dedicated line connecting the two computers for data transmission. She holds a thick English dictionary and memorizes the English dictionary in the lecture recording.

At dusk, classmate Le was still cooking and cooking in the English recorded conversation, and the playback was temporarily interrupted until the meal started. When the first bite of the dish was eaten, the weak and delicate boy was surprised: "Lele, you are not talking about your raw materials. Has it run out?"

"When others come, it's all used up. Brother Chao's members must be kept. The medicinal materials I brought were originally for Brother Chao to supplement. I didn't have time to make medicinal meals during military training. Brother Chao drank lung-clearing, dust-removing and nourishing tea, and observed for half a month to see how much his body muscles improved. If the effect is not good, brother Chao should not only drink the medicine according to the previous prescription, but also supplement it with medicated diet for a period of time before taking it. Nutritional pills."

Classmate Le smiled with crooked eyes. During military training and class time, she had to read all kinds of books hard, and she was reluctant to spend time cooking. After all, cooking was a time-consuming job. If there were three or five people, it was not complicated. Even a simple stir-fry requires several dishes, at least half an hour or more, which is too time-consuming.

If she is cooking by herself or two dishes, it will be done in ten minutes. Even if the soup is preserved, she can wait while reading a book without wasting too much time.

"Mmmmmm, when others come, Lele doesn't need to make medicated meals. If he's happy, he will cook a meal for them to eat. If he's unhappy, he won't give them water. Anyway, those guys are in great health. If you can’t die in two hours, you don’t need food supplements, and supplementing them is a waste.”

Chao Yubo was very unkind to blackmail his little brother, classmates, and incidentally a handful of Yan Shao and Liu Shao, anyway, those individuals are all very healthy, and it is rare to get a cold in a year, so let them eat medicated food, It is pure cow chewing peony.

As for him, he is born with all kinds of deficiency, so he needs to take tonics to make up, and just give him something delicious.Of course, classmate Chao never admits that he is stingy or that he is reluctant to share with others.

Le Yun grinned uncharacteristically, her small appearance was particularly hated, Chao Yubo felt that his own thoughts were seen through, he refused to admit defeat on his face, and ate seriously.

The English test took place between 19 and 21 in the evening. After dinner, the two read a book for another hour. At [-]:[-], the boy drove him to the test building.

Enter the venue four or 10 minutes before the exam. Students who came early sat on the lawn and waited until the hour came.

Dai, Xu, and Wu arrived in front of the building at about six o'clock, and waited and waited. They had to enter the conference room before the little Loli arrived at the entrance.

The three classmates still chose the position they were sitting in the afternoon, and sat quietly for ten minutes. Little Loli arrived gracefully. She was obviously late, but she was calm and did not feel nervous at all.

As soon as the little girl sat down, the three boys approached, all of them looking for the truth: "Little Loli, you ran so early in the afternoon, did you finish the question?"

"It's done." When the crowd watched, Le Yun blinked, looking puzzled and strange, she didn't finish the question, dare to run?

The three boys look to the sky, are they really done?What's the speed?

"Little Loli, let's have a discussion. If you finish the English language ahead of time, can you stop running early? If you run, you will feel a lot of pressure."

In the afternoon, when Little Loli ran away, the pressure in the examination room increased sharply. After the hour, several people shouted that she didn't finish the exam. It was entirely because Little Loli ran away that she was too nervous when the teachers came to inspect.

"If the teachers don't come to care about me, I will try my best to wait until the exam is over."

"..." The three boys were speechless, lying on the table sadly, telling the truth, if the invigilator often came to them and stared at them, they would not be able to bear it, if they faced the frequent number of times the invigilator came to the little loli's table in the afternoon , it is estimated that it has already collapsed.

You must know that the exam itself makes people nervous. If the teacher still comes to take a look, the tension will increase exponentially. Not afraid to suspect that the teacher is cheating, it will also make people doubt the correctness of their answers.

The four of them spoke very quietly, so they were not afraid of affecting others. Many people who took the test in the same room were full of pity when they saw the little girl. Most of them did not believe that the little girl had finished the question, and they all believed that she was because the teacher stopped frequently. After lingering, unable to withstand the pressure, after answering the question and passing the estimate, he left the field first.

They feel that if they change their minds, they can’t stand it, and they will run if they can pass the exam.

They only hope that the invigilator should still focus on the little girls at night, and not come to patronize them, so that they will be safe. As for what will happen to the little girls, they only express sympathy. Poor way.

The three students whispered a few words, and quickly sat down, the teacher is here!

The teacher came into the hall with the answer sheet and the radio, which means that the time for the test is imminent. The audience was silent. After waiting for a few minutes, the test paper was handed out to check whether there were any missing questions or unclear handwriting.

There is listening in the English test. Students do not need to bring a radio. The teacher is prepared, and they can tune to the audio channel. When the time comes, they will receive a unified broadcast of the listening test questions, just repeat them, and then answer the questions.

After answering the listening test, the official written test is taken.

An invigilator strolled slowly in front of student Le Xiao, looked at her listening answers, and watched her answer the questions for about ten minutes. The other side patrolled over, calmly watching the little girl answer the question, and after seven or eight minutes, he slowly walked away.

Then, the two invigilators seemed to be staring at the little girl, patrolling the audience at regular intervals, and patrolling her place to rest.

All the freshmen in the same field held a moment of silence for the little girl. They felt that the little girl must have offended the teachers all over the world in her previous life, which is why the exam was so "favored". They said that they were not jealous of the girl at all. Really, even if two invigilators The teacher only gets close to the little girl from the beginning to the end, and they will happily wish the little girl good luck.

When the exam lasted for 10 minutes, Professor Wan Teng made another round of the exam. He walked around the exam room in a serious manner, and then, of course, he also came to the little girl's desk as everyone expected, standing in front of him. a statue.

He kept a serious face throughout, making the students who occasionally looked up at the old professor shuddered, and then never dared to look at him again.

The old professor stayed in front of Little Loli for a long time, and then reluctantly walked out of the examination room with three stops to scare other students in the examination room.

Le Yun, who has been burying her head in doing questions, can't help twitching the corners of her mouth every time the invigilator comes over. After twitching the corners of her mouth many times, she is completely speechless. Teacher Ren treats herself as a monkey.

It takes 10 minutes to answer the questions, and to the last question. After 15 minutes, all the answers are finished, and the test papers are silently sorted out. When the teacher walks over, I ask the teacher to leave early.

The invigilator waved his hand, um, that's right.

Classmate Dai, Classmate Wu, Classmate Xu, was shocked into a face, and again... left early!The poor little loli has offended which god, why is she so "favored" by the teachers.

Sentient beings: "..." Poor person, who was forced to "see" by the teacher and left the stage early. May the Bodhisattva bless her with passing, Amen!

All sentient beings watched the little girl leave with great sympathy, and continued to answer the questions with a prayer that the teacher would not pay attention to their own feelings. Then, they ended the exam with great joy and excitement. After the exam was over, the next step was to get grades in military training. That is not important anymore, it is important. The next military training.

Military training is an essential page in college career.

Military training makes people look forward to and anxious.

In the extremely complicated mood of countless people, September 9 came as scheduled.

The first day of September is the beginning of the most exciting season. Countless colleges, middle schools, and primary schools have started their semesters. Countless students will welcome the university and military training with the joy of golden autumn.

The freshmen of Qing University finally ushered in the first day of the university's sacred military training. The first night, whether they fell asleep or not, they all got up early. Meimei had a full meal, then put on military training uniforms, military training shoes and hats, and tidy up in full armor, and rushed to the comprehensive stadium one after another, waiting for the assembly.

A small number of freshmen who were last in line to go to the fasting medical examination, after drawing blood, quickly went to have breakfast, and then rushed to the assembly point. They changed into military training uniforms when they went to experience, and they did not need to go back to the dormitory to change clothes, saving some time.

Classmate Chao is a good older brother. He resolutely left all kinds of official or informal duties. He had to take on the pick-up and drop-off work no matter what. He was particularly arrogant and pinch the time. After sending people to the big playground in minutes, he drove to the comprehensive gymnasium to preside over the work of the student union.

The level 16 freshman military training uniform is a navy camouflage, blue and white camouflage uniform, and the freshmen company forming the square team falls on the ground like a large cloud of colorful clouds.

The freshmen were refreshed and in good spirits, and greeted the upcoming military training with full spirits.

Classmate Le, who came late, muttered "no one knows me" in secret, crossed the neatly lined square team, and found his own team and returned to the team.

Seeing the appearance of a little loli with a bun face, classmate Dai and the others tried their best to hold back their laughter. Generally speaking, little loli always had a smiling face, more enthusiastic than the sunflower, and suddenly saw her puffed up. The small appearance, that feels very good.

They guessed that the reason why Little Loli was unhappy was probably because the teacher "favored" the exam yesterday. After all, the feeling of being under the eyes of the proctor is not wonderful.

The boys didn't have time to tease Little Loli, the teachers were already checking the team, and the person in charge was calling the rectification team with a loudspeaker to prepare for the launch.

Everyone was once again tidying up their clothes, tidying themselves up, and getting ready to go.

Each class, company, and battalion are in place, and the military training team set off to the sports complex to participate in the military training opening ceremony.

The Xianfeng team arrived at the comprehensive hall, lined up in a row, lined up in a row, each class had a predetermined position, entered the hall to the designated position, and the vacancies in the hall were filled piece by piece, in a neat and orderly manner.

No one was making a noise, everyone sat up straight, and soon all the freshmen team took their seats, uniform clothes, neat formation, self-confidence, strong and firm eyes, and the positive spirit was unobstructed. solemn.

Student unions are everywhere, and at such times, the student unions are still in charge of hosting.

The freshmen entered the venue, and the guests came in turn. The guests were still the guests invited to attend the opening ceremony. They were all the principals or leaders of the alma mater of the college entrance examination champion who entered the Youth University this year, and were invited to attend the Youth University. The opening ceremony of school and military training will be followed by a three- or two-day visit to the Youth University.

At nine o'clock, the school leaders and military training commanders entered the venue, and the leaders took their seats in public. The military training commander made a short speech before the opening to welcome the team of instructors into the venue.

In the deafening applause, the military training instructors lined up in a neat line, took firm and powerful steps, and came clanging. Everyone wore short-sleeved summer training uniforms, young faces were resolute, eyes were firm, and the well-trained team passed through. Walking down the aisle, walking to the rostrum, lined up to salute the leaders of the Youth University and the commander-in-chief of military training.

Then, they turned in unison, saluted all the freshmen, and then lined up to listen to the commander's instructions.

The commander-in-chief of the military training introduced the military training instructors to all the freshmen. The commander of the military training instructor corps asked the instructors to take their seats first. Then, the opening ceremony officially began. All stood up, played the national anthem and raised the national flag.

The national flag was hung in the hall. Facing the rostrum, the commander-in-chief gave a speech on the opening of the military training, followed by a speech by the head of the military training instructor. The representative of the freshmen in military training made a speech, and on behalf of all the freshmen, they swore to abide by the discipline of military training, obey the command, work hard to learn the knowledge and skills of national defense education, and complete the requirements of military training and training safely.

The leaders gave speeches on military training mobilization, and formally awarded the military training battalion flag.

The flag-giving is also the last finale of the training ceremony. The battalion commanders lead the instructors to the corresponding positions of the military training battalion, and the military training ceremony ends.

The end of the ceremony means that the military training kicks off. The freshmen follow the battalion instructors out of the clubhouse in turn, go to the military training ground to gather, and meet their instructors.

Youth University has a spacious campus with enough space for military training. There is no need to go to the military camp or outside the city. Therefore, except in special years, new students will be taken to the military camp for training, and other times, military training is basically on campus.

More than 3000 freshmen, hundreds of military training classes, one sports field cannot accommodate, and the personnel are scattered. Qingda has three large sports fields, all named according to the location or the name of the location, referred to as West Exercise, East Exercise and Purple Exercise. .

There are four camps for freshmen, some go to the west gymnasium, some go to the east gymnasium, and some go to the purple gymnasium. Far.

The freshmen of the medical department were honored to be one of the teams that were excluded from the west exercise.

The opening ceremony of the freshmen's military training is over. The school leaders and members of the student union still have a lot of things to do, so they are busy.

The senior students of Qingda University reported back to the school on September 9 and 1 that in addition to the work of the student union, the members of the student union had to go through registration and enrollment. Although the members of the student union sometimes had privileges, they could go through the formalities two days earlier or later. , However, most of the time, the members register on the 2st and 1nd like the public students, because only these two days each department will officially go to work. If you register and pay in advance, you have to invite the staff to work separately.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu were also among the honored guests. When the ceremony was over, Young Jun and Young Master calmly exited the stage, carrying their backpacks and swaying into the distance. The two of them were very leisurely and very comfortable.

Some people are leisurely and some are busy, Liu Shao and Yan Shao are free to wander around, and Professor Wan Cheng is very busy. He went to the marking room on time in the morning to "supervise" the revision work. Yesterday afternoon and evening, the entrance examination papers were completed after the freshmen took the exam. It was also sealed and sent to the examination room for approval.

The personnel responsible for marking the papers include teachers and graduate students or doctoral students. Similar to the college entrance examination, the candidates' answer sheets are scanned into the database and then marked on the computer.

Professor Wan Cheng ran to the marking room, had tea with his old friends who were also in the marking room, talked, waited for the results, and sometimes helped to mark the papers.

There was someone around him who kept making troubles, which annoyed Professor Zhai Niande. He especially wanted to kick the guy surnamed Wan Cheng out of the house. The arm blocked the person: "Go, go, stay away, don't interfere with my work."

"Hey, little hoof, you really started a dyeing workshop to give you three points of color. Are you sure you are working?" Professor Wan Cheng rolled his eyes with contempt, don't think he doesn't know what this old guy is doing here, old guy Taking the position of the students he brought, under the guise of helping to mark the papers, in fact, to check how many papers have been read, that is, occupying the kennel and not shitting.

"Old Wan Zhai, try giving me random nicknames again? Don't think that your surname can't produce strange associations." Professor Zhai heard Wan Zhaixing's pronunciation and knew that he was calling his nickname again. His surname was Zhai, and he was DI. , not the hoof of the hoof, calling him the little hoof is obviously to learn the ancients to scold him, Lao Wancheng is bullying him, is not a literary and historical background, does not understand the magic of the Chinese language.

"What's the matter?" Professor Wan Cheng's expression showed that you would tear it up if you didn't agree.

"Hmph, Wan Zhai, Mo Qi, you are so old, even female ghosts don't want to ride you. The word 'Mo Qi' is very appropriate." Professor Zhai responded with a contemptuous face.

Professor, you are dirty!

A few students in the vicinity bowed their heads silently, pretending that they had a problem with their ears, and did not hear what the two disrespectful professors were talking about. At this moment, it is still necessary to maintain a bright and stalwart, sunny and upright demeanor and image.

"Little Hoof, are you looking for a beating?" Professor Wan Cheng stroked his old arm, and his eyes behind the spectacles shone dangerously.

"What, you want to use force again? You are only allowed to bully me, and you are not allowed to fight back. There is no reason for it." If you want to move your muscles and bones, who dares to be afraid of anyone? Origin, he also understands.

"..." Others looked up to the sky and were speechless, professor, you are both 70 to [-] years old, can you stop being so naive, this is a workplace, not a martial arts gym, please set an example, please be a gentleman, please don't use your words, Otherwise, what should I do if I teach them badly?

"Professor, the freshman grade of the student number you mentioned has come out." A person who was speechless and worked hard, rummaging through things, finally found a student number and quickly reported to the two professors.

"Ha, it's out?" Professor Wan Cheng was overjoyed when he heard that. He had already forgotten about the Java country of Professor Zhai's person. He rushed to the work computer of the young students in high spirits and opened his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes to the screen. look.

He hadn't found where it was yet, so he asked happily while looking, "Which department?

"Hmph, I hope you will be disappointed." Professor Zhai was very upset and stared at Old Wan Cheng's back.

"...The first one is English, full score, 150." The students facing the computer, although they didn't want to attack Professor Zhai, still told the truth very honestly.

"I..." Professor Zhai wanted to scold, so whoever, you can get 148 or 149 on the test, why did you get a perfect score?

"Really? Haha, I just said that I have good eyesight, and the little guy I like can't be wrong. Mmmm, my elementary school students are very good." Professor Wan Cheng found the student number that he remembered in his heart. close up.

"Hmph, I'll adjust the answer to see if anyone is dazzled." Professor Zhai was unhappy, very unhappy, and wanted to beat Wan Cheng, and quickly adjusted the health plate.

A few young students want to look to the sky again. Professor, the examination papers are at least three people's eyes before they are finalized. How can they release water so easily? Besides, no one would do such a thing. If water is released, once they find out, it will be criticized and punished with demerit, which will greatly affect their future, and they will not shoot themselves in the foot.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire." Professor Wan Cheng didn't panic at all. He watched his classmates for a while. Some of the answers he remembered were correct, and he believed in the strength of elementary school students.

Professor Zhai didn't just verbally intimidate Professor Wan Cheng, but he actually called out someone's answer sheet, reviewed it by himself, looked at it, looked at it from the beginning to the end, and looked at it from the end to the end, um, it's a matter of heart, I want him to deduct points, No way to start.

The professor felt bored, silently exited the page, and continued to revise the book. He was always jealous, and the old guy picked up the big deal, which was really unpleasant.

"It's over, how is it, do you feel it?" Professor Wan Cheng sauntered over to his old friend, happily wanting to have an impromptu interview.

"Hmph, don't show off too early, it's just your student now, if you're not your closed disciple one day, you might be taken away by someone." What do you think?Yes, it is the same as when he saw his proud student's grades. There is another genius in the medical department, and another new star in the Chinese medicine world.

"You're right, but I have a hunch that the primary school student won't become someone's closed disciple, because I can see that she may have a great teacher. Like us, she can only be her teacher who solves puzzles, and she can't be a teacher. ."

"Wan Zhai, how do you know that elementary school students have teachers?"

"I talked to her for a while and figured it out."

"It's a pity to say that."

"Hmph, you secretly want to applaud and celebrate, after all, I may not get a closed disciple, but you have a proud disciple."

"Don't say that, I really regret it. Geniuses are easy to see, but ghosts are hard to find. My favorite student is a ghost in the previous years. You, a primary school student, also have signs of ghosts. One of the biggest things in life has nothing to do with personal grudges."

"So, in general, you've earned it. Your little guy is a natural genius, and Lao Fu's disciple is also a genius. The two students got full marks in the pre-school test. Now it's up to my primary school students to not lose to the seniors and become Full marks for the third person."

"Wrong, it's not the third person, don't forget, in the past five years, in addition to my proud disciple and Lao Fu's disciple, and the little guy from the economics department also got full marks."

"I know that Xiao Chao has a perfect score. I'm talking about the third person with a perfect score in the medical department, okay? Really, I often talk to you at the same time."

"Pfft-" The students who listened to the two professors chatting, couldn't help but let out a low laugh, forgive them, it's not that they like to listen to the corner, it's just that the two old professors are too funny, sometimes they meet and it's a world war, and sometimes they have to kiss a human-like.

"Bah, you're the bull's head, and I'm a human." Professor Zhai disliked Professor Wan Cheng again and again. Wan Cheng was a bull's head, and he was definitely not a horse's mouth.

"Oh, I sighed for a while, I used the wrong word, I was playing the piano to the cow..."

Le Yun didn't know that her tutor went to the marking room to hang out in order to wait for her grades. She followed the army to Xicao.

On weekdays, it would take a few minutes to step on a bicycle. Besides, if we were walking now, the teams who went to the west exercise were running out of breath, so the playground just took a long time to meet.

When all sentient beings were running sweaty and their hearts felt invincible, the sports field named Xicao was finally like a shy girl. She lifted a little veil and revealed a mysterious corner. , a large group of men and horses ran wildly at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

The power of the group running is great. For a moment, the proud team danced like a long dragon and rushed to Xicao with the momentum of galloping horses. At that time, more than half of the people fell down and gasped.

Defense students: "..." So weak, a group of weak chickens!

The national defense students are training in the military training in the west. They entered the school for national defense education and military training in early August. They were initially taken to the military camp for three weeks, allowing a group of people to experience the real life of the military camp. They were just pulled back a few days ago. School continues to train.

The national defense students have been trained for a month longer than the newly enrolled freshmen. Of course, their physical strength is not the same. Not to mention the iron, let them run [-] meters, and no one will get tired.

The national defense students who were still in training at the moment, seeing the team that rushed in and were crooked, had long since forgotten the embarrassment that he was tired as a dog, and his eyes became extremely critical.

That's what, um, typical standing and talking without back pain.

The national defense students who stand and talk without backache, secretly despise the freshmen, hum, they are in the same training ground, just wait for shock, wait for them to kill Jiang Dong's father and elders in seconds.

To tell the truth, the national defense students are still very happy to join the new team. There are comparisons to have pros and cons. There is no other team, they are the only ones. Then, if you can't see inferior teams that do not meet the requirements, the instructors are of course the United States and China for them. Seek beauty, ask for perfection and perfection;

Having a freshman team is different. The freshman class will be worse than them no matter what. The freshman class is scattered and poor, and they are outstanding. Then, in comparison, the instructors will feel that they have done a good job and the requirements will not be too strict. , they can also catch their breath.

So, to tell the truth, the national defense students have long been looking forward to the new students to report and hurry up the military training. In that case, their military training grounds will have new partners.

The number of national defense students varies from year to year. Last year, more than 68 students were recruited. This year, there were only 5 students. The most worrying thing is that there are only [-] girls.

The 68 people were divided into two classes for military training. The instructors were assigned by the Beijing Military Region, and all of them were majors. This shows the importance the military attaches to the national defense students who are reserve officers of the army.

When the defense students were distracted, the faces of the two instructors immediately became stern, and they gave orders coldly, making people practice and not to be lazy.

All the defense students have not yet had enough and undergo cruel training, and they all burst into tears in secret.

The freshmen who rushed into the Western Cao were a little distance from the national defense students. Some slumped and sat down. They were afraid of being laughed at by the national defense students, so they jumped up quickly, and some couldn't sit up.

Boys and girls panting like dogs, Le Yun: "..." Isn't that a long way to go?

She ran out of sweat, but it was far from the point where she couldn't breathe. Now, in the sound of whirring, she only blushed and didn't breathe, and she felt so out of the ordinary.

The left and right were all panting like cows. Classmate Le was very tangled. After thinking about it for three or four seconds, she pretended to be tired. Just be quiet.

There were a lot of people who went to the west for the exercise. Two companies were almost pulled out of a battalion. The instructors did not urge new students. They held a small meeting with the teachers who rushed to the scene.

The sentient beings quickly formed a team on the spot, stood in line, and stood in a small square team.

The teachers asked the students to line up in the order from one to three in the battalion and continuous classes, and then handed them over to the instructors.

Classmate Le, Classmate Dai and others waited eagerly. The instructor arrived soon. He was slender, with a face with Chinese characters, and his skin was red and black.

"From now on, I will be your instructor during the military training period, Han Yuntao." Before arriving at the class he wanted to teach, Han Yuntao stood at attention and introduced himself.

"Hello, instructor!" A group of young people shouted loudly.

"Hello everyone, listen to my command, turn right, and follow me from the first row."

After the password, Han Yuntao turned around first, took the lead in trotting, and led the team to the military training area arranged for him.

Turning to the right, Le Yun was the leader of the first row. She quickly trotted to follow the instructor's footsteps, and the students in the back followed one by one, and went to a place where she would be happy or worried in the future for training.

(End of this chapter)

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