magic eye doctor

Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301
The Yulan Sect arrived at the Jinyao Palace in the morning. The four immortal sects of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqing had a very pleasant meeting in Qiwuyuan. They almost discussed all the well-known secret places that have appeared in the mainland. The hospital stayed for lunch before going back.

Because Emperor Yuqing was also in the palace, it was not good for Cha Buli to stay in Xiwuyuan, and follow Emperor Yuqing to the guest courtyard where their sect lived; Yes, of course it is communicated with spiritual consciousness, only the person involved knows the content.

It is impossible for the Jinyao Palace to treat guests lightly, and implements a three-meal system a day. The maids exchange snacks and fruits for the guests of Xianyi Palace every other hour.

Immortal cultivators eat spiritual plants and spiritual valleys, and have no appetite for secular food. Because of the warm hospitality of the host, they will eat a little bit out of affection, and basically eat the spiritual fruit they carry.

Student Le is very face-saving, he eats everything, and is especially interested in pastries. The pastry chefs in the palace are quite skilled, and the pastries they make have their own characteristics.

Fruits, even if the immortal cultivators look at them without aura, compared to the earth, they are 100% pollution-free and pure natural fruits. They cannot be wasted. If you don’t eat them yourself, you can even bring them back to the earth and give them to others to eat.

Because there is a frugal little fairy, the fruit cakes in Qiwuyuan are basically not wasted. The head leader Li knows that the little fairy likes to eat, so every time something is delivered, he simply asks the golden retriever to help the little fairy take it away.

When Jin Maohou retrieved the dessert fruit for the third time, Mu Yuechan from the same hospital was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth. Sending it to her for a taste, giving it all to someone has a completely different meaning.

Being ignored again, Mu Yuechan felt resentful in her heart, but she still pretended not to care, only holding back her anger.

Student Le didn't know that some people were angry about ordering fruit. She actually wanted to visit the Jinyao Palace and study the architectural structure and construction skills, because on other people's sites, she stayed honestly on the basis of the principle of not being able to enter unless invited.

When the lights were on, Emperor Jin Yao took more than [-] princes and princesses to Xianyi Palace in person, and invited the immortals of the five great immortal sects to have a feast.

Emperor Huanzhu is more than 200 years old. He has more than 70 children, and the prince alone has 35. Some princes and princesses marry early because they have no talent for cultivation, and some have passed away. The oldest among the princes is also two years old. A hundred years old, the youngest prince is only seven years old.

The emperor looks young, but in fact he has six generations under the same roof. His eldest grandson is over 190 years old, and his eldest grandson is also in his thirties.

There are so many descendants, it is impossible for them all to show their faces. Emperor Huanzhu brought his sons and daughters with acceptable cultivation talents. The sons and daughters with cultivation talents at least understand the rules and etiquette, and have a lot of knowledge. Lost the face of the imperial family.

The five immortal sects took their time and followed the palace envoys to the main hall of Xianyi Palace one after another to meet the Emperor Dizhu who was waiting in the main hall.

Le Yun is still carried by the big lion, she doesn't want to be special, but if she doesn't let the golden retriever carry it, the golden retriever needs to change into a human form if he wants to go to the banquet, the golden retriever doesn't like it, and begs her pitifully, and she can't bear to let the golden retriever be wronged.

People in Yuxue Yuxia Yuheng Yuqingzong thought it was normal to see the little fairy sitting on the fairy beast, and Emperor Yangzhu naturally didn't think it was unreasonable. She is a little fairy who can withstand the thunder of heaven, and she is a seat in Yulanzong. Honorable guest, what happened to riding a spirit beast in Jinyao Palace?
The princess, the son of the royal family, was shocked at first, but no one raised any doubts in the end, and followed the emperor and the immortals to the palace banquet.

The palace where the banquet was held was very large, it was a hall of thousands of people, the lights in the palace were brightly lit, and the palace where the banquet was held was like daytime.

The courtiers of the Jin Yao Empire had already entered the table, and the empress of Emperor Huan led the princes, princesses, grandchildren, and the elders of the Huan royal family to entertain the distinguished guests.

In addition to the top Immortal Sect, there are more than a dozen first- and second-rate Immortal Sect teams that went to the secret realm of Wolf Mountain. In addition, several teams from other empires who just arrived yesterday and today were invited to the banquet. The envoys arrived at the banquet hall and took their seats.

There are no seats in the main hall, and all are mats and tuanpu, which saves space and manpower and material resources.

Entering the hall is an embroidered carpet, with banquet seats on both sides and in front of it. The queen and the Huan royal family lined up in front of the front seats at the gate. Hundreds of people stood in several rows, and the scene was particularly grand.

When the servants in the Yellow Gate sang "The Emperor has Arrived" and "The Immortals of the XX Sect Have Arrived", the courtiers sitting in the main hall, the monks of various sects, and some imperial envoys all stood up to greet them.

The five heads of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, Yuqing and Yulan sects walked side by side with Little Fairy Le, and Emperor Huan was the master. He walked on the left side and entered the hall side by side with the distinguished guests.

The queen, the Huan royal family and everyone were about to salute the suzerains of the five great immortal sects, when they saw a big golden lion swaggering into the palace, they were all startled, and the movements of raising their hands and bending over were a beat slower.

When Le Yun saw the children of Emperor Huan in Xianyi Palace for the first time, she was not particularly moved. When she saw the concubines, princesses, and grandchildren led by the queen in the hall, she was shocked. My God, the old emperor is so powerful !

There are fifty concubines of a certain emperor, fat, swallows and thin, each with its own merits, there are so many concubines with status, and I don't know how many concubines without status.

Isn't this what people call "three thousand beauties in the harem"?
It is said that a man without ambition is not a real man. Every man has a dream of being an emperor. The dream is to have a harem of three thousand, with countless beauties. One can change every day, and the same will not be repeated in ten years.

So, from this point of view, the saying "men are animals that think with their lower body" makes sense!The emperors of the feudal dynasty of the Great China Kingdom did not live long, and it cannot be denied that it was related to female sex.

After sizing up a certain emperor's concubines, student Le Xiao glanced at Emperor Huan again, who is sitting in the golden world, has countless wealth resources, countless elixir to nourish his body, and his kidneys are not weak.

The head of the five great immortal sects said calmly: "It's a pleasure to meet you." He used his strength to lift up the saluting person.

Emperor Huanzhu led the palace people into the hall, walked to the main table, and invited the palace people to sit down.

Dongchen respects the east and the right. The palaces of the Xianzong sect face east and southeast, while the imperial palaces and houses of aristocratic families basically face south.

The Jinyao Imperial Palace faces south from the north, so when you enter the hall on the right hand side, take the east seat where the house sits as the respect.

The heads of the five immortal sects were not polite, they entered the east seat on the left hand side of the emperor's seat, because they were taking the wind and cleansing the dust for the Yulan sect, so the head of the Yulan sect and the little fairy were closest to the emperor's seat, and then Juerba Head, Head Cun, Head Shang and Head Jihe.

The real people and disciples of each sect sit behind the head of the sect.

Golden Retriever Hou is very clever, so he lay on the little one's side and used it as a pillow for her.

The members of the five immortal sects took their seats, Emperor Huan sat down with other monks and courtiers, and the queen and members of the royal family also went to the seats on the right hand side of the emperor in an orderly manner.

Everyone sat down and looked at the golden retriever lion and the petite girl frequently. Everyone was shocked.

The guest of honor is seated, and the hot dishes are served.

Thousands of servants in the palace brought the hot dishes, and then retreated one after another.

Emperor Huanzhu gave a speech, and the immortals hated being long-winded, so he didn't say much, he just said blessings such as wishing the immortals a smooth trip to Langshan and returning home with a full load, and the banquet opened.

Due to different regions, utensils in many places have their own characteristics. The utensils in the Jinyao Empire Palace are very exquisite, some of which are almost Persian style. Le Yun is interested in utensils, and likes to study food, eating with relish.

All the immortal sects gave the emperor face, taste it slowly, don't eat much, one or two bites of the same dish, student Le is the only one who is different, and the one who really eats the banquet.

The dishes of the banquet come in rounds. Eight dishes are served first, and new dishes will be changed after a stick of incense.

After the third round of dishes, the royal princesses, princes, men and women of the royal family and the children of the courtiers took turns performing dances.

Whether it's dance or talent, it's just an active atmosphere.

And the princesses, princes, and grandchildren performing dances have another purpose - hoping to be recognized by the real people of the five great immortal sects, to be accepted as their own disciples, or to be taken back by someone to be their companions for double cultivation.

Even though the descendants of the royal family seem to be wealthy, due to limited resources and fierce competition, only one person can become the future emperor, and only a few can become the elders of the royal family. Yibo.

The courtiers' families competed more fiercely, and everyone expected that the younger generation could worship the Great Immortal Sect, so that even they could have confidence in the empire.

The dance is very beautiful, and the qin, se, pipa, flute, etc. have their own strengths.

Although the real people are watching, it is like looking at the floating clouds in the sky, their eyes are false and not real.

There were the heads of the five great immortal sects and the real people present, none of them praised anyone else, and none of the first-rate and second-rate immortal sects and other imperial teams showed the limelight, and they did not give rewards to those they liked.

There were even several rounds of exchanges between dancers and performers, but no one got half a good word.

After several rounds of singing and dancing, the dishes have been changed for eight rounds, and half of the ninth round is vegetarian.

No one in the Xianda sect gave a word of praise, nor did the royal missions of other small sects. The scene was a bit embarrassing, and Emperor Huanzhu felt ashamed.

When the ninth round of dishes came to the table and hadn't performed yet, he asked a certain heavyweight very modestly: "Little fairy, I don't know if the dishes in the palace dining room are still to your liking?"

ask her?When the rhythm of the air was focused on, I was a little confused. Looking around, everyone in the hall was looking at me, and the people who performed the dance before were also looking at me nervously and expectantly, making me even more confused .

What do you mean?
With a blink of an eye, Le Yun answered honestly: "It's pretty good. The master chef is very skilled, and each dish has its own characteristics, especially the dish of Yuyue Xianmen. The chef should be a master of spiritual food." As a chef, I have some understanding of the habits of salmon, and I have mastered the heat very well during cooking, keeping six or seven tenths of the original essence of salmon."

Before Emperor Huanzhu could say anything, Sect Leader Li sent a message: "Reward."

"Yes!" The deacon sitting in the back row responded immediately, stood up, and took out a storage device.

With Li's words of reward, the originally stiff atmosphere in the hall disappeared in an instant, and the eyes of the royal family's children, court servants, and maid servants were excited.

A servant standing behind the immortals of the Xianzong sect quickly ran to the deacon of the Yulan sect with a tray, squatted down and lifted the tray over his head to receive the reward from the immortals.

The deacon took out two medicine bottles from the storage container, one big and one small, and nineteen spiritual plants, and put them on the waiter's tray, and ordered: "The small bottle of medicine will reward the chef who is the chef of Yuyue Xianmen."

"Here!" The servant responded respectfully, squatting back three steps with the tray in hand, then stood up, and quickly retreated to the place where he was standing.

The head of Yulan Sect had a reward, and the head of Yuheng Sect, Yuxue Sect, and Yuqing Sect, Yuxia Sect immediately joined him, shouting "reward", and the deacons and disciples who followed stood up to offer a reward.

The palace attendants received the reward with trays, and each sect gave a bottle of elixir.

After knowing it, I realized that I was tricked by a certain emperor, Le Yun, weeping silently, you can reward it if you want, why wait for her reaction, isn't this cheating her?
There are pitfalls everywhere in life.

Xiao Le, who was accidentally tricked, wanted to leave the table. In this way, when she ate, drank and watched the performance, did she say yes, or did she not say anything?

She said yes, Yu Lanzong wants to give a reward, and other sects will follow suit, so why don't they feel distressed when they give something?
If she doesn't say yes, everyone will not reward her. Those who cook food and perform arts, don't they hate her to death?
Some immortals are trying to bring hatred to her!

Otherwise, is it okay to pretend to be drunk?
Tangled rhyme, deep distress.

The five great immortal sects all offered rewards, and the other immortal sects and imperial missions also had to express their gratitude and rewarded something one by one.

Because of Dijun's words, the chef received a lot of rewards.

Now, no matter how stupid people were, they understood that the original Immortal Sect was not dissatisfied, but was waiting for a certain little fairy to make a statement. She didn't agree, so the immortals didn't make any comments.

The five immortal sects have rewards, and Emperor Huanzhu, who was a little depressed, was instantly happy, and said: "Everyone in the dining room has rewards, and the monthly rate is three times."

The palace man in charge of recording the rewards and punishments immediately sang it.

Emperor Huanzhu, who was in a happy mood, glanced at the courtiers and relatives of the emperor, the princes and grandchildren, and asked again beamingly: "What do you think of the young and handsome performers?"

Luo Cheng Yuqi wanted to throw a spell to Huan Dijun, but that person actually wanted to make a partner for the junior sister. Fortunately, he is still a Dijun, so shameless.

After being tricked once, Le Yun's vigilance reached a critical point, and she was determined not to be fooled again, with a serious face: "Does Emperor Huan mean the young people's looks or their talents?"

"Having both." Emperor Huanzhu was in high spirits.

"If you talk about appearance, if you say something offensive, I can only say that it is superior. This little fairy has seen countless handsome men and beautiful women. It is okay to say that they are talented men and beautiful women, but they are far from being peerless and peerless."

Le Yun smiled leisurely: "Don't talk about the far ones, let's talk about the closer ones. The beautiful man I have seen is the real person who lives on the top of the main peak of Yulan Sect. Adhering to the divine beauty in the world, the peerless elegance, the most ancient and modern, no one in Dongchen Continent can match."

The expressions of the courtiers and the Huan royal family were slightly stiff, and Emperor Huanzhu was also a little embarrassed: "He is lonely, and the personal disciples of the major immortal sects are all beautiful, and they are indeed not comparable to ordinary people. I wonder how the little fairy thinks about the talents of young people?"

(End of this chapter)

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