magic eye doctor

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

Yu Qi was very unhappy in his heart, and Emperor Huan persistently chased and asked the little junior sister, it seemed that he was unwilling to send someone to the little junior sister.

Emperor Huan insisted on asking clearly, Le Yun was a bit embarrassed: "I had to learn too much when I was young, and I didn't know much about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing for self-cultivation, so it's hard to comment,"

Shenzhi noticed that someone was disdainful, thought for a while, and added: "This little fairy has an elder who is good at playing the piano, and he has listened to it a lot. If he memorizes a piece, he can play a piece of the piano. The emperor will know it after listening to it."

"I am lucky to be able to listen to the little fairy playing the piano." Emperor Huan was overjoyed.

"I'm waiting for the blessing of my ears." Sect Master Cun and others cheered.

The courtiers also agreed one after another.

"Don't expect too much, everyone. I don't like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I haven't studied it. It may be noise." Bringing a musical instrument, please borrow the Yaoqin."

"I have a Yaoqin." The princesses and princes of the royal family scrambled to borrow the piano.

"Little fairy, I know a thing or two about qin, and I have a Yao qin."

"Ben Zong likes to play qin and se in his spare time, and sometimes he takes Yaoqin with him."

Cun Sect Master of Yuqing Sect and Ji He Sect Master of Yu Xue Sect also took out their respective Yao Qins, one is a lyre and the other is a banjo.

The qins of the two suzerains are both made of the heart of a 10-year-old sycamore tree, which is similar to the Fuxi-style qin on Earth, with only a slight difference in the middle section of the body.

The two suzerains sent the pianos to the void in front of the little fairy. The surface of the two Yao Qins was dark red, and the surface of the pianos was covered with broken ox hair, which showed that the masters often caressed them.

Le Yun's eyes flashed with stars, good piano!The wood used to make the violin is ancient paulownia, the refined Xueling silk is used as the strings, and the hanging qin signs are a magic weapon.

Both pianos are excellent pianos, she waved her hands, hugged the two pianos in her arms, picked up the five-stringed piano and scratched to test the sound of the piano, the sound of the piano was congcong, like the sound of jade.

Try the lyre again, the sound of the piano is like a wrinkled phoenix learning to sing.

After trying the tone, the seven-stringed string was still more suitable for her. Le Yun returned the five-stringed stringed stringed string to Ji He, put the stringed stringed stringed string on her knees, took out the jade basin by herself, poured water from the spiritual spring, and wiped her hands with a silk handkerchief.

Sect Leader Li removed the table in front of Xiao Xianzi and placed it in front of his desk.

After cleaning his hands, Le Xiao adjusted the position of the piano and tuned the strings with plain hands.

Everyone stretches their necks to watch, and experts can know the depth as soon as they stretch out their hands. Those who practice the piano will know that the little fairy is not a layman when they look at the way the little fairy tunes the piano.

In fact, they all misunderstood. The earthling Le Xiaoluoli is an outsider, but she has a cheat, and she can scan it with her eyes to know where there is a problem and how to correct it.

Adjusting the strings according to the plug-in eye, Le Yun slightly adjusted the sitting posture to achieve the best angle, then dropped the strings with her hand and stroked the strings gently.

All the people in the hall were waiting to appreciate the little fairy's qin art. At first, they only heard a few soft strings, without any meaning.

Furthermore, there seems to be the sound of birdsong, and furthermore, there seems to be a stretch of green grass in front of you, bees and butterflies are dancing, a little far away is green trees, birds are singing in the forest, and there seems to be a mountain peak in the distance, and then, it seems to hear the murmur of spring water .

Following the joyful sound of Cong Cong, it seems to pass through the woods along the grassland. There is a clear spring rushing out of the mountains in front of the mountain.

In another moment, the majestic mountains entered the clouds, and it seemed that they could hear the sound of the wind blowing the trees, the sound of the rushing river, and the sound of the waves of the sea. I don't know how long it took, and it seemed that there was a sea in front of me, and the waves were surging...

The sound of the piano is like mountains, seas, and rivers and lakes. At a certain moment, all the sounds slowly fade away, and the people who were listening to the piano quietly looked around blankly.

After about two breaths of kung fu, the head of Ji He and the head of Cun shouted the word "good", which also woke up the people who were intoxicated. Everyone came back to their senses and looked at the piano player in unison, little fairy Sitting indifferently holding the piano, as quiet as a virgin.

"The little fairy's qin art is so good that the lonely prince and grandson can't match it. No wonder the little fairy doesn't comment on it." Emperor Huanzhu sighed, the little fairy didn't study the piano art deeply, after a song, who would dare to compete with her in Jin Yao?
"The emperor's award is too high, but this little fairy is not here, so I don't study the piano deeply. If the charm of this song is very good, this little fairy can only get one or two points. It is not an exaggeration to say that I only understand the superficial. The lingering sound lingers on for three days."

Le Yun has a modest smiling face, she is not exaggerated, the Great China Empire has a large number of talents, and the sages don't know how many piano skills are superb, and she doesn't study music, so she only memorizes fingerings and music scores from her teacher's mother's playing.

As he said that, he returned the Qin to Sect Master Cun: "It is also because of the power of the Qin that I can get one or two points of the charm of the song. Master Cun Master's Guqin is a famous treasure among musical instruments. Ming Sheng, I suggest that Uncle Cun replace the qin column with red sandalwood or agarwood that is more than 10 years old, maybe there will be unexpected joy.”

"I admire the little fairy's wide knowledge." The head of Cun sent the piano to the little fairy again: "Everyone said that the sword is given to the hero, and the piano is given to the bosom friend. The little fairy has a superb piano skill. The piano is a gift."

"This, it's not very good. Gentlemen don't take people's love. What's more, Yaoqin has been with Uncle Cun for many years, and has a close relationship with Uncle Cun. I'm not good at playing the piano, so I don't have to bury the famous piano in my hands." Guqin is good , You don't get paid for nothing.

"Yu Qingzong still has several Yao Qins, and this Qin is just one of them. The little fairy accepts it without dislike."

"That's it, but it's disrespectful. Let's do this. I stole the love of Uncle Cun, and I will write the song I played before and give it to Uncle Cun. The music I played before will be played by Uncle Cun. Its artistic conception is definitely not the same as mine. , it must be able to return the myriad of weather it originally intended, the magnificent mountains and rivers, and the momentum of towering mountains and clouds."

"Then I won't be polite. The piece played by Xiaoxian is majestic, and I yearn for it." Sect Master Cun was overjoyed.

Ji He secretly gave Sect Master Cun a sneaky look.

Le Yun is very proud. "Mountains and Flowing Water" created by the sages of the Great China is a famous song through the ages, the essence of the country, how can it not be yearned for?

If the music of the national quintessence of Great China can be sung in Dongchen, it can be regarded as carrying forward it.

With the pride of Yourong pervading in the bottom of my heart, Le Yun put the guqin into the storage container and kept it, baby, the more the better.

Head Li returned Xiao Xianzi's dining table to Xiao Xianzi.

The head of Yuqingzong was witty, and he gave away the Yaoqin casually. Not only did he win the favor of the little fairy, but he also got the music score in return, which made the courtiers of Jinyao jealous. Can't you give them the opportunity if you take the lead?

Emperor Huanzhu was also very envious. It would be great if the little fairy borrowed the Yaoqin of the princes and grandchildren. Unfortunately, there is nothing wrong with the Huan family.

Still a little unwilling, he still smiled and said congratulations: "Congratulations to Xiaoxianzi for getting the Baoqin, and congratulations to Master Cun for getting the score! Giving each other pianos will surely become a good talk in mainland China."

Master Cun nodded faintly, and Student Le smiled without saying a word.

The little fairy refused to answer, Emperor Huanzhu didn't want to miss the opportunity, and asked again: "Little fairy Fuze Wushuang, can you be the only one, is there anyone among the heirs of the lonely Huan family and the courtiers in the palace? "

The disciples of the Immortal Sect knew it well, so let's just say that Emperor Jin Yao must have something to do with his enthusiasm to keep him, and now he is showing his fox's tail.

The Huan royal family, relatives and courtiers looked at the little fairy with great excitement, hoping that she could see him and point out that he was the lucky one who was destined to be immortal.

Le Yun frowned, it was a bit too much to be so persistent.

Based on the fact that there is no abnormality among the real people of the Yulan Sect, I know that this kind of situation may often happen among the empires. Looking away from the head of the sect, "Master, what are the requirements of the Yulan Sect to accept disciples?"

Sect Leader Li answers every question: "No matter which sect accepts disciples, the most basic requirement is to have the potential for cultivation. The second is to look at the eye, the opportunity and the character. , and no sect is willing to accept him as a disciple."

"Uncle Li, do you mind having one or two more disciples when Yulan Sect goes out this time?"

"If you have a predestined relationship with this sect, I don't mind accepting one or two disciples."

As soon as Sect Leader Li made his statement, Sect Leader Cun answered immediately: "This sect doesn't mind adding one or two new disciples when we go back."

The head of Zhuerba secretly gave the head of Yuqingzong a sharp eye, and hurriedly snatched him away: "Little fairy, Yuhengzong doesn't mind accepting one or two more disciples, if the little fairy can recommend one or two people who have a good chance , even if you accept him as an inner disciple."

"That's it," Le Yun smiled shallowly: "There is indeed one person in the Huan family who is quite destined to be immortal. I originally wanted to recommend it to the Yulan Sect, because the Yulan Sect is in the Eastern Continent, far away from the Jinyao Empire. If people are taken to the Eastern Continent, they will definitely be separated from their relatives. If people only have a chance to see each other for decades, it feels against the principles of human relations.

The Yuheng Sect is in Zhonglu, and it is closer to the Jinyao Empire. I intend to recommend this son to the Yuheng Sect. I don't know if the real masters of the Yuheng Sect agree? "

"I have no objection."

The elders of Yuhengzong voted immediately, and no one objected.

The head of Zhu Erba showed a naive smile: "Little fairy, the elders who protect the sect have no objection, you can recommend it with confidence."

"Thank you for your trust." Le Yun looked at the descendants of the Huan family's royal family who she said were destined to be immortals. There were hundreds of descendants of the royal family, but she only found one talent.

To tell the truth, she was also very conflicted at first. The person she found was a bit special. She cherished her talent and wanted to recommend it to the Jade Orchid Sect, but she was also worried that the Jade Orchid Sect would not accept disciples, and she was also worried that the person's family would not bear it. So it was not mentioned.

Emperor Jin Yao chased her and asked, and she really felt that who was really good, and she cherished her talent again, thinking of giving that person a chance, so as not to be shocked by missing a talent, so she communicated with Xianzong first Act again.

Looking at the person I mentioned who has the fate of immortality, I am still a little entangled. If the person concerned is not willing to cultivate immortality, will it cause him trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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