magic eye doctor

Chapter 1303 Who Is That?

Chapter 1303 Who Is That?

The Huan royal family heard that there was a person in the family who was destined to be a fairy, and they were very much looking forward to that lucky one being themselves, especially when they heard that the person who had a fairy relationship was recommended to worship the Yuheng Sect. The descendants of the royal family almost wanted to hug a certain little fairy. The thigh begged her to give him that chance.

When a little fairy looked over, the descendants of the Huan family, male, female, young or old, immediately straightened their backs, wishing that they could grow a few feet taller and become the most eye-catching one, so that they could enter the little fairy's eyes.

Emperor Huanzhu heard that one of the descendants of the Huan family was quite destined to be a fairy, and he was very excited in his heart, and he also admired his behavior of pursuing and asking questions. Fortunately, he was willing to face, so he won one for the descendants of the Huan family. A chance to enter the top immortal sect.

Even if only one person can enter the sect of one of the five major sects, it is a great opportunity for the Jin Yao Empire.

The little fairy looked at the descendants of the royal family, and Emperor Huanzhu smiled more sincerely: "The little fairy only needs to point out where the person who has the destiny of immortality sits, and the lonely servant will fetch it to ask the little fairy."

Looking at the music of the royal family, he grinned at the emperor: "The princes and grandchildren of the Huan family are of the same age and have similar clothes. In order not to confuse, this little fairy should go find someone in person, and this little fairy has to go first. Ask him what he thinks, if he is not willing to stay away from his close relatives, please ask Emperor Huan not to be harsh on him."

"Thank you, little fairy." Emperor Huanzhu made a gesture of invitation, and he was always surprised. Did the little fairy have a misunderstanding? How can the resources of Jinyao Empire compare with Xianzong? If you can worship Yuhengzong , wishing for it, how could anyone not want to leave home?

Le Yun just wanted to have a feast, but the master insisted on pulling her to do something, and the group of immortal cultivators also wanted to give her status. The hospitality was hard to come by, and she didn't mind cooperating, she stood up slowly, and Xiang Huan's Walk to the seats where the royal family members sat.

It is said to be walking, but in fact it is flying close to the ground, and one step is as far as one foot.

Everyone is staring at a certain little fairy. She wears a brown skirt and a tulle jacket, and her skirt flutters as she walks. She has a graceful figure and a man's hairstyle. Fascinating.

The members of the royal family watched the graceful little fairy walking slowly, their limbs were a little stiff from nervousness, and they didn't even dare to breathe, their eyes were particularly eager.

Li Yangzi and the others were as calm as usual, spending all their time waiting for the little fairy to pick someone out.

The courtiers of the Jin Yao Empire were very disappointed, and watched a certain little fairy go to the Huan family.

Emperor Huan is a monk, not all of his queens are members of a cultivating family. He has had four queens, and the current one is the fourth queen. He is in his 60s, and because he also cultivates, he seems to be in his forties.

Empress Huan led her concubine, prince and princess, and members of the Huan clan to sit on the left-hand seat of the emperor. She was close to the emperor, and her eyes were fixed on a certain little fairy, hoping that she would choose her own children or grandchildren.

Emperor Huanzhu thought that the little fairy was looking at someone who ranked higher in the Huan family. After all, those people were smarter and relatively better.

However, destined to disappoint Emperor Jin Yao, the empress and the people sitting in the front seats, the little fairy moved across the first row, the second row, and the third row along the aisle between the seats...

Every time she walked through a row, the brilliance in the eyes of the men and women disappeared, and they lowered their eyes sadly, turning their heads to look at the graceful and unparalleled back as they walked back.

The petite little fairy floated through hundreds of people, arrived at the last corner, and stopped in front of a thin boy. The boy was very slender, his face was somewhat pale, his lips were dull, and his hair was not shiny. , You can tell that your health is not very good at a glance.

The little boy sat in the farthest corner, half a head shorter than the boys who also sat in the bottom row. He was wearing clothes cut from the most famous brocade fabric in the Golden Continent. The clothes were too small, and they were a little tight on him, and the clothes were not new. , like someone's old clothes.

The little boy combed his hair without any accessories, but he was tidy. He sat cross-legged, his waist was very straight, his hands were on his knees, and his little hands were fleshless.

Seeing the much-anticipated little fairy walking in front of him, the boy froze, his eyes wide open.

Not to mention the little boy was stunned, so were the members of the Huan clan and the ministers, they couldn't believe their eyes, Emperor Huanzhu looked at the queen: "Who is that?"

Empress Huan's graceful and luxurious face was somewhat stiff: "Emperor, I don't have any impression, I don't know which emperor's uncle's child it is."

The concubines also looked confused, and couldn't remember that there was such a person in the harem.

The disciples of the Great Immortal Sect found out who the little fairy said was the person who had the celestial fate, and they were also secretly suspicious. The child was obviously congenitally deficient, and his bones might not be good.

Le Yun squatted down in front of the boy who was not favored by others, and touched the boy's head: "Can you tell my sister your name?"

The boy whose head was touched looked at the beautiful little fairy squatting in front of him and smiling at him, his straight waist almost collapsed, his lips trembled slightly, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito: "Sister... Sister, my name is... Huan Wang Yuan, Wang, the first perishing Wang on the word Xin, the fate of fate."

When the little boy named him, Huanzhu's emperor, empress, concubines, favored prince and princess still couldn't remember who he was.

Le Yun ignored others and continued to ask, "How old is Wang Yuan?"

"March turned eight years old."

"Where is your mother sitting?"

Huan Wangyuan lowered his head: "My mother... died of illness three years ago."

Le Yun was silent for a moment, then stretched out her hand to rub the little boy's head: "I'm sorry, my sister didn't know, but I mentioned your sadness, where is your father?"

"It's okay," Huan Wangyuan quickly raised his head to look at the beautiful fairy sister, then lowered his head again: "My father died when I was three years old."

He spoke quickly, showing signs of shortness of breath.

this?Le Yun was dumbfounded, this is still a child who lost his mother and father?After a moment of silence, he asked again: "Are you willing to leave home and become a fairy?"

"I am willing!" Huan Wangyuan yelled three words forcefully, with an abnormal red tide appearing on his face.

"Being a fairy is very bitter and boring. You do quite a lot of things every day, no one plays with you, you don't have beautiful clothes to wear, and you sleep alone at night. Would you like to go?"

"Yes." Huan Wangyuan replied decisively, looking nervously at the beautiful fairy sister: "I don't wear beautiful clothes, and I don't need anyone to play with me. I'm not afraid of the dark, and I don't eat much. I can sweep the floor and do laundry. Cook."

There was sparkle in the little boy's eyes, Le Yun took the little boy's hand and stood up: "Let's go with my sister."

Huan Wangyuan got up, his calves were trembling, he tightly held his beautiful sister's hand, dragged his stiff and trembling legs, and walked step by step.

Walking to the penultimate row, Le Yun noticed the little boy paused, looking at him, he turned his head to look at a woman in the corner of the penultimate row, his eyes showed nostalgia.

She understood and let go of her hand: "If you want to say goodbye to someone you know, just go, I'll wait for you."

"...Okay." Huan Wangyuan wanted to leave, but he was reluctant to let go of the beautiful sister's hand, hesitated for a while, confirmed that the beautiful fairy sister would wait for him, and then walked to the side.

He started to walk very slowly, took a few steps to look back, took a few glances, then started to trot, ran past more than a dozen men and women, panting, and stopped in front of a woman who was also wearing a palace dress made of heavenly brocade.

The woman was around forty, with delicate features, and her palace attire was probably new. She was wearing a round bun, and there were only a few hairpin ornaments on her head. Compared with the concubines in the previous rows of flowers, she was very clean, and her status must be extremely low. .

The woman clutched the handkerchief and covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. When she saw the little boy running, tears welled up in her eyes.

Huan Wangyuan knelt down with a plop and kowtowed to the ground: "Concubine Huamu, I'm leaving, take care, I will definitely come back to see you."

Huashi tightly covered her mouth, not to let herself cry out, and also unable to speak, her tears fell like broken beads.

Huan Wangyuan kowtowed three times, and looked up to see Concubine Hua crying, her eyes were also red.

Hua covered her mouth with a handkerchief in one hand, and stretched out the other hand to help Huan Wangyuan, but she couldn't do it.

Huan Wangyuan hugged Concubine Hua's hand, her nose was also red.

Looking at the picture of the deep love between mother and child, Le Yun flew over, touching the boy's head who was reluctant to let go: "Wangyuan, you remember, today's parting is for a better reunion in the future, you worship Yuhengzong The door, strive for yourself, build the foundation as soon as possible, and come back to visit relatives as soon as possible."

"I understand, Sister Fairy, after my mother is gone, Concubine Hua will take care of me. Without Concubine Hua, I might also die of illness, so I have to be reluctant to concubine Hua." Huan Wangyuan nodded with a sob and let go of the painting. Concubine Mu's hand, slowly stood up: "Concubine Hua, don't worry about me, I will be fine."

Huashi cried and nodded, and bowed down to the little fairy.

Le Yun stepped aside and didn't accept the gift from others. Seeing the woman raised her head, she took out ten spirit stones and a bottle of elixir and put them on the table in front of her: "This is a gift from me. The elixir is for nourishment. For blood, one pill every three days, if someone dares to snatch it, one day I will revisit Jinyao, or when Huan Wangyuan returns, I will seek justice for you."

Huashi looked at the extra things on the table, and shed tears like she didn't want money. She put the things into her sleeves with shaking hands, and bowed down again to thank her.

Le Yun gently flicked her sleeves, lifted the woman up, and led Huan Wangyuan to the east seat.

Huan Wangyuan grabbed the hand of the beautiful fairy sister, walked more and more steadily, straightened her waist, walked out of the seats of the royal family members, and when she walked into the main hall, she let go of the fairy sister's hand, and knelt down in front of the emperor to bid farewell : "Grandson bid farewell to grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma take care!"

Emperor Huanzhu couldn't remember whether Huan Wangyuan was his son, grandson or great-grandson at first, but now he knew it was his grandson, but he still couldn't remember which son's son it was.

Several of his sons and daughters died young, and some of them stayed behind. Anyway, I guessed that they should be the sons of one of the sons who died young.

The person was picked out by the little fairy, and Emperor Huan didn't know what to say, so he nodded lightly: "Well, go, don't lose face to the descendants of the royal family."

(End of this chapter)

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