magic eye doctor

Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304
Empress Huan couldn't remember which former empress Huan Wangyuan was a descendant of, and she was afraid of revealing the secrets of the harem by saying a few words, and she didn't dare to say more, she just said, "Practice hard in the future."

Huan Wangyuan knelt down to worship the emperor's grandfather, got up, ran two steps quickly and moved to the side of the beautiful fairy sister, tightly grasping the sleeve of the fairy sister, and turned to look at the painting mother concubine.

"Wang Yuan, when you join the Immortal Sect in the future, you will not be short of food and clothing. It doesn't matter if you don't bring the old clothes you wore at home. Both of your parents died. I think they were very reluctant to part with you when they left. Some personal and most precious things are left for you to think about, tell the emperor what you want to take away, and ask him to send someone to pack it up and send it to Xianyi Palace."

Judging from the expressions and clothes of a certain Huan royal family member, as well as the clothes of Huan Wangyuan and the concubine he cares about, the child is not doing very well, and Le Yun's favorability for a certain emperor has dropped a few steps, so I specifically said one more thing.

Emperor Huanzhu immediately understood the meaning of the little fairy. The clothes Huan Wangyuan wore were far different from those of the royal descendants sitting in the front row. The little fairy must suspect that his harem is not very clean, and someone treats a child who lost his parents harshly. , That's why I said "passed old clothes" and specifically mentioned what the parents of the child left behind, presumably because they suspected that the things left by the parents of the child were secretly divided up.

Emperor Huanzhu was ashamed and annoyed in his heart, he gave the queen a hard look, and smiled at the little fairy: "The little fairy is thoughtful, Gu always doesn't care about the broken harem lock, and I don't know what his parents left for him Thinking about it, go alone to count and sort it out for him, and send it to Xianyi Palace tomorrow."

Expressing his meaning, Emperor Huan winked at the steward who served him personally, and the chief steward immediately understood, bowed and retreated to a corner of the emperor's throne, summoned a servant to whisper a few words, and asked people to quickly check Tan Huan forgot about the fate of the emperor and grandson, and then quietly returned to the emperor's side.

A certain emperor found the steps by himself, Le Yun was too lazy to care about the crap about how the harem and his children and grandchildren were fighting openly and secretly, took the little boy's hand, and nodded coldly at the emperor: "The emperor has a lot of things to do every day, and there are many children and grandchildren, and some negligence is also there. Within reason."

Judging from Xiaoxianzi's actions, she is very indulgent towards Huan Wangyuan, and Emperor Yangzhu sees more hope, and once again strives for opportunities for his children and grandchildren: "Little fairy, apart from what little fairy said, the Huan royal family is still alive. Is there anyone who also has a fairy fate?"

Really endless?Le Yun was not very happy, and replied stiffly: "There are many descendants of the royal family of the Huan family, and only this one has the strongest celestial ties. The rest of the celestial ties are too shallow, and this little fairy is helpless."

"It is a royal fortune to have such a son to enter the Immortal Sect, but it is too much to ask for extravagance." The hope failed, and Emperor Huanzhu felt a little bit shocked.

Most of the Huan royal family was said to have a shallow relationship with immortals, and they were extremely disappointed.

Le Yun didn't want to be forced by Emperor Huan to help his descendants to benefit, so she took the little boy's hand and walked in front of the emperor, towards the seat of the Xianzong sect.

Seeing that the little fairy loves the child very much, Li Yangzi suggested with a smile: "Little fairy, this child looks a little weak, why don't you bring him back to Yu Lanzong?"

Sect Leader Li wanted to rob someone, but Sect Leader Juerba was not happy, and immediately robbed him: "The child seems to have some inadequacy, our Yuheng Sect has a lot of Lingzhi and Alchemy Masters, and it is enough to take them back to recuperate for a while. Alright, how can I bother the Sect Leader."

"Indeed, our Yuheng Sect may not have as many precious spiritual plants as the Yulan Sect, but we still have enough resources to train a few disciples."

The elders of the Yuheng Sect unanimously agreed with the words of the head. The little fairy can not give face to Emperor Yang for the little boy. It can be seen that he must be a blessed person. Not to mention his qualifications, just because he has the favor of the little fairy, he can't be let down again. To Yulanzong.

Sect Leader Li twitched from the corner of his eyes, when did that strong bear's brain work so well?

The head of Yuxue Yuxia Yuqingzong wanted to scold someone, but Yuhengzong was shameless and snatched him away too quickly, making it difficult for them to snatch him away now.

The descendants of Huan's royal family were so jealous that Huan Wangyuan was like a weak chicken, but was scrambled by the two immortal sects. Why didn't they have such a good life?

Yuhengzong didn't dislike the child he recommended, Le Yun was very happy, and led the little boy in front of the head of Yuhengzong: "This is the head of Yuhengzong, and behind them are real people and inner disciples of Yuhengzong. , you have entered the Yuheng Sect, you should abide by the rules of the Yuheng Sect, accept the teachings of your elders and brothers from the same sect humbly, and devote yourself to the Tao, and you must not tarnish the reputation of the sect, let alone kill each other."

Huan Wangyuan came to the head, and knelt down to salute: "Huan Wangyuan pays homage to the head, to the real person, to the senior brother!"

"Okay, let's get up." The little fairy didn't regret giving the person to the Yulan School halfway, and the head of Juerba was as happy as a child. Qi: "This sect leader is true to his word. From now on, you are an inner disciple of the Yuheng Sect. When you return to Yuheng Mountain, you will be tested for your attributes, and then you will be arranged for a master who is suitable to teach you."

"This child has fire, earth, and wood attributes, and hides wind attributes and thunder attributes," Le Yun helped Huan Wangyuan catch the storage container and stuffed it to him, grinning at the shocked big head leader: "Uncle Zhuerba, aren't you surprised?"

"He...has the attribute of thunder?" The head of Juerba and the real people of Yuhengzong were all stunned.

The real people of Yulan Sect Yuxue Yuxia Yuqing Sect were also taken aback. The attribute of thunder is extremely rare, and it is rare among hundreds of millions of practitioners. If there is a thunder attribute, they are definitely geniuses in cultivation.

"This little fairy never speaks nonsense. This child has a hidden thunder attribute. I think he is tough in nature, and I can't bear to see him buried, so I want to introduce him to Xianzong."

"Thank you, little fairy! Since he is a disciple with the attribute of thunder, the Yuheng Sect accepts him as the second-generation direct disciple, and after returning to the sect, we will discuss which real person to worship under his name." Zhu Erba's head was overjoyed.

In just a few words, Huanhuang's grandson changed from an inner disciple to a direct disciple, and his status instantly rose to a higher level. All the immortal sects thought it was normal, and the courtiers of the Jinyao Empire and the royal men and women were so jealous that they were red-eyed.

"You're welcome," Le Yun smiled nonchalantly, and leaned over to pick up the little boy: "This child didn't get the care he deserved in the mother's womb, resulting in congenital deficiencies, which were not remedied the day after tomorrow. Since I recommended several blocked meridians, naturally I can’t just hand them over to Yuhengzong, I’ll take them back to recuperate for him, and give Yuhengzong a genius disciple tomorrow morning.”

The little boy said that he wanted to take the little boy back to the place where he lived, the golden retriever reacted quickly, and quickly flew to the little boy.

The big lion is considerate and caring, and Le Yun sits on the back of the golden retriever holding the little boy in his arms.

Golden Retriever walks away as soon as he lifts his feet, no matter what others think, he really walks away as soon as he says.

"Everyone is free, this sect will go first." The little fairy left early, and Li Yangzi naturally didn't want to stay any longer, so he got up first.

The Yulan Sect disciples floated up and left with the head.

"Little fairy, wait a minute, let's go back to Xianyi Palace together with little fairy." Zhuerba flew up in the air, and gave Emperor Huan a stabbing look: "Emperor Huan and everyone, please feel free."

The disciples of Yuheng Sect followed the head of the sect without saying a word.

Yulan Zong Yuheng Zong slipped away ahead of time, Yuxue Yuxia Yuqing Zong couldn't sit still, got up one after another, flew to catch up with Yulan Zong Yuheng Zong, and walked together.

Several cultivating sects and imperial missions who were present at the scene were extremely jealous when they heard that a certain emperor's grandson had hidden the thunder attribute. When they saw the five great immortal sects leaving together, they also left one after another.

The courtiers sent off the sect of cultivating immortals, couldn't restrain their enthusiasm, and toasted the emperor one after another, celebrating that the emperor's grandson, Pingbu Qingyun, became a direct disciple of the Yuheng sect.

The top immortal sects of Dongchen Continent seldom accept the direct lineage of the imperial family as their inner disciples. For nearly 500 years, only the Yulan Sect of the Eastern Continent has accepted the princesses of the Cang Yue Empire and the princes of the Rising Sun Empire as their direct disciples.

Huan Wangyuan was taken back as a direct disciple by the Yuheng Sect, Emperor Huanzhu was also overjoyed, and happily drank with the courtiers, of course it didn't last all night, the banquet broke up after an hour or so of excitement.

Emperor Huanzhu was in a happy mood, even if he was slightly drunk, he went back to the living hall after the banquet, and immediately catalyzed the smell of alcohol. The head manager learned that Huan Wangyuan was the child of the concubine of the eleventh prince born to his deceased second empress.

It is also heard that because the eleventh prince is gone, the concubine, the concubine and the children of the eleventh prince are oppressed by the favored princes and concubines, and their lives are relatively poor. Moreover, it is said that many things belonging to the eleventh princes and concubines are favored. The prince concubine and the princes and princesses were snatched away secretly.

Emperor Huanzhu received the news of the investigation, and his face was furious. He sent people to thoroughly investigate the harem and the princes, princesses, concubines, and grandchildren overnight. Those belonging to the deceased prince's widow and children will be beheaded.

The concubines, princes, and grandchildren who returned to the palace from the banquet were frightened by the emperor's will before they could catch their breath. The harem and the prince's mansion were sleepless all night.

The five immortal sects left the banquet halfway and returned to Xianyi Palace together. Moreover, Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuqing and Yuhengzong did not return to the small courtyard where they stayed, and they all went to Qiwu courtyard as guests.

Li Yangzi also knew that under the guise of drinking tea, the four sects were actually curious about the little boy with the Ray attribute, and how the little fairy would treat the little boy.

It's not good to drive people away from the head, and let the four sects occupy the middle hall.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't give anyone face, took the little boy to the second hospital, carried the little boy out of the hut, gave him medicine, gave him more than a dozen needles, and asked him to excrete the dirt in his stomach first.

Afterwards, I went back to the middle hall, stripped off his clothes, prepared medicine for him, fed him to eat, and treated him. The little boy mainly suffered from bronchial asthma and viral pneumonia.

His disease is the root of the disease brought from the mother's womb, and it will be aggravated by the stimulation the day after tomorrow.

The little boy's illness is not a big deal in the eyes of Le Xiao. She found out the man, and she was the disciple she introduced to Yuhengzong. In order not to be slapped in the face, she didn't feel sorry for her Yao Zhi. Based on the principle of the best formula, the right medicine is prepared, and then combined with acupuncture and moxibustion, in order to cure the disease at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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