magic eye doctor

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305
Luo Chengyu's seventh Yu Mo Wen relied on his closeness with the junior sister, Lai watched from the sidelines, and watched the acupuncture treatment given to Huan Wangyuan by the junior junior sister.

They witnessed that the junior sister tied Huan Wangyuan into a burr ball like a hazelnut, not just once, but twice before and after. They saw many pinholes emitting smoke, oozing dirt, and some pinholes spewing fire .

They watched the little junior sister play with the little boy for two hours. Then, after the little junior sister finished acupuncture, the three of them helped to bathe the sleepy little boy. On the ground of the nave, they sat and meditated.

At dawn, the three senior brothers woke up from meditation and were shocked when they saw Huan Wangyuan. The child was pale yesterday, and he was panting when he walked. After one night, his complexion was rosy, his skin was fair, and his hair was black.

The little boy lay quietly, completely different from yesterday.

The three seniors looked at each other for a while, and had to admit that they hadn't been dropped. The little boy was the one from last night.

The golden retriever woke up after a while, and watched the little boy for a while, then slipped to the door of the little one's guest room and squatted and waited for the rabbit.

The three of them sat and waited for a while, and a certain little fairy came out from the side in a clean suit. The three of them jumped up and shouted excitedly: "Little Junior Sister, look quickly, he will be fine overnight."

Le Yun stepped out, touched the big lion's head, and stretched lazily: "Brother, if I take the shot, if he is not good, I will smash the signboard."

"Little Junior Sister cured her disease with one hand, it's amazing!"

"Junior Junior Sister has high medical skills and is famous all over the mainland."

"Little junior sister can do spiritual food medicine, it's amazing."

The three brothers don't care about the hype of 21.

The golden retriever rolled his eyes, the little one can cure erysipelas, so what is a little ailment?He walked with a figure-of-eight gait, majesticly following Xiao Budian as the No. [-] follower.

With her little hands behind her back, Le Yun walked out of the official steps with her little short legs, swayed to the little boy, and poked him a few times. She had super confidence in her medical skills. As expected, the little boy The boy's body recovered quite well under the action of the powerful medicine.

When Huan Wangyuan woke up, what he saw was different from what he was used to seeing. He sat up and looked at the beautiful smiling face, and subconsciously called out "Sister Fairy".

He yelled, opened his eyes and looked around, and saw a big beautiful lion and three good-looking people. He blinked, looked, looked, and looked for a while before he thought about many things clearly, yes smiling at the beautiful fairy sister.

"Get up, the real people of Yuhengzong are waiting to see you." The little boy smiled sweetly, Le Yun picked him up, jumped onto the back of the big lion and sat down.

Huan Wangyuan was hugged and did not dare to move, fearing that the beasts would not like him, he did not dare to touch the big lion's fur.

Luo Chengyu Qiyu Mo Wen and Jin Maohou ran out of the second courtyard, went to the outer courtyard, and went to the central hall to meet the guests who had been sitting in the Qiwu courtyard all night.

In order to see how well the little fairy can take care of the little boy, Yu Qingzong and Yu Hengzong sat in the Qiwu courtyard all night, and finished their meditation before dawn. Tea.

Before the spirit spring water boiled, the little fairy brought people to the front yard. All the sect masters and the real people looked together, and they were surprised to see the little boy being hugged by the little fairy. Is this really the child from last night?

They all knew what happened to Huang Huan's grandson last night, that child is so weak, to be honest, if it wasn't for the introduction by the little fairy, no one would want to be accepted into the sect.

But in just one night, Huangsun Huan's skin became fair and tender, his complexion was ruddy, his eyes were clear, and there was a clear aura of aura, which was completely different from yesterday's appearance.

The head of Juerba grinned happily, fortunately he acted quickly, otherwise Emperor Huan's grandson would have become a direct disciple of another family.

Huan Wangyuan opened his eyes, looked at the people in the room, saw the immortals he kowtowed to yesterday, grinned and opened his eyes.

When the golden retriever entered the room, Le Yun flew to the ground with the little boy in his arms, and sent the child to everyone in the Yuheng Sect: "Uncle Zhuerba, I keep my word and return your genius disciple to you."

Seeing the children who were thin but not weak at all, Yuhengzong all smiled: "Thank you, little fairy, for sending me a genius disciple."

Huan Wangyuan was very clever, and immediately knelt down to greet the elders of the division.

"In the future, except for the great rites and sacrifices, you don't need to kneel down at other times." The master Zhuerba was in a happy mood, lifted the child up with mana, and brought it directly in front of him, holding the bone in one hand.

After touching the bones a few times, he was elated: "Good, good, good! The bones are excellent, and the meridians all over the body are unblocked. It really is a good seedling."

Afraid of frightening the child to tears, he hurriedly sent him to the second generation of direct disciples who will take care of him.

The second generation of direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect is the disciple and grandchildren of the head of the Juerba sect, because the head master decides to accept the new inner disciple, who will be his own junior disciple in the future, so naturally he will not be negligent. Put it among your fellow apprentices and protect it.

Yang Wangyuan knew that there would be many senior brothers in the future, so he was not afraid, so he smiled sweetly and called senior brothers first.

People who have lived for hundreds of years suddenly have a baby junior brother. The second generation of Yuhengzong's direct disciples are very excited, but also a little nervous. They are afraid that the little junior brother will cry. Can't be coaxed.

The real people of Yuxue Yuqing Yuxiazong feel a little sour, disciples of thunder attribute, they want it too!
Le Yun handed the little boy to Yu Hengzong to complete a task, happily jumped to the seat away from the head's side, took out a bowl of diced pineapple and ate it with a fork.

Yu Qingzong gave her a variety of spiritual fruits. The pineapples from Dongchen Continent look like watermelons, sweet and juicy, with crispy flesh and are especially delicious.

Eating pineapple in the morning nourishes the stomach. Le classmate always eats a bowl of pineapple every morning before dinner. Therefore, holding a bowl of diced pineapple, her brows and eyes are bent into crescent moons with happiness. She decided to go to Nanlu before going back to buy enough for a lifetime Pineapple back to Earth.

The pineapple in Dongchen Continent is not called a pineapple, it is a thousand-eyed golden pear. When its taste dissipates, the monks who have never felt that the thousand-eyed golden pear is delicious are also inexplicably a little confused when they see the little fairy eating satisfactorily. want to try.

The real people of Yuqingzong knew that the little fairy was eating the fruit presented by Yuqingzong by looking at the flesh. The thousand-eyed golden pear in Nanlu has a rich flesh color, like the color of pure gold. The thousand-eyed golden pear in Donglu and Zhonglu The flesh is golden in color with whitish.

The little fairy likes to eat the special fruits sent by Yuqingzong, which makes the people of Yuqingzong very happy. The clever deacon immediately took out the thousand-eyed golden pears that he brought and shared them with his colleagues. Of course, the most important thing is to hurry up and give them away Give the little fairy a few plump golden pears.

Someone gave fruit, and Le classmate would not refuse anyone who came, and put it in his pocket happily.

Yu Qingzong took out the fruits, and Yuxue Yuxia Yuhengzong also took out some spiritual fruits to enjoy together. When the tea was boiled, they made spiritual tea and ate the fruits while drinking tea.

Dizhu Dijun was very annoyed by his harem concubines and concubines, and the bullying between the princes and princesses behind the scenes. He didn't sleep after the decree was sent out. After dawn, he cleaned up and looked at the results in person.

The emperor was furious, few concubines and princes and princesses in the harem could stay out of the matter, returned the things they had obtained by shady means, and did not dare to sleep all night, and went to the emperor's living hall early in the morning to plead guilty.

The servants counted the collected belongings of Emperor Huan's grandson's parents, made a book, packed them up, and carried them to the emperor's palace for inspection.

Emperor Huanzhu inspected it, and was so angry that his heart was burning. The eleventh son of the emperor did not have much talent, intelligence, and talent for cultivation, so he did not value him, but he was also his own son. The women in his harem and other princes and princesses The prince and concubine have no shame at all to conspire against the widow and children of the eleventh son of the emperor behind their backs.

His face was slapped by his concubine and his children. In anger, Emperor Huanzhu immediately decreed: "The decree is abolished! The queen deceives the top and the bottom, is not worthy of the second place, abolishes the honorary title, moves to the cold palace, and the four noble concubines cut the queen!" title, downgraded to nobleman, 24th concubine to..."

The emperor was furious, and the servants who served did not dare to make a sound. The servants took the seal from the palm print, spread the paper from the paper, grinded the ink from the ink, and drafted the will according to the emperor's wishes.

Emperor Huanzhu was furious, and he abolished all the concubines from queens to ordinary concubines, and downgraded those who should be demoted, and then punished the princes, princesses, and grandchildren. All the emperors, grandchildren and concubines were severely punished and demoted, those who were revoked were revoked, those who were imprisoned were confinement, and those who were fined were fined.

Angrily issued the decree, he still felt that it was hard to get rid of his anger, so he personally checked the drafted decree, watched the servant write it on the official decree, stamped the seal himself, and sealed the decree first.

The punishment for the harem and the children was finalized, and the emperor responsible for building the emperor asked the servants to carry the tidied items to the Xianyi Palace. When he walked out of the living room, he saw the queen and concubines, princesses, princes, and grandsons knelt down together. Get up, get on the chariot, and start driving.

The emperor didn't ask people to get up, it can be seen that he was still in a rage, the concubines and princes and grandchildren were terrified, no one dared to get up privately, and knelt down without moving.

The emperor Huanzhu drove to Xianyi Palace, and a servant reported that the five great immortal sects were all in Qiwuyuan last night. He went to Qiwuyuan and stopped outside the courtyard. Lan Zong agreed to see him, and he walked into Qiwu Courtyard with only one servant and one bodyguard.

The five immortal sects finished drinking a pot of tea and waited for Emperor Huan to arrive. The Yulan Sect had nothing to say to Emperor Huan. The new disciples of the Yuheng Sect were in Qiwuyuan, so it was natural for Emperor Huan to meet his grandson .

When Emperor Huan entered the middle hall, all the disciples of the Immortal Sect sat down and nodded slightly as greetings, only Huan Wangyuan stood up and bowed respectfully.

He joined the Yuheng sect, his status is different from the past, even if he is the grandson of the Huan clan, he no longer kneels down to salute, it is respect to be able to bend down to salute.

Emperor Huanzhu had mixed feelings in his heart, last night was his grandson, overnight, the tide of the emperor's grandson rose, even if it was his grandson, he couldn't control him anymore.

However, if the descendants of the Huan clan can enter the Yuheng clan and become direct disciples, even if he can't control it, he is also happy. Everyone knows the weight of the direct disciples of the Yuheng clan. Thinking about whether he could bear the anger of the grandson of the Huan clan, who was a direct disciple of the Yuheng clan.

Emperor Huanzhu bowed to the heads of the five sects, and looked at the emperor and grandson with a pleasing expression. Just about to speak, he suddenly saw a child with a ruddy complexion, white skin like jade, and aura, and blurted out in surprise: " Is it really Huan Wangyuan?"

Huan Wangyuan bowed his head slightly, and replied calmly, "Yes."

"Emperor Huan, don't be surprised. The person in front of you is undoubtedly the former grandson of Emperor Huan. The little fairy is unparalleled, and whoever is willing to protect will benefit a lot."

The head of Zhuerba didn't turn the corner: "Emperor Huan has something to say to Huan Wangyuan, please hurry up. After the child gets the things left by his parents, our sect and colleagues will set off for Langshan."

"It's still half a month away from the opening of the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm. The real people will not miss the schedule if they rest here for a few more days. The real people set off so quickly, but the hospitality is not enough?" Emperor Huan has not yet recovered from Huan Wangyuan's huge changes After regaining consciousness, I heard that the five great immortal sects were leaving, and I was a little panicked.

"The imperial palace is a rich and noble place. I can't afford to wait for people in the mountains and fields. My sect and my colleagues also want to accompany the little fairy on the parade. Naturally, it is best to start as soon as possible."

The head of Juerba doesn't want to stay in the Jinyao Palace now, he is afraid that the little guy will miss his mother and concubine and is reluctant to leave, of course it is best to leave as soon as possible.

Emperor Huanzhu knew that Xianzong had made up his mind to go, so he asked his servant to carry the box and cage into the middle hall for the emperor and grandson to count.

Huan Wangyuan looked at the head of the sect and the elders of the master sect, and came forward to check after getting permission. The servants opened the box, and he saw the items that were once owned by his mother and him, but were later taken away. Some of them were not his, but should be Compensation given by some people.

He pointed out the things he remembered, and the things he didn't remember directly said that he didn't know if they belonged to his mother or his father, and he also pointed out a few things that were pictures of his mother and concubine.

The disciples of the Yuheng Sect knew that the junior brother would not be able to use the storage device, so they collected it on their behalf, and put away the personal belongings identified by the junior junior brother. The other half was taken away, and the other half and the things belonging to the Hua family were handed over to Emperor Huan. Huashi.

Emperor Huanzhu didn't say much, and asked the servant to carry out the few boxes left behind.

The five immortal sects didn't stay here either, they put away a few items and set off.

Golden Retriever Roar is the happiest, and runs first with the little one on his back. There is nothing interesting in the palace, it is not as interesting as the barren mountains and mountains. In the wild, the little one can also pick up fallen leaves and dig some spiritual plants.

The second-generation disciple of Yuhengzong threw out a flying machine and flew with his junior brother.

A group of monks walked in a group, there were more than a hundred people, and the team was very strong.

Emperor Huanzhu was sending off the five great immortal sects. On the way, the courtiers who heard the news and came to see them off also arrived. Lord Jin Yao sent the immortals out of the inner city of the imperial city, and wanted to send them out of the outer city. Flying close to the ground, the two dodged and left the palace.

Outside the palace, each sect worshiped the aircraft, took the aircraft and flew straight up to the direction of Langshan.

(End of this chapter)

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