magic eye doctor

Chapter 1306 Wolf Mountain Secret Realm

Chapter 1306 Wolf Mountain Secret Realm
Emperor Huanzhu sent away the five great immortal sects. He originally wanted to lead his courtiers back to the palace to deal with political affairs, but he heard that other immortal sects and imperial missions also left, and sent off their guests one by one.

After seeing off all the guests, there was another team visiting Langshan. Emperor Huan and his courtiers were busy receiving them, and ordered the chief executive to take someone to read the imperial decree of punishment to the concubines, princes and princesses who were pleading guilty in the emperor's living hall.

Empress Yang fainted before hearing the decree of the abolished queen, and the four noble concubines and concubines also fainted one after another. Some princes knew that they were doomed, and they were frightened half to death before listening to their own decree.

The chief executive who announced the decree didn't care whether the concubines or concubines were dizzy or not. He read all the imperial edicts first, and then passed on the medicine to the doctor. When the seal is received, all the palaces or prince's mansions that should be inspected will be inspected, and those that should be punished will be executed.

As for the minions of some concubines and princes, their crimes were slightly worse. They were hacked, chopped, exiled, and some were punished with sticks and served as rough envoy slaves.

Emperor Jin Yao cleaned the harem for the first time in more than 100 years since he ascended the throne. The harem that used to be murdered without blood was instantly filled with real blood, which also explained why the emperor was angry and his head fell to the ground.

And Huan Wangyuan, who became the fuse of Emperor Jin Yao's determination to clean the harem, was carried by the real people of Yuheng Sect like a treasure, and was loved by his senior brothers. He had food and drink, didn't have to worry about anything, and lived a nourishing life.

The only fly in the ointment is that he can't be with the beautiful fairy sister, but it doesn't matter, he can often see the fairy sister, very satisfied.

As for classmate Le, the number one hero who actually caused Emperor Jin Yao's harem to change, she has always done good deeds without asking for anything in return, a great good person who hides her merits and fame deeply, and she didn't even bother to think about what would happen to a certain emperor after she and a certain emperor's grandson left. what to do.

Langshan belongs to the territory of the Jinyao Empire, but it is actually more than 200 million miles away from the imperial capital.

The five great immortal sects hurried on their way. Originally, because each sect had monks in the fusion period, they could reach their destination in about four or five days. Because they wanted to communicate more with the little fairy, they stopped and stopped on the road, and it took eight days to reach the destination. Mountain.

Langshan is also a large mountain range in the middle land. It cannot be compared with the Yuheng mountain system in the middle land, but it is also the number one mountain system in the mainland. The remaining veins span the middle land to the south land, spanning more than 2000 million miles.

Most of the main peaks of the Langshan Mountain System are located within the territory of the Jinyao Empire. There are more than 50 peaks that exceed [-] feet, and more than [-] peaks that exceed [-] feet.

The immortal sects in the mainland usually choose tall mountains to establish their sects. Many mountains in the mainland with peaks over [-] zhang have sects of cultivating immortals, but there is no such thing as Langshan!

Langshan is a very...strange place. There used to be some immortal sects who established sects in Langshan, but for some unknown reason, each sect's lifespan is less than ten thousand years, as if they were cursed. How majestic it was at that time, the scenery will decline in three to five thousand years, and then fall.

Over time, the Langshan mountain range no longer has immortal cultivators as a place to take root, and it became a thing without an owner. Afterwards, the secular world fought for hegemony, and it was divided up by several empires, and each part became its territory.

There are human cities in the area covered by the remaining range of Wolf Mountain. There is no human habitation in the deep mountain about 40 miles away from the [-]-zhang peak, because the wolf mountain is a world of monsters, and if you get too close, you will be attacked by monsters. The beast was razed to the ground.

From the direction of Emperor Jinyao to the outer periphery of the main line of Wolf Mountain to the depths of Wolf Mountain, about [-] miles is the inner circumference of the main line of Wolf Mountain, and about [-] miles further inward is the location of the secret realm opened by Wolf Mountain.

Secret realms are generally located in steep mountain ranges. The reason why they are discovered is that when a secret realm in each place is opened, there must be spiritual energy rising to the sky, clear light rising to the sky, and it will last for a long time, at least ten days and a half months, and the longest time may be It will last for several years until the passage to the secret realm is stabilized, and the vision will disappear.

The vision of the opening of the Langshan secret realm lasted for a year, and it took another year before the exit of the secret realm was truly stable. Therefore, when it opened, it also attracted treasure hunts sent by the mainland's big and small immortal sects and immortal families, as well as many empires. Group together.

There have been many secret realms in Langshan, some are millennium secret realms, some are 5000-year secret realms, and there is only one ten-thousand-year secret realm so far. Today, Dongchen Continent says that the Langshan secret realm is a ten-thousand-year secret realm. If it refers to other secret realms, it will say yes "Wolf Mountain Millennium Secret Realm".

The secret realms all over the mainland will disappear after being opened a few times. There is still a thousand-year-old secret realm in Langshan that is active, and it is only two months earlier than the secret realm that opens once every ten thousand years.

Many Xiuxian sects and Xiuzhen families with insufficient strength in Dongchen and some empires have self-knowledge and dare not pay attention to the Mysterious Realm of Thousand Years, and send teams to the Secret Realm of Thousand Years to try their luck.

The thousand-year secret realm is about [-] miles away from the ten-thousand-year secret realm, and the masters of the Yulan Sect deliberately took a detour to take the little fairy to appreciate what the secret realm looks like.

The Millennium Secret Realm is in a valley, the valley is shrouded in mist, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness from the sky down, and there is a spiritual vortex at the mouth of a valley, which is the entrance to the secret realm.

There are many tents set up outside the thousand-year-old secret, which are the support staff for the team exploring the secret.

The Five Immortal Sects also sent a team to the Millennium Secret Realm for the purpose of allowing their disciples to practice, usually in the Foundation Establishment and Qi Refining Stages, and the highest cultivation level is in the Consecration Stage.

The Yulan Sect went to the Millennium Secret Realm, and the four Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuqing, and Yuheng sects naturally accompanied them.

The five immortal sects arrived at the valley of the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Years in the middle of the afternoon that day, when the sun was still high in the sky, illuminating the thousands of miles of Langshan Mountain.

The Wannian Secret Realm is located in a narrow valley surrounded by a 4-meter-high mountain and two more than [-]-meter-high peaks. The narrow valley was shrouded in gray clouds and mist all the year round before the secret realm was opened.

The secret realm that is opened once every ten thousand years is attractive enough in itself, and it is newly opened and the previous two explorations have been fruitless. Is there any reason why this third opening is not exciting?

The sects of cultivating immortals, clans of cultivating truth, and powerful empires on the mainland all sent people to watch the secret realm early on. People from all parties settled outside the entrance of the secret realm as early as one or two years ago.

In the valley opposite the entrance of the secret passage, all the trees and weeds have been removed, and most of the trees have been removed, leaving only some tall trees for shade.

The vast place has become a temporary residence for human beings. Nearly ten thousand horses are stationed among the trees. The blue, white, blue, and gray tents are like giant mushrooms. Some families or sects have set up formations around the camp.

The Five Immortal Sects also had their first squadrons. They occupied the territory in the valley early, and it was also the place closest to the entrance of the secret realm. Dzong's tent.

To the west are the residences of other sects or families, empires or scattered cultivators.

In front of the entrance of the secret realm, there is a gap nearly two miles wide. No one dares to occupy the space, because once a monk wanted to take the opportunity to stay in front of the entrance of the secret realm, but was blocked by a powerful force when the secret realm was officially opened. Inhaled into the secret realm, was stirred up to ashes.

There is a huge vortex in the gray at the entrance of the valley in the secret realm. The vortex is absorbing spiritual energy and has a white color. The vortex is active, rotating slowly, without sound, but it contains invisible terrifying power.

The aircraft of the five great immortal sects flew over the secret realm quickly, and the teams in front of the secret realm also noticed it, and stepped out of the tents or children's halls one after another to check what team was coming.

When the five regiments of aircraft approached from a distance and vaguely saw people, many teams recognized that the five great immortal sects came together, and they kept muttering in their hearts, how could the great immortal sects be together?
The five great immortal sects fought separately in the southeast, northwest, and central land. Normally, the chances of encountering each other on the road are very small. This time, the five great sects are actually traveling together. It seems strange no matter how you look at it.

In the eyes of everyone, the flying machines of the five great immortal sects descended slowly, and lightly landed on the ground opposite the vortex in the secret realm.

The elders and disciples of the five great immortal sects who were observing in the secret realm immediately stepped forward to greet the sect master, the dharma protectors, and the great elders. The voice of "Welcome the sect master" was heard clearly.

The expedition team in front of the secret realm was dumbfounded. The heads and protectors of the five immortal sects actually came in person?

The heads of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, Yuqing, and Yulanzong each went to their respective sites. The five immortal sects came one after another. Whoever came first set up camp first, and those who followed were arranged in order. Yuhengzong was in Zhonglu, and they did their part. The first, followed by Yuxia, Yulan, Yuxue, and Yuqingzong.

When he landed, student Le mixed among the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect, and followed the head of the sect to the main tent first.

There are three big tents in the first row of each fairy sect, and there is a medium-sized tent behind the big tent. In theory, there are four people per tent. In order to prevent sneak attacks by monsters or some uneasy and kind people, the disciples of the five great fairy sects take turns every night.

The heads of the five great immortal sects entered the main account, and first listened to the recent situation of the secret realm reported by the selectors in order to make a correct judgment.

The first group of people from the Yulan Sect to the secret realm were led by the elders of the out-of-body stage, and there were also three Nascent Soul masters and ten Jindan stage monks.

The monk in the out-of-body period is a direct disciple of the previous generation, and the same generation as the current head, surnamed Miao, Miao Pu, and one of the few female disciples among the previous generation of direct disciples of the Yulan Sect, and also the first generation of direct disciples under the current head Mu Er's master.

Miao Pu is 40 years old. He has cultivated at the beginning of his body. He looks like a [-]-year-old middle-aged man with a graceful appearance and picturesque features. He wears a white dress and looks very immortal.

Sect Leader Li led the people into the main tent and sat down, Jin Maohou also deliberately carried a certain little fairy who wanted to hide to the Sect Leader's side, and he leaned on her back to lean on her.

Seeing that scene, Miao Pu and the people who first came to the secret realm felt suspicious, even if a certain little fairy blocked the thunder for the former head sect, she was still a guest, how could she receive the same courtesy from the guardian elder as the head sect?

They felt strange and buried it in their hearts. They greeted the sect master, guardians and elders one by one, and then sat down at the corresponding seats, accepting greetings from inner disciples.

When Mu Yuechan bowed to her master like a wronged child seeing her mother, her eyes were red and she almost cried out.

(End of this chapter)

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